Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.
How do people get infected?

You're clearly gearing for a point, so you tell us. But, as you do, keep in mind that the typical N95 mask you buy at Walmart is as effective at stopping a virus as your underwear is at stopping a fart.

In any case, we're waiting...
I’m not gearing for a point, I just hear all these claims that masks are useless and I’m curious if anybody even knows how the disease is spread. Do you know?

Ahh but you're asking the wrong question. The question is - do I care?

Answer: I don't.
The virus has the highest impact in libshit areas and I really don't give a fuck if you die. You cuntlords have all but made war on America and you deserve every last batch of corona you get exposed to.
Another good example of why I'm so adamant about freedom of expression.

People need to know this is out there, and it's not a small group.

Spread it far and wide, I don't give a fuck. There was a time, in all honesty, that I thought the left and right could reconcile as crazy as it might sound. The past few weeks have taught me otherwise. You fuckwads are hell bent on destruction and there is no reasoning with you, so I stopped caring. To hell with you all. If the coronavirus mutated and turned your organs into liquid shit I'd personally host a goddamn parade. That's how much disdain I have for you *****. You aren't worth the dirt our flag waves over.
Haha, so since you lost hope that the left and right reconciling it’s now, fuck everybody let’s spread a deadly virus?!

That’s call True Colors right there folks!!

1) The virus is only deadly to a statistically insignificant fraction of the population. As it stands right now more people are killed by medical malpractice. So fucking spare me, tard.

2) Nobody is stopping you from hiding in your basement and hugging your binky to protect yourself from the big bad virus, you fucking pussy.
haha. Neither of those points answered my question.
A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.
How do people get infected?

You're clearly gearing for a point, so you tell us. But, as you do, keep in mind that the typical N95 mask you buy at Walmart is as effective at stopping a virus as your underwear is at stopping a fart.

In any case, we're waiting...
I’m not gearing for a point, I just hear all these claims that masks are useless and I’m curious if anybody even knows how the disease is spread. Do you know?

Ahh but you're asking the wrong question. The question is - do I care?

Answer: I don't.
Whether you care or not is irrelevant.
A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.
How do people get infected?

You're clearly gearing for a point, so you tell us. But, as you do, keep in mind that the typical N95 mask you buy at Walmart is as effective at stopping a virus as your underwear is at stopping a fart.

In any case, we're waiting...
I’m not gearing for a point, I just hear all these claims that masks are useless and I’m curious if anybody even knows how the disease is spread. Do you know?

Ahh but you're asking the wrong question. The question is - do I care?

Answer: I don't.
Whether you care or not is irrelevant.

Indeed. And whether I wear a mask or not is irrelevant.

Thanks for playing!
You don't "owe" me anything. I want you to be what you are.

Good. So I don't have to wear a mask to appease you.

Thanks for respecting individual liberty. Have a nice day.

Your freedom ends, where the freedom of others begins. Others have the right not to be infected from you.

Prove that I infected anyone.

What a nonsense. You will not know on our own in the first 2 days - perhaps longer - whether you are infected or not. You have to make clear that you are not a threat for others.

No seriously, go on - do it. Incubation period is up to 2 weeks.

Who is under suspicion to be contagiuous has to go into quarantaine. So if you think you are contagiuos you have to isolate yourselve. A test can make this isolation shorter.

And then take your argument and apply it to the common cold, or the flu, or the goddamn chicken pox - and then realize how fucking stupid you are.

Your duty is not to fight me nor anyonhe else - your duty is it to fight with anyone else together against Corona. My personal opinion is this: The USA has such unbelievable heavy problems, because you suffer not only Corona but also an opportunistic political disease, which supports Corona: Trumperitis. Learn to make a difference between reality and wishful thinking, without losing hope. We will win! Whoever "we" is, is not important in this context - but the loser will be in the end Corona and everyone, who supports Corona.
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You don't "owe" me anything. I want you to be what you are.

Good. So I don't have to wear a mask to appease you.

Thanks for respecting individual liberty. Have a nice day.

Your freedom ends, where the freedom of others begins. Others have the right not to be infected from you.

