Didnt you Progressives, vote for Joe Biden, because he knew how to deal with the Pandemic COVID-19?

Republicans refuse to get vaccinated and then blame Democrats when covid gets worse.

No its not obvious if you are smart. The virus has a harder time with people that are vaxxed. Thats just common sense. The infection is over much quicker with a vaxxed person and the symptoms are way milder. Thats even if they get infected at all.
It appears the symptoms are not as severe in vaccinated people. That doesn't mean they aren't getting and spreading the variant. Which brings us right back to the issue of the vaccines. For many people like myself the vaccines are as much of an unknown as the variants themselves. We don't know what the long term effects of the vaccines are because they were rushed through. They may very well be safe...but they could also be harmful. The truth is...we won't know until years from now. If you're comfortable with taking the risk of putting something that was rushed through testing in your body then by all means be my guest. I had Covid and was over it in four days. The virus itself is less threatening to me than the vaccines because I know what to expect from Covid.
Drumpf said we did. He spent his entire term trying to get mexico to pay for a wall no one wanted.
Who says nobody wants a wall? Before it became a liberal talking point to attack Trump with, a vast majority of Americans wanted a secure border. I think they still do.
It's a common sense thing, Milk Weed...you can either have open borders...or you can have an Entitlement Society. You can't have both because you can't PAY for it!
It appears the symptoms are not as severe in vaccinated people. That doesn't mean they aren't getting and spreading the variant. Which brings us right back to the issue of the vaccines. For many people like myself the vaccines are as much of an unknown as the variants themselves. We don't know what the long term effects of the vaccines are because they were rushed through. They may very well be safe...but they could also be harmful. The truth is...we won't know until years from now. If you're comfortable with taking the risk of putting something that was rushed through testing in your body then by all means be my guest. I had Covid and was over it in four days. The virus itself is less threatening to me than the vaccines because I know what to expect from Covid.
It seems like you have put a lot of thought into this and for that I commend you. I also got the virus right in the beginning before anyone knew what it was. The problem with your position is that this isn't just about yourself. We dont have time to do trials that are going to take 2-3 decades. Basically you're more afraid/cautious of an unknown than a definite. This virus will definitely kill some people you come in contact with or they will kill some people that came into contact with them.
It's a common sense thing, Milk Weed...you can either have open borders...or you can have an Entitlement Society. You can't have both because you can't PAY for it!
it was just a political thing. Drumpf couldnt really say "Look at all the mexicans in this country we have to stop that" so he dog whistled about the wall.
Obamas economy.
Come on, Milk Weed! Barry gave us The Great Recession! The worst recovery from a recession in modern American economic history! You'd have to go back to FDR and The Great Depression to find something that was even close to being as badly handled.
We know what the "long term effects" of the virus are

In a lot of cases death
We have a lot of cases of death from the common flu, Lesh! We've never locked down our economies before. We over reacted. The people that called the shots on that don't want to admit that because then they'd have to take responsibility for all of the damage the shutdowns caused. Which brings us to Drooling Joe's problem! He doesn't know what to do now that Covid is coming back again because he was one of the idiots calling for the lockdowns last time but now he knows that the people won't put up with that bullshit again! Especially after he took a victory lap telling everyong how it was HIM that vanquished Covid last Spring!
Um Obama saved us from the great recession. Bush is the one that gave it to us.
Democrats not listening to Bush's warnings about the housing market is what gave us a recession...Barry's inept handling of his stimulus and his economic policies are what turned a recession into The Great Recession!
Barry's inept handling of his stimulus and his economic policies are what turned a recession into The Great Recession!
Bushs economy.

2nd term Obama was tearing it up. He did so good with the jobless rate that Drumpf tried to steal that from him.
It seems like you have put a lot of thought into this and for that I commend you. I also got the virus right in the beginning before anyone knew what it was. The problem with your position is that this isn't just about yourself. We dont have time to do trials that are going to take 2-3 decades. Basically you're more afraid/cautious of an unknown than a definite. This virus will definitely kill some people you come in contact with or they will kill some people that came into contact with them.
Of course I'm more afraid/cautious of an unknown than a definite! Who wouldn't be? Covid wasn't even in the top fifty flu's that I've had in my life time! A couple days of body ache followed by two days of chills and fever. That was it. So why would I take a vaccine that nobody has a clue what it's long term effects might be on those that take it? Especially when it's being reported that those WITH the vaccine are still able to spread it almost as easily as those without?
Of course I'm more afraid/cautious of an unknown than a definite! Who wouldn't be?
So if you were definitely going to get hit by a speeding semi truck you would be more afraid to hop back on the curb because you might get hit by asteroid?
Bushs economy.

2nd term Obama was tearing it up. He did so good with the jobless rate that Drumpf tried to steal that from him.
Don't make me laugh. The only reason Obama's economic numbers weren't historically bad was because of the Oil and Natural Gas Boom caused in large part by fracking...something that Barry did everything in his power NOT to have happen!
Did he turn around and then take credit for that boom? Oh, he sure did and it was comical then and it remains comical to this day!
Covid wasn't even in the top fifty flu's that I've had in my life time! A couple days of body ache followed by two days of chills and fever. That was it. So why would I take a vaccine that nobody has a clue what it's long term effects might be on those that take it?
Well it fucked me up. I went from playing double court basketball with 20 yr olds to getting winded walking up some stairs. Maybe I would have had a different perspective if I had your experience. All I could think of when I found out about Covid was that I was glad I didnt give it to my mother because it would have killed her. Luckily I keep to myself when I am sick.

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