Did Trump just pull a McCain with his vp pick

Again, yes - he violated Bankruptcy Law. No matter what the outcome ARGUABLY was that is still a fact. When Liberals break the law, however, it seems to be justified. I did see what REALLY happened. You can argue 'this' would have happened and 'that' would have happened, but that is speculation. We'll never know because it DIDN'T happen.

What bankruptcy law was broken? And indeed we know what happened....BUSH gave GM the bridge loan and Obama followed through once the GM boardroom got broomed. Flint, Michigan isn't a movie to me....I lived 60 miles from there and it turned into Beruit thanks to GM's shitbag tactics of chasing the cheapest labor dollar. If you're a Trump supporter surely there's been a light switched on in your head about outsourcing our jobs....it was almost too late to save the American auto industry but we did it.
Broke what law? How much would we have lost paying their employees unemployment and welfare benefits for 4 years? If you "got it" you'd see what really happened.

Delaying the inevitable?

What if Taxpayers Hadn't Bailed Out GM and Chrysler?

What if Taxpayers Hadn't Bailed Out GM and Chrysler?

Washington’s bailout provided Michigan and Detroit with a huge short-term window to restructure finances and spark an economic revival. But major challenges loom on the horizon.

Apologists for the bailout assert that were it not for the federal government’s emergency intervention, America would have lost one of its premier industries, along with a critical mass of skilled labor, physical plants, technology, and suppliers. Michigan, by default — with 20 percent of its $340 billion economy tied directly and indirectly to automotive-related manufacturing, along with sales and service activities — would have experienced a $60 billion to $70 billion annual economic hit for several years.

Critics of the bailout, on the other hand, point to Ford Motor Co. — which reported a record $20.3 billion in profits for 2011 — as proof positive why direct government intervention was not needed as a turnaround agent. After all, Ford rejected taxpayer funding and, rather than going bankrupt, adapted swiftly and durably to reality, thereby overcoming an existential economic threat.

The similarities between the recent bankruptcy proceedings and the lead-up to the 2025 fuel economy regulations are telling. Another crisis is possible...

The long-term view remains unclear. For all the hope surrounding Detroit’s renewed prospects, that other storm — more stringent CAFE standards in 2025 — is closing in on Detroit’s Big Three and their rivals. The Obama administration’s more lethal strain of Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards and regulations means that we may be doomed to repeat history.

Detroit and Michigan have historically epitomized the virtues of Yankee ingenuity, solving the most formidable technical and financial challenges of the marketplace. We should place greater confidence in our private sector’s initiatives and flexibility, while contracting economic burdens imposed on them by inexperienced regulators and politicians."

2012 article....this is 2016. And yeah, there are plenty of rightwingers in Michigan, even Detroit, who follow the doctrine of George Will and other pinheads that somehow private enterprise was lost on GM....what a load of bullshit.
Again, yes - he violated Bankruptcy Law. No matter what the outcome ARGUABLY was that is still a fact. When Liberals break the law, however, it seems to be justified. I did see what REALLY happened. You can argue 'this' would have happened and 'that' would have happened, but that is speculation. We'll never know because it DIDN'T happen.

What bankruptcy law was broken? And indeed we know what happened....BUSH gave GM the bridge loan and Obama followed through once the GM boardroom got broomed. Flint, Michigan isn't a movie to me....I lived 60 miles from there and it turned into Beruit thanks to GM's shitbag tactics of chasing the cheapest labor dollar. If you're a Trump supporter surely there's been a light switched on in your head about outsourcing our jobs....it was almost too late to save the American auto industry but we did it.
GM went bankrupt....you mean gM?
I can't vote for Trump because I don't believe he truly believes the things he says or would actually implement them.

IF I thought Trump try did/would the Pence becomes a poison pill because his addition to the ticket is pandering to the opposite side of almost every issue. That indicates Trump doesn't think he can win with only his base, and would lead to compromise on issues which shouldn't be compromised.

So vote for Clinton....see how easy this all is?
Again, yes - he violated Bankruptcy Law. No matter what the outcome ARGUABLY was that is still a fact. When Liberals break the law, however, it seems to be justified. I did see what REALLY happened. You can argue 'this' would have happened and 'that' would have happened, but that is speculation. We'll never know because it DIDN'T happen.

What bankruptcy law was broken? And indeed we know what happened....BUSH gave GM the bridge loan and Obama followed through once the GM boardroom got broomed. Flint, Michigan isn't a movie to me....I lived 60 miles from there and it turned into Beruit thanks to GM's shitbag tactics of chasing the cheapest labor dollar. If you're a Trump supporter surely there's been a light switched on in your head about outsourcing our jobs....it was almost too late to save the American auto industry but we did it.
As I remember Obama promised he would not abandon Detroit...and it's a 'ghost town' now.

And don't blame Bush for Obama 'nationalizing' GM....
As I remember Obama promised he would not abandon Detroit...and it's a 'ghost town' now.

And don't blame Bush for Obama 'nationalizing' GM....

Feds old all GM stock in 2014 and (not including various positive effects of getting to keep American auto industry) the whole bailout cost taxpayers about 9 billion, so what nationalizing are you talking about?
As I remember Obama promised he would not abandon Detroit...and it's a 'ghost town' now.

And don't blame Bush for Obama 'nationalizing' GM....

