Do Dems Risk Alienating Women by Rejecting a Female Supreme Court Nominee?

President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?


It won't hurt Democrats, no. The first responsibility of Democrats is self victimization. Democrats women push every gender stereotype on Republican women. Democrats women basically treat women like Archie Bunker does. All for the cause, free government cheese. At any price

Republican women support Roe vs Wade. Also many Republican women are voting for Biden.
Dems have painted themselves into a corner with women. It's going to be very difficult for Dems to attack and oppose a female SCOTUS nominee. Bank on this though, their #1 argument is likely to be abortion.

Schumer should bring in aborted fetuses and shriek that 'Justice Barrett would seek to put an end this!"

The question is whether woman should have a say in what goes on in their body. Should a woman be forced to have a baby created by a rapist? Democrats should definitely focus on Roe vs Wade. It is sad to say that people who oppose abortion are creating political suicide. Women in some states could be jailed for having a abortion.

Sooooooo, so, so, so, so many abortions were because of rape, right?
Nah, not in this case, women will want to see her bullied.
Another case in point why the world would be better if you were never born
View attachment 390971
My pleasure. Truth hurts, eh Jake.
Why is it that the mods allow their fellow cons to troll? If I wrote something like this I'd have a mod on my ass in 30 minutes.
All Azog had to do was comment on the OP with his trolling, but that is difficult for him. He does not get that con females bully each other, so the OP is silly.
Give me an example. I ll patiently wait. You are one of the reasons I am pro choice
There are several examples above that educate you. Study them on how discuss dems will not alienate females in these hearings.

If you deny the above, then you can't read/understand or you are lying.
Hmmmm...nice deflection. World would be better off if you were never born. True story.
So you don't like being a fail. Understandable. That won't change until you understand how to post and critically think. Critically thinking we know both parties bully women on the other side. Not going to change.
Provide one example please. Thanks.
Nope. Not even a little bit. Conservative women are not taken seriously by anyone, especially not conservatives.

Hillary lost the white female vote even though media idiots predicted because she was a white woman other white women would automatically vote for her.
If Dems are highly uncivil to Ms. Barrett I believe that has the potential to turn off a lot of swing or independent female voters.

In 2018, the white female vote split 49-49. In Pennsylvania, white women voted for the Democrat Senator over a Trump disciple by 12 points.
Dems have painted themselves into a corner with women. It's going to be very difficult for Dems to attack and oppose a female SCOTUS nominee. Bank on this though, their #1 argument is likely to be abortion.

Schumer should bring in aborted fetuses and shriek that 'Justice Barrett would seek to put an end this!"

The question is whether woman should have a say in what goes on in their body. Should a woman be forced to have a baby created by a rapist? Democrats should definitely focus on Roe vs Wade. It is sad to say that people who oppose abortion are creating political suicide. Women in some states could be jailed for having a abortion.

Sooooooo, so, so, so, so many abortions were because of rape, right?

The point is that a woman would be forced to carry the child according to right wing extremist abortion laws. There are plenty more situations where a woman would be forced to carry the child. A woman has a right to choose.
It's not going to be easy to expose the Democrats as hypocrites. They already did that themselves many times over. Viva Trumpy, MAGA
Both parties do it regularly the Repubs certainly played vindictive hypocrites during the pandemic and the large amounts of socialism they spread through Trump signed checks.The last GOP president that did it was called a Neocon a Rino. The lambasting of the GOP when Oblama was driving up the debt and now the GOP has done it not only since Trump was elected but faster than the Dems and Oblama did...
Everything you said is true. I just think this crisis was far greater in magnitude than any other one I've ever seen. In my opinion, Trump handled COVID pretty well, actually above my expectations considering all the resistance he got at every turn. Time will tell but I'd be willing to bet on a great comeback next year as long as Trump gets reelected. All bets are off with Biden.

No one believes that. Trump has bungled and continues to bungle the response. He tries to play doctor when he is unqualified to do so.
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett
The Dems need to know two very important facts about her.
1. Did she ever wear black face to a Halloween party? And
2. Did she every try to rape this woman?
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All we need to know about her is in post #63.
She's against women's rights.
This ain't gonna' help Fat Fuck win.

Seating a SCOTUS got him elected the first time, and here we are again! MAGA

No it did not. What got him elected was the 25% who were voting against the other candidate. They didn't care for his policies they just cared less for Clinton.
Dems have painted themselves into a corner with women. It's going to be very difficult for Dems to attack and oppose a female SCOTUS nominee. Bank on this though, their #1 argument is likely to be abortion.

