Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator

He seems to be trying to say that since the Brits wanted Saddam gone, that that means that since Bush wanted Saddam gone too, that that makes Bush's motives... something...

Bush was a British agent?

He is not making sense.

No..The US and the British were committed to giving Bibi what he wanted.
Israel, like the rest of the world, didn't like Saddam either...most people don't like murderous dictators...but he was low on the list of issues for Israel, in comparison to Iran.

Also Bibi wasn't PM of Israel when we fullfilled the Clinton Xiden policy of overthrowing Saddam...

Bibi's Clean Break Strategy specifically called for Saddam to be overthrown.. Top of his list.. The PNAC letter to Clinton was taken from it verbatim.. Now look at how many dual citizen signatories signe the letter and how many of them went to work in the Bush administration.

So what? What is your point? YOu are not saying anything.

DO you think saying "JEW" a lot means you are winning the argument?

Has NOTHNG to do with Jewish people.. It has to do with Bibi and European Zionism. They killed Rabin, remember? And they hate the J Street Jews. ,
Bibi wasn’t in office when Xiden authorized Bush to use military force

Clean Break Strategy was written for Bibi in 1996.. That kind of ruthless, ugly, grasping ambition doesn't go away.. Remember, Bibi began threatening Iran in 1992.

What does any of that have to do with ANYTHING?

You are not making any sense.
when did baghdad bob ever make sense? next he’s gonna tell us Saddam actually won!

It's like....

I don't even know. It seems he is engaged in a conversation that is only sort of related to anything going on here.

TANDEM PLAY. That is what he is doing. Until babies learn to play with others, they play, near other babies, but they don't yet understand how to play WITH other babies.

Odd to see it in a supposed adult, but, it does sort of explain his behavior.
.there were numerous reasons!
You are lying same as Correll:

It was the sole basis to confront and launch. Bush agreed to 1441 whether you like it or not - and inspectors had one task - to determine if Iraq was in compliance with his ceasefire agreement with respect to WMD and WMD’s alone. No other reason .

W cited no other reason to invade Iraq and remove SH from power. He made it all perfectly clear in his public statements all the way through March 10 2003 when he was still holding out that a diplomatic and peaceful solution could be made.

Its clear - W stated with all clarity that he had not, as of MARCH 6, decided to remove SH from power and would not do so if SH was disarmed under 1441 Rules. 1441 was about WMD. IT WAS NOT ABOUT any other terrible thing that SH ever did.

You are a liar and W confirms that fact.

BUSH43 March 6 2003 “I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.

President George Bush Discusses Iraq in National Press Conference

Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country
read the inspectors report and testimony that i have already provided

I did - no where does it says that Iraq violated 1441 and the process of disarming Iraq should be abandoned.

Iraq was in violation until such time that inspectors decide that he was not. Then ongoing monitoring was being set up to jast forever if need be.

It is irrelevant that the inspectors had no other task.

Why would you even mention that, unless you were trying to distract from all the other reasons listed?

he makes excuses for all the rape, murder, torture of his boss...not to mention invasions of other nations

Bob loves his boss

He loves to wallow in the emotion of the loss of hte war, but he just dismisses the human cost of Saddam being in power, or his wars.
.there were numerous reasons!
You are lying same as Correll:

It was the sole basis to confront and launch. Bush agreed to 1441 whether you like it or not - and inspectors had one task - to determine if Iraq was in compliance with his ceasefire agreement with respect to WMD and WMD’s alone. No other reason .

W cited no other reason to invade Iraq and remove SH from power. He made it all perfectly clear in his public statements all the way through March 10 2003 when he was still holding out that a diplomatic and peaceful solution could be made.

Its clear - W stated with all clarity that he had not, as of MARCH 6, decided to remove SH from power and would not do so if SH was disarmed under 1441 Rules. 1441 was about WMD. IT WAS NOT ABOUT any other terrible thing that SH ever did.

You are a liar and W confirms that fact.

BUSH43 March 6 2003 “I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.

