Disgusting Democrat Picks His Ear And Eats It (On Camera)!


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
So. Cal.
Democrat Joe Garcia caught on camera eating the wax out of his ear on camera. How crude can you get?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk2dyF5Fvv8]Rep. Joe Garcia (D-FL) Picks His Ear And Eats It - YouTube[/ame]
How crude can you get?

Probably about the same level as Marco Rubio has said that there is no such thing as climate change that was caused by humans.

Gonna be interesting to see what he says about the same thing when Miami (his district) turns into Venice.

I mean................Europe has it's own floating city, why can't America have it's?

Miami will be the next Venice in around 20 to 50 years.

Nope..................Rubio is right.............and the district he came from will be underwater in the next 50 years.

But..............he won't care..................by then he's made his money.
How crude can you get?

Probably about the same level as Marco Rubio has said that there is no such thing as climate change that was caused by humans.

Gonna be interesting to see what he says about the same thing when Miami (his district) turns into Venice.

I mean................Europe has it's own floating city, why can't America have it's?

Miami will be the next Venice in around 20 to 50 years.

Nope..................Rubio is right.............and the district he came from will be underwater in the next 50 years.

But..............he won't care..................by then he's made his money.
A Democrat eats the wax out of his ears and you go on a wacko global warming rant. Is this your attempt at deflection or are you blaming Rubio for Garcia eating his ear wax?
Hold front page!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No problem with that, eh? Would you shake his hand?

Happily, although I'd wash my hands before I ate. But then I always wash my hands before I eat.

Do you not think that by posting such a frankly stupid thread you don't so much reflect badly on a Democrat but rather show yourself up for the most earth-shatteringly unreasonable partisan?

Maybe if instead of posting gutter media type stuff you put together some form of argument against.... say Democrat policy then you might be doing a far better job for your cause than posting this shit?
Hold front page!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No problem with that, eh? Would you shake his hand?

Happily, although I'd wash my hands before I ate. But then I always wash my hands before I eat.

Do you not think that by posting such a frankly stupid thread you don't so much reflect badly on a Democrat but rather show yourself up for the most earth-shatteringly unreasonable partisan?

Maybe if instead of posting gutter media type stuff you put together some form of argument against.... say Democrat policy then you might be doing a far better job for your cause than posting this shit?
^Probably ate 2 scabs smothered in earwax this morning. Lol
Hold front page!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No problem with that, eh? Would you shake his hand?

Happily, although I'd wash my hands before I ate. But then I always wash my hands before I eat.

Do you not think that by posting such a frankly stupid thread you don't so much reflect badly on a Democrat but rather show yourself up for the most earth-shatteringly unreasonable partisan?

Maybe if instead of posting gutter media type stuff you put together some form of argument against.... say Democrat policy then you might be doing a far better job for your cause than posting this shit?
I knew one of you libs would try to defend that. And I'M the one who is the "earth-shatteringly unreasonable partisan". :lol:
No problem with that, eh? Would you shake his hand?

Happily, although I'd wash my hands before I ate. But then I always wash my hands before I eat.

Do you not think that by posting such a frankly stupid thread you don't so much reflect badly on a Democrat but rather show yourself up for the most earth-shatteringly unreasonable partisan?

Maybe if instead of posting gutter media type stuff you put together some form of argument against.... say Democrat policy then you might be doing a far better job for your cause than posting this shit?
I knew one of you libs would try to defend that. And I'M the one who is the "earth-shatteringly unreasonable partisan". :lol:

I'm not defending anything, it's pretty horrible. My problem is it's not news, it's not relevent to anything political and anyone trying to relate it to somehow try and bash the Demcrat party is clearly at huge dick who doesn't have anything better politically that they can come up with.

Also I'm not a liberal in any sense of the word.
Happily, although I'd wash my hands before I ate. But then I always wash my hands before I eat.

Do you not think that by posting such a frankly stupid thread you don't so much reflect badly on a Democrat but rather show yourself up for the most earth-shatteringly unreasonable partisan?

Maybe if instead of posting gutter media type stuff you put together some form of argument against.... say Democrat policy then you might be doing a far better job for your cause than posting this shit?
I knew one of you libs would try to defend that. And I'M the one who is the "earth-shatteringly unreasonable partisan". :lol:

I'm not defending anything, it's pretty horrible. My problem is it's not news, it's not relevent to anything political and anyone trying to relate it to somehow try and bash the Demcrat party is clearly at huge dick who doesn't have anything better politically that they can come up with.

