do dems believe the censoring of conservative speech by social media giants is ok ?

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:

View attachment 416970

View attachment 416971

And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.
Bitter dems voting on something is hardly a confirmation of Russian collusion. No one believes that shit anymore. You guys failed.

What vote are you talking about?
Im talking about your shameful sham impeachment in congress. At least the senate got it right.

He was impeached. The Democrats achieved that.

But that was a completely different thing than his administration colluding with Russia. You DO know that...I hope.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.
Your surrender is accepted
Your nonsense is rejected.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.

Do you disagree? If so...please tell us why you think the Republican lead Senate got it wrong?
You "Russia collusion" conspiracy theorists are sooo boring.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Unfortunately, the law is on the side of Twitter and Facebook. The first amendment does not apply to private property. This is a Sup Ct ruling. What I suggest as a tactic to pressure the media is to boycott them. They survive on advertising revenue. If we the consumers don't read those ads, the media will lose money bigtime.
Nothing ‘unfortunate’ about it.

Fortunately the First Amendment protects social media sites from unwarranted government preemption and regulation.
You don't know the law. In the case of a virtual monopoly like twitter and facebook have, the standards are different, just as they are for a public utility. Consumers have almost no choice but to use them and that makes them public. That's why their bosses are being called to appear before Congress. I expect some regulations in the near future.
Oh really??

What's Parler, chopped liver??
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:

View attachment 416970

View attachment 416971

And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.
Bitter dems voting on something is hardly a confirmation of Russian collusion. No one believes that shit anymore. You guys failed.

What vote are you talking about?
Im talking about your shameful sham impeachment in congress. At least the senate got it right.

He was impeached. The Democrats achieved that.

But that was a completely different thing than his administration colluding with Russia. You DO know that...I hope.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.
Your surrender is accepted
Your nonsense is rejected.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.

Do you disagree? If so...please tell us why you think the Republican lead Senate got it wrong?
You "Russia collusion" conspiracy theorists are sooo boring.

I agree. Good thing that it is now a proven fact that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign.
You have the floor...please tell us what they got wrong.
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:

View attachment 416970

View attachment 416971

And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.
Bitter dems voting on something is hardly a confirmation of Russian collusion. No one believes that shit anymore. You guys failed.

What vote are you talking about?
Im talking about your shameful sham impeachment in congress. At least the senate got it right.

He was impeached. The Democrats achieved that.

But that was a completely different thing than his administration colluding with Russia. You DO know that...I hope.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.
Your surrender is accepted
Your nonsense is rejected.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.

Do you disagree? If so...please tell us why you think the Republican lead Senate got it wrong?
You "Russia collusion" conspiracy theorists are sooo boring.

I agree. Good thing that it is now a proven fact that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign.
You have the floor...please tell us what they got wrong.
You might be able to sell that crap to your dipshit buddies, but normal people are going to think you're a fucking weirdo any time you mention "Russia collusion". That is simply a fact.
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:

View attachment 416970

View attachment 416971

And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.
Bitter dems voting on something is hardly a confirmation of Russian collusion. No one believes that shit anymore. You guys failed.

What vote are you talking about?
Im talking about your shameful sham impeachment in congress. At least the senate got it right.

He was impeached. The Democrats achieved that.

But that was a completely different thing than his administration colluding with Russia. You DO know that...I hope.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.
Your surrender is accepted
Your nonsense is rejected.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.

Do you disagree? If so...please tell us why you think the Republican lead Senate got it wrong?
You "Russia collusion" conspiracy theorists are sooo boring.

I agree. Good thing that it is now a proven fact that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign.
You have the floor...please tell us what they got wrong.
You might be able to sell that crap to your dipshit buddies, but normal people are going to think you're a fucking weirdo any time you mention "Russia collusion". That is simply a fact.

So you have no argument except to be profane and give an opinion.

C'mon loser...lets hear you take apart the Senate findings. can't.

That is why your surrender, while not so sweet.
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:

View attachment 416970

View attachment 416971

And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.
Bitter dems voting on something is hardly a confirmation of Russian collusion. No one believes that shit anymore. You guys failed.

What vote are you talking about?
Im talking about your shameful sham impeachment in congress. At least the senate got it right.

He was impeached. The Democrats achieved that.

But that was a completely different thing than his administration colluding with Russia. You DO know that...I hope.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.
Your surrender is accepted
Your nonsense is rejected.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.

Do you disagree? If so...please tell us why you think the Republican lead Senate got it wrong?
You "Russia collusion" conspiracy theorists are sooo boring.

I agree. Good thing that it is now a proven fact that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign.
You have the floor...please tell us what they got wrong.
You might be able to sell that crap to your dipshit buddies, but normal people are going to think you're a fucking weirdo any time you mention "Russia collusion". That is simply a fact.

So you have no argument except to be profane and give an opinion.

C'mon loser...lets hear you take apart the Senate findings. can't.

That is why your surrender, while not so sweet.
Im simply stating a fact. I am not going to entertain a "Russia collusion" conversation anymore than i will entertain a "9/11 was an inside job" conversation. That would be a colossal waste of time. :laugh:
I think a private company serving whoever they want is their choice. Do you agree?
what if a restaurants barred people because of their beliefs ?:omg:
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures authorized by Commerce Clause jurisprudence.

