Zone1 Do billionaires make our lives better?

Turdy the Communist as ever trying to lower the bar instead of raising it for the benefit of all .
We have all met the failures in this world who want to use one or two poor examples as a reason to punish everybody .
As though they know what abject failures they are .
You are carrying on that tradition .
They depress wages and pay as little as they can get away with. Its a race to the bottom. Amaxon being a great example. Walmart is another.
That is on leaders to enforce. If we held corrupt leaders accountable this wouldn't be a problem. If the tax code requires changes than elect someone who will change it.
They close down all the other businesses in town, Less competition means lower wages.Less choice. The benefits all accrue to one family.

They close down all the other businesses in town,


Less competition means lower wages.

If all the other businesses paid more, how did Walmart staff their stores?
Bill Gates made my life better. He started a company that produced many products that I used over the years. He made life better for the tens of thousands of people he employed. He made life better for people that benefited from the increased tax base his wealth created.

I have benefited from Jeff Bezos creating Amazon. I buy products from them all the time. Amazon was a great thing to have during the Pandemic. He also employs tens of thousands people and contributes to the tax base where ever he has an operation.

I don't like either one of those Libtard shitheads but they have tremendously benefited the nation and the world.

It is that way with most of the billionaires. They create useful goods and/or services, employ many people and contribute substantially to the tax base.

I don't have this filthy ass Socialist envy and hate of anybody richer than me. I want to reward their productivity, not steal it away.
They sure do. Carnegie's biggest contribution to mankind wasn't his philanthropy, the libraries, music halls and church organs he bought with his loot.

His biggest contribution was his innovations in steel production that enabled the product to be made in sufficient quantity and quality and at a low enough price to build the skyscrapers and bridges that the 20th century needed to grow. If it was for Carnegie and Frick and their fellow steel tycoons, we'd still be building office buildings with masonry and you can't build a 100 story office tower with bricks.
The left believes real invention comes from drug addicts and the homeless on welfare.
Follow the money to 40 years ago when there were no billionaires unless you were Saudi royalty or a Rothschild.

Go back and watch Wall Street the movie from 1987, paying attention to the amounts of money they're discussing throughout the film.
Follow the money to 40 years ago when there were no billionaires unless you were Saudi royalty or a Rothschild.

Go back and watch Wall Street the movie from 1987, paying attention to the amounts of money they're discussing throughout the film.

Yes, improved technology makes it possible for the rich to get richer.

Unlike their forebears, contemporary billionaires do not hope to build the biggest house in town, but the biggest colony on the moon. In contrast, however avaricious, the titans of past gilded eras still saw themselves as human members of civil society. Contemporary billionaires appear to understand civics and civilians as impediments to their progress, necessary victims of the externalities of their companies’ growth, sad artefacts of the civilisation they will leave behind in their inexorable colonisation of the next dimension. Unlike their forebears, they do not hope to build the biggest house in town, but the biggest underground lair in New Zealand, colony on the moon or Mars or virtual reality server in the cloud.

Mr Carnegie actually built Wrexham Library. He also built Coedpoeth Library a couple of mile down the road. He may have been an absolute shit of a man but he was recognisably a member of the human race.

Todays megarich seem to spend their money on insulating themselves from the world rather than helping o improve it.

While Bezos flies to the moon. or tries to, his staff are striking for a living wage so that they can feed themselves and keep a roof over their head. His business model is based on killing the opposition by using debt to undercut his rivals.And taxpayers pay for him to do so by giving him tax breaks and grants to open his sweatshops in our towns.

In fact all of these people have benefitted from lax taxation regimes and feeble legislation.Society pays a lot more than just a financial cost. Wages are depressed as Apple makes its phones in countries where the people assembling the products could never afford one.Its exploitation.

There will never be a British or American phone maker because Apple have priced them out of the market.Exploiting overseas workers in order to bypass the workers in their core markets. Jobs never presented that at his cult meetings.

That is globalism.

Starbucks in the UK is structured to avoid UK taxation.The whole enterprise is a tax dodge. And yet you cannot avoid a starbucks in the UK.They close down smaller traders not with a better product. They do it with the financial might that they have. A power not available to smaller local competitors.

And on top of that they do not contribute to the country they trade in. They trade off our roads and utilities.police protection, education and a host of other benefits.

This is why our governments are always short of money and our infrastructure is crumbling.
We should stop subsidising these bandits and start taxing them properly. They are sucking the life out of society.

It wasnt always like this. My taid worked for over 30 yeasr for an American company Monsanto.They might have a dubious environmental record but they were a bloody good employer.

They paid their staff well and paid a generous pension. The modern billionaire class go on joy rides into space.

Good ones do. Globalists don't.
Bill Gates made my life better. He started a company that produced many products that I used over the years. He made life better for the tens of thousands of people he employed. He made life better for people that benefited from the increased tax base his wealth created.

I have benefited from Jeff Bezos creating Amazon. I buy products from them all the time. Amazon was a great thing to have during the Pandemic. He also employs tens of thousands people and contributes to the tax base where ever he has an operation.

I don't like either one of those Libtard shitheads but they have tremendously benefited the nation and the world.

It is that way with most of the billionaires. They create useful goods and/or services, employ many people and contribute substantially to the tax base.

I don't have this filthy ass Socialist envy and hate of anybody richer than me. I want to reward their productivity, not steal it away.
Well don't feel better my self, now that more and more walk in stores & small business are closing on line kills people interacting with each other, save a dollar lose your neighborhood.
Well don't feel better my self, now that more and more walk in stores & small business are closing on line kills people interacting with each other, save a dollar lose your neighborhood.
Capitalism is a bitch for the inefficient, isn't it?

I actually hate ordering things from Amazon but I am not in the welfare business. I want things to be convenient and want the best possible price. Amazon delivers that better than many brick and mortar stores. It is the evolution of retailing in the computer era.
Capitalism is a bitch for the inefficient, isn't it?

I actually hate ordering things from Amazon but I am not in the welfare business. I want things to be convenient and want the best possible price. Amazon delivers that better than many brick and mortar stores. It is the evolution of retailing in the computer era.

I don't. I will find what I want, then order direct from the company.

I won't give bozo one thin dime.

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