Do not vote in the upcoming Georgia senatorial elections


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
It will be a waste of time for us Republicans to go and vote in Georgia, since the Democrats control the machines and do fraud and steal elections.
Let us not waste our valuable time by voting. Let's boycott this corrupt electoral system that is filled with fraud in favor of Democrats.
Our vote will not count anyway.
Voting in Georgia would mean acknowledging that we trust the system.
And we do not.
Nah, vote, watch and thoroughly contest any hanky panky being pulled that installs NWO and Soros puppets.
It will be a waste of time for us Republicans to go and vote in Georgia, since the Democrats control the machines and do fraud and steal elections.
Let us not waste our valuable time by voting. Let's boycott this corrupt electoral system that is filled with fraud in favor of Democrats.
Our vote will not count anyway.
Voting in Georgia would mean acknowledging that we trust the system.
And we do not.
Just what I expect from a retard snowflake. Now that Democrats consider they have the Presidency 'sewn up, their full (proven election fraud) attention focused on these up-coming run-offs. Their entire leftist socialist agenda depends on controlling all 3 hoses of Govt - House, Senate, & WH. If they are able to steal the Senate they have sworn to eliminate the filibuster, pack the courts, make DC a state, and make 20+ million illegals instant citizens..... (Based on how well Trump & the GOP did with Latinos, the Democrats may want to re-think that last one)....

It's 'all or nothing' time for the Leftist Extremists....& they have proven they will do anything and everything to secure power.
Stealing this election is a one-time event..... much like muzzies using box-cutters to fly planes into buildings. It only works once. The element of surprise is gone. We can have elections at gunpoint in the future.

Have you seen any planes flying into skyscrapers recently? I know you're dumber than a floating turd, but try to figure out where I'm going with this.
A growing list of dubious and illegal election messes for anyone interested.

A growing list of dubious and illegal election messes for anyone interested.

That's correct. Tell you republican friends not to waste their times
A growing list of dubious and illegal election messes for anyone interested.

That's correct. Tell you republican friends not to waste their times

Your a disgrace, exactly what the Dim's want, abdicate your civic responsibility and turn the country over to them, screw the country and republic in the process. You have got to get a life, grow up, we may have been outorganized but really throw the baby out with the bathwater? for real?
It will be a waste of time for us Republicans to go and vote in Georgia, since the Democrats control the machines and do fraud and steal elections.
Let us not waste our valuable time by voting. Let's boycott this corrupt electoral system that is filled with fraud in favor of Democrats.
Our vote will not count anyway.
Voting in Georgia would mean acknowledging that we trust the system.
And we do not.
You are advocating coercion, bunky.
It will be a waste of time for us Republicans to go and vote in Georgia, since the Democrats control the machines and do fraud and steal elections.
Let us not waste our valuable time by voting. Let's boycott this corrupt electoral system that is filled with fraud in favor of Democrats.
Our vote will not count anyway.
Voting in Georgia would mean acknowledging that we trust the system.
And we do not.
Let see now.., that election is on the 6th, so all Georgia Republicans need to be their bright and early Wednesday the 6th of January to register their vote the those Senate races, right?
It will be a waste of time for us Republicans to go and vote in Georgia, since the Democrats control the machines and do fraud and steal elections.
Let us not waste our valuable time by voting. Let's boycott this corrupt electoral system that is filled with fraud in favor of Democrats.
Our vote will not count anyway.
Voting in Georgia would mean acknowledging that we trust the system.
And we do not.
When you are thrown t in to Hell, don’t let the gate hit you in the ass.

What a hypothetical thing of you to say.

There are going to be mobs of Republicans at the polls, after what we witnessed so stay home, you could get sick or you could die.
It will be a waste of time for us Republicans to go and vote in Georgia, since the Democrats control the machines and do fraud and steal elections.
Let us not waste our valuable time by voting. Let's boycott this corrupt electoral system that is filled with fraud in favor of Democrats.
Our vote will not count anyway.
Voting in Georgia would mean acknowledging that we trust the system.
And we do not.
Ahh man, you almost had me...if it weren't for your were almost there!
If The Fraud Investigations and Recounts give Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, Donald Trump is The President, officially. He could also win Wisconsin and Michigan back.
It will be a waste of time for us Republicans to go and vote in Georgia, since the Democrats control the machines and do fraud and steal elections.
Let us not waste our valuable time by voting. Let's boycott this corrupt electoral system that is filled with fraud in favor of Democrats.
Our vote will not count anyway.
Voting in Georgia would mean acknowledging that we trust the system.
And we do not.

You are as much of a republican as Biden's chance of making it to the end of his term before he is "asked" to retire for Kamala.

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