Feds old all GM stock in 2014 and (not including various positive effects of getting to keep American auto industry) the whole bailout cost taxpayers about 9 billion, so what nationalizing are you talking about?
GM going bankrupt....
Did Trump Just Pull A McCain With His VP Choice That Will Cost Him The Election?

Yep and lost a shit ton of support as well he had a chance to completely change the GOP to an America friendly party and has thrown it all away fuck em

Huh? Pence brings a load of good qualities and voter types Trump desperately needs.
I've never heard of Pence.
Allen West or Newt Gingrich would've been a better choice then some dude I've never heard of before.
Again, yes - he violated Bankruptcy Law. No matter what the outcome ARGUABLY was that is still a fact. When Liberals break the law, however, it seems to be justified. I did see what REALLY happened. You can argue 'this' would have happened and 'that' would have happened, but that is speculation. We'll never know because it DIDN'T happen.

What bankruptcy law was broken? And indeed we know what happened....BUSH gave GM the bridge loan and Obama followed through once the GM boardroom got broomed. Flint, Michigan isn't a movie to me....I lived 60 miles from there and it turned into Beruit thanks to GM's shitbag tactics of chasing the cheapest labor dollar. If you're a Trump supporter surely there's been a light switched on in your head about outsourcing our jobs....it was almost too late to save the American auto industry but we did it.

Obama and his thugs forced the legal bond holder owners of GM assets to give up their rights, then Obama and his thugs gave a giant chunk 30%+ to the UAW for free while the legal bond holders barely got 10 cents on the dollar. Meanwhile taxpayers had to cough up over $50 billion to pull GM's ass out of the fire.
As I remember Obama promised he would not abandon Detroit...and it's a 'ghost town' now.

And don't blame Bush for Obama 'nationalizing' GM....

Actually Detroit is now faring better than many cities in the rust belt...Downtown and Greektown, and Corktown are all flourishing thanks to Dan Gilbert (Quicken Loans) and Mike Ilitch (Pizza Pizza, Tigers & Red Wings). A couple thousand run down houses have been bulldozed and the street lights work again....thanks to....are your ready? the Detroit City bankruptcy. :badgrin:
Obama and his thugs forced the legal bond holder owners of GM assets to give up their rights, then Obama and his thugs gave a giant chunk 30%+ to the UAW for free while the legal bond holders barely got 10 cents on the dollar. Meanwhile taxpayers had to cough up over $50 billion to pull GM's ass out of the fire.

Tough shit...any bondholder who didn't see the train light coming at the end of the tunnel was too stupid to have money. And the taxpayers saved money in the stock deal which GM paid back in full.
Further, the $16.6B difference in the loan and repayment has to be seen in perspective. Now almost half a million TAX PAYERS are still employed and that many aren't on unemployment and food stamps. I believe the $16.6B has flowed back into the Treasury by two, maybe three times. :thup:
Obama and his thugs forced the legal bond holder owners of GM assets to give up their rights, then Obama and his thugs gave a giant chunk 30%+ to the UAW for free while the legal bond holders barely got 10 cents on the dollar. Meanwhile taxpayers had to cough up over $50 billion to pull GM's ass out of the fire.

Tough shit...any bondholder who didn't see the train light coming at the end of the tunnel was too stupid to have money. And the taxpayers saved money in the stock deal which GM paid back in full.

The bonds were secured debt asshole, secured by GM assets which were forfeit upon default. At least that's the way it worked legally until your brown shirt thug Obama threatened the bond holders into giving up these assets. GM still has not paid back taxpayers for this bailout. YOU have still not explain why the UAW was entitled to a 30% stake while the legal bond holders were bent over and fucked up the ass. Be gone from me lawless liberal hack. :eusa_hand:
The bonds were secured debt asshole, secured by GM assets which were forfeit upon default. At least that's the way it worked legally until your brown shirt thug Obama threatened the bond holders into giving up these assets. GM still has not paid back taxpayers for this bailout. YOU have still not explain why the UAW was entitled to a 30% stake while the legal bond holders were bent over and fucked up the ass. Be gone from me lawless liberal hack. :eusa_hand:

Ask around to see if I'm a "liberal" ya flat-lined needle-dick. And giving the UAW a stake is the wave of the future...if I can make more money by doing a better job, and sales increase, and my bonus grows, I'll do a better job...see how it works?
The bonds were secured debt asshole, secured by GM assets which were forfeit upon default. At least that's the way it worked legally until your brown shirt thug Obama threatened the bond holders into giving up these assets. GM still has not paid back taxpayers for this bailout. YOU have still not explain why the UAW was entitled to a 30% stake while the legal bond holders were bent over and fucked up the ass. Be gone from me lawless liberal hack. :eusa_hand:

Ask around to see if I'm a "liberal" ya flat-lined needle-dick. And giving the UAW a stake is the wave of the future...if I can make more money by doing a better job, and sales increase, and my bonus grows, I'll do a better job...see how it works?

If it ^^^ walks talks and spins like a liberal its a liberal. The UAW is what got GM into that mess in the first place. Stock holders and bond holders owned the company, employees are not entitled to other peoples wealth. The fuck its the first century lawless Rome around here.
If it ^^^ walks talks and spins like a liberal its a liberal. The UAW is what got GM into that mess in the first place. Stock holders and bond holders owned the company, employees are not entitled to other peoples wealth. The fuck its the first century lawless Rome around here.

I'm from Detroit, dickwad....now shuffle on back to your Nissan Sentra full of 18th century robber-baron novels and leave this discussion to people with a clue....go on... SCAT!

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