Do Not Speak Out Against BLM!!

I don't know anything about the guy, but the reason he was fired was LISTENERS. It was a business decision. You think a lot of black people listen to the basketball games? Yeah, they do. What message does "All Lives Matter" send to them? It doesn't matter what it means to you. It matters what it means to them. They're not going to listen to radio station announcer who tells blacks to fuck off.

So you are saying here that all blacks are racists who cannot tolerate an egalitarian viewpoint and so any person who promotes a view that holds all people as equal should be punished.

Got it.
Quit putting words in my mouth--your favorite dishonest tactic.

I said what I said and I think a 4th grader could probably understand it. You sure as hell didn't.
They don't understand what Black LIves Matter means because they are too busy trying to redirect its meaning.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
You're an idiot; people are actually being fired for expressing that "All Lives Matter"
And I address that later in the thread, pointing out that the Regressive Left is clearly worse in this area.

Calm down. Have a cookie.
I reversed engineered this Thread and apparently whoever read that post still thinks you're an idiot.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Yeah it is all the same... :rolleyes:
I don't know what has happened to you, but you suffer from TDS. And you certainly didn't before.
Not one single person has been fired for burning a flag or talking about burning a flag... know why? Because no public figure has burned flags.
Trying to say these two things are the same is just stupid. And you are not stupid, so it something else.
As I clearly said earlier, the Regressive Left is much worse.

But you guys only see the parts that you didn't like. You just shut out everything else I say and lose your shit about that.

There is definitely a syndrome at work here, and it's the group pathology surrounding the man-child in the White House.

But we'll get past it. We're better than this.
Trump says stuff, the Left does stuff and still you're stupid enough to equate both.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
You're an idiot; people are actually being fired for expressing that "All Lives Matter"
And I address that later in the thread, pointing out that the Regressive Left is clearly worse in this area.

Calm down. Have a cookie.
I reversed engineered this Thread and apparently whoever read that post still thinks you're an idiot.
Good. If nutters start thinking I'm okay, I'll have to re-evaluate my positions.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Yeah it is all the same... :rolleyes:
I don't know what has happened to you, but you suffer from TDS. And you certainly didn't before.
Not one single person has been fired for burning a flag or talking about burning a flag... know why? Because no public figure has burned flags.
Trying to say these two things are the same is just stupid. And you are not stupid, so it something else.
As I clearly said earlier, the Regressive Left is much worse.

But you guys only see the parts that you didn't like. You just shut out everything else I say and lose your shit about that.

There is definitely a syndrome at work here, and it's the group pathology surrounding the man-child in the White House.

But we'll get past it. We're better than this.
Trump says stuff, the Left does stuff and still you're stupid enough to equate both.
It's not about Trump. It's about Trumpism.

You're not going to understand. Sorry.
I don't know anything about the guy, but the reason he was fired was LISTENERS. It was a business decision. You think a lot of black people listen to the basketball games? Yeah, they do. What message does "All Lives Matter" send to them? It doesn't matter what it means to you. It matters what it means to them. They're not going to listen to radio station announcer who tells blacks to fuck off.

So you are saying here that all blacks are racists who cannot tolerate an egalitarian viewpoint and so any person who promotes a view that holds all people as equal should be punished.

Got it.
Quit putting words in my mouth--your favorite dishonest tactic.

I said what I said and I think a 4th grader could probably understand it. You sure as hell didn't.
They don't understand what Black LIves Matter means because they are too busy trying to redirect its meaning.
My son did the polls yesterday with a guy from the Dominican Republic who lives in a mixed minority area that has a large contingent of Africans; the guy from the DR says all they do all night is party.
Just like they did when I lived in the 1970s in East New York.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
You're an idiot; people are actually being fired for expressing that "All Lives Matter"
And I address that later in the thread, pointing out that the Regressive Left is clearly worse in this area.

Calm down. Have a cookie.
I reversed engineered this Thread and apparently whoever read that post still thinks you're an idiot.
Good. If nutters start thinking I'm okay, I'll have to re-evaluate my positions.
You just ranted what the insane guy in most thrillers rants before he gets what's coming to him.
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...
Then you admit that the intent of black lives matter is to revolt and overthrow the government. You agree that this isn't a protest but a revolution.

This is a revolution. It is a communist revolution. I am no communist and neither were the founders of this nation.
I don't know anything about the guy, but the reason he was fired was LISTENERS. It was a business decision. You think a lot of black people listen to the basketball games? Yeah, they do. What message does "All Lives Matter" send to them? It doesn't matter what it means to you. It matters what it means to them. They're not going to listen to radio station announcer who tells blacks to fuck off.

So you are saying here that all blacks are racists who cannot tolerate an egalitarian viewpoint and so any person who promotes a view that holds all people as equal should be punished.

Got it.
Quit putting words in my mouth--your favorite dishonest tactic.

