do dems believe the censoring of conservative speech by social media giants is ok ?

i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
You’re not very observant.

If you were, you’d note that Democrats address the issue often, explaining to conservatives that censorship and the right to free speech concern solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities and private persons, such as social networks.

That as private entities, social networks are a liberty to edit their content as they see fit – where such editing constitutes neither a ‘violation’ of free speech nor ‘censorship.’

And that the internet is infinite – that there’s ample opportunity for conservatives to express their views and opinions.
So, we'll just put you in the "yes, supports social media censorship of conservative voices" column.

And you don't realize it, but you admitted the socials are publishers, not content providers.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.
They're censoring what they say is disinformation. And that's usually defined as "something that's true but makes Democrats look bad".
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."
you have no problem with your candidate being hidden away from the media and given softball questions to win an election ! our democracy and freedom of information has been hijacked by totalitarian forces and you love it ! wheres hunter ?

I think there should be a picture gallery for people who lost bets and are gone. It would be tombstones with the date of their first post and the date of their last post. We'll put "Where's Hunter" on yours. You're the only one who cares.
Who told you that Hunter's crimes are unimportant?

They lied to you. And you lack the wit to question it.
Now that the whole fox news experiment is over, wouldn't you guys agree that it would have been better if there had not been this split that resulted in FOX and MSNBC? Better from the stand point of there not being two alternate universes of facts?
That's just...stupid.

Fox is failing because it's swung leftward.

Get woke, go broke.
What a silly idea... fox has blocked dems for years....while CNN and MSNBC has had repuBOOBliCONS on all the time
the problem is reBOOBliCONS come on and lie with total bull shit and talk over the host...I don't have any idea why
they keep inviting any of the red neck reBOOBliCONS all they do is lie..
So, what I'm getting from this like boobs.

Well, who doesn't?
I think a private company serving whoever they want is their choice. Do you agree?


What is it? Is there a shortage of custom bakers willing to do custom gay or lesbian themed wedding cakes or is it a well organized gay agenda that wants to target small Christian businesses and punish them?
Oh, there's a definite agenda.

Notorious anti-gay Colorado cake baker sued for discrimination for third time

People are trying to play Litigation Lottery.
You should not have to have this explained to you. The concept of civil rights is very simple and easy to understand.

As if an ignorant Brit would know anything about civil rights. You represent the same degenerate ideology against which we Americans had to violently rebel in order to establish civil rights; and almost two and a half centuries later, you still have not caught up to where we were back then.
You should not have to have this explained to you. The concept of civil rights is very simple and easy to understand.

As if an ignorant Brit would know anything about civil rights. You represent the same degenerate ideology against which we Americans had to violently rebel in order to establish civil rights; and almost two and a half centuries later, you still have not caught up to where we were back then.
Well Bob that war the Brits offered freedom to all black folk. The land of the free didnt offer that for another century. And even then grudgingly.
Learn your history you cultist wierdo.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.
Private companies monitoring their own platforms isn't censorship.

Then they'll waive their Federally protected liability rights, yes? :lol: And your cool with private businesses denying gays and blacks service because its all okay as far as your concerned.

Hypocrite pos.
You're confused. Non white and Alternatively sexual people aren't Allowed to tell outrageous lies and or incite violence on their platforms either. They apply the rules to all.
That's simply not accurate. Facebook makes only a token effort to block Hezbollah and cartel recruiting and fundraising.

We’ve Tracked Extremist Content on Facebook for Years: It Doesn’t Get Removed for Long

Our advocacy work indicates that Facebook only removes Hezbollah pages as a direct result of media attention, congressional hearings or direct intervention from concerned organizations. And once Facebook kicks off accounts and pages, it doesn’t appear to use sophisticated means to prevent them from coming back.

In April 2018, for example, nine Hezbollah-related Facebook pages were removed after Counter Extremism Project publicized links, including a tribute page to martyrs that had more than 60,000 followers. Within two weeks, a replacement popped up.

Hezbollah also uses social media to promote fund-raising campaigns, meaning Facebook is effectively facilitating terror financing. In 2019, for example, Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance Support Association ran a crowdfunding campaign on Facebook to “Equip a Jihadi.”

