Do Not Speak Out Against BLM!!

Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

What crisis?

The systemic racism that has been going on since the beginning of the country and we hopefully, finally reconcile with it. I know, everything is hunky-dory to you and you probably thought Song of the South was a documentary. Maybe you should listen to some black people tell you their story. And I don't mean for you to cherry pick someone who is making money and branding themselves as a token conservative. I mean real people.

The only systemic racism in this country is in the democrat party.....but you guys don't want to deal with that........

If this country had systemic racism, Black Americans would be in a world of hurt......9 killings by police in a country of over 320 million people would be nothing if there was systemic racism...

If you want to understand what real persecution looks like look at how the socialists dealt with Jewish people in Germany.....or the marxists with their victims...

The United States is the least racist country in the world.....what we have are race hustling poverty pimps using racism as a sword and shield to gain money and power.......

Neat. Still can't keep it on the ground, can you? Instead you can't be bothered to listen or talk to someone who has a different perspective than you. Instead it's this weird commie/marxist shit that nobody cares about anymore.

Moron...the 3 founders of black lives matter stated they are trained marxists.........they don't care about black lives....they simply use racism to achieve their goals.......

That you think BLM doesn't care about race is strictly your interpretation. Do black lives matter? Yes. They say it, you can't.

The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about 0black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
Well no shit. BLM was founded to fight for police reform, moron. That is their stated mission. Your misunderstanding of their cause is not their problem. It's yours, dope.

They are nothing but an extension of your commie party who are too uncivilized to live in a civilized world. The police don't need reform, BLM needs to learn about authority in this country. They need to realize that police do things for a reason, and the only way to stop blacks getting killed by police is to disable them. The only way to disable the police is to follow their instructions to a tee, just like we Republicans do.

So, if you don't obey every order by the police to the letter you should be dead? I haven't. I've had long drawn out arguments with the cops, they listen to me, they will attempt to calm the situation down. Haven't been put in a choke hold or tazered yet, not even threatened with it.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493

If (and it's kind of an unknown) support keeps up like this I see a definitive break in the Republican party.
Or you will lose your job

How is that for freedom of speech?
How is that for freedom of speech?
Speech has always had consequences.
Grow up.
So you endorse censoring speech like Brown shirts?
So you endorse censoring speech like Brown shirts?
No one was censored. He was terminated because he was stupid and has yet to understand that employers don't want that shit representing their business.

Try badmouthing your boss and see where your 1st amd rights get you.

Grow up.

Again which is why Kap is history.
Again which is why Kap is history.
Does posting it more than once help?
I already agreed with you, dope.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.
Or you will lose your job

How is that for freedom of speech?
How is that for freedom of speech?
Speech has always had consequences.
Grow up.
So you endorse censoring speech like Brown shirts?
So you endorse censoring speech like Brown shirts?
No one was censored. He was terminated because he was stupid and has yet to understand that employers don't want that shit representing their business.

Try badmouthing your boss and see where your 1st amd rights get you.

Grow up.

Again which is why Kap is history.
Again which is why Kap is history.
Does posting it more than once help?
I already agreed with you, dope.

Take a look at the time stamp dope, it was posted before you said a word.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.

If you consume news that only shows rioting then you're an idiot and it's completely your fault that you so willfully dupe yourself.
Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

What crisis?

The systemic racism that has been going on since the beginning of the country and we hopefully, finally reconcile with it. I know, everything is hunky-dory to you and you probably thought Song of the South was a documentary. Maybe you should listen to some black people tell you their story. And I don't mean for you to cherry pick someone who is making money and branding themselves as a token conservative. I mean real people.

The only systemic racism in this country is in the democrat party.....but you guys don't want to deal with that........

If this country had systemic racism, Black Americans would be in a world of hurt......9 killings by police in a country of over 320 million people would be nothing if there was systemic racism...

If you want to understand what real persecution looks like look at how the socialists dealt with Jewish people in Germany.....or the marxists with their victims...

The United States is the least racist country in the world.....what we have are race hustling poverty pimps using racism as a sword and shield to gain money and power.......

Neat. Still can't keep it on the ground, can you? Instead you can't be bothered to listen or talk to someone who has a different perspective than you. Instead it's this weird commie/marxist shit that nobody cares about anymore.

Moron...the 3 founders of black lives matter stated they are trained marxists.........they don't care about black lives....they simply use racism to achieve their goals.......