Why shouldn't it be? Roe vs Wade is supported by 70% of voters. In many states, overturning Roe vs Wade would affect women the most. A woman should have a say since it is their body.

You people have aborted over 50 million babies, it's not the occasional rape victim. Now run away and go lick your wounds.
Ooops....Nope, she wants to reverse Roe v Wade.
That ain't gonna' fly.

White suburban women are not going to take a chance that their daughters and sons could be come mothers and fathers while still in high school or college.

"""A reliable conservative
Religious conservatives would have much to be pleased with Barrett, a devout Catholic.

Barrett has stated that “life begins at conception,” according to a 2013 Notre Dame Magazine article. She also said that justices should not be strictly bound by Supreme Court precedents, a deference known as stare decisis, leaving open the possibility that she could vote to overturn Roe v. Wade if seated on the court.""""

Where is her quote saying she wants to reverse Roe v Wade? You don't have it. You have leftist Politico spin, Dummy.

That is the reason that all of these candidates are being considered. The expectation is that they will overturn Roe vs Wade. That is enough to assume all of the women being considered support overturning Roe ns Wade.
Dems have painted themselves into a corner with women. It's going to be very difficult for Dems to attack and oppose a female SCOTUS nominee. Bank on this though, their #1 argument is likely to be abortion.

Why shouldn't it be? Roe vs Wade is supported by 70% of voters. In many states, overturning Roe vs Wade would affect women the most. A woman should have a say since it is their body.

You people have aborted over 50 million babies, it's not the occasional rape victim. Now run away and go lick your wounds.

You can go back to licking Trump's ass. Woman have the right to make the choice. It is their body.
If RvW was overturned, the GOP would dissolve in the next national election,
If SCOTUS were ever to overturn RvW, and SoccerMomConservativeInTheValley has her daughter Susie lose a soccer scholarship at Valley State because she can't terminate a pregnancy, the GOP would have less than 20% of its Senate and House member re-elected in the next polls.
Overturning Roe v Wade doesn't outlaw abortion, you raving lunatic.

Get an education, Dummy.

It does for many women.

You need to get a education but I doubt you could pass the first grade entrance exam.
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?

How could the Democrat Party possibly be more alienating to the American people in general than they already are?
Nah, not in this case, women will want to see her bullied.
Another case in point why the world would be better if you were never born
View attachment 390971
My pleasure. Truth hurts, eh Jake.
Why is it that the mods allow their fellow cons to troll? If I wrote something like this I'd have a mod on my ass in 30 minutes.
All Azog had to do was comment on the OP with his trolling, but that is difficult for him. He does not get that con females bully each other, so the OP is silly.
Give me an example. I ll patiently wait. You are one of the reasons I am pro choice
There are several examples above that educate you. Study them on how discuss dems will not alienate females in these hearings.

If you deny the above, then you can't read/understand or you are lying.
Hmmmm...nice deflection. World would be better off if you were never born. True story.
So you don't like being a fail. Understandable. That won't change until you understand how to post and critically think. Critically thinking we know both parties bully women on the other side. Not going to change.
Provide one example please. Thanks.
: i
This entire thread. Go back to the beginning and come forward carefully. Once you realize assertions are not facts and require verifiable, accurate support, you will be on your way.

You could begin with giving support for the OP: evidence why Dems attacking a female nominated for SCOTUS would hurt Dem chances in the election, Be careful with RvW, though ~ just a hint. Here is some help on that: " A total of 77% say the Supreme Court should uphold Roe, but within that there's a lot of nuance — 26% say they would like to see it remain in place, but with more restrictions added; 21% want to see Roe expanded to establish the right to abortion under any circumstance; 16% want to keep it the way it is; and 14% want to see some of the restrictions allowed under Roe reduced. Just 13% overall say it should be overturned. " Poll: Majority Want To Keep Abortion Legal, But They Also Want Restrictions
Nope. Not even a little bit. Conservative women are not taken seriously by anyone, especially not conservatives.

Hillary lost the white female vote even though media idiots predicted because she was a white woman other white women would automatically vote for her.
If Dems are highly uncivil to Ms. Barrett I believe that has the potential to turn off a lot of swing or independent female voters.

In 2018, the white female vote split 49-49. In Pennsylvania, white women voted for the Democrat Senator over a Trump disciple by 12 points.

Clinton lost in 2016 because white women did not like Dim policies or her. If your Dim asshole pals beat up on Amy Barrett too hard you can kiss the white female vote goodbye yet again. Trump won the white female vote 53-47.


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