Also I'm not a liberal in any sense of the word.
Did I say it was news?
I knew one of you libs would try to defend that. And I'M the one who is the "earth-shatteringly unreasonable partisan". :lol:

I'm not defending anything, it's pretty horrible. My problem is it's not news, it's not relevent to anything political and anyone trying to relate it to somehow try and bash the Demcrat party is clearly at huge dick who doesn't have anything better politically that they can come up with.

Also I'm not a liberal in any sense of the word.
Did I say it was news?

By posting it in the currents events forum rather than the meaningless banal information forum. I think the mistake is called "doing a NovaSteve"
I'm not defending anything, it's pretty horrible. My problem is it's not news, it's not relevent to anything political and anyone trying to relate it to somehow try and bash the Demcrat party is clearly at huge dick who doesn't have anything better politically that they can come up with.

Also I'm not a liberal in any sense of the word.
Did I say it was news?

By posting it in the currents events forum rather than the meaningless banal information forum. I think the mistake is called "doing a NovaSteve"
If it's done on tv, and he's in the public eye, I'm afraid that qualifies as current events, whether you think it should or not. But it's kinda like somebody complaining about a tv show being distasteful, when all they have to do is not watch it. If you're not defending him, why bother to comment on it at all if you think it's a non-event? I mean, nobody is forcing you to click on the thread, are they?
Did I say it was news?

By posting it in the currents events forum rather than the meaningless banal information forum. I think the mistake is called "doing a NovaSteve"
If it's done on tv, and he's in the public eye, I'm afraid that qualifies as current events, whether you think it should or not. But it's kinda like somebody complaining about a tv show being distasteful, when all they have to do is not watch it. If you're not defending him, why bother to comment on it at all if you think it's a non-event? I mean, nobody is forcing you to click on the thread, are they?

Because I like to keep abreast of current affairs and I use this forum as a very useful tool for that and spam like this could be bumping proper threads off the page.
By posting it in the currents events forum rather than the meaningless banal information forum. I think the mistake is called "doing a NovaSteve"
If it's done on tv, and he's in the public eye, I'm afraid that qualifies as current events, whether you think it should or not. But it's kinda like somebody complaining about a tv show being distasteful, when all they have to do is not watch it. If you're not defending him, why bother to comment on it at all if you think it's a non-event? I mean, nobody is forcing you to click on the thread, are they?

Because I like to keep abreast of current affairs and I use this forum as a very useful tool for that and spam like this could be bumping proper threads off the page.
So why comment then? Wouldn't that contribute to bumping other threads off the page? Or maybe you're just back peddling after trying to defend him. :eusa_whistle:
If it's done on tv, and he's in the public eye, I'm afraid that qualifies as current events, whether you think it should or not. But it's kinda like somebody complaining about a tv show being distasteful, when all they have to do is not watch it. If you're not defending him, why bother to comment on it at all if you think it's a non-event? I mean, nobody is forcing you to click on the thread, are they?

Because I like to keep abreast of current affairs and I use this forum as a very useful tool for that and spam like this could be bumping proper threads off the page.
So why comment then? Wouldn't that contribute to bumping other threads off the page? Or maybe you're just back peddling after trying to defend him. :eusa_whistle:

To try and discourage you from spamming in the future. Although I do like the diversion tactic of trying to blame me for you starting possibly the most foolish, mindless and pointless thread of the day. I do that too when I'm in the wrong.
Because I like to keep abreast of current affairs and I use this forum as a very useful tool for that and spam like this could be bumping proper threads off the page.
So why comment then? Wouldn't that contribute to bumping other threads off the page? Or maybe you're just back peddling after trying to defend him. :eusa_whistle:

To try and discourage you from spamming in the future. Although I do like the diversion tactic of trying to blame me for you starting possibly the most foolish, mindless and pointless thread of the day. I do that too when I'm in the wrong.
Nice try, but you commented on the topic, attempted to defend the Congressman for eating his ear wax on tv, then after realizing how ridiculous you looked, you are now trying to shift the attention away from your defense of his disgusting act. But I appreciate that you admit to using diversion when you're in the wrong, which you just illustrated.

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