Divide 200 Into 1,000,000,000


Sep 23, 2010

John Lewis

Disregard the gaffes and you still have a boatload of politicians who say —— and believe —— stupid things.

Democrat John Lewis is noted for making stupid remarks —— remarks that barely cover his hatred of the white race. That makes Lewis the most hostile black racist on the Left because pure stupidity drives his hatred. Stupidity is etched in his face. His ignorance shines like a beacon.

NOTE: Hollywood makeup artists have no trouble creating movie monsters. A few live actors had frightening facial features. Rondo Hatton was afflicted with acromegaly not stupidity. Note the physical resemblance between Hatton and Lewis:


Rondo Hatton a.k.a. The Creeper

A few character actors in the old black and white movies were known for the dumb look on their faces, but the makeup artist is yet to be born who can create a dumber face than the one John Lewis wears:

Clearly, Lewis was attempting to put Donald Trump in the same category as the Chicago sewer rat’s ineligibility —— the black guy was eligible, while the white guy is ineligible because he was in cahoots with another white guy. If Lewis had an ounce of brains he would avoid the question of eligibility altogether.

The Dumbbell’s problem is that the sewer rat actually is ineligible, while Putin has nothing to do with the Constitution and Trump. Lewis was dumb enough to say the opposite, but he is not smart enough to think it up by himself. That is why I suspect that Nancy Pelosi came up with the idea.

Here are three of Lewis’ gems over the years:

Rep. John Lewis Says Declaration's ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ Language and 14th Amendment Authorize Congress to Force People to Buy Health Insurance
By Nicholas Ballasy | January 19, 2011 | 4:06 PM EST

Rep. John Lewis Says Declaration's ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ Language and 14th Amendment Authorize Congress to Force People to Buy Health Insurance

Obamacare is heading for the garbage dump, but this one is still in the pipeline:

Representative Lewis gained much notoriety some years ago in Congress when he was a champion of reparations to current black citizens in America for the atrocities of the slave days in this country. He called for the United States government to make payments to current black citizens as a form of punishment to the white slave traders of the earlier centuries. However, it was widely known that many of the slave traders were black Africans themselves.​

Black Conservatives Should be Listened To
Jerry McConnell Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Black Conservatives Should be Listened To

It was John Lewis who said one hundred million slaves were thrown overboard changing the migratory pattern of sharks. To fully understand Lewis’ stupidity consider the number of sailing ships required to transport 1,000,000,000 human beings. If each ship carried 200 slaves (the accepted number of slaves on a sailing ship) you would need 5 MILLION ships if each ship only made one trip.

Of course, sailing ships in the slave trade made numerous round trips; nevertheless, the required number of ships throwing one hundred million slaves overboard is still astronomical not to mention the number of seamen needed to crew those ships. Put it in perspective by comparing the capacity of steamships to the capacity of sailing ships. You would need several thousand WWII troop transports to throw 1,000,000,000 people overboard.

Bottom line: Everything John Lewis ever said and did is rooted in black racism, but you better not say it if you are white. Lewis is hailed as a Civil Rights icon who loves the white folks.

Finally, you can find a lot about John Lewis and civil rights. None of it changes the man’s stupidity.
you can find a lot about John Lewis and civil rights. None of it changes the man’s stupidity.
The Civil Rights con job created special privileges for a selected group of race hustlers. In short: It is only a Right when everybody enjoys it.

Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said in an interview broadcast Sunday that he would not invite President-elect Donald Trump to Selma, Ala., the site of historical civil rights marches, though he would not stop Trump from visiting the city.

“Well, by going to Selma – like President Bush, President Clinton, President Obama – maybe he would learn something. Maybe he would get religion,” Lewis said during the interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press."​

Lewis: I would not invite Trump to visit Selma
By Mallory Shelbourne - 01/15/17 09:00 AM EST

Lewis: I would not invite Trump to visit Selma

The Dummy’s paralyzing ignorance will never let go of the high point of his life. The man is determined to milk the invented sin of racism for all it is worth:

NOTE: The piece of scum in the White House sold himself as a spiritual leader to Muslims, to blacks, and to touchy-feely whites willing to follow any messiah who promised Utopia. He pulled it off for one reason only: Racism is an invented sin.

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20th century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.

Racism is the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black racist gets away with; i.e., the black race is morally superior. The entire scam was designed and executed to show that the black race is superior to every other race —— ergo, every black criminal, pervert, and murderer is morally superior to the entire race of white devils.

Speaking The Unspeakable: Separate But Equal
Ain’t it a bitch when the nastiest witch of all leads a witch hunt? Note her chief warlock John Lewis behind her:


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