Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?

Good question. When did heterosexuals "choose" to be straight?

They insist they chose to be straight, but they don't realise that this means they chose not be gay. Why choose not to be gay if you were naturally straight?
Republicans, dogmatic Christians and folks without much post high school education typically say "yes - being gay is a choice".

They give this answer because the alternative answer is unacceptable - that being: some people are born gay, and thus they are made that way by God.

Why Won't God Heal Amputees?

Before this whole "gay" lifestyle thing became a fad, Most doctors, phychiatrists, and educators were very much of the opinion that homosexuality was an abnormality --- an outward manifestation of a dysfunctional individual.

Some people murder. Would you blame God for that action? Have you never wanted to kill someone? However, the responsible person sees that such a thing is not what God would have one do........... Sex is not the end all of emotional love. Christ died on the cross for our sins because He first loved us. This perfect example never involved sex. It involved commitment. A mother doesn't face labor to have a baby because she's a sadist. She does it because she loves the baby she has been carrying around for months.....

The popular acceptance of homosexuality is turning everything inside out. And what was once considered very sound moral judgment is now cast aside as though it never existed. Good is now bad and bad is accepted as good. But the end results have not been shown to be any less valid.
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^ANOTHER Rightwinger who does not understand the simple concept of "consent" vs. hurting others. It's kind of scary to see how many do not understand the difference.

What does consent have with the idea that God created someone in a particular way? Nothing. Did God make serial killers? Did God intend to make serial killers or was that a choice the killer made himself?

One of the most famous cases in Germany was of a homosexual cannibal who advertised for a victim. He got hundreds of replies. He chose one, killed him, with written consent, and ate him, also will the full knowledge and consent of the victim.

What happens to your consent now?

I thought God knows what choices you will make even before you make them? God knows you are going to murder someone, but he steps back and allows you to kill someone, and doesn't bother to stop you.

In the real world, we call that a crime.

The difference is that God is the editor & chief of a broad picture storybook. You have no clue how the life or death of any individual effects eternity. God does. God does know everyone's heart. And He does know who will eventually turn to Him, or run from Him, or be indifferent to Him. God knows what we will choose to do.
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What does consent have with the idea that God created someone in a particular way? Nothing. Did God make serial killers? Did God intend to make serial killers or was that a choice the killer made himself?

One of the most famous cases in Germany was of a homosexual cannibal who advertised for a victim. He got hundreds of replies. He chose one, killed him, with written consent, and ate him, also will the full knowledge and consent of the victim.

What happens to your consent now?

I thought God knows what choices you will make even before you make them? God knows you are going to murder someone, but he steps back and allows you to kill someone, and doesn't bother to stop you.

In the real world, we call that a crime.

The difference is that God is the editor of broad picture storybook. You have no clue how the life or death of any individual affects eternity. God does. God does know everyone's heart. And He does know who will eventually turn to Him or run from Him or be indifferent to Him.

True. So what is the issue again? That God made them that way? He gave us life and free will. He loves us. Straight or gay. He may feel differently about evil gays and evil straights. Nobody knows. When I get there, I'll ask Him, m'kay? :)
What does consent have with the idea that God created someone in a particular way? Nothing. Did God make serial killers? Did God intend to make serial killers or was that a choice the killer made himself?

One of the most famous cases in Germany was of a homosexual cannibal who advertised for a victim. He got hundreds of replies. He chose one, killed him, with written consent, and ate him, also will the full knowledge and consent of the victim.

What happens to your consent now?

I thought God knows what choices you will make even before you make them? God knows you are going to murder someone, but he steps back and allows you to kill someone, and doesn't bother to stop you.

In the real world, we call that a crime.

The difference is that God is the editor & chief of a broad picture storybook. You have no clue how the life or death of any individual effects eternity. God does. God does know everyone's heart. And He does know who will eventually turn to Him or run from Him or be indifferent to Him. God knows what we will choose to do.