The campaign urged sympathizers to give money or items of value in order to help Hezbollah fighters purchase necessary equipment, including boots, weapons and vests. Pro-Hezbollah accounts on Facebook circulated stories glorifying everyday people donating jewelry and other valuables to the campaign, and encouraging further donations.

Facebook executives have repeatedly asserted that their artificial capabilities are successful at taking down terror content. In an October 2019 speech, for example, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that, “Our AI systems identify 99 percent of the terrorist content we take down before anyone even sees it. This is a massive investment.”

The careful phrasing of this oft-repeated contention could be easily misconstrued to convey that Facebook’s AI tools remove 99 percent of overall terror content on its platform, an interpretation that would sound reassuring, but would be false. Rather, Facebook discloses that its AI systems proactively identify 99 percent of all the terror content that the company removes. Facebook never identifies how much overall terror content it believes it removes, and it won’t disclose the number of user reports it receives about terror content.

In fact, earlier this year, ACCO researchers filed a whistleblower complaint noting they identified that 33 percent of the 68 U.S. designated terror groups, or their leaders, operated official pages or groups on Facebook. CEP, meanwhile, has questioned Facebook’s claim of removing 99 percent of terror content from its platforms.

This problem is not limited to terror networks either. ACCO researchers have tracked how Mexican drug trafficking networks like Los Zetas, and the multinational gang Mara Salvatrucha, also use Facebook to broadcast their propaganda, fundraise, recruit new members, extort and put out hits on individuals.​

But, hey, it would be racist to block them, right?
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:

View attachment 416970

View attachment 416971

And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.
Bitter dems voting on something is hardly a confirmation of Russian collusion. No one believes that shit anymore. You guys failed.

What vote are you talking about?
Im talking about your shameful sham impeachment in congress. At least the senate got it right.

He was impeached. The Democrats achieved that.

But that was a completely different thing than his administration colluding with Russia. You DO know that...I hope.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.
Your surrender is accepted
Your nonsense is rejected.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.

Do you disagree? If so...please tell us why you think the Republican lead Senate got it wrong?
You "Russia collusion" conspiracy theorists are sooo boring.

I agree. Good thing that it is now a proven fact that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign.
You have the floor...please tell us what they got wrong.
2016? Old news. Let it go.
I'm cool with private businesses discriminating against other people for their ignorant primitive religious beliefs.

just as long as decent and rational people can discriminate against you and your friends for the same "religious" beliefs...
so if you can discriminate against blacks or gays or atheists then we can do like wise to you....

I would never deny a piece of shit his right to behave like a piece of shit and deny service to blacks or gays

I would, instead, boycott his business and encourage others to do likewise.....

a piece of shit conservative christian working for the government can NOT use THEIR RELIGION as a basis to discriminate.

Sounds good to me. Let's do ALL that. Total freedom to serve or to deny service as anybody pleases. It would be a lot better for business. Right now all the coercion is on the side of forcing decent people to treat disgusting losers as though they are good customers, when they'd like to bar the door to them. Like the riots on Black Friday.
You should not have to have this explained to you. The concept of civil rights is very simple and easy to understand.
So you should criticize radical Islam on British social media. After all, it's your civil right to speak your mind.
I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

That's bullshit, and I am sure that even you know it.

They're censoring things that are obvious truth,and giving a pass to blatant propaganda and misinformation that supports their degenerate left wrong-wing agenda.

What you mean by “stick to the truth and honesty”, is stick to the lies and nonsense that our masters tell us to believe, no matter how obvious it is that they are lies.
They sure had no problem spreading the "russia collusion" lie.

There was no "russia collusion" lie. The US Senate confirmed it took place...the one headed by the Republican party.

We both know you won't read it so I took the liberty of providing a screenshot of Trump's felonious campaign manager's activitities:

View attachment 416970

View attachment 416971

And there was enough evidence of Russian interference that the Blob's own DOJ appointed a special prosecutor. The OIC determined that the blob obstructed or sought to obstruct justice ten times and netted several blob associates--most often for conduct that guessed it...Russia.
Bitter dems voting on something is hardly a confirmation of Russian collusion. No one believes that shit anymore. You guys failed.

