do dems believe the censoring of conservative speech by social media giants is ok ?

I think a private company serving whoever they want is their choice. Do you agree?
It is not exactly a private company once it goes to public stock options. That difference needs to be addressed properly by Congress.

Why not? Did somebody force you to buy stock in Twitter?
Stock brokers and fund managers in charge of other peoples retirement funds do not ask for each individuals permission to invest in those illicit companies but the individual will be fined if they invest their own money as they see fit. Again Congress needs to address it.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
You’re not very observant.

If you were, you’d note that Democrats address the issue often, explaining to conservatives that censorship and the right to free speech concern solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities and private persons, such as social networks.

That as private entities, social networks are a liberty to edit their content as they see fit – where such editing constitutes neither a ‘violation’ of free speech nor ‘censorship.’

And that the internet is infinite – that there’s ample opportunity for conservatives to express their views and opinions.
Be specific and cite for us all the left leaning sites banned or censored......
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

It looks like you have your answer. Not one of them who have responded so far, can bring himself to say that there is anything wrong with such s=censorship, at least not when it favors their side.

There are some serious Constitutional issues involved, in any attempt that might be made to do anything about this censorship, but I think that any sane person, even acknowledging these issues, would have to say that this censorship, as it is openly happening, is a very bad thing, and entirely at odds with the intent of the First Amendment. How ironic it is that the modern version of “the press”, which the First Amendment was explicitly intended to protect against certain abuses, has come to be one of the greatest perpetrators of these exact abuses.
what if a restaurants barred people because of their beliefs ?:omg:
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures authorized by Commerce Clause jurisprudence.

No, it does not so fail.

Two different examples of what amounts to the exact same thing: The question of government stepping in to force a private business to engage in association or expression contrary to the will of the owner of that business. Strictly speaking, both are equally unconstitutional.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
You’re not very observant.

If you were, you’d note that Democrats address the issue often, explaining to conservatives that censorship and the right to free speech concern solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities and private persons, such as social networks.

That as private entities, social networks are a liberty to edit their content as they see fit – where such editing constitutes neither a ‘violation’ of free speech nor ‘censorship.’

And that the internet is infinite – that there’s ample opportunity for conservatives to express their views and opinions.

Spoken like a true Chinese shill. Suckle that red teat; come on, bite down harder. Authoritarianism is fine, so long as private companies say so? Listen to yourself . . .
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Unfortunately, the law is on the side of Twitter and Facebook. The first amendment does not apply to private property. This is a Sup Ct ruling. What I suggest as a tactic to pressure the media is to boycott them. They survive on advertising revenue. If we the consumers don't read those ads, the media will lose money bigtime.
Nothing ‘unfortunate’ about it.

Fortunately the First Amendment protects social media sites from unwarranted government preemption and regulation.
You don't know the law. In the case of a virtual monopoly like twitter and facebook have, the standards are different, just as they are for a public utility. Consumers have almost no choice but to use them and that makes them public. That's why their bosses are being called to appear before Congress. I expect some regulations in the near future.
meh, I don't have a twitter account, and if I hadn't signed up for Facebook the very first year it was around and know for a fact that you can never delete your account? I would get rid of it.

They aren't virtual monopolies. You can stay in contact with your friends via email, and have male relatives that don't own either of those. They aren't necessary.

And if you want to create a social community with your own friends and family, there are so many other choices. Hell, other nations and different social enclaves don't even used Facebook. My kid uses Instagram. In Southeast Asia, or was it Indonesia? I think they still use Myspace. Seriously, Myspace is still ranked like number six or seven, yet, no one in the west uses it anymore.

It's bullshit to think it is a "virtual" monopoly.

But all this whining will assure government stepping in, and then? Yeah, hell yeah it will BECOME a monopoly. That is exactly what these tech giants want!

This one was hard to find, it was deleted. I checked several different platforms.

It was here;

But I couldn't get it to play.

This version played better.

The Social Media Exodus Has Begun. Here's Where Everybody's Going.
Look at the date of this video!
Jan 13, 2017

i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Media giants hell. . .

. . . any one holding a political bent to the left of JFK essentially believes it is OK to censor folks not only on the internet, but on college campuses, in the work place, in the regular media, hell, in all of polite society . . . :auiqs.jpg:

And to suspend their constitutional rights to prevent the spread of the common cold as well . . .
I wouldn't have to re-post all this stuff eight months or years later if you folks would just Stay informed and watch it as I post it. . . .

i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Media giants hell. . .

. . . any one holding a political bent to the left of JFK essentially believes it is OK to censor folks not only on the internet, but on college campuses, in the work place, in the regular media, hell, in all of polite society . . . :auiqs.jpg:

And to suspend their constitutional rights to prevent the spread of the common cold as well . . .

