Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!

You just made the perfect case for a mandate. You are the despicable person.

It is your responsibility to pay your bills Moon Bat. Stop being so greedy SOB demanding other people pay for you. That makes you an asshole. You are not entitled to my money just because you are alive. Go pay your own bills and that includes your health care .

You are the fucking asshole. SOB s like you don't give a damn about anyone but yourself. Go find a desert island and you don't have to pay for anything. You get all sorts of subsidies from others that you don't complain about.
Only a fool is willing to fuck himself for the benefit of others.

You have your tongue up Trump's ass no one else can fuck him.
There's no end to the "compassion" of commieprogs when they're spending someone else's money.

The quicker the socialists can sign you up for their culling program ... The better they will feel about themselves.

In the meantime ... Barbados has good doctors (most of them part-timers based out of America) now that treat people outside the US that can afford it.
You can use offshore money to cover the costs as well ... The officials there aren't too picky about where the money comes from.

Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.
You idiot. The point is that healthcare shouldn’t be treated like it’s insurance. You equating car insurance as justification for rejecting healthcare coverage is ridiculous

It's the same thing, not responsible for you stuffing your fat face with junk food and not working out

There are plenty of people who are born with pre-existing conditions. How did they stuff themselves.
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Let me explain the insurance business to you, billy.

Insurance companies charge for risk. If someone smoke half a carton a day, and drinks heavily, maybe suffers from COPD and cirrhosis, that represents more risk to them, more of a chance they are going to have to pay a claim. Same if a customer has aids, cancer, parkinsons.

Very pricy treatments, they have to charge more to make it worth their while.

Insurance companies aren't in the business of losing money.

No one is talking about smoking or drinking. We are talking about conditions that are not the fault of a individual.
FACTS so easy to get with the INTERNET!!!
How many children under age 18 have diabetes?
132,000 children and adolescents younger than age 18 years (0.18% of the total U.S. population younger than age 18 years).

Ok, so what should happen to these 132,000 children when they reach adulthood and cannot get insurance?

They will die without insulin and insulin is a very expensive liquid

Sniffle sniffle...tears... woe is us?
Why wouldn't they get health insurance through their employer????? YOU mean these 132,000 children won't be working? Well you answered the question!
Remember nearly 85% of Americans have some insurance with out pre-existing conditions. That means most of these "kids" if they work will get coverage either through the employer, the state Medicaid/ or other state funds for those that can't work!

Because they may not be able to get a job with health insurance. Companies are avoiding risks that could raise their health care bill. That is one of the reasons it can be hard to find a job when you are over 50.
All the more reason to get educated so one starts out with a job that provides insurance. Every single kid of mine hot insurance on their first real job. There was never a gap in their coverage. It's common sense.
You don't protect the " existing conditions", you try to do the right thing without becoming a fascist regime. How can you expect insurance companies to insure terminal patients or expect taxpayers to foot the bill? Democrats tried the same thing with "affordable housing" when they thought everyone should be able to own a home without having the ability to pay the mortgage. Democrats crafted a plan worthy of organized crime when they bundled bad loans together with good loans and sold them to lending institutions as good loans. The scheme worked for about a decade until it fell apart dragging the world's economy down. Why not give the surviving family a break by doing away with the capital gains tax aka death tax so they can pay the bills? No surviving family in the AIDS community? That's what it's all about isn't it??

That is so much BS. Republicans were just as responsible. Newt Gingrich did 2 stints with Fannie and Freddie to forestall tighter regulation. Gingrich is a Republican. This was a bi-partisan mess.
If one doesn't have insurance, but they have a preexisting condition, I suggest that they seriously look at the actual cost of medical treatments - go to cash only doctors and you'll be astounded by the price difference. I pay out of pocket, always have and always will - and I'll pay probably just over a quarter of what all you folks with health insurance pay. Even in Alaska (which has prohibitive health care costs) it's half the cost of doctors who take insurance. Also, you don't need to go to the ER if you have an emergency, there are smaller emergency care places nestled into strip malls all over the country that can handle almost everything.

