Do Democrats really want a Civil War?

Democrats are a coalition party that looks like America.

Republicans are white.


A coalition of trash. Just like you. You are an excellent example of the trash of the left. The Republicans are not "white people" they are "better people".

We're just flat out better, more moral, more decent, and more just people than you could ever hope to be.

Suuure, ya are. Uh-huh.


.... that must explain why the right elected a serial adulterer who cheated on every wife he's ever had, bragged about trying to sleep with married women, and cheated on at least one of his wives after she had just birthed his child; and lies nearly every single day of the year.

Yeah, conservatism is the ideology of family value. Sure, I b'lieve that. :lmao:

And that right there... that post you just made, is the proof that we're better people than you. Clinton was a serial adulter, and you supported him, and yet here you are condemning Trump for something you completely supported just 2 presidents ago.

Between me, and you... do you know what that makes you? A hypocrite.

There you go. Clear cut proof from your own mouth, that we on the right, are all just flat out better people than you.
And again, your position goes up in flames. * poof * Just like that. The accusations of being a "serial adulterer" came out during his second term after I supported him. Whereas the deplorable right supported trump knowing he cheated on his wives and tried to have sex with a married woman.

So apparently you can't read, when it contradicts your ideological position, huh?

No, I never condemned Clinton for it. Not once. I condemned him for lying under oath. I condemned him for raping Juanita Broaddrick. I condemned for violating the law. I condemned him for having people waiting for him in the Rose Garden to talk about world peace, when he was getting a blow job. I condemned him for trying to sell seats on the trade mission to China. I condemned him for violating Campaign finance laws, while proclaiming to be for campaign finance reform. I condemned him for greasing the skids on an Enron deal with India. I condemned him for selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom. I condemned him for running around complaining about rich wealthy that break the law and don't pay their taxes, and then he pardoned Marc Rich who broke tons of laws, didn't pay his taxes, and fled out of the country to avoid prison, all because Marc Rich's wife donated tons of money to the Clintons.

I condemned him for tons of things, and rightly so for each one. But never once did I just complain he screwed someone who wasn't his wife. Half the people in Washington have committed adultery.

Further, there is a huge difference between someone who is doing all those things decades ago, and one that is doing it right now in the office of the President.

So whether you are intellectually honest enough to admit it or not... I have never been hypocritical on this. While you.... have constantly been a hypocrite. Thankfully, that just makes you perfect for the Democrat party. It's practically part of their foundational principals to be hypocritical.
"So apparently you can't read, when it contradicts your ideological position, huh?"

Seems that applies to you as I didn't say you personally. :eusa_doh:
The KKK was formed as the military wing of the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party has always been the party of racists, and have now turned into race baiters and using race, ethnicity, gender and wealth to divide people.

I find it funny that their leading candidate aka Joe Biden bragged about working with segregationists in the Democratic Party, and then got accused of being a racist by the other candidates. Even their own House leader Pelosi faced the same racism accusation. Dems never miss an opportunity to use the racism accusation as a weapon.

Right wing, republicans today have the same mindset as the sheet wearers. Just read some of the posts on this forum, hell that pretty much tells the story.
You seem totally blind to the openly espoused antisemitism, anti-white racism and lack of tolerance for any opposing opinion or ideology coming from the Democratic Party and the Left in general. This intentional ignorance is why Trump will be reelected again, this time with a greater margin.

Give me a break, white folks have NEVER faced the type of racism and discrimination in this country that some are responsible for. When have black folks ever denied racism against Jewish folks. When was the last time a black man shot up a synagogue? If Trump is reelected it will be because of the same racist that elected him the first time. Let's watch his racist rhetoric ramp up the closer it gets to election time.

That's a bunch of made up crap. Trump isn't racist at all. Who the fuck are you anyway? Frankly YOU seem more concerned with skin color than Trump or most 'white' folks.

Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.
Right wing, republicans today have the same mindset as the sheet wearers. Just read some of the posts on this forum, hell that pretty much tells the story.
You seem totally blind to the openly espoused antisemitism, anti-white racism and lack of tolerance for any opposing opinion or ideology coming from the Democratic Party and the Left in general. This intentional ignorance is why Trump will be reelected again, this time with a greater margin.