I don't see why. Seems to me it should work both ways: If Facebook gets to ban everyone Republican whatever they say, then why should the baker have to create a homosexual wedding cake? Why should a bed and breakfast have to take in weirdos it doesn't want to take in, people who don't look trustworthy? Or for any reason at all, including eye color? I would like to see total freedom: Facebook can censor and ban till the cows come home and we'll all go elsewhere, we're a good market --- and also nobody has to let in people wearing "colors" as the bar signs say around here, or who want them to provide services for events and causes the seller does not want to get involved in AT ALL, and I wouldn't work with the kind of morally dubious stuff they mandate, either.

As it is, leftists can ban, censor, do all sorts of rotten things, while at the same time conservatives are coerced into pretending to support things they abominate. It's always the left wins and the right loses --- let's turn that around. To everyone doing exactly what they think best, no preferences and set-asides for weirdos.
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:

View attachment 416970

View attachment 416971

And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.
Bitter dems voting on something is hardly a confirmation of Russian collusion. No one believes that shit anymore. You guys failed.

What vote are you talking about?
Im talking about your shameful sham impeachment in congress. At least the senate got it right.

He was impeached. The Democrats achieved that.

But that was a completely different thing than his administration colluding with Russia. You DO know that...I hope.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.
Your surrender is accepted
Your nonsense is rejected.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.

Do you disagree? If so...please tell us why you think the Republican lead Senate got it wrong?
You "Russia collusion" conspiracy theorists are sooo boring.

I agree. Good thing that it is now a proven fact that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign.
You have the floor...please tell us what they got wrong.
You might be able to sell that crap to your dipshit buddies, but normal people are going to think you're a fucking weirdo any time you mention "Russia collusion". That is simply a fact.

So you have no argument except to be profane and give an opinion.

C'mon loser...lets hear you take apart the Senate findings. can't.

That is why your surrender, while not so sweet.
Im simply stating a fact. I am not going to entertain a "Russia collusion" conversation anymore than i will entertain a "9/11 was an inside job" conversation. That would be a colossal waste of time. :laugh:

When the US Senate says 9/11 was an inside would have a point. It isn't HuffPo or Daily KO's saying that your blob was in bed with the was the US Senate.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

It looks like you have your answer. Not one of them who have responded so far, can bring himself to say that there is anything wrong with such s=censorship, at least not when it favors their side.

You are right: it was a good question, thanks to the Thread Parent, and the answer is the Left loves censorship of all the rest of us.

Well, duh. Of course they do. If they can shut us up, they win.
Social media platforms are stopping misinformation, and not censoring. Unfortunately at the moment majority of the misinformation is coming from the right. Twitter has had to put warnings on Trump's tweets since the election because he keeps making up fibs.

Stopping lies isn't censoring

Of course it is. The Left calls anything and everything we or Trump say "lies." And use that phony categorizing as a basis for their evil censorship and banning.
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:

View attachment 416970

View attachment 416971

And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.
Bitter dems voting on something is hardly a confirmation of Russian collusion. No one believes that shit anymore. You guys failed.

What vote are you talking about?
Im talking about your shameful sham impeachment in congress. At least the senate got it right.

He was impeached. The Democrats achieved that.

But that was a completely different thing than his administration colluding with Russia. You DO know that...I hope.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.
Your surrender is accepted
Your nonsense is rejected.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.

Do you disagree? If so...please tell us why you think the Republican lead Senate got it wrong?
You "Russia collusion" conspiracy theorists are sooo boring.

I agree. Good thing that it is now a proven fact that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign.
You have the floor...please tell us what they got wrong.
You might be able to sell that crap to your dipshit buddies, but normal people are going to think you're a fucking weirdo any time you mention "Russia collusion". That is simply a fact.

So you have no argument except to be profane and give an opinion.

C'mon loser...lets hear you take apart the Senate findings. can't.

That is why your surrender, while not so sweet.
Im simply stating a fact. I am not going to entertain a "Russia collusion" conversation anymore than i will entertain a "9/11 was an inside job" conversation. That would be a colossal waste of time. :laugh:

When the US Senate says 9/11 was an inside would have a point. It isn't HuffPo or Daily KO's saying that your blob was in bed with the was the US Senate.
Whatever you say, Conspiratard.
I'm cool with private businesses discriminating against other people for their ignorant primitive religious beliefs.

just as long as decent and rational people can discriminate against you and your friends for the same "religious" beliefs...
so if you can discriminate against blacks or gays or atheists then we can do like wise to you....

I would never deny a piece of shit his right to behave like a piece of shit and deny service to blacks or gays

I would, instead, boycott his business and encourage others to do likewise.....

a piece of shit conservative christian working for the government can NOT use THEIR RELIGION as a basis to discriminate.

Sounds good to me. Let's do ALL that. Total freedom to serve or to deny service as anybody pleases. It would be a lot better for business. Right now all the coercion is on the side of forcing decent people to treat disgusting losers as though they are good customers, when they'd like to bar the door to them. Like the riots on Black Friday.
I'm cool with private businesses discriminating against other people for their ignorant primitive religious beliefs.

just as long as decent and rational people can discriminate against you and your friends for the same "religious" beliefs...
so if you can discriminate against blacks or gays or atheists then we can do like wise to you....

I would never deny a piece of shit his right to behave like a piece of shit and deny service to blacks or gays

I would, instead, boycott his business and encourage others to do likewise.....

a piece of shit conservative christian working for the government can NOT use THEIR RELIGION as a basis to discriminate.

Sounds good to me. Let's do ALL that. Total freedom to serve or to deny service as anybody pleases. It would be a lot better for business. Right now all the coercion is on the side of forcing decent people to treat disgusting losers as though they are good customers, when they'd like to bar the door to them. Like the riots on Black Friday.
You should not have to have this explained to you. The concept of civil rights is very simple and easy to understand.

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