Dirty Spending Secrets Washiington liberals don't want you to know:

Until you can provide better source material....Yes

I have seen too many....The Gubmint wastes our tax money stories that don't pan out once you see the facts

You're a complete hack, and will defend anything the democrats do.

{In November 2008, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health awarded a 5-year, $2.6 million grant to Wayne State University in Detroit to allow Dr. Xiaoming Li, professor and director of the university's Prevention Research Center, to "establish and evaluate whether an alcohol and HIV intervention center can assist in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS among sex workers in China," according to a university press release announcing the grant}

PolitiFact | Founder of Tea Party Nation claims U.S. government has spent $2.6 million to teach Chinese prostitutes how to drink responsibly

November 2008= Bush
Until you can provide better source material....Yes

I have seen too many....The Gubmint wastes our tax money stories that don't pan out once you see the facts

You're a complete hack, and will defend anything the democrats do.

{In November 2008, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health awarded a 5-year, $2.6 million grant to Wayne State University in Detroit to allow Dr. Xiaoming Li, professor and director of the university's Prevention Research Center, to "establish and evaluate whether an alcohol and HIV intervention center can assist in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS among sex workers in China," according to a university press release announcing the grant}

PolitiFact | Founder of Tea Party Nation claims U.S. government has spent $2.6 million to teach Chinese prostitutes how to drink responsibly

November 2008= Bush

November 2008 = Reid/Pelosi/Bush and was in the midst of one of the worst economic crises this country has exoerienced. You didn't read the OP or the post following did you. This is not a blame Bush thread. This thread focuses on irresponsible government spending no matter who authorized it.

So are you going to answer my question re the Chinese prostitute thing?
You're a complete hack, and will defend anything the democrats do.

{In November 2008, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health awarded a 5-year, $2.6 million grant to Wayne State University in Detroit to allow Dr. Xiaoming Li, professor and director of the university's Prevention Research Center, to "establish and evaluate whether an alcohol and HIV intervention center can assist in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS among sex workers in China," according to a university press release announcing the grant}

PolitiFact | Founder of Tea Party Nation claims U.S. government has spent $2.6 million to teach Chinese prostitutes how to drink responsibly

November 2008= Bush

November 2008 = Reid/Pelosi/Bush and was in the midst of one of the worst economic crises this country has exoerienced. You didn't read the OP or the post following did you. This is not a blame Bush thread. This thread focuses on irresponsible government spending no matter who authorized it.

So are you going to answer my question re the Chinese prostitute thing?

Bush vetoed everything else

What was your question about Chinese prostitutes? I have always been intrigued by Chinese prostitutes
Seems like a bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit like the $600 toilet seat and the shrimp on a treadmill experiments

Have to see the whole story to get the real facts

Here's the skinny on the Chinese Prostitute thing verified by a reliable source. They did dispute the claim by some that this was part of the stimulus, but the federal government did absolutely fund the study.

In November 2008, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health awarded a 5-year, $2.6 million grant to Wayne State University in Detroit to allow Dr. Xiaoming Li, professor and director of the university's Prevention Research Center, to "establish and evaluate whether an alcohol and HIV intervention center can assist in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS among sex workers in China," according to a university press release announcing the grant.

According to the release, "The findings could have ramifications for at-risk populations throughout the world."

The research will take place specifically in Guangxi, China, where the sex trade is prevalent and the rate of HIV is ranked third among the country's provinces, the release states.
PolitiFact | Founder of Tea Party Nation claims U.S. government has spent $2.6 million to teach Chinese prostitutes how to drink responsibly

NIAAA is the lead agency in the United States for research on alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and other health effects of alcohol. As a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIAAA is funded by the U.S. government. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

So have you earned 2.6 million dollars in your working life? Have you paid that much in taxes into the federal treasury? Are you happy with all your contributions going for this purpose while the President asks to spend even more to stimulate a flagging economy? Note that this grant was authorized during one of the worst economic crashes that this country has ever experienced. Should that not be a consideration? Do you have every confidence that we got our money's worth?

Here we are......yes I have earned $2.6 million in my working life

Spent most of it on Chinese Prostitutes
RW, please answer my question. I took some time and effort to respond to you. Or if your intent is just to derail this thread ihto another bash Bush thread, let us know so we will know we should ignore you. The point here is not WHO is responsible but what everybody, Executive, Legislative, and bureaucracy are doing regardless of who they are.
RW, please answer my question. I took some time and effort to respond to you. Or if your intent is just to derail this thread ihto another bash Bush thread, let us know so we will know we should ignore you. The point here is not WHO is responsible but what everybody, Executive, Legislative, and bureaucracy are doing regardless of who they are.

OK...I will answer

It is offensive for you to blame this on liberals since much of this happened while Republicans called the shots. You are usually better than this

Secondly, I find these types of pieces to be hack jobs selectively dishing out the facts. Without reading the proposal on Chinese prostitutes and alcoholism I cannot tell you the justification. $2.6 million for five years comes out to be $500K per year or five people doing a study for five years
It appears to relate to alcoholism and maybe there is something unique in the population of Chinese prostitutes
I can not say it is a waste of money without reading the findings of he study...Can you?
From your link....

