Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?

Are you aware that with the death and resurrection of Christ, he (or God) abolished the Old Law? The Mosaic Law of the Old Testament consisted of 613 edicts and such, that if violated brought an instant death sentence. God knew that any other penalty would not make the laws stick with the Israelites. When Jesus died and rose again, he made a covenant with his people, that all the sin in the world was forgiven, paid for by his death on the cross, thus rendering such punishment moot for man. This only left the Ten Commandments for the rest of Christianity to follow from thereon.

14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations.

Ephesians 2:14-15 NIV

16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19 Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

Matthew 19:16-19 KJV

So many people like you want to abuse the Bible, nitpicking every verse, but you don't ever want to read it in context.

Thumpers seem to want to have it both ways. When folks bring up OT stuff like slavery, stoning adulterers, not wearing clothing of mixed cloth, eating shellfish and burning witches they say "Jahesus changed all that", but when it come to "the gheys", they pick and choose the parts they like from the OT. Diners at the Bible Buffet!

You have no argument. I don't want it both ways. You want to use the Bible to justify your filth, but then turn back around and trash it. Looks like to me you're the one who wants it both ways and in both holes.

See ya.

Having it both ways is what you want if you think people choose their orientation. :lol:

I don't want or expect the bible to "justify" anything Mr. "Let me pick and choose the parts of the bible that bashes gays and ignore the "inconvenient" parts".

Convenient Christian.
While most folks I know could truly give fig who you're fucking, or how you fuck 'em, you need look no further than shit like this to understand why most normal people dislike gays:

Bakery Investigated for Refusing to Bake Lesbian Wedding Cake | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

thanks, this supports the point I have been trying to make with seabitch and the other gays on this board.

They do not just want equality, they want the government to FORCE the rest of us to condone and accept their aberant lifestyle as normal-------but its not and never will be. homosexuality is an aberation of the human condition just as any physical or mental deformity is an aberation.

We accept gays as we accept downs syndrome people. But thats not enough for the gays. They want government imposed thought control.
While most folks I know could truly give fig who you're fucking, or how you fuck 'em, you need look no further than shit like this to understand why most normal people dislike gays:

Bakery Investigated for Refusing to Bake Lesbian Wedding Cake | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

thanks, this supports the point I have been trying to make with seabitch and the other gays on this board.

They do not just want equality, they want the government to FORCE the rest of us to condone and accept their aberant lifestyle as normal-------but its not and never will be. homosexuality is an aberation of the human condition just as any physical or mental deformity is an aberation.

We accept gays as we accept downs syndrome people. But thats not enough for the gays. They want government imposed thought control.

Nope, it's still just about equality. Feel free to repeal ALL public accommodation laws which is what the above linked case is about...just make sure it's ALL of them, race, religion, gender, etc...not just the ones that cover "the gheys" too.

Has nothing to do with legal, civil marriage or about whether sexual orientation is innate. (Not that it should matter in a free society.
Did I choose to be normal? Yes I did.

So another one that was equally attracted to men and women (lotta RW bisexuals it seems), but chose only one of the genders. How do y'all choose? Spin a wheel, throw a dart, flip of a coin? How?

your decision process does not apply to everyone, sorry.

See Fishy, that's why I'm askin'. I'm not the one that believes "gay is a choice" so I'm curious about those that do. I didn't choose, being attracted to members of the same sex is simply how I've always felt so there never was a "choice". I am very curious, however, how people can be equally attracted to both sexes and choose only one.
So another one that was equally attracted to men and women (lotta RW bisexuals it seems), but chose only one of the genders. How do y'all choose? Spin a wheel, throw a dart, flip of a coin? How?

your decision process does not apply to everyone, sorry.

See Fishy, that's why I'm askin'. I'm not the one that believes "gay is a choice" so I'm curious about those that do. I didn't choose, being attracted to members of the same sex is simply how I've always felt so there never was a "choice". I am very curious, however, how people can be equally attracted to both sexes and choose only one.

I am sorry that you have an hormonal or genetic abnormality. Maybe someday medical science will be able to diagnose and cure those problems. Face medical reality, you have a medical problem, homosexuality is not a normal human condition any more than downs syndrome is a normal human condition.

