Did Trump just pull a McCain with his vp pick

Pence is a true conservative, he'll balance the ticket and appease the establishment. Solid pick by Trump

He'll balance the ticket by losing many of Trump's supporters. IF I had been considering voting for Trump, this selection would have killed any chance of me voting for him.
That cracker POS tried to block the GM bailout to promote his jap assembly plants in Alabama...plants built at taxpayer expense....talk about a globalist!

Yes, let's condemn Pence for opposing a move by the President that violated Bankruptcy Law and cost tax payers $16.6 BILLION dollars....but helped the UAW, which made it all worthwhile (I guess).

The Auto Bailout and the Rule of Law > Publications > National Affairs

- It's Official: Taxpayers Lost $16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout

Auto Bailout or UAW Bailout? Taxpayer Losses Came from Subsidizing Union Compensation
He'll balance the ticket by losing many of Trump's supporters. IF I had been considering voting for Trump, this selection would have killed any chance of me voting for him.

Kind of a strange thing to say.

That would be like me saying that Hillary selecting Warren would kill any chance I would vote for her.

But the reasons I dont like Warren are very similar to why I dont like the candidate that would pick her as VP, so OF COURSE I WOULDNT LIKE THE VP IF I ALREADY DISLIKE THE POTUS NOMINEE HIMSELF.
Senator Sessions may be anything, but he is definitely not a globalist.

When you lure jap and german car companies into your state, stick the taxpayers with the cost of building them free assembly plants, and then claim you're against the GM bailout for some lofty philosophical jive, that's the worst kind of globalist....GM builds their vehicles from the bottom up and don't wait for freighters from Nippon to bring them the parts.....Sessions is a skunk.
He'll balance the ticket by losing many of Trump's supporters. IF I had been considering voting for Trump, this selection would have killed any chance of me voting for him.

Kind of a strange thing to say.

That would be like me saying that Hillary selecting Warren would kill any chance I would vote for her.

But the reasons I dont like Warren are very similar to why I dont like the candidate that would pick her as VP, so OF COURSE I WOULDNT LIKE THE VP IF I ALREADY DISLIKE THE POTUS NOMINEE HIMSELF.
Who WOULDN'T be tempted by a ticket consisting of a self-serving liar / fraud / threat to national security under criminal investigation for violating multiple laws and a fake-Indian?!

(If you read this and thought "I think that may be sarcasm', you're right! :p )
Senator Sessions may be anything, but he is definitely not a globalist.

When you lure jap and german car companies into your state, stick the taxpayers with the cost of building them free assembly plants, and then claim you're against the GM bailout for some lofty philosophical jive, that's the worst kind of globalist....GM builds their vehicles from the bottom up and don't wait for freighters from Nippon to bring them the parts.....Sessions is a skunk.
Ford didn't take a bailout, and they are doing 'fine'.

Perhaps if GM listened to Americans and built cars that actually had good gas mileage, at a time when gas was $4 or more, they would not have had such a problem. Perhaps if GM had not been held hostage by the UAW / unions...but Obama stepped in, preventing a Bankruptcy that would have allowed GM to renegotiate a more 'survivable' deal with the unions and giving the unions half ownership of GM....
Senator Sessions may be anything, but he is definitely not a globalist.

When you lure jap and german car companies into your state, stick the taxpayers with the cost of building them free assembly plants, and then claim you're against the GM bailout for some lofty philosophical jive, that's the worst kind of globalist....GM builds their vehicles from the bottom up and don't wait for freighters from Nippon to bring them the parts.....Sessions is a skunk.

What Sessions did to get employment in his state does not necessarily have anything to do with his solid opposition to the Obama Marxist bailout of GM.

Sure, I agree GM needed to be bailed out, but I disagree that the stock holders should have been royally fucked in doing so and the normal bankruptcy procedures completely subverted by a dictatorial President.
Hahahaha.. Trump has been selling you his latest con. I'm an Outsider! I'm going to shake up Washington! Enough of these Political Hacks!