That you think BLM doesn't care about race is strictly your interpretation. Do black lives matter? Yes. They say it, you can't.

The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about 0black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
Well no shit. BLM was founded to fight for police reform, moron. That is their stated mission. Your misunderstanding of their cause is not their problem. It's yours, dope.

They are nothing but an extension of your commie party who are too uncivilized to live in a civilized world. The police don't need reform, BLM needs to learn about authority in this country. They need to realize that police do things for a reason, and the only way to stop blacks getting killed by police is to disable them. The only way to disable the police is to follow their instructions to a tee, just like we Republicans do.
They are nothing but an extension of your commie party who are too uncivilized to live in a civilized world. The police don't need reform, BLM needs to learn about authority in this country. They need to realize that police do things for a reason, and the only way to stop blacks getting killed by police is to disable them. The only way to disable the police is to follow their instructions to a tee, just like we Republicans do
Wake up, dope. Everyone thinks the police need reform. The "republicans" are working on police reform.
Mac this has zero to do with Donald Trump or Donald Trump supporters, your Trump Derangement Syndrome is now critical. Also my opinion is that if anyone burns the flag of their nation they should be punished.

My gut wants to agree with you but burning a flag is a free speech issue.

I agrre,many have fought for their "Right" to be able to burn that flag. Those who did it were buoyed by the sight of it in some tough situations.

My Ol' Man was with Patton's Third Army when they reversed course to break the Nazis surrounding Bastogne, Germany. He left his left leg there in Germany.
Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

What crisis?

The systemic racism that has been going on since the beginning of the country and we hopefully, finally reconcile with it. I know, everything is hunky-dory to you and you probably thought Song of the South was a documentary. Maybe you should listen to some black people tell you their story. And I don't mean for you to cherry pick someone who is making money and branding themselves as a token conservative. I mean real people.

The only systemic racism in this country is in the democrat party.....but you guys don't want to deal with that........

If this country had systemic racism, Black Americans would be in a world of hurt......9 killings by police in a country of over 320 million people would be nothing if there was systemic racism...

If you want to understand what real persecution looks like look at how the socialists dealt with Jewish people in Germany.....or the marxists with their victims...

The United States is the least racist country in the world.....what we have are race hustling poverty pimps using racism as a sword and shield to gain money and power.......

Neat. Still can't keep it on the ground, can you? Instead you can't be bothered to listen or talk to someone who has a different perspective than you. Instead it's this weird commie/marxist shit that nobody cares about anymore.

Moron...the 3 founders of black lives matter stated they are trained marxists.........they don't care about black lives....they simply use racism to achieve their goals.......

That you think BLM doesn't care about race is strictly your interpretation. Do black lives matter? Yes. They say it, you can't.

The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about 0black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
Well no shit. BLM was founded to fight for police reform, moron. That is their stated mission. Your misunderstanding of their cause is not their problem. It's yours, dope.

They are nothing but an extension of your commie party who are too uncivilized to live in a civilized world. The police don't need reform, BLM needs to learn about authority in this country. They need to realize that police do things for a reason, and the only way to stop blacks getting killed by police is to disable them. The only way to disable the police is to follow their instructions to a tee, just like we Republicans do.
Ray, again, a simple philosophy, you wish respect you must first give respect. Respect begets respect. It's a lesson that demofks fear the most. It's honorable and rational. And they are neither.
Or you will lose your job

How is that for freedom of speech?
How is that for freedom of speech?
Speech has always had consequences.
Grow up.

Yup and that's hy Kapernick no longer plays for the 49'ers
Yup and that's hy Kapernick no longer plays for the 49'ers
Sure. Also why minds are changing.

Don't care.
Don't care.
Sure you do. It burns your ass bigtime.
Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

What crisis?

The systemic racism that has been going on since the beginning of the country and we hopefully, finally reconcile with it. I know, everything is hunky-dory to you and you probably thought Song of the South was a documentary. Maybe you should listen to some black people tell you their story. And I don't mean for you to cherry pick someone who is making money and branding themselves as a token conservative. I mean real people.

The only systemic racism in this country is in the democrat party.....but you guys don't want to deal with that........

If this country had systemic racism, Black Americans would be in a world of hurt......9 killings by police in a country of over 320 million people would be nothing if there was systemic racism...

If you want to understand what real persecution looks like look at how the socialists dealt with Jewish people in Germany.....or the marxists with their victims...