God knows what we choose to do? If God knows you will kill someone, why doesn't he stop you?
Republicans, dogmatic Christians and folks without much post high school education typically say "yes - being gay is a choice".

They give this answer because the alternative answer is unacceptable - that being: some people are born gay, and thus they are made that way by God.

This post right here really says it all. I mean this is the problem people who think being gay is a sin are up against. If someone is born gay, that means God made them that way. So they can't accept that. It must be a choice.

My question is, how can someone make such a choice? How do you decide who you are attracted to and who you fall in love with?

The answer is you don't. It just happens. It is something inside of you.

It's a beautiful, natural thing to fall in love. No matter who it is with. It's a very human thing.

Something we are all born with.
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I thought God knows what choices you will make even before you make them? God knows you are going to murder someone, but he steps back and allows you to kill someone, and doesn't bother to stop you.

In the real world, we call that a crime.

The difference is that God is the editor & chief of a broad picture storybook. You have no clue how the life or death of any individual effects eternity. God does. God does know everyone's heart. And He does know who will eventually turn to Him or run from Him or be indifferent to Him. God knows what we will choose to do.

God knows what we choose to do? If God knows you will kill someone, why doesn't he stop you?
Because we do hot understand how that death is going to impact everyone else. How many might just accept God as their personal Savior, because of the event? How many might choose to rethink their lifestyles because of such an event. The victim may have been perfectly ready to face his maker --- or at least as ready as he will ever be... Our choices all have an influence on how we live and die and where we will spend our eternity.........................................................................................................
Whatever the ‘cause,’ homosexuals are entitled to their civil rights, including the right of equal protection of the law and the right to marry.

Not ‘special rights’ or ‘new rights,’ but rights as afforded everyone else.

A gay woman had as much "right" to marry a man as any heterosexual woman. A gay man had as much "right" to marry a woman as any heterosexual man..

Idiots like you wanted SPECIAL rights. It really is that simple and no amount of your bullshit will change that reality.

Failed argument they tried in 1965.

I don't want to marry a man. I'm not in love with a man.

Exactly - hence the reason you wanted SPECIAL rights

Puppy, you realize that's nobody would be stopping you from marry a man, rendering your "special" argument moot.

Well, considering that marriage is 1 man and 1 woman, you are making SPECIAL rights for me to marry a man.

By the way, are you prepared to support a man and 12 women? Are you prepared to support a man and his goat? Or are you going to be a an intolerant bigot (not to mention typical libtard hypocrite)?
Republicans, dogmatic Christians and folks without much post high school education typically say "yes - being gay is a choice".

They give this answer because the alternative answer is unacceptable - that being: some people are born gay, and thus they are made that way by God.

Why Won't God Heal Amputees?

Before this whole "gay" lifestyle thing became a fad, Most doctors, phychiatrists, and educators were very much of the opinion that homosexuality was an abnormality --- an outward manifestation of a dysfunctional individual.

Some people murder. Would you blame God for that action? Have you never wanted to kill someone? However, the responsible person sees that such a thing is not what God would have one do........... Sex is not the end all of emotional love. Christ died on the cross for our sins because He first loved us. This perfect example never involved sex. It involved commitment. A mother doesn't face labor to have a baby because she's a sadist. She does it because she loves the baby she has been carrying around for months.....

The popular acceptance of homosexuality is turning everything inside out. And what was once considered very sound moral judgment is now cast aside as though it never existed. Good is now bad and bad is accepted as good. But the end results have not been shown to be any less valid.

Segregation was once considered Constitutional as well.
Oh, Dear God... another 'Gay' thread...

There oughtta be a rule...

Gays represent 3.8% of the population... ( LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

Therefore... Gays get 3.8% of the threads and bandwidth dedicated to their issues...

That sounds entirely fair to me...

Bullcrap. Half he population is gay now. They're the main characters in every reality show. They are always ythe characters walking hand in hand on tv. Hell every other show on HGTV is trying to help Bob and Tom renovate their home.
"...Bullcrap. Half he population is gay now. They're the main characters in every reality show. They are always ythe characters walking hand in hand on tv. Hell every other show on HGTV is trying to help Bob and Tom renovate their home."

