Do Liberals Realize that Trump Is Only Asking for $57 out of $44,000 to Fund the Border Barrier?

Does anyone realize that the freaking hypocrites voted for it before they voted against it?
Thank God we finally have a leader willing to stand up for his promises.

He promised to have Mexico pay for it

$5b spread across US taxpayers because of a broken campaign promise compared to a other campaign promise where taxpayers were told they could keep their health plan AND it would be $2,500 per year less. Hmmm??? Which will hurt more?
I don't care if it's a cup of coffee & a donut......the man is not asking....he is demanding

That's the dif bewtixt a politician , and a tryant

asking didn't work.

Exactly. We said no.
Have a question that liberals seem to be unable to answer cans you?
First a few background points.
We heard liberals say minimum wage is not a living wage.
We hear automation is replacing minimum wage jobs.
Now here is the question. How do you have xplain to a McDonalds worker who lost their job why it is a good thing to have more people looking for the jobs that they are looking for and even people who are willing to do those jobs for less and maybe even under the table?

Why does that have anything to do with this subject?
You assholes cannot focus.

But since you bring it up:

We essentially have full employment in this nation at this moment. If undocumented immigrants were all deported tomorrow, our economy would tank.

Trump is asking for $5.7 billion for border barrier funding out of the $4.4 trillion federal budget. To put that in understandable terms, that is like asking for $57 out of $44,000. It is a drop in the bucket, and it is not even as much as the barrier funding that every Democrat voted for in 2013.

Fuck him. Tell him to get Mexico to pay for it like he said they would, period.
Trump is asking for $5.7 billion for border barrier funding out of the $4.4 trillion federal budget. To put that in understandable terms, that is like asking for $57 out of $44,000. It is a drop in the bucket, and it is not even as much as the barrier funding that every Democrat voted for in 2013.

Totally immaterial but I have noticed something interesting:

"Wall" is rapidly morphing into "barrier".

Why is that?
Because Pelosi says a wall is immoral. Have to make sure we don't hurt liberal feelings. Must be politically correct even at the sacrifice of truth.
But you were promised a "big, beautiful wall".

And why are we fighting about it anyway?

Mexico was gonna pay for it.
Since Perplexed Pelosi says walls are immoral we have to call it something else so we donated hurt your little feelers. We know it is a wall but very quiet we don't want you to know. No one but liberals are fighting over it. So other then liberals are crazy I have no idea why anyone would fight over it.
I don't care if it's a cup of coffee & a donut......the man is not asking....he is demanding

That's the dif bewtixt a politician , and a tryant

asking didn't work.

Exactly. We said no.
Have a question that liberals seem to be unable to answer cans you?
First a few background points.
We heard liberals say minimum wage is not a living wage.
We hear automation is replacing minimum wage jobs.
Now here is the question. How do you have xplain to a McDonalds worker who lost their job why it is a good thing to have more people looking for the jobs that they are looking for and even people who are willing to do those jobs for less and maybe even under the table?

Why does that have anything to do with this subject?
You assholes cannot focus.

But since you bring it up:

We essentially have full employment in this nation at this moment. If undocumented immigrants were all deported tomorrow, our economy would tank.

But you idiots tell everyone that 44 is doing such a good job with the economy it can't possibly tank.

So you are saying that there is no one on unemployment or welfare. Damn that's good to know. Looks like the Dems can use that money to pay for the wall.

So I guess that Dems have been lying all this time and we need the illegals to keep wages low. Got it.

Thanks for showing that Dems lie all the time.
Trump's government shutdown in order to get funding for his wall is BLACKMAIL!

Congress should NEVER give into BLACKMAIL!

For the same reason that you don't negotiate with terrorist or kidnappers!


First open the government, then negotiate immigration issues.

The only valid reason for EVER shutting down the government is if there is a fiscal crisis.

Let the merits of the wall stand for itself.

That's all there is to it.
Trump's government shutdown in order to get funding for his wall is BLACKMAIL!

Congress should NEVER give into BLACKMAIL!

For the same reason that you don't negotiate with terrorist or kidnappers!


First open the government, then negotiate immigration issues.

The only valid reason for EVER shutting down the government is if there is a fiscal crisis.

Let the merits of the wall stand for itself.

That's all there is to it.
Trump is asking for $5.7 billion for border barrier funding out of the $4.4 trillion federal budget. To put that in understandable terms, that is like asking for $57 out of $44,000. It is a drop in the bucket, and it is not even as much as the barrier funding that every Democrat voted for in 2013.

Who cares. He already has said that the Mexican government is going to foot the bill.
Trump is asking for $5.7 billion for border barrier funding out of the $4.4 trillion federal budget. To put that in understandable terms, that is like asking for $57 out of $44,000. It is a drop in the bucket, and it is not even as much as the barrier funding that every Democrat voted for in 2013.

Trump shut down our government over $57
Trump is asking for $5.7 billion for border barrier funding out of the $4.4 trillion federal budget. To put that in understandable terms, that is like asking for $57 out of $44,000. It is a drop in the bucket, and it is not even as much as the barrier funding that every Democrat voted for in 2013.

Wow, steller Logic. Should Dems use the same argument when they need 5 billion for a program that Republican don’t support?
I don't care if it's a cup of coffee & a donut......the man is not asking....he is demanding

That's the dif bewtixt a politician , and a tryant

No, bitch.


WE are demanding it. Understand, buttfuck?

And WE don't guve a RAT FUCK how long the useless, wasteful FedZilla government has to stay shut down to do it.

The wall has no downside?........but a small price tag. Why pick this issue to go bezerk over? Presidential Winner says build it. So it shall be.
I don't care if it's a cup of coffee & a donut......the man is not asking....he is demanding

That's the dif bewtixt a politician , and a tryant~S~

Using that logic, Schumer and Pelosi are demanding that Trump reopen the government without getting funding to complete the border barrier. So are they tyrants too? Or are only Republicans tyrants when they "demand" things? I guess you missed Trump's speech where he offered a 3-year extension for hundreds of thousands of DACA kids in exchange for barrier funding.

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