. The grant "was not awarded for that purpose," John Bowersox told us via e-mail back in November 2010. "Rather, the researchers will use the grant to develop, implement and evaluate an alcohol use and HIV risk reduction intervention program among female sex workers in China. This is in line with previous studies showing that social norms and institutional policy in commercial sex venues greatly influence alcohol use and sexual behavior among the sex workers in those venues. Studies such as these are needed to translate and adapt interventions that have proven to be effective in the U.S. to other settings and to learn from other conditions and cultures to inform our understanding of the causes, consequences and differences in HIV-related risks, morbidity and mortality in diverse populations. Preventing HIV infection is NIH’s highest priority for HIV-related research. We need to explore a range of research avenues in vulnerable populations around the world to learn the best ways to control the transmission of HIV."

Bowersox noted that the grant went through the NIH's two-tier review process, "which includes a scientific and technical review as well as consideration by an Advisory Council that includes public representatives. The Council makes recommendations based on alignment of the grant application with the research priorities of the NIH."
RW, please answer my question. I took some time and effort to respond to you. Or if your intent is just to derail this thread ihto another bash Bush thread, let us know so we will know we should ignore you. The point here is not WHO is responsible but what everybody, Executive, Legislative, and bureaucracy are doing regardless of who they are.

OK...I will answer

It is offensive for you to blame this on liberals since much of this happened while Republicans called the shots. You are usually better than this

Secondly, I find these types of pieces to be hack jobs selectively dishing out the facts. Without reading the proposal on Chinese prostitutes and alcoholism I cannot tell you the justification. $2.6 million for five years comes out to be $500K per year or five people doing a study for five years
It appears to relate to alcoholism and maybe there is something unique in the population of Chinese prostitutes
I can not say it is a waste of money without reading the findings of he study...Can you?

Perhaps you can point to a fiscal conservative who would have approved those expenditures? And perhaps you missed my opening post in which I included Republicans, Democrats, and Independents among those who authorized these expenditures?

The paragraph you quoted from the link changes nothing whatsoever in what I posted.

And you still have not answered my question which asked you whether you approved of your tax dollars being spent in this way especially in the midst of one the most severe economic crises in the past century.
RW, please answer my question. I took some time and effort to respond to you. Or if your intent is just to derail this thread ihto another bash Bush thread, let us know so we will know we should ignore you. The point here is not WHO is responsible but what everybody, Executive, Legislative, and bureaucracy are doing regardless of who they are.

OK...I will answer

It is offensive for you to blame this on liberals since much of this happened while Republicans called the shots. You are usually better than this

Secondly, I find these types of pieces to be hack jobs selectively dishing out the facts. Without reading the proposal on Chinese prostitutes and alcoholism I cannot tell you the justification. $2.6 million for five years comes out to be $500K per year or five people doing a study for five years
It appears to relate to alcoholism and maybe there is something unique in the population of Chinese prostitutes
I can not say it is a waste of money without reading the findings of he study...Can you?

Perhaps you can point to a fiscal conservative who would have approved those expenditures? And perhaps you missed my opening post in which I included Republicans, Democrats, and Independents among those who authorized these expenditures?

The paragraph you quoted from the link changes nothing whatsoever in what I posted.

And you still have not answered my question which asked you whether you approved of your tax dollars being spent in this way especially in the midst of one the most severe economic crises in the past century.

A study to help stop the spread of HIV? Yea, I approve. NIH is normally not frivolous with it's limited funding. You see medical research is some strange stuff.....you never know what it will yield
I read about this one study about mold.......who the heck wants to study that? Guy found this stuff called penicillin .....what a waste of money...too bad we didn't have fiscal conservatives back then
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This is why we need term limits to everyone in Congress.. Both sides are to blame for this out of control spending on stupid shit

I also think the people need to vote on some rules for congress to follow, such as pay raises, benefits and insisting that they actually read bills before voting or at least have someone smarter than they are read it for them. (I'm sure some high school honor students would be smarter than many in congress). We should insist that they submit to random drug testing. They should disclose everything, from where they spent every penny of our money to any bonuses they get from lobbyists, etc.

It's just peachy that they get to decide on their own raises, cushy benefits and how they can exempt themselves from the assinine legislation they throw at the rest of us. like Obummnercare. I think they should serve 20 years before qualifying for full benefits. (that's what our military members have to do). Of course, I like term limits and I don't think anyone should be on easy street after a few years serving the country in Washington.

It would be different if they served the people instead of themselves, but we know that's not the case.
This is why we need term limits to everyone in Congress.. Both sides are to blame for this out of control spending on stupid shit

I also think the people need to vote on some rules for congress to follow, such as pay raises, benefits and insisting that they actually read bills before voting or at least have someone smarter than they are read it for them. (I'm sure some high school honor students would be smarter than many in congress). We should insist that they submit to random drug testing. They should disclose everything, from where they spent every penny of our money to any bonuses they get from lobbyists, etc.

It's just peachy that they get to decide on their own raises, cushy benefits and how they can exempt themselves from the assinine legislation they throw at the rest of us. like Obummnercare. I think they should serve 20 years before qualifying for full benefits. (that's what our military members have to do). Of course, I like term limits and I don't think anyone should be on easy street after a few years serving the country in Washington.

It would be different if they served the people instead of themselves, but we know that's not the case.

Let me guess? You watch FoxNews

Let's start with the 27th amendment
No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

Congress as a rule is very reluctant to raise it's own salary. When they do, it affects future Congresses, they are not exempt from the laws that they pass and are subject to Obamacare.

No member of congress is on easy street after a few years in the Congress. They get 1 percent of their salary $1760 for every year they serve payable when they hit 57. They pay for Social Security and their own health insurance

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