Now Introducing my VP pick! Insider McWashington!! But he's not an insider, NO! He's an Outsider! And I'm a life long supporter of Democ...I meant Republicans!

Hey dumbass...you have to know how an engine works to fix an engine...and Congress engine has sugar in it's gas tank same as you.
Hey dumbass then you wouldnt have put Trump up for POTUS. First it was "Political experience doesnt matter"

Now its "Yeah, well...I didnt mean it but I do...not....probably" :badgrin:

Ford didn't take a bailout, and they are doing 'fine'.

Perhaps if GM listened to Americans and built cars that actually had good gas mileage, at a time when gas was $4 or more, they would not have had such a problem. Perhaps if GM had not been held hostage by the UAW / unions...but Obama stepped in, preventing a Bankruptcy that would have allowed GM to renegotiate a more 'survivable' deal with the unions and giving the unions half ownership of GM....

Check the Ford stock share price and then check GM's. And BTW, if GM and Chrysler had gone under, Ford would have followed because their suppliers would have gone under too. And further, I spent a summer at Saginaw Steering Gear and one afternoon the guy next to me on the line got killed by a swinging axle-assembly. There was no kill-switch on that line and GM didn't want the line shut down. We stood off our work stations until our union rep got there. Thanks to the UAW, we got the kill switch and nobody else went home dead.

As to the bankruptcy, there was one, it was managed, and we taxpayers lost considerably less than if we'd had to pay thousands of ex-GM employees unemployment and welfare benefits. And we can still build the vehicles we may one day need for an Asian land war....something we best not import from fucking japan.
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Oh goodie, another liberal declaring A GOP member / candidate 'blew it' by doing 'something'.

Pence is a good solid choice...but that doesn't matter. No matter who Trump chose he was going to get shite about it, though.

Meanwhile there is no condemnation - or even any acknowledgement - from the left that their candidate, who has not found anyone willing to be her running mate, is still under criminal investigation. I find that funny as hell!
Pro tpp,nafta,cafta and amnesty is a good choice? Sure if it was bush or Rubio picking him not Trump who ran on FAIR trade and building a wall! And fuck your bullshit whining about a liberal Ann Coulter and Patrick Buchanan are NOT liberals and neither am I
What Sessions did to get employment in his state does not necessarily have anything to do with his solid opposition to the Obama Marxist bailout of GM.

Sure, I agree GM needed to be bailed out, but I disagree that the stock holders should have been royally fucked in doing so and the normal bankruptcy procedures completely subverted by a dictatorial President.

Obama did the right thing for the wrong reasons perhaps but he pulled it off and GM is once again building world-class vehicles. There was no way they could have come out of a normal Chapter 13 and stayed in business. Nobody would lend them a dime....there wasn't a dime to lend. And you know what? giving their employees a bonus system for excellence, making them company partners if you will, has shown the rest of the world how to run a car company. The japs are finished...Korea has eaten their lunch.
Obama did the right thing for the wrong reasons perhaps but he pulled it off ...
So Obama was / is JUSTIFIED in having broken the law and in aiding the UAW at the expense of the American tax payers who lost $16.6 BILLION in the effort?!

Got it.
Hey dumbass then you wouldnt have put Trump up for POTUS. First it was "Political experience doesnt matter"

Now its "Yeah, well...I didnt mean it but I do...not....probably" :badgrin:


The VP is the liaison with Congress ya fucking simpleton....and Pence, unlike Biden who's senile, will be the salesman for Trump's policies on the Hill. Congress will actually have a say in things next year....your Kenyan fool ignored them because he couldn't sell a hamburger to a starving millionaire.
So Obama was / is JUSTIFIED in having broken the law and in aiding the UAW at the expense of the American tax payers who lost $16.6 BILLION in the effort?!

Got it.