Prove that I infected anyone.

What a nonsense. You will not know on our own in the first 2 days - perhaps longer - whether you are infected or not. You have to make clear that you are not a threat for others.

No seriously, go on - do it. Incubation period is up to 2 weeks.

Who is under suspicion to be contagiuous has to go into quarantaine. So if you think you are contagiuos you have to isolate yourselve. A test can make this isolation shorter.

And then take your argument and apply it to the common cold, or the flu, or the goddamn chicken pox - and then realize how fucking stupid you are.

Your duty is not to fight me nor anyonhe else - your duty is it to fight with anyone else together against Corona. My personal opinion is this: The USA has such unbelievable heavy problems, because you suffer not only Corona but also an opportunistic political disease, which supports Corona: Trumperitis. Learn to make a difference between reality and wishful thinking, without losing hope. We will win! Whoever "we" is, is not important in this context - but the loser will be in the end Corona and everyone, who supports Corona.

Wow, you just went full blown political in this post, and no, we corona, gun toten, Trump supporting yahoo's will win, so nah nah nah boo booo... Rotflmbo.

Yawl try to make it sound so compassionate and caring, and then you lose it... Rotflmbo.
The virus has the highest impact in libshit areas and I really don't give a fuck if you die. You cuntlords have all but made war on America and you deserve every last batch of corona you get exposed to.
Another good example of why I'm so adamant about freedom of expression.

People need to know this is out there, and it's not a small group.
What's out there ? Are you typing from your basement ?? Maybe venture outside sometimes, Corona ain't hiding behind every bush. You'll be alright.
The virus has the highest impact in libshit areas and I really don't give a fuck if you die. You cuntlords have all but made war on America and you deserve every last batch of corona you get exposed to.
Another good example of why I'm so adamant about freedom of expression.

People need to know this is out there, and it's not a small group.
What's out there ? Are you typing from your basement ?? Maybe venture outside sometimes, Corona ain't hiding behind every bush. You'll be alright.
Trumpism. Ugly stuff.

And I'd certainly recommend that YOU get out, and talk to people who are different from you. Get to honestly and accurately understand their lives, their experiences, their perspectives.

Okay, just kidding. I know you're not allowed to do that.
A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.
But it's the optics man, the optics.... You know how they're into that kind of thing. Look at how they tried to deride Trump over the bible thing, and now they're pulling it with the mask thing. Oh and how many times have they cried about Trump not wearing a mask, so you know what they are up to. It's all about the optics with them, otherwise look at Biden and his wife showing up to place a reef with their black mask on, and how they used that to try and make a political stab with that optic. Beware of the optics folks, and now they are shooting for the ultimate optic, the one where they force everyone to wear a mask just because they figure that they can. Don't fall for it, but if feel that a mask helps you then use one, but don't let these people control you like this.
Dear God... these anti-mask a$$hole$ are dangerous at this moment in time... phukking idiots... :mad:
Make me wear a mask, motherfucker.
Ooooohhh... an Internet tough-guy.... how precious... cute... you tell 'em, Princess... meanwhile, I'll leave enforcement to local health-care and law-enforcement.

Oh, and, given the sheer number of idiots such as yourself who risk both themselves and others, I think I'll buy stock in a ventilor-manufacturing company.

Enjoy your time in the ICU, when your time comes, my little Internet butt-floss.
Dear God... these anti-mask a$$hole$ are dangerous at this moment in time... phukking idiots... :mad:
Make me wear a mask, motherfucker.
Ooooohhh... an Internet tough-guy.... how precious... cute... you tell 'em, Princess... meanwhile, I'll leave enforcement to local health-care and law-enforcement.

Oh, and, given the sheer number of idiots such as yourself who risk both themselves and others, I think I'll buy stock in a ventilor-manufacturing company.

Enjoy your time in the ICU, when your time comes, my little Internet butt-floss.
You mentioned the cops ??? Thought you leftist hated the cops. Oh that's right, you love them if they can be used to do your political dirty work for you, then you include them eh ?
There hasn't been a nascar fatality in almost 20 years.
I am sure you have a point,,,just cant figure out what it is,,,
NASCAR is about safety. Making the race as safe as possible by enacting restrictions on the drivers freedom.

