Did the USSR or does ISIS threaten our lives more?

The 'Liberal' administration has foiled dozen's of plots to attack the United States.

foiled???????ISIS was the JV team that was not foiled but is now stronger than ever, killing more than ever, and possibly on the verge of a chem/bio attack

Yes foiled.

First of all- let us remember- this thread is about your stupid claim that ISIS is more of a danger to the United States than the USSR ever was- and that is an incredibly stupid- ignorant claim.

Secondly- how the hell do you not know of some of these attempted attacks?

38. Air-Cargo Bomb Yemen to Chicago
October 2010

Twin packages of explosives were shipped from Yemen to synagogues in Chicago.

39. Washington, D.C.
October 2010

Farooque Ahmed

Ahmed is arrested in connection with a plot to blow up the D.C. Metro.

40. Portland, Oregon
Nov. 26, 2010

Mohamed Osman Mohamud

A Christmas-tree lighting is targeted by a 19-year-old Somali man, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, busted in an FBI sting operation.

41. Catonsville, Md.
Dec. 8, 2010

Antonio Martinez

Man arrested for plotting to blow up a U.S. Army recruiting center.

42. Lubbock, Texas/National
Feb. 23, 2011

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari

Man arrested in bomb plot against military and political targets, including former President George W. Bush, in New York, Colorado, and California.

43. New York City
May 11, 2011

Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh

Two men arrested in plot to attack a Manhattan synagogue.

44. Seattle, Wash.
June 22, 2011 (arrest date)

Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, aka Joseph Anthony Davis, and Walli Mujahidh

Two men are arrested in a plot to attack a military recruiting station in Seattle.

45. Fort Hood, Texas
July 27, 2011 (arrest date)

Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo

A former army private is arrested in a plot to copycat attack at Fort Hood.
So the shooting last week meant nothing?

It was horrible but it certainly didn't mean a thermonuclear war did it?
Not saying that, but we need to do what we can to prevent another attack. Liberals want to do nothing.

I agree we need to do what we can to prevent these type of attacks. I don't agree that liberals want to do nothing.
Barry is a 100% fool. ISIS made millions each day from oil because Barry would not bomb the trucks that carry it. After Paris he did only because the French were going to do it, but first he leafletted the trucks to warn the drivers, then he straffed the trucks with warning shots, and then he destroyed the them. He wanted to let the drivers know it was safe to work with ISIS and help them get the money for their WMD programs .

And exactly how would any of that have prevented the attacks in Southern California?

dear stupid, if we eliminated ISIS to the extent possible they would not have the time and energy and people to recruit as much and the idea of being a recruit would look rather silly when the Caliphate is so easily destroyed.
It was horrible but it certainly didn't mean a thermonuclear war did it?
Not saying that, but we need to do what we can to prevent another attack. Liberals want to do nothing.

I agree we need to do what we can to prevent these type of attacks. I don't agree that liberals want to do nothing.
Barry is a 100% fool. ISIS made millions each day from oil because Barry would not bomb the trucks that carry it. After Paris he did only because the French were going to do it, but first he leafletted the trucks to warn the drivers, then he straffed the trucks with warning shots, and then he destroyed the them. He wanted to let the drivers know it was safe to work with ISIS and help them get the money for their WMD programs .

And exactly how would any of that have prevented the attacks in Southern California?

dear stupid, if we eliminated ISIS to the extent possible they would not have the time and energy and people to recruit as much and the idea of being a recruit would look rather silly when the Caliphate is so easily destroyed.

"when the Caliphate is so easily destroyed."

And you come to the conclusion because of your extensive experience in the military and in the Middle East- and of course your keen understanding of the history of the USSR?
I'll bite . "What WMDS ?"

ISIS has not attacked us at home . That dude was an ISIS wannabe .
OBL and San Bernadino are virtually the same i their desire to kill us. And all crazy and all may gain WMD's soon

You watch to many GI Joe movies . It's not like when COBRA made that weather machine to destroy America . You'll be ok !!
That attitude got us 911.