Give me a break, white folks have NEVER faced the type of racism and discrimination in this country that some are responsible for. When have black folks ever denied racism against Jewish folks. When was the last time a black man shot up a synagogue? If Trump is reelected it will be because of the same racist that elected him the first time. Let's watch his racist rhetoric ramp up the closer it gets to election time.

That's a bunch of made up crap. Trump isn't racist at all. Who the fuck are you anyway? Frankly YOU seem more concerned with skin color than Trump or most 'white' folks.

Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.

And these idiots are too stupid to even realize it. They are literally driving people into White Supremacist groups, while claiming to be the party that will unite the country together. The dumbest most useless crap humans on the left-wing.
Give me a break, white folks have NEVER faced the type of racism and discrimination in this country that some are responsible for. When have black folks ever denied racism against Jewish folks. When was the last time a black man shot up a synagogue? If Trump is reelected it will be because of the same racist that elected him the first time. Let's watch his racist rhetoric ramp up the closer it gets to election time.

Since he hasn't been racist yet, I'll be shocked if he starts now.

You mean towards white folks.

No, you are just a lying jerk. All of you on the left are just garbage people, that accuse everyone you don't like of being racists, because are all trash.

Yea racism never existed in your little world did it.

Crown Heights riot - Wikipedia

Based on protesters' statements and actions during the rioting, Butman said, "We were always hoping that after World War II no Jew would ever be killed just for being Jewish, but this is what happened in the city of New York."[20] In his eulogy at the funeral, the Rev. Al Sharpton referred to "diamond dealers" (a Jewish business) and said, "It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights."[21] A banner was displayed at the funeral that said, "Hitler did not do the job."​

Sounds familiar doesn't it? Sounds just like ....

Tlaib: When I Think About The Holocaust This Way I Get A 'Calming Feeling'

Some of the biggest racists bigots in this country, are in the Democrap party, and they know they can get away with it because of the mindless lemmings that support them.... such as those on this thread right now.

So one incident in New York proves that black folks are racist against Jewish folks, are you really that stupid.

No, you are just garbage human being, full shit and lies. It's that simple. You are just poop stain of a human being, that accuses everyone with a different opinion of being racists. Thankfully for you, there entire party of garbage people like you.

The POS is folks like you who are stinking Trump Humpers who turn a blind eye to the racist rhetoric this man spews. You make excuses and try to point the finger at folks who are not even in office anymore. Life is today, so let's deal with the man who is CURRENTLY in office.

No, the garbage worthless crap of human trash, are the ones who make up false accusations against everyone who dares to have a different opinion.

That would walking talking dog turds like you.

So in your dumbass world racist remarks and rhetoric is a difference of opinion.
Right wing, republicans today have the same mindset as the sheet wearers. Just read some of the posts on this forum, hell that pretty much tells the story.
You seem totally blind to the openly espoused antisemitism, anti-white racism and lack of tolerance for any opposing opinion or ideology coming from the Democratic Party and the Left in general. This intentional ignorance is why Trump will be reelected again, this time with a greater margin.

Give me a break, white folks have NEVER faced the type of racism and discrimination in this country that some are responsible for. When have black folks ever denied racism against Jewish folks. When was the last time a black man shot up a synagogue? If Trump is reelected it will be because of the same racist that elected him the first time. Let's watch his racist rhetoric ramp up the closer it gets to election time.

That's a bunch of made up crap. Trump isn't racist at all. Who the fuck are you anyway? Frankly YOU seem more concerned with skin color than Trump or most 'white' folks.

Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.

You seem totally blind to the openly espoused antisemitism, anti-white racism and lack of tolerance for any opposing opinion or ideology coming from the Democratic Party and the Left in general. This intentional ignorance is why Trump will be reelected again, this time with a greater margin.

Give me a break, white folks have NEVER faced the type of racism and discrimination in this country that some are responsible for. When have black folks ever denied racism against Jewish folks. When was the last time a black man shot up a synagogue? If Trump is reelected it will be because of the same racist that elected him the first time. Let's watch his racist rhetoric ramp up the closer it gets to election time.

That's a bunch of made up crap. Trump isn't racist at all. Who the fuck are you anyway? Frankly YOU seem more concerned with skin color than Trump or most 'white' folks.

Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.

And these idiots are too stupid to even realize it. They are literally driving people into White Supremacist groups, while claiming to be the party that will unite the country together. The dumbest most useless crap humans on the left-wing.

So now folks are making you be a racist. Smfh.
It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?