A gay woman had as much "right" to marry a man as any heterosexual woman. A gay man had as much "right" to marry a woman as any heterosexual man..

Idiots like you wanted SPECIAL rights. It really is that simple and no amount of your bullshit will change that reality.

Failed argument they tried in 1965.

I don't want to marry a man. I'm not in love with a man.

Exactly - hence the reason you wanted SPECIAL rights

Puppy, you realize that's nobody would be stopping you from marry a man, rendering your "special" argument moot.

Well, considering that marriage is 1 man and 1 woman, you are making SPECIAL rights for me to marry a man.

By the way, are you prepared to support a man and 12 women? Are you prepared to support a man and his goat? Or are you going to be a an intolerant bigot (not to mention typical libtard hypocrite)?

Was it a 'special' right to allow a black man to marry a white woman?
Did you choose to be straight?

I know a person can choose to be celibate until married. I know that an individual can set his or her heart on a ideal. People can choose to be sexually active. People can also be enticed through "advertising" to buy a bill of goods that aren't any good. I believe that this is the greatest danger with open acceptance of homosexuality. People who would have never have acquired a tattoo may get one simply because they imagine other's (appearing all around) are happy with what they have done........................ The problem is that once one gets one, to get rid of it is very difficult indeed. In the case of homosexuality, one is playing with the emotions of everyone involved. Once that dam is breached, how does one hold back the flood?:(

You are confusing actions with attractions. You cannot choose who you are attracted to. You can choose not to act upon your natural inclinations, but as long as we're all consenting adults why shouldn't we?

Spelling errors courtesy of auto-correct

Republicans, dogmatic Christians and folks without much post high school education typically say "yes - being gay is a choice".

They give this answer because the alternative answer is unacceptable - that being: some people are born gay, and thus they are made that way by God.

Why Won't God Heal Amputees?

Before this whole "gay" lifestyle thing became a fad, Most doctors, phychiatrists, and educators were very much of the opinion that homosexuality was an abnormality --- an outward manifestation of a dysfunctional individual.

Scientific Racism
Republicans, dogmatic Christians and folks without much post high school education typically say "yes - being gay is a choice".

They give this answer because the alternative answer is unacceptable - that being: some people are born gay, and thus they are made that way by God.

Why Won't God Heal Amputees?

Before this whole "gay" lifestyle thing became a fad, Most doctors, phychiatrists, and educators were very much of the opinion that homosexuality was an abnormality --- an outward manifestation of a dysfunctional individual.

Scientific Racism

horse shit, since science has been shown to have a political agenda leave your bullshit science links at the door. global warming? bull shit.
A gay woman had as much "right" to marry a man as any heterosexual woman. A gay man had as much "right" to marry a woman as any heterosexual man..

Idiots like you wanted SPECIAL rights. It really is that simple and no amount of your bullshit will change that reality.

Failed argument they tried in 1965.

I don't want to marry a man. I'm not in love with a man.

Exactly - hence the reason you wanted SPECIAL rights

Puppy, you realize that's nobody would be stopping you from marry a man, rendering your "special" argument moot.

Well, considering that marriage is 1 man and 1 woman, you are making SPECIAL rights for me to marry a man.

By the way, are you prepared to support a man and 12 women? Are you prepared to support a man and his goat? Or are you going to be a an intolerant bigot (not to mention typical libtard hypocrite)?

Are you ignorant of history or just voluntarily choose to ignore it? What you are trying to tell gays and lesbians was once told to blacks who wanted to marry whites. They even said it wan't discriminatory because blacks could marry blacks and whites could marry whites.

Legal marriage hasn't been "one man and one woman" for a decade or more now and we've always had religious marriage.

I'm sorry Puppy, but your goat can't consent. You'll have to make due with living in sin with it. As for polygamists, well, they've got a battle ahead of them and I wish them well.

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