No, meddling in Middle East affairs that were no concern of ours got us 9/11.

No it didn't but feel free to believe it. What caused 9/11 was a backwards ideology of hate that refuses to live in the 21st century.

We attacked Iraq in 1991, which was meddling, we kept troops in Saudi Arabia, which was meddling, and we got 9/11 for our meddling.
It was horrible but it certainly didn't mean a thermonuclear war did it?
Not saying that, but we need to do what we can to prevent another attack. Liberals want to do nothing.

I agree we need to do what we can to prevent these type of attacks. I don't agree that liberals want to do nothing.
Barry is a 100% fool. ISIS made millions each day from oil because Barry would not bomb the trucks that carry it. After Paris he did only because the French were going to do it, but first he leafletted the trucks to warn the drivers, then he straffed the trucks with warning shots, and then he destroyed the them. He wanted to let the drivers know it was safe to work with ISIS and help them get the money for their WMD programs .

And exactly how would any of that have prevented the attacks in Southern California?

dear stupid, if we eliminated ISIS to the extent possible they would not have the time and energy and people to recruit as much and the idea of being a recruit would look rather silly when the Caliphate is so easily destroyed.

ISIS is run to a great extent by ex-officers from Saddam's military.
I usually know better than to drop into one of Edward's IGNORANCEFESTs

I have other things to do- my lack of further comments to Edward's extraordinary combination of ignorance, partisanship and stupidity do not mean I approve of those- just that his posts really are self defeating to anyone who has read actual history books.
I usually know better than to drop into one of Edward's IGNORANCEFESTs

I have other things to do- my lack of further comments to Edward's extraordinary combination of ignorance, partisanship and stupidity do not mean I approve of those- just that his posts really are self defeating to anyone who has read actual history books.

'He' is a woman. Or what passes for a woman in Conservatopia.
only because they threaten to kill millions of us with readily available WMD's. See why we say the liberal will be stupid. What other conclusion is possible?

I'll bite . "What WMDS ?"

ISIS has not attacked us at home . That dude was an ISIS wannabe .
OBL and San Bernadino are virtually the same i their desire to kill us. And all crazy and all may gain WMD's soon

You watch to many GI Joe movies . It's not like when COBRA made that weather machine to destroy America . You'll be ok !!
That attitude got us 911.

exactly the liberals ignored the first attack on the World Trade Center and left it undefended!
I'm not worried about either...
So the shooting last week meant nothing?

In terms of numbers it was insignificant, PLUS, it was a counterrattack by ISIS in response to our attacks.

You want a war? This is what war is.

Carbinerr is a John Lennon libturd. Give peace a change and ISIS will like us not want to kill all of us!! 100% stupid as always

That's "give peace a chance" not "give peace a change," you big dummy.

OBL and San Bernadino are virtually the same i their desire to kill us. And all crazy and all may gain WMD's soon

You watch to many GI Joe movies . It's not like when COBRA made that weather machine to destroy America . You'll be ok !!
That attitude got us 911.

No, meddling in Middle East affairs that were no concern of ours got us 9/11.

No it didn't but feel free to believe it. What caused 9/11 was a backwards ideology of hate that refuses to live in the 21st century.

We attacked Iraq in 1991, which was meddling, we kept troops in Saudi Arabia, which was meddling, and we got 9/11 for our meddling.

Funny then how we brought the world to the party via the UN (that corrupt org you libs love) after Iraq invaded Kuwait. Did you forget that little truth? We kept troops in Saudi Arabia at the behest of their government. Neither of these events fall under the definition of meddling. The scumbags in Al Qaeda do not wish to live in the 21st century & only want to invest the world. They have illegally gone into sovereign countries like Afghanistan, the Balkins, countries throughout Africa & of course Iraq. They aren't native to these states. That is meddling.
You watch to many GI Joe movies . It's not like when COBRA made that weather machine to destroy America . You'll be ok !!
That attitude got us 911.

No, meddling in Middle East affairs that were no concern of ours got us 9/11.

No it didn't but feel free to believe it. What caused 9/11 was a backwards ideology of hate that refuses to live in the 21st century.