Restrictions save lives, and they work when everybody obeys those restrictions. What works for NASCAR works for COVID-19. It's all about stopping the spread.
NASCAR's rules dont over ride the constitution,,,

I dont understand how you guys can call trump a fascist and then act just like a fascist,,,

that must be that projection thing,,,
Niether does wearing a mask.

If you feeling does violate the constitution, it seems to me you should be outraged at the shoes and shirt requirement in many public establishments, or that women cannot go top less in public, but you aren't. Why?
women can go topless and most public places dont require shoes and shirts,,

and as I said NASCAR is responsible so they impose rules inside their places,,,

nice try buttercup,,,
A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.
How do people get infected?

You're clearly gearing for a point, so you tell us. But, as you do, keep in mind that the typical N95 mask you buy at Walmart is as effective at stopping a virus as your underwear is at stopping a fart.

In any case, we're waiting...
I’m not gearing for a point, I just hear all these claims that masks are useless and I’m curious if anybody even knows how the disease is spread. Do you know?

Ahh but you're asking the wrong question. The question is - do I care?

Answer: I don't.
Whether you care or not is irrelevant.

Indeed. And whether I wear a mask or not is irrelevant.

Thanks for playing!
Well let’s debate that. Do you know how the virus is spread? How somebody catches it?
You don't "owe" me anything. I want you to be what you are.

Good. So I don't have to wear a mask to appease you.

Thanks for respecting individual liberty. Have a nice day.

Your freedom ends, where the freedom of others begins. Others have the right not to be infected from you.

Prove that I infected anyone.

What a nonsense. You will not know on our own in the first 2 days - perhaps longer - whether you are infected or not. You have to make clear that you are not a threat for others.

No seriously, go on - do it. Incubation period is up to 2 weeks.

Who is under suspicion to be contagiuous has to go into quarantaine. So if you think you are contagiuos you have to isolate yourselve. A test can make this isolation shorter.

And then take your argument and apply it to the common cold, or the flu, or the goddamn chicken pox - and then realize how fucking stupid you are.

Your duty is not to fight me nor anyonhe else - your duty is it to fight with anyone else together against Corona. My personal opinion is this: The USA has such unbelievable heavy problems, because you suffer not only Corona but also an opportunistic political disease, which supports Corona: Trumperitis. Learn to make a difference between reality and wishful thinking, without losing hope. We will win! Whoever "we" is, is not important in this context - but the loser will be in the end Corona and everyone, who supports Corona.

Wow, you just went full blown political in this post, and no, we corona, gun toten, Trump supporting yahoo's will win, so nah nah nah boo booo... Rotflmbo.

Yawl try to make it sound so compassionate and caring, and then you lose it... Rotflmbo.

You use words - and you say nothing.
A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.
But it's the optics man, the optics.... You know how they're into that kind of thing. Look at how they tried to deride Trump over the bible thing, and now they're pulling it with the mask thing. Oh and how many times have they cried about Trump not wearing a mask, so you know what they are up to. It's all about the optics with them, otherwise look at Biden and his wife showing up to place a reef with their black mask on, and how they used that to try and make a political stab with that optic. Beware of the optics folks, and now they are shooting for the ultimate optic, the one where they force everyone to wear a mask just because they figure that they can. Don't fall for it, but if feel that a mask helps you then use one, but don't let these people control you like this.

Trump is an idiot. End of discussion about Trump. To discuss about anything what Trumps says is only a waste of time. You had 85,000 new infections in the last 2 days. That's a lot.
A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.

Take a mask. Use it on a cold place in the dark. Breathe. Take a look at the "fog" (aerosoles) which you produce with and without mask. In this fog you breathe out virusses. It's a totally clear result: A mask helps.