1) Republicans dominate firearm ownership
2) The vast majority of the military, both current and former, is conservative
3) Republicans are located in predominantly suburban and rural areas - with all the resources and all the food. Leftists are concentrated in large cities, which not only would become complete and utter war zones unto themselves in the event of mass civil unrest, but they are also logistically the easiest areas to cut off. Conservatives won't have to go fight everyone in NY or LA. All they have to do is take out the roads and trucks that go there and watch the occupants tear eachother apart over a can of green beens.

Any more dumb questions?
You seem totally blind to the openly espoused antisemitism, anti-white racism and lack of tolerance for any opposing opinion or ideology coming from the Democratic Party and the Left in general. This intentional ignorance is why Trump will be reelected again, this time with a greater margin.

Give me a break, white folks have NEVER faced the type of racism and discrimination in this country that some are responsible for. When have black folks ever denied racism against Jewish folks. When was the last time a black man shot up a synagogue? If Trump is reelected it will be because of the same racist that elected him the first time. Let's watch his racist rhetoric ramp up the closer it gets to election time.

That's a bunch of made up crap. Trump isn't racist at all. Who the fuck are you anyway? Frankly YOU seem more concerned with skin color than Trump or most 'white' folks.

Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.


Give me a break, white folks have NEVER faced the type of racism and discrimination in this country that some are responsible for. When have black folks ever denied racism against Jewish folks. When was the last time a black man shot up a synagogue? If Trump is reelected it will be because of the same racist that elected him the first time. Let's watch his racist rhetoric ramp up the closer it gets to election time.

That's a bunch of made up crap. Trump isn't racist at all. Who the fuck are you anyway? Frankly YOU seem more concerned with skin color than Trump or most 'white' folks.

Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.



Sure you are used to doing that.
That's a bunch of made up crap. Trump isn't racist at all. Who the fuck are you anyway? Frankly YOU seem more concerned with skin color than Trump or most 'white' folks.

Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.



Sure you are used to doing that.

Yes I am constantly verbally F***ing you. :abgg2q.jpg: Seems you enjoy that. All you do is say 'Trump racist' ad nausea. You never post any actual racist statements that Trump has uttered. You just hate the man so anything you say about him is unreliable.
It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?

1) Republicans dominate firearm ownership
2) The vast majority of the military, both current and former, is conservative
3) Republicans are located in predominantly suburban and rural areas - with all the resources and all the food. Leftists are concentrated in large cities, which not only would become complete and utter war zones unto themselves in the event of mass civil unrest, but they are also logistically the easiest areas to cut off. Conservatives won't have to go fight everyone in NY or LA. All they have to do is take out the roads and trucks that go there and watch the occupants tear eachother apart over a can of green beens.

Any more dumb questions?
#1 is a popular myth, and nowhere near as true as you think.

#2 is the same. Current and former military reflect the general demographics. Plus any of them with more than 2 active braincells knows they don't want this happening in their home.

#3 That's also a popular myth. What are you gonna do with a field fulla corn or soybeans? Everything is processed and made in urban areas. Medicines? Ammunition? Spare parts? Trauma centers? All in urban areas.
It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?

1) Republicans dominate firearm ownership
2) The vast majority of the military, both current and former, is conservative
3) Republicans are located in predominantly suburban and rural areas - with all the resources and all the food. Leftists are concentrated in large cities, which not only would become complete and utter war zones unto themselves in the event of mass civil unrest, but they are also logistically the easiest areas to cut off. Conservatives won't have to go fight everyone in NY or LA. All they have to do is take out the roads and trucks that go there and watch the occupants tear eachother apart over a can of green beens.

Any more dumb questions?

have you put the names of liberals you want to murder on any bullets?

after you have slaughtered millions of liberals and democrats what then?

laws against democrats?
laws against gays?
forced religion?
laws against islam, atheism?
laws against gays?
It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?

1) Republicans dominate firearm ownership
2) The vast majority of the military, both current and former, is conservative
3) Republicans are located in predominantly suburban and rural areas - with all the resources and all the food. Leftists are concentrated in large cities, which not only would become complete and utter war zones unto themselves in the event of mass civil unrest, but they are also logistically the easiest areas to cut off. Conservatives won't have to go fight everyone in NY or LA. All they have to do is take out the roads and trucks that go there and watch the occupants tear eachother apart over a can of green beens.

