Do Masks Work?

Actually, those professional scientific societies made those claims. But you are free to go tell them they are wrong and that they have been outsmarted hy an educated slob.

And according to posting rules, when you attribute a statement to an individual or entity you are supposed to post a link to the source material, so the reader can get context for the statement. Like if I post xyz thinks you're a shithead commie, I would need to post a link to xyz actually saying that. That's called backing it up. You're just not very smart, are ya?

Hmm, no, i will call out this selfish, unethical, immoral behavior when and where i feel.
And we will laugh at you each and every time Karen.

For me, masks work incredibly well. Especially when worn by the.likes of Maxine Waters and Wendy Williams.

We've had almost none of the usual problems with our regular seasonal flu, this year. Some of the medical folks have suggested it is because of all the care we're taking with masking, washing hands, and social distancing. Maybe they're right.

I'll listen to doctors and scientists rather than political crackpots like Marjorie Taylor Greene and her ilk.
Are you senile as well? xiden is senile and he keeps rattling on and repeating himself, like you just did. Yeah, and I'm ignorant enough to know the word "don't" has an apostrophe in it. So carry on oh senile commie, I'm sure you'll be forgetting much more than apostrophes in the near future. ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know when you're out of ammo when the childish insults flow and you start on someone's grammar. They fall for it every time. It don't care if you can read Chinese sign language in reverse, you're still a dickhead.
You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican with trump defeat syndrome.
It doesn't matter if he is senile, he's the president and that's good enough a reason for me to keep reminding you of it.
So keep going if you like but check my spelling as we go please. I wouldn't dare interfere with the blood flow to your atrophied brain and strain it any further.
There’s no irony, just you upset I have free will

We all have free will in trusting science or not. Every time someone decides to commit suicide, take drugs or murders someone technically is practicing free will.
We all have free will in trusting science or not. Every time someone decides to commit suicide, take drugs or murders someone technically is practicing free will.
Wow! :clap::sad:

then why are you interfering in it?
I'm pointing out that just baselessly claiming "free will" doesn't mean a whole lot. When you stop picking your nose give it a thought.
It’s liberty and what the country is! You just think you can yell mandate and wash your hands! Nope!

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