Do babies have more of a right to life, than the mom has to kill her baby?

Do babies have more of a right to life, than the mom has to kill her baby?

  • Yes a baby has a right to life, regardless of what the mother wants.

  • No. The mom has the right to chose to murder her baby. And the right to life is retarded.

  • This is a stupid pole. But YoursTruly is awesome.

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All semantics. It's a human life. It really is that simple.

Well, the problem is it's all EMOTION.

You can say one thing is human life and another isn't. We can talk about life compared to human life.

We can go on all day trying to create a position on this, but it's all about how you FEEL it is.

We can't turn this stuff into FACTS.

If we want to talk facts we're going to have to talk about about overpopulation, water issues, agricultural land issues, infant mortality rates now and in the past, all this stuff.
Q. Hate when your own political tactics are used against you, huh?

A. What political tactics have you claimed I've made?
I'm not referring to you, but the party you support. And by your support of that party you tacitly approve of those tactics.

So spare me the feint.
A Right-wing moron....being moronic.

If something has a heart beat, then it's life. To take the life for reasons other than self defense or self preservation, , then it's murder. Regardless of the left's fancy wording.
Yes, a BABY has a right to life, whereas a mom has not right to kill that baby.

HOWEVER, me gets the thinkies that you no speaky speaky "Baby" but FETUS.

I can speak baby. I learned how to communicate with my children before they could talk. So much so I actually taught them how to speak English.
but you could have called it "terminate pregnancy" or "extract cells"

The Left like to use words to obfuscate. You showed no respect for their views

Carry on!

The left is retarded when it comes to science. I didn't want to confuse them.
Too much honesty in the question? Didn't have the snowflake wording? Maybe I should've added a trigger warning.

My reply was honest your question was poor since they are not babies in the first place an emotional method of biased polling.
I can speak baby. I learned how to communicate with my children before they could talk. So much so I actually taught them how to speak English.
Baby’s can be taught to sign before they are even talking.
I'm not referring to you, but the party you support. And by your support of that party you tacitly approve of those tactics.

So spare me the feint.
Nice spin, too bad it didn't convince me. But to allow some of your post, what are the Democratic Party's tactics that offend you?
Baby’s can be taught to sign before they are even talking.

Not really part of my point. But true all the same.
I remember my kids reaching for stuff they wanted. That's a form of sign language.
Serious question. And it boils down to a mom killing her baby, for what ever reason.

This is gray area is wider than a country mile so I pretty much have to boil things down to their base. I am also speaking in terms of 98% of all pregnancies, the vast majority. I am not taken into account the very very few pregnancies from rape or incest as they are highly uncommon. In this instance the majority take priority over the few. I try to look at this by removing opinion, emotion, personal and political and religious views and treat it purely based on reality.

If you have an abortion it's killing a child. You can't have an abortion without something to abort or else it isn't an abortion. So if you have an abortion you're killing your child.

As soon as the sperm fertizes the egg it's a person. Even as a faceless blob it's still a person, just in it's very early stages of growth. Aside from unforseen circumstances if you just leave the blob alone in 9 months it will be a baby and born and spend the next 18 to 20 continuing to grow into an adult. So once process starts it's a person. A baby growing at 2 weeks after conception is no less a baby growing at 2 months after the birth.

Supposedly according to law and society and religion it's illegal to commit murder. Abortion is killing a person that is innocent of any wrong doing and isn't a life and death situation. So abortion is murder.

So considering all of that, no the mother doesn't not have a right to kill the baby more than the baby has the right to live.
Serious question. And it boils down to a mom killing her baby, for what ever reason.

I can't answer your poll because I see it differently. I say government doesn't have a legitimate power to force a woman to carry a baby to term in her body. This isn't a job for government, they need to stay out of it
The huge lie, NO one said it was ok to kill baby's, and posting pictures of fully developed baby's claiming they look like this in the 1st few months is just one more lie. Be anti abortion, Just dont lie about it.

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