Also the WHO suggests to use masks. Masks and distance are the best weapons, which are available for everyone now today.
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A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.
But it's the optics man, the optics.... You know how they're into that kind of thing. Look at how they tried to deride Trump over the bible thing, and now they're pulling it with the mask thing. Oh and how many times have they cried about Trump not wearing a mask, so you know what they are up to. It's all about the optics with them, otherwise look at Biden and his wife showing up to place a reef with their black mask on, and how they used that to try and make a political stab with that optic. Beware of the optics folks, and now they are shooting for the ultimate optic, the one where they force everyone to wear a mask just because they figure that they can. Don't fall for it, but if feel that a mask helps you then use one, but don't let these people control you like this.

Trump is an idiot. End of discussion about Trump. To discuss about anything what Trumps says is only a waste of time. You had 85,000 new infections in the last 2 days. That's a lot.
Prove it, and remember the MSM can't be trusted anymore.
A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.
But it's the optics man, the optics.... You know how they're into that kind of thing. Look at how they tried to deride Trump over the bible thing, and now they're pulling it with the mask thing. Oh and how many times have they cried about Trump not wearing a mask, so you know what they are up to. It's all about the optics with them, otherwise look at Biden and his wife showing up to place a reef with their black mask on, and how they used that to try and make a political stab with that optic. Beware of the optics folks, and now they are shooting for the ultimate optic, the one where they force everyone to wear a mask just because they figure that they can. Don't fall for it, but if feel that a mask helps you then use one, but don't let these people control you like this.

Trump is an idiot. End of discussion about Trump. To discuss about anything what Trumps says is only a waste of time. You had 85,000 new infections in the last 2 days. That's a lot.
Prove it, and remember the MSM can't be trusted anymore.
no comment

Information: COVID-19 situation update worldwide, as of 28 June 2020

Disclaimer: National updates are published at different times and in different time zones. This, and the time ECDC needs to process these data, may lead to discrepancies between the national numbers and the numbers published by ECDC. Users are advised to use all data with caution and awareness of their limitations. Data are subject to retrospective corrections; corrected datasets are released as soon as processing of updated national data has been completed.

Since 31 December 2019 and as of 28 June 2020, 9 952 507 cases of COVID-19 (in accordance with the applied case definitions and testing strategies in the affected countries) have been reported, including 498 519 deaths.

Cases have been reported from:

371 448 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are South Africa (131 800), Egypt (63 923), Nigeria (24 077), Ghana (16 431) and Algeria (12 968).

Asia: 2 126 883 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are India (528 859), Iran (220 180), Pakistan (202 955), Turkey (195 883) and Saudi Arabia (178 504).

America: 5 046 598 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are United States (2 510 323), Brazil (1 313 667), Peru (275 989), Chile (267 766) and Mexico (212 802).

Europe: 2 397 675 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are Russia (627 646), United Kingdom (310 250), Spain (248 469), Italy (240 136) and Germany (193 499).

Oceania: 9 207 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are Australia (7 641), New Zealand (1 176), Guam (248), French Polynesia (62) and Northern Mariana Islands (30).

Other: 696 cases have been reported from an international conveyance in Japan.

Deaths have been reported from:

9 480 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are Egypt (2 708), South Africa (2 413), Algeria (892), Sudan (572) and Nigeria (558).

Asia: 53 309 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are India (16 095), Iran (10 364), Turkey (5 082), China (4 641) and Pakistan (4 118).

America: 244 783 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are United States (125 539), Brazil (57 070), Mexico (26 381), Peru (9 135) and Canada (8 516).

Europe: 190 807 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are United Kingdom (43 514), Italy (34 716), France (29 778), Spain (28 341) and Belgium (9 732).

Oceania: 133 deaths; the 4 countries reporting deaths are Australia (104), New Zealand (22), Guam (5) and Northern Mariana Islands (2).

Other: 7 deaths have been reported from an international conveyance in Japan.
A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.

Take a mask. Use it on a cold place in the dark. Breathe. Take a look at the "fog" (aerosoles) which you produce with and without mask. In this fog you breathe out virusses. It's a totally clear result: A mask helps.

Also the WHO suggests to use masks. Masks and distance are the best weapons, which are available for everyone now today.
The WHO .. Pffft. I don't aspire to globalist telling me anything. Now go hide under your bed.

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