I said what I said and I think a 4th grader could probably understand it. You sure as hell didn't.
They don't understand what Black LIves Matter means because they are too busy trying to redirect its meaning.
My son did the polls yesterday with a guy from the Dominican Republic who lives in a mixed minority area that has a large contingent of Africans; the guy from the DR says all they do all night is party.
Just like they did when I lived in the 1970s in East New York.
I did party back in the 1970's in OKC like people did all over the nation and like they continue to do today.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.

Mac this has zero to do with Donald Trump or Donald Trump supporters, your Trump Derangement Syndrome is now critical. Also my opinion is that if anyone burns the flag of their nation they should be punished.
Right on cue.

No. Why would someone who is Patriotic and loves their nation want to burn the flag? They would not only those who hate their nation burn the flag. Only Traitors burn the flag.

Also as has already been commented who is getting Doxxed for burning a flag? Nobody is.

BLM are a Militant Marxist organisation who's members are a combination of Racist Black Supremacists and CRIMINALS and DECENT Americans who are AGAINST them are losing their jobs. IMHO EVERYONE World Wide should be AGAINST BLM.

Having the option to burn the flag is the ultimate symbol of our freedom and why America is so great.

I, however, would never burn the flag.

I would burn a symbol of whatever is actually wrong. The ideal of America and its freedoms isn't responsible for any of the shit that is going on.

You must understand, that's why they do burn the flag. They believe all of America is wrong. They hate living in a country of law and order, they hate living in a country where government doesn't provide you everything, they hate capitalism, they hate wealthy people which we have the most of. They hate everything we stand for.

America is a nation in distress, a nation now at war with itself, the Leftists and the BLM Marxists have caused this:


American Patriots LOVE the American flag, American Leftists HATE the American flag but LOVE the China flag, you seem to be heading for Civil War v2, the fight for which one of the below flags will fly over Washington DC:

Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...
Then you admit that the intent of black lives matter is to revolt and overthrow the government. You agree that this isn't a protest but a revolution.

This is a revolution. It is a communist revolution. I am no communist and neither were the founders of this nation.
You always do seem to be unhinged enough to be the one that claims what is not.
I don't know anything about the guy, but the reason he was fired was LISTENERS. It was a business decision. You think a lot of black people listen to the basketball games? Yeah, they do. What message does "All Lives Matter" send to them? It doesn't matter what it means to you. It matters what it means to them. They're not going to listen to radio station announcer who tells blacks to fuck off.

So you are saying here that all blacks are racists who cannot tolerate an egalitarian viewpoint and so any person who promotes a view that holds all people as equal should be punished.

Got it.
Quit putting words in my mouth--your favorite dishonest tactic.

I said what I said and I think a 4th grader could probably understand it. You sure as hell didn't.
They don't understand what Black LIves Matter means because they are too busy trying to redirect its meaning.
My son did the polls yesterday with a guy from the Dominican Republic who lives in a mixed minority area that has a large contingent of Africans; the guy from the DR says all they do all night is party.
Just like they did when I lived in the 1970s in East New York.
I did party back in the 1970's in OKC like people did all over the nation and like they continue to do today.
But you mastered a craft other than collecting welfare.
Seems those who knew him understood how easy he could be set up.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
They are fascists in your minds only. Or, I could also say the same about the Right if I were so inclined. But hyperbole like that is silly to me.

Boycott those awful companies if you want.
Listen goober, we are talking about brown shirts restricting free speech via active oppression So who wants to repeal the First Amendment in regards to offensive speech? Is it the Left or right?

Currently about half of America wants to repeal the first amendment, then comes the appointed Left wing czar who will declare what is offensive and what is not.

Sounds to me like you are desperately trying to rationalize this fact, as if to say, there is no real difference between the polarized political groups.
Private industry does not have to guarantee freedom speech that is the government's job.

I agree, but where were u with Kapernick??
I have never been with Kaepernick he lives to far away.

thats cool. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere near that piece of shit. Nor the leftists that applaud him for exercising his right to free speech. When normal people disapprove of him, those same leftists say those people are against free speech, which is a retarded straw man.
As a veteran I support his right to free speech whether you approve or not.

Holy shit, you don’t get it. NO ONE IS TRYING TO TAKE HIS FREE SPEACH AWAY. With speech comes consequences. He’s an angry, America hating, tribal idiot that deserves every bit of the scrutiny he’s received and more. You guys keep pretending his case is about free speech so you can silence his critics. It won’t work.
I don't know anything about the guy, but the reason he was fired was LISTENERS. It was a business decision. You think a lot of black people listen to the basketball games? Yeah, they do. What message does "All Lives Matter" send to them? It doesn't matter what it means to you. It matters what it means to them. They're not going to listen to radio station announcer who tells blacks to fuck off.
BLM can fuck off and die!
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.

Mac this has zero to do with Donald Trump or Donald Trump supporters, your Trump Derangement Syndrome is now critical. Also my opinion is that if anyone burns the flag of their nation they should be punished.
Right on cue.

No. Why would someone who is Patriotic and loves their nation want to burn the flag? They would not only those who hate their nation burn the flag. Only Traitors burn the flag.

Also as has already been commented who is getting Doxxed for burning a flag? Nobody is.

