Do Masks Work?

My entire post for you to reply to:

I said facts and if you're listening to people, almost all of them not qualified to determine if masks or vaccines work and just lazily relying on pseudo-science belched into your head by the right wing echo chamber is that really freewill or just you being predictable?
Why should I reply? I don’t agree and you have no facts
Why should I reply? I don’t agree and you have no facts
About masks and vaccines? They've been posted all over this board, they are all over the internet but you won't even bother to entertain yourself with them because you can't think outside your wingnut bubble and instead will listen to virtually anybody who is not qualified as long as they 1. fit in that bubble, 2. make you feel like you have freewill because they tell you everyone else are sheep. You didn't invent that thought, it was given to you.
Then why are there criminals?

I keep forgetting how I have to lower the bar.

I'm referring to you following rules set by society and you don't even question them. However If the wingnut echo chamber told you that you have the right to go to McDonalds shirtless you'd probably believe it without hesitancy.
What about them? Masks don’t stop viruses fact!
Vaccine isn’t working fact! So facts are on my side, so you need to agree with me! Right?
Again, dipshit, my entire post:

About masks and vaccines? They've been posted all over this board, they are all over the internet but you won't even bother to entertain yourself with them because you can't think outside your wingnut bubble and instead will listen to virtually anybody who is not qualified as long as they 1. fit in that bubble, 2. make you feel like you have freewill because they tell you everyone else are sheep. You didn't invent that thought, it was given to you.

Thanks for demonstrating my point.
I'm not responding to everyone, so I'll just put this out there.

Yes, masks work. They work a lot. All but the crackpottiest of loons agree.

The cheap masks are better than nothing to keep you from breathing it in, but that is not what they're made for. The N95's and masks with filters and so on are better at that, but the main purpose of masks are to keep you from passing it on to other people.

One of the biggest problem with Covid from the start is how many asymptomatic people can have it but not know it. That means you, the reader, every one of you, could have no idea that it is coursing through your system right now. The masks are there mostly to stop your nasty droplets and aerosols and whatever potentially-Covid-ridden explusions spew out of you from getting to other people.

Think of them as if we were all walking around, pissing on each other. I can get some protection by wearing pants, but the best way to keep your piss from getting on my leg is for you to wear them. It works like that.

Outdoors, it's usually no big deal. In many shops, no worries. But it's not hard to buy a package of decent masks off of Amazon and keep one in your pocket. If there's a sign on the door or if your Governor or Mayor has used their legal powers to set a ban, then just wear the mask. You and your God-given rights will be just fine.
Long story short, the answer is no.

"In sum, of the 14 RCTs that have tested the effectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, three suggest, but do not provide any statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis, that masks might be useful. The other eleven suggest that masks are either useless—whether compared with no masks or because they appear not to add to good hand hygiene alone—or actually counterproductive. Of the three studies that provided statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis that was not contradicted within the same study, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than hand hygiene alone, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than nothing, and one found that cloth masks were less effective than surgical masks."

I keep forgetting how I have to lower the bar.

I'm referring to you following rules set by society and you don't even question them. However If the wingnut echo chamber told you that you have the right to go to McDonalds shirtless you'd probably believe it without hesitancy.
Didn’t society create laws? What’s the difference that you didn’t answer?
Again, dipshit, my entire post:

About masks and vaccines? They've been posted all over this board, they are all over the internet but you won't even bother to entertain yourself with them because you can't think outside your wingnut bubble and instead will listen to virtually anybody who is not qualified as long as they 1. fit in that bubble, 2. make you feel like you have freewill because they tell you everyone else are sheep. You didn't invent that thought, it was given to you.

Thanks for demonstrating my point.
Accept you have no evidence
Didn’t society create laws? What’s the difference that you didn’t answer?
You're told to wear shoes, you wear shoes. If a restaurant requires a suit and tie, you wear a suit and tie or in your case you just don't go. God forbid an establishment requires a mask....well, you probably wear that as well.
I'm not responding to everyone, so I'll just put this out there.

Yes, masks work. They work a lot. All but the crackpottiest of loons agree.

The cheap masks are better than nothing to keep you from breathing it in, but that is not what they're made for. The N95's and masks with filters and so on are better at that, but the main purpose of masks are to keep you from passing it on to other people.

One of the biggest problem with Covid from the start is how many asymptomatic people can have it but not know it. That means you, the reader, every one of you, could have no idea that it is coursing through your system right now. The masks are there mostly to stop your nasty droplets and aerosols and whatever potentially-Covid-ridden explusions spew out of you from getting to other people.

Think of them as if we were all walking around, pissing on each other. I can get some protection by wearing pants, but the best way to keep your piss from getting on my leg is for you to wear them. It works like that.

Outdoors, it's usually no big deal. In many shops, no worries. But it's not hard to buy a package of decent masks off of Amazon and keep one in your pocket. If there's a sign on the door or if your Governor or Mayor has used their legal powers to set a ban, then just wear the mask. You and your God-given rights will be just fine.
You're told to wear shoes, you wear shoes. If a restaurant requires a suit and tie, you wear a suit and tie or in your case you just don't go. God forbid an establishment requires a mask....well, you probably wear that as well.
Again, you didn’t answer, so I’ll take that as your surrender
You're article is from March of 2020 when it wasn't yet known how contagious COVID was.

This is how brainwashed you are. You belive what the WHO said in February and March of 2020 only because that tracks with the wingnut cabal but won't listen to what the WHO is saying today. That's not free will, that's being lead by the nose by wingnut propaganda.
The best defense is staying home as much as possible, staying 6 feet away from other people, and masks help also. People have been covering there mouth & nose when confronted with anything air born. check out hospitals, fire dept, any place where chemicals are in the air. We use to carry hankies to cover our cough or put our hand over our mouth to not spread our germs. Nothing is a guarantee. Making an effort if nothing else is the polite thing to do. To many dead people wish you had.

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