What vote are you talking about?
Im talking about your shameful sham impeachment in congress. At least the senate got it right.

He was impeached. The Democrats achieved that.

But that was a completely different thing than his administration colluding with Russia. You DO know that...I hope.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.
Your surrender is accepted
Your nonsense is rejected.

The GOP Senate Intel Committee confirmed that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. The proof is there for you to see.

Do you disagree? If so...please tell us why you think the Republican lead Senate got it wrong?
You "Russia collusion" conspiracy theorists are sooo boring.

I agree. Good thing that it is now a proven fact that your blob colluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign.
You have the floor...please tell us what they got wrong.
2016? Old news. Let it go.

Or perhaps you could learn from the 2020 report by the US Senate about the 2016 election.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.
They're censoring what they say is disinformation. And that's usually defined as "something that's true but makes Democrats look bad".

I was on Twitter today...plenty of blob posts had no "handle with care" shield attached. Many did.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."
you have no problem with your candidate being hidden away from the media and given softball questions to win an election ! our democracy and freedom of information has been hijacked by totalitarian forces and you love it ! wheres hunter ?

I think there should be a picture gallery for people who lost bets and are gone. It would be tombstones with the date of their first post and the date of their last post. We'll put "Where's Hunter" on yours. You're the only one who cares.
the electors havnt certified the election yet ...if biden wins i will honor the bet .....
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."
you have no problem with your candidate being hidden away from the media and given softball questions to win an election ! our democracy and freedom of information has been hijacked by totalitarian forces and you love it ! wheres hunter ?

I think there should be a picture gallery for people who lost bets and are gone. It would be tombstones with the date of their first post and the date of their last post. We'll put "Where's Hunter" on yours. You're the only one who cares.

Who told you that Hunter's crimes are unimportant?

They lied to you. And you lack the wit to question it.

What crimes are those?
What has he been indicted on?
What charge is he facing?
Now that the whole fox news experiment is over, wouldn't you guys agree that it would have been better if there had not been this split that resulted in FOX and MSNBC? Better from the stand point of there not being two alternate universes of facts?
That's just...stupid.

Fox is failing because it's swung leftward.

Get woke, go broke.

Hopefully MSNBC will fail too in short order.

And maybe, just maybe, single source morons like yourself can become better informed. You just may learn something...
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."
you have no problem with your candidate being hidden away from the media and given softball questions to win an election ! our democracy and freedom of information has been hijacked by totalitarian forces and you love it ! wheres hunter ?

I think there should be a picture gallery for people who lost bets and are gone. It would be tombstones with the date of their first post and the date of their last post. We'll put "Where's Hunter" on yours. You're the only one who cares.
the electors havnt certified the election yet ...if biden wins i will honor the bet .....

I think my "tombstone" gallery would be a good idea.
i noticed that dems remain silent on the censorship being placed on conservatives by social networks ..... do they agree with censorship.

I notice that the platforms are censoring dis-information. If you don't want to be censored, stick to the truth and honesty.

I do think they are being a little too strict at times really. There was a video from the Trump campaign they supposedly banned. I saw it on one of the platforms with the banner saying (It was banned...). So I don't know but...if it was...I don't know why.

Who determines truth and honesty? You? :lol: Who should be appointed as the "Truth Police."

The facts do . Find some credible sources of this "wide spread voter fraud" and the tweets won't be censored any longer when they are about wide spread voter fraud.
the leader of iran wasnt censored when he called the holocaust a lie .....
Now that the whole fox news experiment is over, wouldn't you guys agree that it would have been better if there had not been this split that resulted in FOX and MSNBC? Better from the stand point of there not being two alternate universes of facts?
That's just...stupid.

Fox is failing because it's swung leftward.

Get woke, go broke.

Hopefully MSNBC will fail too in short order.

And maybe, just maybe, single source morons like yourself can become better informed. You just may learn something...
where do you get your info ......please tell us so we can be informed and woke like you are.

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