We attacked Iraq in 1991, which was meddling, we kept troops in Saudi Arabia, which was meddling, and we got 9/11 for our meddling.

Funny then how we brought the world to the party via the UN (that corrupt org you libs love) after Iraq invaded Kuwait. Did you forget that little truth? We kept troops in Saudi Arabia at the behest of their government. Neither of these events fall under the definition of meddling. The scumbags in Al Qaeda do not wish to live in the 21st century & only want to invest the world. They have illegally gone into sovereign countries like Afghanistan, the Balkins, countries throughout Africa & of course Iraq. They aren't native to these states. That is meddling.

The dispute between Iraq and Kuwait was no more our business than was the war between Iraq and Iran 10 years earlier.
You obviously don't know what the word meddling means.
That attitude got us 911.

No, meddling in Middle East affairs that were no concern of ours got us 9/11.

No it didn't but feel free to believe it. What caused 9/11 was a backwards ideology of hate that refuses to live in the 21st century.

We attacked Iraq in 1991, which was meddling, we kept troops in Saudi Arabia, which was meddling, and we got 9/11 for our meddling.

Funny then how we brought the world to the party via the UN (that corrupt org you libs love) after Iraq invaded Kuwait. Did you forget that little truth? We kept troops in Saudi Arabia at the behest of their government. Neither of these events fall under the definition of meddling. The scumbags in Al Qaeda do not wish to live in the 21st century & only want to invest the world. They have illegally gone into sovereign countries like Afghanistan, the Balkins, countries throughout Africa & of course Iraq. They aren't native to these states. That is meddling.

The dispute between Iraq and Kuwait was no more our business than was the war between Iraq and Iran 10 years earlier.
You obviously don't know what the word meddling means.

The far left does not understand anything beyond their programming, much less understands history.
The 'Liberal' administration has foiled dozen's of plots to attack the United States.

foiled???????ISIS was the JV team that was not foiled but is now stronger than ever, killing more than ever, and possibly on the verge of a chem/bio attack

Really ? Do they also have an intercontinental missle to deliver it .

I hear they also have a time machine ! They are going to go back in time and stop the Seahawks from running that dumb play in the Super Bowl!!
We attacked Iraq in 1991, which was meddling, we kept troops in Saudi Arabia, which was meddling, and we got 9/11 for our meddling.
dear stupid, cowardly, liberal, preserving the world's oil supply is called survival not meddling
Really ? Do they also have an intercontinental missle to deliver it .

exactly, there is no way to get into America without a missile!!!!

See why we are positive that a liberal is stupid? Is any other conclusion possible?
The 'Liberal' administration has foiled dozen's of plots to attack the United States.

foiled???????ISIS was the JV team that was not foiled but is now stronger than ever, killing more than ever, and possibly on the verge of a chem/bio attack

Really ? Do they also have an intercontinental missle to deliver it .

I hear they also have a time machine ! They are going to go back in time and stop the Seahawks from running that dumb play in the Super Bowl!!

Proof the far left drones just run narratives to cover for the fact that Obama is worse than Bush..
The oil of other countries' is not our business to invade nations over.
stupid stupid liberal feels the world's oil supply is not world's business when the world's business is 90% dependent on the world's oil supply!!

Imagine how stupid you have to be to be a liberal. A liberal is actually proud to be stupid!!
We attacked Iraq in 1991, which was meddling, we kept troops in Saudi Arabia, which was meddling, and we got 9/11 for our meddling.
dear stupid, cowardly, liberal, preserving the world's oil supply is called survival not meddling

With all due respect EB we got 9/11 because we exist. And radical Islam even goes back to the Crusades. Sheesh. Talk about long freaking memories and holding a grudge.

Radical Islam is worse than your first ex wife according to my husband.


You know the drill. "you were mean to me on the night of ------------------ fill in the blank ------------------in 19--------------------------so now I bomb you -------------------------"

Now we have to go back to Operation Cyclone under Carter and then all hell really broke loose from there.

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