Didnt you Progressives, vote for Joe Biden, because he knew how to deal with the Pandemic COVID-19?

How many PofColor do you see in this...

Moron.. That was NOT ABOUT VACCINES.. That was about TORTURING K-6 kids with masks that they DONT NEED to be covid safe... Even the TEACHERS are reportedly having a 20 to 25% vax hold-out ratio while they are PUSHING to mask kids (with masks that are NOT N95 or preventative) and scaring the shit out of Kindergardeners who will HATE going to school for the rest of their lives..

That incident occurred close to me.. Needed to happen.. So I'm FULLY aware why my neighbors were there. And NO -- the Biden Admin has no agenda to INVESTIGATE all the Antifa and BLM rioters -- but LICK THEIR CHOPS after going after a county full of angry parents over their failed COVID MESSAGING.. It's THEIR fault no one cares about science. Because the govt pushes Public Health agendas OVER the science..
Yeah, just awesome. He's a fucking time traveler. He's drug us all back to a bastardized version of the 1970's. Fucking criminal in the Whitehouse. Begging OPEC to fix the gas shortages and high gas prices. Rampant inflation. Getting our ass handed to us in a losing war. Legionaires disease and the beginnings of AIDS. Yeah, he's a fucking wonder to behold.
Man in your world the POTUS is like a God or something. He can change events with a snap of the finger.
Here you go. Didnt take that long at all.

OK...I read the article. Very informative so thank you but I was struck by how many of the "conclusions" you seem to feel are proven seem to be suspected by the scientists studying the viruses! Do we really know what effect the different vaccines have on the viruses? Those scientists know that the variants occur but with all due respect...none of them seem to know WHY they occur or what causes what they refer to as a "typo" type of thing!
You've gotta be fucking kidding me. He can spew all the racist hatred he wants but I get banned for suggesting "god" behaves like an abusive parent?

This place is a fuckin' joke, run by fuckin' jokes, with policies that are a fuckin' joke.

Have a nice day.

We talking about racist remarks or just casual trolling of Religion forum? They are very different things. PM me to continue?
Viruses are no different than any other life form, they have an inherent desire to survive, so will no whatever it takes to do so. They get hit with a vaccine, they immediately try to overcome it...by slightly varying its genetic code.(mutating). What do we do..develop another vaccine and on it goes.
Did you read the information? Because if you did, you'd understand that a bad vaccine might be worse in the long run than no vaccine. And no, I don't mean that people currently shouldn't take the vaccines. We're too far down the road of mutation for that. We've guaranteed that the disease Fauci bought will be with us for the foreseeable future,

New COVID cases in US soar 700% week-over-week since July 1, CDC says Yeah, you stupid twits who voted for Joe because he was going to make life better, than that old mean guy who used Twitter to insult people, but got things done, like cheap gasoline and low prices on food. But now, you see a non existent president and vp while hundreds of thousands of diseased illegals swarm our southern border, then get picked up and flown to a city near you. All i can say is, i hope you catch the Kung Flu, and get real sick, because you voted for this crap..

It's certainly doesn't help that 30% of the country are brainwashed functional morons who think the vaccine and the pandemic and global warming and fair elections are all hoaxes and can only listen to one TV station in the entire world or internet conspiracy nuts.... Is not Joe's fault. It is yours DUH.
Those scientists know that the variants occur but with all due respect...none of them seem to know WHY they occur or what causes what they refer to as a "typo" type of thing!
I didnt get that from the article. They know why variants occur. The virus is trying to live. Not in a human way but in an instinctive biological process. They try to make themselves more efficient in occupying their host. If they are battling with antibodies they don't have time to chill out and figure out new ways of infecting you more efficiently. Thats a really simplistic summary but there is no need to make it complicated.
Virus mutate to survive.. Because killing hosts too soon to spread kind of puts a Darwinian curse on their genes.. So MAYBE the vaccines have the same effect.. Like when you use a "very narrow" antibiotic too much and PROMOTE some sub species that becomes a greater threat..
What's scary is that they don't seem to know what causes the mutations...only that they've always occurred. I have a personal belief that every time we try to play games with Mother Nature we run the risk of throwing something out of whack that turns a small problem into a huge problem that we can't fix.
Did you read the information? Because if you did, you'd understand that a bad vaccine might be worse in the long run than no vaccine. And no, I don't mean that people currently shouldn't take the vaccines. We're too far down the road of mutation for that. We've guaranteed that the disease Fauci bought will be with us for the foreseeable future,
The ignoramus g o p brainwashed base will keep this going forever at this rate. Absolute idiocy.
once again the demsheep were fooled by the leftist propagandist into voting for a complete idiot
No one was fooled. It was simply a matter of choosing the person that would get that fat orange fuckup out of office before he handed the US over to Putin.
I have a personal belief that every time we try to play games with Mother Nature we run the risk of throwing something out of whack that turns a small problem into a huge problem that we can't fix.
Its either that or watch millions of people die. I wouldnt want to make that call.
looked at your paper.

"Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens"

Who told you the vax was imperfect? Did you just pull that shit out out of your ass and didnt think I would notice? Now read something from an actual doctor.

Like I just said -- virus mutate to survive. A vaccine with a 90% chance of reducing symptomic disease MIGHT kill off the TARGET virus but allow "subspecies" to propagate just like over-using "narrow spectrum antibiotics does.. But so far --- the vaccine works the SAME for most of the prevalent variants.

UNLIKE the unvaxxed in which EVERY species can thrive and mutate and propagate. Science CAN NOT BE IN ON THIS yet -- but my bet is that the UN-vaxxed is the PREFERRED HOST for promoting mutations..
I didnt get that from the article. They know why variants occur. The virus is trying to live. Not in a human way but in an instinctive biological process. They try to make themselves more efficient in occupying their host. If they are battling with antibodies they don't have time to chill out and figure out new ways of infecting you more efficiently. Thats a really simplistic summary but there is no need to make it complicated.
Are the virus really being "instinctive", Milk Weed? The way the article described it seemed more like the variants were simply a product of many millions of virus cells replicating eventually leading to some of them being incorrect...like a "typo" in a manuscript. So what is it that causes that "typo"?
No one was fooled. It was simply a matter of choosing the person that would get that fat orange fuckup out of office before he handed the US over to Putin.
so you voted not for the good of the country but for your party…that’s what sheep do
But so far --- the vaccine works the SAME for most of the prevalent variants.
Operative words being "so far". The faster we slow transmission and infection the less likely a variant will emerge. Its really just common sense but someone did tell me all sense isnt common unless you all have the same general intellect and customs.
No one was fooled. It was simply a matter of choosing the person that would get that fat orange fuckup out of office before he handed the US over to Putin.

Naww bro.. The Dems wanted the credit for "handing over the country to Russia".. Comrades in arms if you're an American Marxist.. Didn't want Trump to beat them to it.. NOW -- they got a super injector petrol pipeline into Europe and Biden is BEGGING them to produce more oil before the gas prices go thru the roof and the gas lines of the 70s come back.. The Russians are also back in our vacuum in Afghanistan picking up tips from the Taliban and probably PAYING for intel on US equipment and tactics..

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