I support you and your partner having equal rights as a commited couple. I will never support calling a gay hook-up a marriage.
So another one that was equally attracted to men and women (lotta RW bisexuals it seems), but chose only one of the genders. How do y'all choose? Spin a wheel, throw a dart, flip of a coin? How?

your decision process does not apply to everyone, sorry.

See Fishy, that's why I'm askin'. I'm not the one that believes "gay is a choice" so I'm curious about those that do. I didn't choose, being attracted to members of the same sex is simply how I've always felt so there never was a "choice". I am very curious, however, how people can be equally attracted to both sexes and choose only one.

I think I'd like your definition of "attraction". I find the company of all sorts of people "attractive" but perceive that your definition applies only to sexual attraction.

your decision process does not apply to everyone, sorry.

See Fishy, that's why I'm askin'. I'm not the one that believes "gay is a choice" so I'm curious about those that do. I didn't choose, being attracted to members of the same sex is simply how I've always felt so there never was a "choice". I am very curious, however, how people can be equally attracted to both sexes and choose only one.

I am sorry that you have an hormonal or genetic abnormality. Maybe someday medical science will be able to diagnose and cure those problems. Face medical reality, you have a medical problem, homosexuality is not a normal human condition any more than downs syndrome is a normal human condition.

I support you and your partner having equal rights as a commited couple. I will never support calling a gay hook-up a marriage.

Of course it's a normal human condition. Normal condition, period. It's as "normal" as being left handed or red haired. It's found in hundreds of animal species and is documented in the human species since recorded history.

Gay is not a disease that needs curing, it's our Puritanical roots that need eliminating. Sexuality is much more fluid than those roots allow.

Oh and Fishy, we don't give a shit how you refer you our legal marriage, we KNOW we're married legally and spiritually. Our kids know it too and that's what's most important.

Pediatricians: Gay Marriage Good for Kids' Health

and I don't give a shit how you and the state of california define it.

The people of your state voted against you twice, but you found a judge to overturn the will of the prople---------so much for democracy.

Maybe the San Andreas fault will solve the problem for you and us.
Children cannot consent.

Isn't that a "Victorian" attitude? Children are a lot smarter than you imagine. They even look to adults for their inspiration.

They cannot consent to sex, so lets not even take that path.

Now they can't. But I give it 10 years until radicals on the left (just like you) start trying to make the case that children "have a brain" and therefore can make their own decisions. It's the kind of sick shit you people do.

After all, 150 years ago, an abortion was an unthinkable act of pure evil. 40 years ago, abortion was made legal. Last year, radical liberal wing-nuts decided to start making the case that a parent should have the right to kill a baby up to the age of 4. And people like Seawytch have the audacity to claim that slippery-slope doesn't exist?!? :bang3:

This is the disease known as progressivism/liberalism/etc. It's a continuous march towards the destruction of society. Today, we only want God out of public schools. Next month we want it out of the town sqaure. Next year we want God out of society all together and the churches shut down (and you people wonder why you're associated with Adolf Hitler?). Today, we only want abortion made available in the case of rape. Next month we want it so a woman is not inconvenienced for her whoring activities. Next year we want to be able to murder children up to 4 years old if we find they interfere with our partying lifestyle - such as the case with Casey Anthony (again, you people wonder why you're associated with Adolf Hitler?).

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say - Telegraph
Oh and Fishy, we don't give a shit how you refer you our legal marriage, we KNOW we're married legally and spiritually. Our kids know it too and that's what's most important.

Pediatricians: Gay Marriage Good for Kids' Health

and I don't give a shit how you and the state of california define it.

The people of your state voted against you twice, but you found a judge to overturn the will of the prople---------so much for democracy.

Maybe the San Andreas fault will solve the problem for you and us.

You can't pass laws that violate the U.S. Constitution. Surely this is not new information to you is it?

You do realize that more than one judge has affirmed his ruling don't you? He wrote his opinion so incredibly well that the SCOTUS justices were afraid to rule on the case and instead kicked the can down the road. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for the defenders of equality, they won't be able to put it off for long.

Did you just wish an Earthquake on me Fishy? How sweet.
Words change, (some) people progress

Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you the reason for the cancer known as liberalism/progressivism/etc. in one tidy little fragmented sentence.