President George Bush Discusses Iraq in National Press Conference

Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country
read the inspectors report and testimony that i have already provided

I did - no where does it says that Iraq violated 1441 and the process of disarming Iraq should be abandoned.

Iraq was in violation until such time that inspectors decide that he was not. Then ongoing monitoring was being set up to jast forever if need be.

It is irrelevant that the inspectors had no other task.

Why would you even mention that, unless you were trying to distract from all the other reasons listed?

he makes excuses for all the rape, murder, torture of his boss...not to mention invasions of other nations

Bob loves his boss

He loves to wallow in the emotion of the loss of hte war, but he just dismisses the human cost of Saddam being in power, or his wars.
at least he isn’t blaming the Jews like the other clown
"Confront and launch"? wtf does that mean?

“Confront” was the decision in October 2002 to build up 250,000 troops on Iraq’s borders to force SH to allow inspectors in or face a US UK invasion to remove SH from power.

I fully agreed with “Confront”

“Launch” was the decision to invade called Shock abd Awe that was made on MARCH 17 2003 based on W’s BIG lie that there was no doubt Iraq was hiding WMD from 1441 inspectors. BECAUSE of THE FACT known at the time that SH was reported proactively cooperating with inspectors I did not support “LAUNCH” as did six out of ten Americans including Joe Biden.

President Discusses Beginning of Operation ... - George W. Bush White House Archives

March 22, 2003 ... And our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction,
"Confront and launch"? wtf does that mean?

“Confront” was the decision in October 2002 to build up 250,000 troops on Iraq’s borders to force SH to allow inspectors in or face a US UK invasion to remove SH from power.

I fully agreed with “Confront”

“Launch” was the decision to invade called Shock abd Awe that was made on MARCH 17 2003 base o W’s lie ttat he had no doubt Iraq was hiding WMD
Brcause SH was reported proactively cooperating with inspectors I did not support “LAUNCH” as did six out of ten Americans including Joe Biden.

President Discusses Beginning of Operation ... - George W. Bush White House Archives

March 22, 2003 ... And our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction,
your boss is dead

he had it coming.
He loves to

Do you have time to respond by confronting my facts by presenting your own:

This a fact:

“I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.​

Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country.”​

IF the WMD threat went away because Iraq was declared disarmed peacefully under 1441 inspections of WMD on March 16, 2003 as Bush stated then what does Bush cite as justification and necessity of war on March 17 2003?

struth do you have an answer to that question?
He loves to

Do you have time to respond by confronting my facts by presenting your own:

Thus is a fact:

“I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.​

Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country.”​

IF the WMD threat went away because Iraq was declared disarmed peacefully under 1441 inspections of WMD on March 16, 2003 as Bush stated then what does Bush cite as justification and necessity of war on March 17 2003?
would have been nice if your boss would have cooperated with inspectors and turned those wmds he was hiding over
"Confront and launch"? wtf does that mean?

“Confront” was the decision in October 2002 to build up 250,000 troops on Iraq’s borders to force SH to allow inspectors in or face a US UK invasion to remove SH from power.

I fully agreed with “Confront”

“Launch” was the decision to invade called Shock abd Awe that was made on MARCH 17 2003 based on W’s BIG lie that there was no doubt Iraq was hiding WMD from 1441 inspectors. BECAUSE of THE FACT known at the time that SH was reported proactively cooperating with inspectors I did not support “LAUNCH” as did six out of ten Americans including Joe Biden.

President Discusses Beginning of Operation ... - George W. Bush White House Archives

March 22, 2003 ... And our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction,

If the case for war was NOT made solely on the basis of the WMDs, as we know is the case, then focusing solely on the hunt for the wmds, in the timing of the war, is misleading at best.

If I was you, i would call you a liar for that, cut and paste a bunch of unrelated shit, wax poetic about some emotional shit and then attack you personally, and assert my opinion as though it was fact a couple of times.
would have been nice if your boss would have cooperated with inspectors and turned those wmds he was hiding over
Instead of repeating those lies it would be nice if you explained how there could be any other reason or justification for war since W stated very clear that there would be no decision to start a war if Iraq was disarmed of WMD peacefully.