The United States is the least racist country in the world.....what we have are race hustling poverty pimps using racism as a sword and shield to gain money and power.......

Neat. Still can't keep it on the ground, can you? Instead you can't be bothered to listen or talk to someone who has a different perspective than you. Instead it's this weird commie/marxist shit that nobody cares about anymore.

Moron...the 3 founders of black lives matter stated they are trained marxists.........they don't care about black lives....they simply use racism to achieve their goals.......

That you think BLM doesn't care about race is strictly your interpretation. Do black lives matter? Yes. They say it, you can't.

The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
The problem is black lives only matter when one is lost to a white police officer. Other than that, they could care less about 0black lives. 106 people were shot in Chicago over Fathers day weekend, most of whom were black. Ten deaths, one a 3 year old boy, and where are the protests of black lives?
Well no shit. BLM was founded to fight for police reform, moron. That is their stated mission. Your misunderstanding of their cause is not their problem. It's yours, dope.

They are nothing but an extension of your commie party who are too uncivilized to live in a civilized world. The police don't need reform, BLM needs to learn about authority in this country. They need to realize that police do things for a reason, and the only way to stop blacks getting killed by police is to disable them. The only way to disable the police is to follow their instructions to a tee, just like we Republicans do.
They are nothing but an extension of your commie party who are too uncivilized to live in a civilized world. The police don't need reform, BLM needs to learn about authority in this country. They need to realize that police do things for a reason, and the only way to stop blacks getting killed by police is to disable them. The only way to disable the police is to follow their instructions to a tee, just like we Republicans do
Wake up, dope. Everyone thinks the police need reform. The "republicans" are working on police reform.
for fk sake.
Or you will lose your job

How is that for freedom of speech?
How is that for freedom of speech?
Speech has always had consequences.
Grow up.

Yup and that's hy Kapernick no longer plays for the 49'ers
Yup and that's hy Kapernick no longer plays for the 49'ers
Sure. Also why minds are changing.

Don't care.
Don't care.
Sure you do. It burns your ass bigtime.
he won't have a league do to that thinking. it's why he folded the first time. you forget. or, you're just stupid as always.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
again, why don't they care about chiraq's black lives? can't be hypocritical and think you're making a point. no, 70% don't believe in black lives matter, they believe all lives matter. to say otherwise is racist.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.

If you consume news that only shows rioting then you're an idiot and it's completely your fault that you so willfully dupe yourself.

I consume all news honey, I am in no way duped. They are in the news today for the illegal things they are doing, I get it, you don't like that truth but it is what it is. You need to come to terms with their lawlessness
Last edited:
Mac this has zero to do with Donald Trump or Donald Trump supporters, your Trump Derangement Syndrome is now critical. Also my opinion is that if anyone burns the flag of their nation they should be punished.

My gut wants to agree with you but burning a flag is a free speech issue.

I agrre,many have fought for their "Right" to be able to burn that flag. Those who did it were buoyed by the sight of it in some tough situations.

My Ol' Man was with Patton's Third Army when they reversed course to break the Nazis surrounding Bastogne, Germany. He left his left leg there in Germany.
there are consequences to such things. Ask Kaperneck. They can burn all the flags they want, they will make no friends to those who love this country. That is and will always be the consequence of such and action. Rick Monday, still the biggest Patriot I have ever seen. I was no Cub or Dodger fan, but for him, he remains in my thoughts still today for his heroics. One freedom attempted to take another's and Rick Monday was there.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.

If you consume news that only shows rioting then you're an idiot and it's completely your fault that you so willfully dupe yourself.

I consume all news honey, I am in no way duped. They are in the news today for the illegal thungs they are doing, I get it, you don't like that truth but it is what it is. You need to come to terms with their lawlessness
they forget they live in a democratic republic that has laws, laws voted into affect by the people by voting. No one gets to supercede that right from others.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.
Why do you believe that every looter is somehow affiliated with BLM? Who is BLM anyway? Does BLM endorse looting and destruction?
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.

If you consume news that only shows rioting then you're an idiot and it's completely your fault that you so willfully dupe yourself.
so you're saying rioting and looting didn't happen?
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.
Why do you believe that every looter is somehow affiliated with BLM? Who is BLM anyway? Does BLM endorse looting and destruction?
they didn't walk away when it was happening so yes they do. Their inaction was their action. Just another truth a leftist can't deal with.

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