Though it's true that part of the trap is that the big hospitals will rush an ambulance out to pick you up without consent and then charge you for the "kidnapping" >.<
Insulin For Life | Insulin Donations
Insulin for Life USA is a not-for-profit with a mission to rescue unused diabetes supplies here in the United States and deliver them to people across the world who have no access to these life saving necessities. Please consider how you can support IFL USA and donate your supplies or cash contribution tod

Rating 5 Popular Diabetes Non-Profits
2. Children’s Diabetes Foundation
Charity Navigator Star Rating – 3 out of 4
Overall Charity Navigator Score – 80.28 (out of 100)
Financial Score – 73.01 (out of 100)
Accountability and Transparency – 93 (out of 100)

2012 Total Revenue – $3,240,914
2012 Total Expenses – $4,006,306

Expenses Breakdown (Fiscal Year ending 12/2012)
Program Expenses – 60%
Fundraising – 30%
Administrative – 10%

Donating Unused Insulin to charity?

I mean seriously people bitching and moaning about 132,000 kids with diabetes and they can't use the INTERNET and find the above????

So, what happens to those children when the become adults and this charity no longer helps them?

Do you have any clue how expensive of a disease Type-1 is to control and the massive health issue that can arise if it is not controlled?

Hey I use the Internet to find answers to your dumb ass questions! Why don't YOU????

Treating Type 1 diabetes without Insurance - The #OverTheCounterT1DChallenge
check out the above and then calculate the below and you will see less than $100/month...

Here are the products I used on the #overthecounterT1Dchallenge:
  • Novolin R Insulin – $25 per vial (I used 1 full vial in the 30 days)
  • Novolin N Insulin – $25 per vial (I used 1 full vial in the 30 days)
  • Test Strips from One Drop today – $39 per month for unlimited strips (I used over 250 in the 30 days, because R and NPH require more attention due to bouncing between highs and lows)
  • ReliOn Syringes – $12 per box of 100 (I used ~150)

Diabetes is not something that is expensive to keep in check. However insurers charged people with diabetes much higher rates as if it were expensive to treat. That means people with diabetes may find insurance too expensive to afford.
Insulin For Life | Insulin Donations
Insulin for Life USA is a not-for-profit with a mission to rescue unused diabetes supplies here in the United States and deliver them to people across the world who have no access to these life saving necessities. Please consider how you can support IFL USA and donate your supplies or cash contribution tod

Rating 5 Popular Diabetes Non-Profits
2. Children’s Diabetes Foundation
Charity Navigator Star Rating – 3 out of 4
Overall Charity Navigator Score – 80.28 (out of 100)
Financial Score – 73.01 (out of 100)
Accountability and Transparency – 93 (out of 100)

2012 Total Revenue – $3,240,914
2012 Total Expenses – $4,006,306

Expenses Breakdown (Fiscal Year ending 12/2012)
Program Expenses – 60%
Fundraising – 30%
Administrative – 10%

Donating Unused Insulin to charity?

I mean seriously people bitching and moaning about 132,000 kids with diabetes and they can't use the INTERNET and find the above????

So, what happens to those children when the become adults and this charity no longer helps them?

Do you have any clue how expensive of a disease Type-1 is to control and the massive health issue that can arise if it is not controlled?

Hey I use the Internet to find answers to your dumb ass questions! Why don't YOU????

Treating Type 1 diabetes without Insurance - The #OverTheCounterT1DChallenge
check out the above and then calculate the below and you will see less than $100/month...

Here are the products I used on the #overthecounterT1Dchallenge:
  • Novolin R Insulin – $25 per vial (I used 1 full vial in the 30 days)
  • Novolin N Insulin – $25 per vial (I used 1 full vial in the 30 days)
  • Test Strips from One Drop today – $39 per month for unlimited strips (I used over 250 in the 30 days, because R and NPH require more attention due to bouncing between highs and lows)
  • ReliOn Syringes – $12 per box of 100 (I used ~150)

Diabetes is not something that is expensive to keep in check. However insurers charged people with diabetes much higher rates as if it were expensive to treat. That means people with diabetes may find insurance too expensive to afford.

Depends on if you are talking about Type-1 or Type-2, one is expensive, two not as much
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

What you fail to understand is this is a legal proceeding, it has nothing to you with your emotions. Maybe your commiecrats should have come to the table when they had the chance.


When this is over you Nazis may wish you had come to the table when you had your chance.
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

What you fail to understand is this is a legal proceeding, it has nothing to you with your emotions. Maybe your commiecrats should have come to the table when they had the chance.

So why did the Supreme Court uphold it?

