Do Masks Work?

I know you cannot. If you could you would. If the CDC could they very certainly would.
Don't forget the other professional medical societies i listed. Yep, all lying, just to hopefully control a bunch of idiot rednecks. Seems legit. You sound smart.
And according to posting rules, when you attribute a statement to an individual or entity you are supposed to post a link to the source material, so the reader can get context for the statement
Then report me, crybaby. Nobody spoonfed me the info. And i certainly am not doing the exercise of spoonfeeding it to you so that your dumb ass can shit on it. What a waste of time that would be. I could source it all, and you would still be an uneducated slob who thinks he has outsmarted professional medical societies because he read some white wing blogs.
I know when you're out of ammo when the childish insults flow and you start on someone's grammar. They fall for it every time. It don't care if you can read Chinese sign language in reverse, you're still a dickhead.
You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican with trump defeat syndrome.
It doesn't matter if he is senile, he's the president and that's good enough a reason for me to keep reminding you of it.
So keep going if you like but check my spelling as we go please. I wouldn't dare interfere with the blood flow to your atrophied brain and strain it any further.

I know when you're out of ammo when the childish insults flow
Projecting much. :laughing0301:

Then report me, crybaby. Nobody spoonfed me the info. And i certainly am not doing the exercise of spoonfeeding it to you so that your dumb ass can shit on it. What a waste of time that would be. I could source it all, and you would still be an uneducated slob who thinks he has outsmarted professional medical societies because he read some white wing blogs.

So you just pulled it out of you commie ass. GOT IT!!!!!!!! :laughing0301:

Long story short, the answer is no.

"In sum, of the 14 RCTs that have tested the effectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, three suggest, but do not provide any statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis, that masks might be useful. The other eleven suggest that masks are either useless—whether compared with no masks or because they appear not to add to good hand hygiene alone—or actually counterproductive. Of the three studies that provided statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis that was not contradicted within the same study, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than hand hygiene alone, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than nothing, and one found that cloth masks were less effective than surgical masks."

Masks have no scientific findings to show they work.
That article is from March of 2020. A lot of questions have been answered since, and in fact your EXACT SAME SOURCE just printed this just a few weeks ago.

"Masks help stop the spread of the coronavirus. They're a literal layer between you and any virus in the air and can help prevent infection."

That article is from March of 2020. A lot of questions have been answered since, and in fact your EXACT SAME SOURCE just printed this just a few weeks ago.

"Masks help stop the spread of the coronavirus. They're a literal layer between you and any virus in the air and can help prevent infection."

No, masks were fking never designed to stop viruses!! Ever
The appeal to authority is strong with this one.
That's right! Being a non scientist who has done no research, I generally defer to the experts, not idiots on youtube or on message boards. You choose a different path. That is very stupid, of course. Maybe this will help you realize the stupidity of your ways: Notice how you ONLY do this when the experts don't agree with your silly fantasies and political fetishes?

You trust the experts... right up until they contradict your fetishes and fantasies and what you WANT to be true,.. Then, suddenly, trusting the experts is "appeal to authority". A silly con... you are conning yourself, making it even easier for the con artists.
That isn't evidence. It's a poster. One specialist observed people for 10 years? Oh my, thus the global scientific community are hacks? Give me a break. If anything, you just posted an excellent reason not to believe rogue morons who write articles like the one that made you start a thread.

Guess how we learned cigarettes are harmful? Actual, good science. The idea that masks slow transmission of viruses carried in droplets is not and never will be in dispute. Ever. Enjoy the snake oil parade.
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Don't forget the other professional medical societies i listed. Yep, all lying, just to hopefully control a bunch of idiot rednecks. Seems legit. You sound smart.

I never said any of them were lying. None, however, has produced a study with proper controls, which is what I said. Observational glop is not not that. Models are not that.
Projecting much. :laughing0301:


There again is exactly what I'm saying and you don't have the smarts to realise it.
You're out of ammo so the temptation to have another swing is to great so you do it again.
You're not real smart.
There again is exactly what I'm saying and you don't have the smarts to realise it.
You're out of ammo so the temptation to have another swing is to great so you do it again.
You're not real smart.
Projecting says it all!
There again is exactly what I'm saying and you don't have the smarts to realise it.
You're out of ammo so the temptation to have another swing is to great so you do it again.
You're not real smart.

I guess you can't see the irony of using childish name calling to accuse me of childish name calling. Of course you being a retarded foreign commie, you've proven there are many things that are beyond you. Perhaps you should move back to the slums of London.


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