This really does sum up why liberals collapse society (ahem - Detroit!). Words have no meaning to a Dumbocrat. A signed, legal document (ahem - Constitution!) means nothing to a Dumncorat. Laws mean nothing to a Dumbocrat. Even in black & white, signed by them, they will try to make the case that "words change".

My dear, words do not change (well, not to a civilized, educated person anyway - sadly giving in to libtard Dumbocrats has forced words to have no meaning). Freedom, to a civilized, educated person means the same thing now as it did 300 years ago. Murder, to a civilized, educated person means the same thing now as it did 300 years ago. Life, to a civilized, educated person means the same thing now as it did 300 years ago.

But being that you're a Dumbocrat, I don't expect you to understand any of that. I just expect you to march society on a path to destruction where gays are worshipped as "wonders of society", NAMBLA is the second most important organization for protecting "freedom" (behind Think Progress of course), and poverty is celebrated because it forces all of us to live "equal". Ah, the libtard "utopia"! Doesn't it just sound grand? Well, that is, if they don't change the meaning of "grand" in the near future... :)
Oh and Fishy, we don't give a shit how you refer you our legal marriage, we KNOW we're married legally and spiritually. Our kids know it too and that's what's most important.

Pediatricians: Gay Marriage Good for Kids' Health

and I don't give a shit how you and the state of california define it.

The people of your state voted against you twice, but you found a judge to overturn the will of the prople---------so much for democracy.

Maybe the San Andreas fault will solve the problem for you and us.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Man, that is one exceptional post (up to and including the San Andreas Fault :lol:)
Oh and Fishy, we don't give a shit how you refer you our legal marriage, we KNOW we're married legally and spiritually. Our kids know it too and that's what's most important.

Pediatricians: Gay Marriage Good for Kids' Health

"Gay marriage good for children's health" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yes, nothing says "healthy" like coming from a fucked-up home where the parents aren't actually married (well, in 98% of all cases anyway), where you have 2 mom's or 2 dad's and thus have zero balance as nature intended, and where that selfish parental arrangement causes the children to be complete outcasts at any event.

Man, you have to love the libtards definition of "healthy"...

your decision process does not apply to everyone, sorry.

See Fishy, that's why I'm askin'. I'm not the one that believes "gay is a choice" so I'm curious about those that do. I didn't choose, being attracted to members of the same sex is simply how I've always felt so there never was a "choice". I am very curious, however, how people can be equally attracted to both sexes and choose only one.

I think I'd like your definition of "attraction". I find the company of all sorts of people "attractive" but perceive that your definition applies only to sexual attraction.

Being both sexually and emotionally attracted. Sex is only the fringe benefit. I'm talking about love. Deep, emotional, binding love with a sexual component. Could you choose that kind of attraction?

Did you ever just look at someone and not just want to bend them over a table and make wild, passionate love to them, but also want to date and kiss and marry them? Guy or girl? For me it was always girls. Crushes, fantasies, you name it. Girls.
Words change, (some) people progress

Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you the reason for the cancer known as liberalism/progressivism/etc. in one tidy little fragmented sentence.

This really does sum up why liberals collapse society (ahem - Detroit!). Words have no meaning to a Dumbocrat. A signed, legal document (ahem - Constitution!) means nothing to a Dumncorat. Laws mean nothing to a Dumbocrat. Even in black & white, signed by them, they will try to make the case that "words change".

My dear, words do not change (well, not to a civilized, educated person anyway - sadly giving in to libtard Dumbocrats has forced words to have no meaning). Freedom, to a civilized, educated person means the same thing now as it did 300 years ago. Murder, to a civilized, educated person means the same thing now as it did 300 years ago. Life, to a civilized, educated person means the same thing now as it did 300 years ago.

But being that you're a Dumbocrat, I don't expect you to understand any of that. I just expect you to march society on a path to destruction where gays are worshipped as "wonders of society", NAMBLA is the second most important organization for protecting "freedom" (behind Think Progress of course), and poverty is celebrated because it forces all of us to live "equal". Ah, the libtard "utopia"! Doesn't it just sound grand? Well, that is, if they don't change the meaning of "grand" in the near future... :)

I didn't say they had no meaning, I said some change and progress. Emphasis on the some, caveweiler.

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