Stupidity is the best I can come up with, congress damn sure didn't authorize it.

Insulin For Life | Insulin Donations
Insulin for Life USA is a not-for-profit with a mission to rescue unused diabetes supplies here in the United States and deliver them to people across the world who have no access to these life saving necessities. Please consider how you can support IFL USA and donate your supplies or cash contribution tod

Rating 5 Popular Diabetes Non-Profits
2. Children’s Diabetes Foundation
Charity Navigator Star Rating – 3 out of 4
Overall Charity Navigator Score – 80.28 (out of 100)
Financial Score – 73.01 (out of 100)
Accountability and Transparency – 93 (out of 100)

2012 Total Revenue – $3,240,914
2012 Total Expenses – $4,006,306

Expenses Breakdown (Fiscal Year ending 12/2012)
Program Expenses – 60%
Fundraising – 30%
Administrative – 10%

Donating Unused Insulin to charity?

I mean seriously people bitching and moaning about 132,000 kids with diabetes and they can't use the INTERNET and find the above????

So, what happens to those children when the become adults and this charity no longer helps them?

Do you have any clue how expensive of a disease Type-1 is to control and the massive health issue that can arise if it is not controlled?

Hey I use the Internet to find answers to your dumb ass questions! Why don't YOU????

Treating Type 1 diabetes without Insurance - The #OverTheCounterT1DChallenge
check out the above and then calculate the below and you will see less than $100/month...

Here are the products I used on the #overthecounterT1Dchallenge:
  • Novolin R Insulin – $25 per vial (I used 1 full vial in the 30 days)
  • Novolin N Insulin – $25 per vial (I used 1 full vial in the 30 days)
  • Test Strips from One Drop today – $39 per month for unlimited strips (I used over 250 in the 30 days, because R and NPH require more attention due to bouncing between highs and lows)
  • ReliOn Syringes – $12 per box of 100 (I used ~150)

Diabetes is not something that is expensive to keep in check. However insurers charged people with diabetes much higher rates as if it were expensive to treat. That means people with diabetes may find insurance too expensive to afford.

Depends on if you are talking about Type-1 or Type-2, one is expensive, two not as much

I am talking about it in terms of insurance. Insurers treated both as if the cost of treatment was high.
Anybody demanding that they get preexisting conditions covered when they didn't pay insurance is also demanding that somebody else pay their bills.

Disgusting, in't it?

What they are asking for is reasonable rates. They are not saying they should pay nothing. Quit lying.
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.
Republicans don’t care – they adhere blindly to the failed dogma of Social Darwinism, believing that only those who can afford access to healthcare should have access to healthcare; and that those who don’t have access to affordable healthcare have only themselves to blame, that they lack access to affordable healthcare due to their own failings and incompetence, and should do without access to affordable healthcare as a consequence.

Hence the reprehensible right.
It's even worse than that, Republicans also understand insurance and math.

No, they do not understand insurance at all.
Allowing people who didn't have insurance to get it after they are sick is the opposite of insurance.

That is why you had a mandate. To prevent people from buying insurance only when they get sick. Discovering a pre-existing condition is not getting sick. No one says they should not pay anything. What we are talking about are rates that a family can pay.
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Is stupidity a pre-existing condition?
Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

Do dumb ass liberals not understand it doesn't take a 2,000 page Obamacare bill and 10's of thousands of pages of government regulations to protect pre-existing conditions? There was bi-partisan support for this and a dozen or so common sense healthcare system improvements that would have fit in a 200 page bill. But Dem's drunk on victory told the other half of the country to STFU and crammed through Obamacare. They paid the price in 2010 the American people bitch slapped them and they lost the House. Then they lost the Senate. Then the White House. You would think your average liberal would get a clue.

The Republican bills were soundly rejected by voters. Obamacare has gotten more popular since Republicans have shown their ideas. They will likely lose the House. Maybe the Senate.
What Republican bills?

The bills Republicans tried to shove down the Senate's throat.
Any liberal can, at any time, step in and cover somebody’s Preexisting confition. That isn’t the point. The demand that other people pay for it is always the real point of socialism.
And temper tantrums follow.

It is not socialism. You have no clue what you are talking about. Insurance is about sharing costs.
That's why it can't include pre-existing conditions.

Pre-existing conditions should be included. There is no reason why it shouldn't.

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