First covered in April.


by James Corbett
April 04, 2020

". . . That great awakening can't happen soon enough. Surely it is a noble cause to stand up to the globalist agenda, but in this age of technocratic tyranny, small and isolated pockets of resistance can be quickly rooted out and squashed. Mass action will be required for us to have an effect in truly redirecting this crisis away from its current path. And now we have a real opportunity (perhaps the only opportunity of our lifetime) to shake the masses out of their slumber and motivate them into action.

If the powers-that-shouldn't-be had simply continued their slow boil, the frog that is free humanity would have been cooked within decades. By trying to turn up the heat and speed up the process, they may just spur the frog to jump out of the pot.

It is what we make of it . . . but not for long.

I'm not going to sell you false hope here. Things really are bleak. The global enslavement grid that the globalists have been crafting for decades—from the cashless society to the total surveillance state—is coming into view. There are still many in the public who are cheering this all on from their balconies, convinced that they are being "socially responsible" and helping to save lives.. . . "
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
I think a private company serving whoever they want is their choice. Do you agree?

Aaron, social media companies are given legal protection from liability in order to be open to people of differing views. So no, they do not have the right to censor you or me. If they choose to waive their liability protect under the Law then yeah....stifle free speech all you want.
Last edited:
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
You’re not very observant.

If you were, you’d note that Democrats address the issue often, explaining to conservatives that censorship and the right to free speech concern solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities and private persons, such as social networks.

That as private entities, social networks are a liberty to edit their content as they see fit – where such editing constitutes neither a ‘violation’ of free speech nor ‘censorship.’

And that the internet is infinite – that there’s ample opportunity for conservatives to express their views and opinions.

That is false. Social media platforms are given liability protections by the Federal Government in order to open to people with differing points of view.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Unfortunately, the law is on the side of Twitter and Facebook. The first amendment does not apply to private property. This is a Sup Ct ruling. What I suggest as a tactic to pressure the media is to boycott them. They survive on advertising revenue. If we the consumers don't read those ads, the media will lose money bigtime.
Here is proof of what I said

In 2019, about 98.5 percent of Facebook's global revenue was generated from advertising, whereas only around two percent was generated by payments and other fees revenue. Facebook ad revenue stood at close to 69.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2019, a new record for the company and a significant increase in comparison to the ...Feb 28, 2020

• Facebook ad revenue 2009-2018 | Statista › statistics › facebooks-advertising-reve...
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."
apparently leftwing social media determines whats true ....where is hunter ?
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."
you have no problem with your candidate being hidden away from the media and given softball questions to win an election ! our democracy and freedom of information has been hijacked by totalitarian forces and you love it ! wheres hunter ?
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Unfortunately, the law is on the side of Twitter and Facebook. The first amendment does not apply to private property. This is a Sup Ct ruling. What I suggest as a tactic to pressure the media is to boycott them. They survive on advertising revenue. If we the consumers don't read those ads, the media will lose money bigtime.
Nothing ‘unfortunate’ about it.

Fortunately the First Amendment protects social media sites from unwarranted government preemption and regulation.
You don't know the law. In the case of a virtual monopoly like twitter and facebook have, the standards are different, just as they are for a public utility. Consumers have almost no choice but to use them and that makes them public. That's why their bosses are being called to appear before Congress. I expect some regulations in the near future.
meh, I don't have a twitter account, and if I hadn't signed up for Facebook the very first year it was around and know for a fact that you can never delete your account? I would get rid of it.

They aren't virtual monopolies. You can stay in contact with your friends via email, and have male relatives that don't own either of those. They aren't necessary.

And if you want to create a social community with your own friends and family, there are so many other choices. Hell, other nations and different social enclaves don't even used Facebook. My kid uses Instagram. In Southeast Asia, or was it Indonesia? I think they still use Myspace. Seriously, Myspace is still ranked like number six or seven, yet, no one in the west uses it anymore.

It's bullshit to think it is a "virtual" monopoly.

But all this whining will assure government stepping in, and then? Yeah, hell yeah it will BECOME a monopoly. That is exactly what these tech giants want!

This one was hard to find, it was deleted. I checked several different platforms.

It was here;

But I couldn't get it to play.

This version played better.

The Social Media Exodus Has Begun. Here's Where Everybody's Going.
Look at the date of this video!
Jan 13, 2017

Monopoly or not, the problem is that they have protections as a platform but censor and edit as though they were a publisher.
Like a phone company cutting off your phone service because you spoke on the phone about evidence that criminally implicated Biden.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Even Conservative Constitutionalist Mark Levin defends Constitutional free speech of independent entities.
Nobody HAS to listen to the media.

But what can be legally pursued is breach of contracts, misrepresentation, fraud, slander, libel etc.
If media groups "misrepresent" to paid clients that they are open to freedom of speech but aren't
they are falsely advertising the services and the audiences reached with the advertising.

Also, if the Parties abuse advertising to "fraudulently misrepresent" campaign promises
to SOLICIT donor and voter support, then we could prove this is conspiring to commit fraud
or to violate civil rights by "misrepresenting" unconstitutional health care legislation as legit,
and falsely slandering opposition to it as racist or greedy when it is defending govt from such abuse.

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