“I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.​
Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country.”​

If it is not about WMD There is no other reason for war. Bush makes it clear the invasion was about WMD and no other reason would cause him to do it.
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would have been nice if your boss would have cooperated with inspectors and turned those wmds he was hiding over
Instead of repeating those lies it would be nice if you explained how there could be any other reason or justification for war since W stated very clear that there would be no decision to start a war if Iraq was disarmed of WMD peacefully.

“I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.​
Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country.”​

If it is not about WMD There us no other reason for war. Bush makes it clear the invasion was about WMD and no other reason would cause him to do it.

"Not decided" is not the same as "would be no decision".

YOu have lied again. Please pretend that I reacted as you would have, and posted a whole bunch of meaningless shit along with the point.
If the case for war was NOT made solely on the basis of the WMDs, as we know is the case,

You cannot “know” that the case for war was NOT made solely on the basis of the WMD because the only one person who is responsible for that case specific decision .... tells you clearly that the opposite is true.

He tells you right here:

“I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.​

Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country.”​
If Bush had made the case on March 6 2003 that any other case for war brought about the necessity of war this statement in reality would make no sense whatsoever. The decision could have been made when Bush was still a drunkard.

But on March 6 Bush explains exactly the only ONE reason that he would decide to start a war - that was WMD being hidden from those 1441 inspectors.
If the case for war was NOT made solely on the basis of the WMDs, as we know is the case,

You cannot “know” that the case for war was NOT made solely on the basis of the WMD because the only one person who is responsible for that case specific decision .... tells you clearly that the opposite is true.

He tells you right here:

“I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.​
Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country.”​
If Bush had made the case on March 6 2003 that any other case for war brought about the necessity of war this statement in reality would make no sense whatsoever. The decision could have been made when Bush was still a drunkard.

But on March 6 Bush explains exactly the only ONE reason that he would decide to start a war - that was WMD being hidden from those 1441 inspectors.

The case for war was made in the authorization bill. There were many stated reasons, of which wmds, were only one.

Your claim that we cannot know the case for war was NOT made solely on the basis of WMDs, is nonsense, because the case for war is a matter of public record.

It is not a matter of Bush's opinion, especially his opinion at a later date.
"Not decided" is not the same as "would be no decision".

Yes. W said he had ‘not decided’ that war was necessary on March 6 2003. And what was the “only” reason’ looking ahead’ that he explicitly gave in that statement that would cause him to make the decision to launch a Blitzkrieg with Shock and Awe on March 17. 2003.

“I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.​

Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country.”​

Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.??

What can be done peacefully?

bring the Kurds he gassed back to life peacefully.

Nation build Iraq peacefully?

insert other cases for war - that make no sense.

ONLY ....

Hopefully, disarming Iraq of WMD through 1441 inspections can this be done peacefully

"Not decided" is not the same as "would be no decision".

Yes. W said he had ‘not decided’ that war was necessary on March 6 2003. And what was the “only” reason’ looking ahead’ that he explicitly gave in that statement that would cause him to make the decision to launch a Blitzkrieg with Shock and Awe on March 17. 2003.

“I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.​
Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country.”​

Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.??

What can be done peacefully?

bring the Kurds he gassed back to life peacefully.

Nation build Iraq peacefully?

insert other cases for war - that make no sense.

ONLY ....

Hopefully, disarming Iraq of WMD through 1441 inspections can this be done peacefully


You are ignoring the formal authorization for war, to focus on informal off the cuff comments.

You are welcome to do that, but you do not get to tell other people to do it too. THe formal authorization for war, is still a valid source to reference, for discussing the reasons for the war.
The case for war was made in the authorization bill. There were many stated reasons, of which wmds, were only one.

Every stated reason was not a case for war according to W’s determination as he was expected to do as laid out in the authorization.

Bush determined there was ONLY one case for war and he publically declared his determination on March 06 that there was no need for war if SH is disarmed peacefully.

