Do Joe Biden and Donald Trump Ever Speak Again?

Does Trump and Biden Ever Speak Again?

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Simple question. I don't think Trump has the class to properly turn over power to the man who beat him. I personally think that Trump doesn't attend Biden's swearing in.
If that’s the case, then it further demonstrates Trump’s contempt for our democratic institutions.

It also reaffirms the fact that Trump was unfit to be president and that the people were wise and justified to vote Trump out of office – correcting the mistake they made in 2016.
Trump should not go to the dog and pony show of transition. Every Democrat has said he is an illegitimate he does not need to be part of the transition of power dance.

Just let Joe take the wheel.

It would also be one last amazing troll of the dead media and liberal snowflakes.
Simple question. I don't think Trump has the class to properly turn over power to the man who beat him. I personally think that Trump doesn't attend Biden's swearing in.

This election was illegitimate. We have permanently lost our unity as a country. It's okay. The Dems and their witless puppet of an old man will not get the "peaceful transition" photo op. Trump will vacate the White House like the musty old apartment if is and return to his luxurious life in Mar-a-Lago . Ivanka Trump or Nikki Haley I guess will smash illegitimate Kamala in 2024. The best is yet to come...
Simple question. I don't think Trump has the class to properly turn over power to the man who beat him. I personally think that Trump doesn't attend Biden's swearing in.
I'll go one further and say I believe he will be having a maga rally (paid attendance of course) at the same time.
Simple question. I don't think Trump has the class to properly turn over power to the man who beat him. I personally think that Trump doesn't attend Biden's swearing in.
Of course Pres.Trump will attend Biden's swearing in ceremony. ... :cool:
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Simple question. I don't think Trump has the class to properly turn over power to the man who beat him. I personally think that Trump doesn't attend Biden's swearing in.

This election was illegitimate. We have permanently lost our unity as a country. It's okay. The Dems and their witless puppet of an old man will not get the "peaceful transition" photo op. Trump will vacate the White House like the musty old apartment if is and return to his luxurious life in Mar-a-Lago . Ivanka Trump or Nikki Haley I guess will smash illegitimate Kamala in 2024. The best is yet to come...
This election was the most secure we've ever had according to all the experts.
Simple question. I don't think Trump has the class to properly turn over power to the man who beat him. I personally think that Trump doesn't attend Biden's swearing in.

I agree that President Trump will not take the traditional ride with the in-coming President to the Capitol.

I am guessing that both men realize that the mob, uh, the crowd at the Inauguration would become enraged if they saw President Trump and might rush the steps of the Capitol to seize him.

I guess that President Trump will be in Florida watching the Inauguration on TV. Poor dude! Bless his little heart. Hope that President Biden -- who says that he wants to unite this tortured nation -- will pass the word to that vicious Attorney General of New York state to stop persecuting the former President. (Of course, we all realize why she "dislikes" him so much.)
Simple question. I don't think Trump has the class to properly turn over power to the man who beat him. I personally think that Trump doesn't attend Biden's swearing in.
I'll go one further and say I believe he will be having a maga rally (paid attendance of course) at the same time.

Probably true.
And what's more, the orange lipped faithful will be here right afterwards bragging about how much bigger tRumps superspreader event was.
Biden doesn't deserve any amount of courtesy from the President.
The media ran cover for him and his criminal son Hunter and their shady dealings in Ukraine and China, while falsely accusing and attacking the president about any little thing they could muster up. Biden has repeatedly lied about the phony Russia investigation, the unmasking of General Flynn and the fake media covers that up.

Biden knows the only way he wins this election is through fraud by election officials, which the public will soon be fully aware of. If he gets to the White House, he will literally be a fake president.

President Trump has no reason to 'act classy' about any of it, and should Biden manage to cheat his way in, no Trump should not attend the fake inauguration.

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