Debate Now Did Trump Really Violate The Law?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021

1. Stay on topic. (This means no deflection in changing the subject. Even if you can't answer a question.)

2. No lying and saying that a poster said something that they didn't and take their words out of context.

That's pretty much all I can think of actually. So, anyways, how did Trump violate the law by having sex with a porn star? Also, how does this even have anything to do with falsifying business records?

1. Stay on topic. (This means no deflection in changing the subject. Even if you can't answer a question.)

2. No lying and saying that a poster said something that they didn't and take their words out of context.

That's pretty much all I can think of actually. So, anyways, how did Trump violate the law by having sex with a porn star? Also, how does this even have anything to do with falsifying business records?
Yes. And a jury of his peers found him guilty.
Btw I know that there have been different Trump guilty verdict topics posted, I've even posted some myself but since it has been brought to my attention about the falsifying buisness records being the true reason for his guilty verdict I'm wondering how that even plays a part here.

How is sex a business? Unless it's prostitution and that didn't play a part here for even if Trump is guilty of it, the money wasn't for the sex itself, it was supposedly for the fact that it happened. So what? Immoral, but not illegal.

Yes. And a jury of his peers found him guilty.

This has been discussed endlessly.

It may have been discussed endlessly but I haven't ever gotten any real answers other than Trump broke the law, he's full of shit, etc. That doesn't tell me anything except that TDS is a highly serious mental illness.
Trump was charged with falsifying business records, which was done to hide the payment made to Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet so her story would not negatively impact him in the election.

It wasn’t the affair or the NDA that was illegal, it was what he and his people did to hide the payments. Cohen went to jail for his part in it years ago.

People can object to procedural stuff and attack the judge all they want but stop saying there wasn’t a crime. It’s the same crime cohen was prosecuted for under Trumps DOJ
Trump was charged with falsifying business records, which was done to hide the payment made to Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet so her story would not negatively impact him in the election.

Can you please stop you right there? How is sex in this scenario a business deal?

They were a jury of his peers.

Whose? Trump's?

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