Any more dumb questions?

have you put the names of liberals you want to murder on any bullets?

after you have slaughtered millions of liberals and democrats what then?

laws against democrats?
laws against gays?
forced religion?
laws against islam, atheism?
laws against gays?
Goodby America.
Why in the hell do you think he keeps fanning the flames with his racist rhetoric, then we have to listen to folks like you come out and deny that he is not a racist. Get your head out your ass and see this guy for who he is.

Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.



Sure you are used to doing that.

Yes I am constantly verbally F***ing you.

Nope, you aren't sucking me.

:abgg2q.jpg: Seems you enjoy that.

Seems you are the one who enjoys sucking folks.

All you do is say 'Trump racist' ad nausea.

Yep and all you do is claim he hasn't said anything racist, typical Trump Humper.

You never post any actual racist statements that Trump has uttered. You just hate the man so anything you say about him is unreliable.

No, you don't want to believe the truth I have posted. Everything I have posted is FACTUAL, sorry that you hate your God is guilty of being racist.
It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?

1) Republicans dominate firearm ownership
2) The vast majority of the military, both current and former, is conservative.

Where did you get that from?

3) Republicans are located in predominantly suburban and rural areas - with all the resources and all the food. Leftists are concentrated in large cities, which not only would become complete and utter war zones unto themselves in the event of mass civil unrest, but they are also logistically the easiest areas to cut off. Conservatives won't have to go fight everyone in NY or LA. All they have to do is take out the roads and trucks that go there and watch the occupants tear eachother apart over a can of green beens.

Any more dumb questions?

Ladies and gentlemen this is right wing propaganda at it's best.
No one wants a Civil War. The Democrats want to divide America because that is what Statists always try to do. Weaken and divide and then claim the only answer is to give more power to the State.
Is there any way democrats could ever be forgiven for what they have done the last ten years? I say no. There should be a permanent punishment.
Seems stupid to me. They are way out gunned. They hold their guns funny and seem to need 30 rounds from an AK at 10 feet to hit someone, while your average Conservative can land rounds from 100 yards.
That is funny.

You say that as if the Woketards are rational, reasoning people.

In my youth, I could hit a half dollar at 250 yards. My eyes aren't as good these days, so I need a scope at that range.
squeezing of an extra couple of rounds can make a difference too.
Is there any way democrats could ever be forgiven for what they have done the last ten years? I say no. There should be a permanent punishment.
Umm, I think forgiving is the only way we as a nation can move forward, but I feel your meaning.
Since he hasn't been racist yet, I'll be shocked if he starts now.

You mean towards white folks.

No, you are just a lying jerk. All of you on the left are just garbage people, that accuse everyone you don't like of being racists, because are all trash.

Yea racism never existed in your little world did it.

Crown Heights riot - Wikipedia

Based on protesters' statements and actions during the rioting, Butman said, "We were always hoping that after World War II no Jew would ever be killed just for being Jewish, but this is what happened in the city of New York."[20] In his eulogy at the funeral, the Rev. Al Sharpton referred to "diamond dealers" (a Jewish business) and said, "It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights."[21] A banner was displayed at the funeral that said, "Hitler did not do the job."​

Sounds familiar doesn't it? Sounds just like ....

Tlaib: When I Think About The Holocaust This Way I Get A 'Calming Feeling'

Some of the biggest racists bigots in this country, are in the Democrap party, and they know they can get away with it because of the mindless lemmings that support them.... such as those on this thread right now.

So one incident in New York proves that black folks are racist against Jewish folks, are you really that stupid.

No, you are just garbage human being, full shit and lies. It's that simple. You are just poop stain of a human being, that accuses everyone with a different opinion of being racists. Thankfully for you, there entire party of garbage people like you.

The POS is folks like you who are stinking Trump Humpers who turn a blind eye to the racist rhetoric this man spews. You make excuses and try to point the finger at folks who are not even in office anymore. Life is today, so let's deal with the man who is CURRENTLY in office.

No, the garbage worthless crap of human trash, are the ones who make up false accusations against everyone who dares to have a different opinion.

That would walking talking dog turds like you.

So in your dumbass world racist remarks and rhetoric is a difference of opinion.

It wasn't racist. You just claim it is, so you can attack everyone who had a different opinion. You ARE the left-wing version of white supremacists. It's that simple. You are just like them.

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