Did you know this about Iran?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.
"death to america!!!" they said as they sign legislation to increase military spending and their missile program
" no deal will stop the destruction of the jews" they said right after our ex cuck filled our heads full og bullshit
" Iran won, usa lost" they said right after our ex cuck filled our heads full of bullshit.
Amazing how left wingers have so much faith in terrorists.
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.
Ya we heard ya third time
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

Do you know this?

The Iranian Hostage Crisis
Representing the United States abroad has been a dangerous job since the beginning of the Republic, but that was never truer than during the Carter Administration. In the wake of a successful revolution by Islamic fundamentalists against the pro-American Shah of Iran, the United States became an object of virulent criticism and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was a visible target. On November 4, 1979, Iranian students seized the embassy and detained more than 50 Americans, ranging from the Chargé d’Affaires to the most junior members of the staff, as hostages. The Iranians held the American diplomats hostage for 444 days. While the courage of the American hostages in Tehran and of their families at home reflected the best tradition of the Department of State, the Iran hostage crisis undermined Carter’s conduct of foreign policy. The crisis dominated the headlines and news broadcasts and made the Administration look weak and ineffectual. Although patient diplomacy conducted by Deputy Secretary Warren Christopher eventually resolved the crisis, Carter’s foreign policy team often seemed weak and vacillating.

Or this?

Iranian general boasts of Quds Force killing U.S. troops in Iraq
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The deputy commander of Iran’s notorious Quds Force bragged at a recent ceremony that his operatives have killed more Americans than U.S. troops have killed Iranian fighters.

Brig. Gen. Ismail Ghaani was referring to Iran’s major intervention in the Iraq war to supply Shiite militias with supercharged explosives that could penetrate U.S. armored vehicles. The Pentagon has estimated the Quds Force, an arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, killed 500 Americans that way.
BTW, Hassan said they were still going to fulfill the deal.
So that just makes you look more stupid.
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

Yeah I don't think a bunch of Iranians yelling they are going to wipe Israel off the map makes the Joos all warm and fuzzy

Good grief
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.
Sure, Iran has been a beacon of ME stability since the nuke deal. Idiot!
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

Trump is reckless and irresponsible.
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

"Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah."

Of course dumbass, the Shah was Western minded and modern. Carter pulled his shit and let the Mullahs take over.
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

O offered nothing but a carnival. Thank goodness that horrid deal is gone.
Why would anyone trust a Muslim or Muslim states? Their track record speaks for its self. There is not such thing as non radical muslim. Any Muslim will tell you that their soul purpose is to destroy non Muslims.
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

"Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah."

Of course dumbass, the Shah was Western minded and modern. Carter pulled his shit and let the Mullahs take over.
The similarities between Carter and Obama are as astounding as those between their successors, Reagan and Trump. History sometimes repeats itself.
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.
Yeah Iran was cool until the dickheads in the U.S. Government decided to engineer the overthrow of Mossadegh at the urging of the dickheads in the British Government, it's been downhill ever since.

Just another example of why you gub'mint worshippers should find something else to idolize.
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

More like a bunch of uninteresting horseshit. Iran has been listed as one of the world's foremost sponsors of terrorism for almost 4 decades. For Obama and Lurch to think that within ten years Iran would become a beacon of stability shows you how utterly clueless these two are. Anyway, if that was their hope, then why did Obama stand back and do nothing during the Iranian uprising?
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

When Iranians attempted an overthrow of their regime...and Barry turned his back on them.

Obama offered the world a 'reprieve'? When was that?

When he financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and drug the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help Al Qaeda and ISIS? When he helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt?

When he protected ISIS Back Oil ops that funded 50% of its terrorist operations, like the Paris attack?

When he protected terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug ops to appease Iran and get them to go along with his 'deal'?

When he armed Mexican Drug cartels, resulting in the deaths of approx. 100 men, women, and children at their hands, to include 4 Americans?

When he began a nuclear arms race in the Middle East (according to Saudi and several other states who said they will not look into getting their own thanks to Barry facilitating Iran getting nukes)?

Perhaps you could jog our memory on when exactly that was....

A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

Yeah I don't think a bunch of Iranians yelling they are going to wipe Israel off the map makes the Joos all warm and fuzzy

Good grief

What about Jews going through Iran during WW2 to escape the Nazis?
A bit of interesting trivia.....

Iran was the second Islamic country (after Turkey) to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Relations between the 2 countries were rather good, especially during the Pahlavi regime of the Shah.

However, after the Iranian revolution and as Israel annexed most of Palestine, the relationship worsened.

Now, open;y, Israel (the Mossad, mostly) has declared Iran its arch enemy....and,likewise, Ahmedinejad retaliated in calling Israel the "Satan" of that region.

Given the readily confirmed fact that Israel is one of the 9 countries that have nukes, a bit of objectivity would dictate that Iran's wish to also have a nuclear arsenal is "understandable" if HIGHLY dangerous.

Obama offered the world a decade reprieve, hoping that a less radical Iranian regime would take hold and bring some stability within the ME.

As of today, Trump has unilaterally destroyed the possibility of Iran curbing its nuclear ambitions........the world knows this (including NK) .....and only Trump cult members "cheer" this serious setback to sanity.

Do you know this?

The Iranian Hostage Crisis
Representing the United States abroad has been a dangerous job since the beginning of the Republic, but that was never truer than during the Carter Administration. In the wake of a successful revolution by Islamic fundamentalists against the pro-American Shah of Iran, the United States became an object of virulent criticism and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was a visible target. On November 4, 1979, Iranian students seized the embassy and detained more than 50 Americans, ranging from the Chargé d’Affaires to the most junior members of the staff, as hostages. The Iranians held the American diplomats hostage for 444 days. While the courage of the American hostages in Tehran and of their families at home reflected the best tradition of the Department of State, the Iran hostage crisis undermined Carter’s conduct of foreign policy. The crisis dominated the headlines and news broadcasts and made the Administration look weak and ineffectual. Although patient diplomacy conducted by Deputy Secretary Warren Christopher eventually resolved the crisis, Carter’s foreign policy team often seemed weak and vacillating.


Did you know if our CIA and Britain hadn't overthrown democratically elected Prime Minister Mossadegh in 1953 none of this would have ever happened?
Or this?

Iranian general boasts of Quds Force killing U.S. troops in Iraq
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The deputy commander of Iran’s notorious Quds Force bragged at a recent ceremony that his operatives have killed more Americans than U.S. troops have killed Iranian fighters.

Brig. Gen. Ismail Ghaani was referring to Iran’s major intervention in the Iraq war to supply Shiite militias with supercharged explosives that could penetrate U.S. armored vehicles. The Pentagon has estimated the Quds Force, an arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, killed 500 Americans that way.

Tape Shows Israelis Training Cartels' Killers

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty

The Lavon Affair: When Israel Firebombed U.S. Installations – 1992 July - WRMEA

Jonathan Pollard, American Who Spied for Israel, Released After 30 Years

Two Israelis held in NY's biggest ever ecstasy bust

Feds arrest 4 Israelis for manufacturing $77 million in fake bills

International Borders and Human Trafficking in Israel and Texas - Jerusalem Institute of Justice

Israeli Guilty of First Organ Trafficking Case in US History - Archives | Veterans Today

Israeli drug trafficker faces life in prison - The Boston Globe



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