BLM are a Militant Marxist organisation who's members are a combination of Racist Black Supremacists and CRIMINALS and DECENT Americans who are AGAINST them are losing their jobs. IMHO EVERYONE World Wide should be AGAINST BLM.

Having the option to burn the flag is the ultimate symbol of our freedom and why America is so great.

I, however, would never burn the flag.

I would burn a symbol of whatever is actually wrong. The ideal of America and its freedoms isn't responsible for any of the shit that is going on.

You must understand, that's why they do burn the flag. They believe all of America is wrong. They hate living in a country of law and order, they hate living in a country where government doesn't provide you everything, they hate capitalism, they hate wealthy people which we have the most of. They hate everything we stand for.

America is a nation in distress, a nation now at war with itself, the Leftists and the BLM Marxists have caused this:

View attachment 354441

American Patriots LOVE the American flag, American Leftists HATE the American flag but LOVE the China flag, you seem to be heading for Civil War v2, the fight for which one of the below flags will fly over Washington DC:

View attachment 354442
The only Chinese flag I have seen is in yer posts...
As a white person Black Lives Matter as a slogan doesn't speak to me and doesn't make me give thought to their message. Its obviousness is counter-productive. To catch their drift when I see BLM, my mind attaches a "2". As in Black Lives Matter Too. It definitely helps me bring to mind their message.
I don't know anything about the guy, but the reason he was fired was LISTENERS. It was a business decision. You think a lot of black people listen to the basketball games? Yeah, they do. What message does "All Lives Matter" send to them? It doesn't matter what it means to you. It matters what it means to them. They're not going to listen to radio station announcer who tells blacks to fuck off.

So you are saying here that all blacks are racists who cannot tolerate an egalitarian viewpoint and so any person who promotes a view that holds all people as equal should be punished.

Got it.
Quit putting words in my mouth--your favorite dishonest tactic.

I said what I said and I think a 4th grader could probably understand it. You sure as hell didn't.
They don't understand what Black LIves Matter means because they are too busy trying to redirect its meaning.
Black Lives Matter is cover for Marxist revolution. That's all it is.


Skip to 1:00 in to avoid unnecessary rhetoric.
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I don't know anything about the guy, but the reason he was fired was LISTENERS. It was a business decision. You think a lot of black people listen to the basketball games? Yeah, they do. What message does "All Lives Matter" send to them? It doesn't matter what it means to you. It matters what it means to them. They're not going to listen to radio station announcer who tells blacks to fuck off.

So you are saying here that all blacks are racists who cannot tolerate an egalitarian viewpoint and so any person who promotes a view that holds all people as equal should be punished.

Got it.
Quit putting words in my mouth--your favorite dishonest tactic.

I said what I said and I think a 4th grader could probably understand it. You sure as hell didn't.
They don't understand what Black LIves Matter means because they are too busy trying to redirect its meaning.
My son did the polls yesterday with a guy from the Dominican Republic who lives in a mixed minority area that has a large contingent of Africans; the guy from the DR says all they do all night is party.
Just like they did when I lived in the 1970s in East New York.
I did party back in the 1970's in OKC like people did all over the nation and like they continue to do today.
But you mastered a craft other than collecting welfare.
I have mastered over a dozen trades and at 59 continue to smoke weed and learn new trades, because trades are easier to earn money by being self employed, being self employed allowed me to learn new trades instead of being stuck in just one trade while working for a company. I also train people and pay them while they are learning, who are losers in the system to teach them trades so they can support themselves.
Welfare is for people who need it. I don't.
You my friend must be a little man to think as such.
I don't know anything about the guy, but the reason he was fired was LISTENERS. It was a business decision. You think a lot of black people listen to the basketball games? Yeah, they do. What message does "All Lives Matter" send to them? It doesn't matter what it means to you. It matters what it means to them. They're not going to listen to radio station announcer who tells blacks to fuck off.

So you are saying here that all blacks are racists who cannot tolerate an egalitarian viewpoint and so any person who promotes a view that holds all people as equal should be punished.

Got it.
Quit putting words in my mouth--your favorite dishonest tactic.

I said what I said and I think a 4th grader could probably understand it. You sure as hell didn't.
They don't understand what Black LIves Matter means because they are too busy trying to redirect its meaning.
My son did the polls yesterday with a guy from the Dominican Republic who lives in a mixed minority area that has a large contingent of Africans; the guy from the DR says all they do all night is party.
Just like they did when I lived in the 1970s in East New York.
I did party back in the 1970's in OKC like people did all over the nation and like they continue to do today.
But you mastered a craft other than collecting welfare.
I have mastered over a dozen trades and at 59 continue to smoke weed and learn new trades, because trades are easier to earn money by being self employed, being self employed allowed me to learn new trades instead of being stuck in just one trade while working for a company. I also train people and pay them while they are learning, who are losers in the system to teach them trades so they can support themselves.
Welfare is for people who need it. I don't.
You my friend must be a little man to think as such.
You my friend must be a little man to think as such
So healthy Alphas Hood males who like to party all day long and don't want to master a trade are...what?

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