Broke what law? How much would we have lost paying their employees unemployment and welfare benefits for 4 years? If you "got it" you'd see what really happened.
Hey dumbass then you wouldnt have put Trump up for POTUS. First it was "Political experience doesnt matter"

Now its "Yeah, well...I didnt mean it but I do...not....probably" :badgrin:


The VP is the liaison with Congress ya fucking simpleton....and Pence, unlike Biden who's senile, will be the salesman for Trump's policies on the Hill. Congress will actually have a say in things next year....your Kenyan fool ignored them because he couldn't sell a hamburger to a starving millionaire.

Why do you keep explaining to me why you're a flip flopper? Flip floppers always have excuses. I didnt ask about the VP role. I said you fuck tards thought you were going to shake up washington and then you get PENCE LMAO!

A dirty Politician! An Insider! LOL!
Broke what law? How much would we have lost paying their employees unemployment and welfare benefits for 4 years? If you "got it" you'd see what really happened.
Again, yes - he violated Bankruptcy Law. No matter what the outcome ARGUABLY was that is still a fact. When Liberals break the law, however, it seems to be justified. I did see what REALLY happened. You can argue 'this' would have happened and 'that' would have happened, but that is speculation. We'll never know because it DIDN'T happen.
Pence is a nobody this was a very dumb pick. Nobody outside Indiana knows the guy, he has no national recognition so he's not going to energize conservatives beyond Indiana. This pick was one giant flop.
Broke what law? How much would we have lost paying their employees unemployment and welfare benefits for 4 years? If you "got it" you'd see what really happened.

Delaying the inevitable?

What if Taxpayers Hadn't Bailed Out GM and Chrysler?

What if Taxpayers Hadn't Bailed Out GM and Chrysler?

Washington’s bailout provided Michigan and Detroit with a huge short-term window to restructure finances and spark an economic revival. But major challenges loom on the horizon.

Apologists for the bailout assert that were it not for the federal government’s emergency intervention, America would have lost one of its premier industries, along with a critical mass of skilled labor, physical plants, technology, and suppliers. Michigan, by default — with 20 percent of its $340 billion economy tied directly and indirectly to automotive-related manufacturing, along with sales and service activities — would have experienced a $60 billion to $70 billion annual economic hit for several years.

Critics of the bailout, on the other hand, point to Ford Motor Co. — which reported a record $20.3 billion in profits for 2011 — as proof positive why direct government intervention was not needed as a turnaround agent. After all, Ford rejected taxpayer funding and, rather than going bankrupt, adapted swiftly and durably to reality, thereby overcoming an existential economic threat.

The similarities between the recent bankruptcy proceedings and the lead-up to the 2025 fuel economy regulations are telling. Another crisis is possible...

The long-term view remains unclear. For all the hope surrounding Detroit’s renewed prospects, that other storm — more stringent CAFE standards in 2025 — is closing in on Detroit’s Big Three and their rivals. The Obama administration’s more lethal strain of Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards and regulations means that we may be doomed to repeat history.

Detroit and Michigan have historically epitomized the virtues of Yankee ingenuity, solving the most formidable technical and financial challenges of the marketplace. We should place greater confidence in our private sector’s initiatives and flexibility, while contracting economic burdens imposed on them by inexperienced regulators and politicians."
Kind of a strange thing to say.

That would be like me saying that Hillary selecting Warren would kill any chance I would vote for her.

But the reasons I dont like Warren are very similar to why I dont like the candidate that would pick her as VP, so OF COURSE I WOULDNT LIKE THE VP IF I ALREADY DISLIKE THE POTUS NOMINEE HIMSELF.

I can't vote for Trump because I don't believe he truly believes the things he says or would actually implement them.

IF I thought Trump try did/would the Pence becomes a poison pill because his addition to the ticket is pandering to the opposite side of almost every issue. That indicates Trump doesn't think he can win with only his base, and would lead to compromise on issues which shouldn't be compromised.

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