do dems believe the censoring of conservative speech by social media giants is ok ?

Social media platforms are stopping misinformation, and not censoring. Unfortunately at the moment majority of the misinformation is coming from the right. Twitter has had to put warnings on Trump's tweets since the election because he keeps making up fibs.

Stopping lies isn't censoring
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

Yes they do. They have said as much. When the head of twitter was at capital hill, talking to Congress, Democrats not only supported it, but said openly that they believed Twitter should be taking down even more posts that they arbitrarily decide is hate speech.

Yes, the left-wing is the party of fascism and political correctness. That's where PC speech came from, was Fascist saying that people needed to talk in politically correct ways.

Yes, Democrats = fascists, and they will continue to push for eliminating free speech.
Social media platforms are stopping misinformation, and not censoring. Unfortunately at the moment majority of the misinformation is coming from the right. Twitter has had to put warnings on Trump's tweets since the election because he keeps making up fibs.

Stopping lies isn't censoring

Oh bullshit, Fakebook and Twatwaffle are not the arbitrators of truth or misinformation.

What fcking planet do you live on?
Social media platforms are stopping misinformation, and not censoring. Unfortunately at the moment majority of the misinformation is coming from the right. Twitter has had to put warnings on Trump's tweets since the election because he keeps making up fibs.

Stopping lies isn't censoring
You just endorsed censorship and you don’t even know it!
This is the stupidity of democrats manifesting itself. This is why democrats should not be allowed to vote. They lack the awareness, intellect and judgment.
Many years ago liberals were for free speech, questioning authority, questioning the norms of society, protesting for free speech, free expression and the rights of people to protest and were for new ideas. The very idea of any form of restriction was abhorrent to them. Differing theories, opinions and idea used to be welcomed and discussed.

Liberals today are few and far between, they have been replaced by Regressives that want to dictate the norms and cannot stand being questioned or challenged and if they are, they use words like homophobic, racist, violence, liar without any shred of evidence. Discussion and debate are out of the question.

Today challenging any part BLM’s ideas is racism. Antifa uses fascism to force their will. The riots over the summer are now called peaceful protests. There are those on the left, AOC is one, that want to punish people of differing political ideologies. The left doesn’t believe tolerance or challenging ideas.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Unfortunately, the law is on the side of Twitter and Facebook. The first amendment does not apply to private property. This is a Sup Ct ruling. What I suggest as a tactic to pressure the media is to boycott them. They survive on advertising revenue. If we the consumers don't read those ads, the media will lose money bigtime.

As an old man who has never gone to Facebook or Twitter, the poster's views seem sensible to me.

If people do not like those two platforms, why do they keep going there?

I, for example, do not like my hometown newspaper (because even its headlines are mini-editorials against President Trump), so I canceled my subscription last year. It fills me with pleasure to learn that other people have also dropped the paper (perhaps for other reasons) and that it is now in financial doo-doo.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."
you have no problem with your candidate being hidden away from the media and given softball questions to win an election ! our democracy and freedom of information has been hijacked by totalitarian forces and you love it ! wheres hunter ?

I think there should be a picture gallery for people who lost bets and are gone. It would be tombstones with the date of their first post and the date of their last post. We'll put "Where's Hunter" on yours. You're the only one who cares.
Now that the whole fox news experiment is over, wouldn't you guys agree that it would have been better if there had not been this split that resulted in FOX and MSNBC? Better from the stand point of there not being two alternate universes of facts?
Its a bit ironic that folk are whining about censorship on a forum that gives access to every foul right wing notion that you can shake a stick at. Isn t that the answer to your question ?

On a broader theme social media is in its infancy and will probably develop like other forms of communication. So you will see platforms emerge that are right or left leaning. But they will be shaped by the people with lots of money and not by people like you and me.
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.
Social media platforms are stopping misinformation, and not censoring. Unfortunately at the moment majority of the misinformation is coming from the right. Twitter has had to put warnings on Trump's tweets since the election because he keeps making up fibs.

Stopping lies isn't censoring
You lefties told a flat out lie for years about Trump being a Russian asset. All your media and social media pushed that lie hard as fuck.
Its a bit ironic that folk are whining about censorship on a forum that gives access to every foul right wing notion that you can shake a stick at. Isn t that the answer to your question ?

On a broader theme social media is in its infancy and will probably develop like other forms of communication. So you will see platforms emerge that are right or left leaning. But they will be shaped by the people with lots of money and not by people like you and me.
Because USMB exist, there is no censorship? :cuckoo:
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
They do so far, because it's been in their favor. But they're eager to sink their teeth into social media. I'd look for some kind of legislation this spring. Trumpsters should be overjoyed at the prospect of state-run media!
I think a private company serving whoever they want is their choice. Do you agree?
what if a restaurants barred people because of their beliefs ?:omg:
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures authorized by Commerce Clause jurisprudence.

Horsehit. It's that very hypocrisy that's paving the way for state run media. Go team.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."

The facts do . Find some credible sources of this "wide spread voter fraud" and the tweets won't be censored any longer when they are about wide spread voter fraud.
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.

If "wide spread voter fraud" was a fact, there would be credible reports. There are none. Courts are rejecting the charges and laughing the blob out of their chambers. At some point you've got to present the evidence. You ain't got shit.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
You’re not very observant.

If you were, you’d note that Democrats address the issue often, explaining to conservatives that censorship and the right to free speech concern solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities and private persons, such as social networks.

That as private entities, social networks are a liberty to edit their content as they see fit – where such editing constitutes neither a ‘violation’ of free speech nor ‘censorship.’

And that the internet is infinite – that there’s ample opportunity for conservatives to express their views and opinions.
if the left were being censored you would be rightfully against it .
Remember a few years ago when democrats wanted radio stations to be forced to give them equal time on political shows because right wing radio is so popular?

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:



And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.

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