Jim Angle. Q Thank you, Mr. President. Sir, if you haven't already made the choice to go to war, can you tell us what you are waiting to hear or see before you do make that decision?​

I'm hopeful that he does disarm. But, in the name of peace and the security of our people, if he won't do so voluntarily, we will disarm him.​

What was W “waiting to hear” before determining that war would be necessary other than WMD

Second, we have arrived at an important moment in confronting the threat posed to our nation and to peace by Saddam Hussein and his weapons of terror.​

Iraqi operatives continue to hide biological and chemical agents to avoid detection by inspectors. In some cases, these materials have been moved to different locations every 12 to 24 hours, or placed in vehicles that are in residential neighborhoods.​

The case for war was made in the authorization bill. There were many stated reasons, of which wmds, were only one.

Every stated reason was not a case for war according to W’s determination as he was expected to do as laid out in the authorization.

Bush determined there was ONLY one case for war and he publically declared his determination on March 06 that there was no need for war if SH is disarmed peacefully.

Jim Angle. Q Thank you, Mr. President. Sir, if you haven't already made the choice to go to war, can you tell us what you are waiting to hear or see before you do make that decision?​
I'm hopeful that he does disarm. But, in the name of peace and the security of our people, if he won't do so voluntarily, we will disarm him.​

What was W “waiting to hear” before determining that war would be necessary other than WMD

Second, we have arrived at an important moment in confronting the threat posed to our nation and to peace by Saddam Hussein and his weapons of terror.​
Iraqi operatives continue to hide biological and chemical agents to avoid detection by inspectors. In some cases, these materials have been moved to different locations every 12 to 24 hours, or placed in vehicles that are in residential neighborhoods.​

A politicians public words do not trump formal policy positions laid out in formal government authorizations.

Especially in the chaotic setting of a press conference.

Mistakes and oversimplifications are... at best, common is such a setting.

Which is WHY you are focusing on them.
You are ignoring the formal authorization for war, to focus on informal off the cuff comments.

I’m not ignoring it. The AUMF was designed around the idea that it would force Iraq to let inspectors in and it worked.

The AUMF authorized W to make a determination in the future.

W revealed his determination that ONLY real WMD would justify war. No other reason rose to the level of necessity for war. And that makes sense.
You are ignoring the formal authorization for war, to focus on informal off the cuff comments.

I’m not ignoring it. The AUMF was designed around the idea that it would force Iraq to let inspectors in and it worked.

The AUMF authorized W to make a determination in the future.

W revealed his determination that ONLY real WMD would justify war. No other reason rose to the level of necessity for war. And that makes sense.

His personal, informal statement does not trump the formal carefully crafted full justification for the war, laid out in the Authorization.
A politicians public words do not trump formal policy positions laid out in formal government authorizations.
Now youve dug yourself deeper into the Dumbass Hole you’ve been digging for years.

The AUMF didn’t set a policy to start a war for any of those reasons listed. when it was voted on it did not authorize disarming IRAQ of his WMDs Unless W determined that it was necessary in the future.

THAT is exactly the policy that W was discussing at the news conference on March 6. He was making his determination known to the world that he still preferred to disarm Iraq peacefully.
If the case for war was NOT made solely on the basis of the WMDs, as we know is the case,

You cannot “know” that the case for war was NOT made solely on the basis of the WMD because the only one person who is responsible for that case specific decision .... tells you clearly that the opposite is true.

He tells you right here:

“I've not made up our mind about military action. Hopefully, this can be done peacefully.​
Hopefully, that as a result of the pressure that we have placed -- and others have placed -- that Saddam will disarm and/or leave the country.”​
If Bush had made the case on March 6 2003 that any other case for war brought about the necessity of war this statement in reality would make no sense whatsoever. The decision could have been made when Bush was still a drunkard.

But on March 6 Bush explains exactly the only ONE reason that he would decide to start a war - that was WMD being hidden from those 1441 inspectors.
we know the reasons for war because xiden is on record voting for the use of force against Iraq....he and his coworkers listed all the justifications...including his prior vote making it US policy to overthrow Saddam

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