Do Masks Work?

Not surprised you can't read.

Covid mania
You mean concern for a virus that has killed well over six hundred thousand Americans in less than two years...and is gaining strength?
You mean concern for a virus that has killed well over six hundred thousand Americans in less than two years...and is gaining strength?


See what I mean.

Covid mania......

Hey nutter, from the source your link uses:

AMA survey shows over 96% of doctors fully vaccinated against COVID-19​

AMA is a serious, non-partisan MEDICAL organization.

On the other hand - The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a conservative non-profit association that promotes medical disinformation, such as HIV/AIDS denialism, the abortion-breast cancer hypothesis, vaccine and autism connections, and homosexuality reducing life expectancy.

Their survey is of the nutbags that read their tripe.
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None of these sources are reliable. They range from blogs to outright disinformation sites.

Just take the first one. It is from the conservative Liberty Loft who says that VAERS says that 3848 deaths are due to the vaccine. As evidence, they point to Vaccine Impact (a subsidiary of a tropical coconut advocacy site) who says the same. As evidence, Vaccine Impact points to the CDC, which ... doesn't say that. The CDC says that VAERS shows that 3848 people have died after having gotten the vaccine, but says specifically that nothing shows that they died FROM the vaccine. Vaccine Impact made up the part about the virus causing the deaths, and Liberty Loft agreed with it because their existence relies on pro-right-wing news, and saying that the vaccine sucks (for whatever reason) appeals to conservatives. That's just the first one on your list of links.

After that, we get some sites from outside the country, a few Michael Savage blogs, and links to other places I'm too tired to dissect, with names such as The Burning Platform, The Liberty Ledger, and Christianity Today. These are not reliable sources.
N95's can reduce exposure.

Do not buy into the HYPE ...

On either side ...

You think that's the question?

Do masks work? I mean not the ones anyone wears. Ones that no one is wearing and if you did you can't breathe. And it's summer, you'll be hot has hell. You can't do anything strenuous in them, you'd pass out. Do those masks work?

That's seriously what you thought the question was?

Tell you what...the next time you or anyone you love has surgery...insist nobody wears a mask. Ok?

Are they 100% effective? No. You do a better job of protecting yourself with proper PPE than you do without.

Another total moron who thinks the question is about medical masks that no one is wearing, not the ones we are. So you seriously believe everyone is wearing masks that you LITERALLY WEAR IN SURGURY? That's the question? No, it isn't, fucking moron.

How stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid?
Just as I described.

We can't be 100% perfectly effective, so there's no reason to try at all.


Masks don't work, it isn't about trying.

And here's how trying works.

I want to wear a mask to "try."

Here's how it doesn't work.

I am going to force YOU to wear a mask.

That isn't trying, that's you being a fascist

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