Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

Trump is an idiot. End of discussion about Trump.

Says someone who believes that a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus cannot get through the 50-micron gaps in an N95 mask.

Seriously, l what ground do you think you have to cast aspersions on anyone else's intellect?

View attachment 356453
In a domain where you may be dealing with scores of thousands of spores within several feet of distance from your face...

Even a 50-micron gap is only a gap in a barrier, and most of those spores will remain inside or outside of that barrier, caught on the solid sections...

If 1/100th of the total gets in or out of that mask, you can still get sick, but you've kept 99% of them out, and that's probably enough to keep you safe...

Don't believe me?

Go visit a COVID-19 ward, and walk through it without your mask, and a cocky smile on your face...

Then come back and tell us how you're doing... 8 to 14 days after the visit...


Dangerous fool.
Trump is an idiot. End of discussion about Trump.

Says someone who believes that a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus cannot get through the 50-micron gaps in an N95 mask.

Seriously, l what ground do you think you have to cast aspersions on anyone else's intellect?

View attachment 356453
In a domain where you may be dealing with scores of thousands of spores within several feet of distance from your face...

Even a 50-micron gap is only a gap in a barrier, and most of those spores will remain inside or outside of that barrier, caught on the solid sections...

If 1/100th of the total gets in or out of that mask, you can still get sick, but you've kept 99% of them out, and that's probably enough to keep you safe...

Don't believe me?

Go visit a COVID-19 ward, and walk through it without your mask, and a cocky smile on your face...

Then come back and tell us how you're doing... 8 to 14 days after the visit...


Dangerous fool.
Well I guess I'm done, I had my last meal at a resteraunt without my mask on, ohhh the horrors, people were wearing mask everywhere trying to protect me from their spittal and hacking and coughing. They were working so hard, and I thanked them for it. I told them the next time I would wear mine, and they could go maskless. Yeah it's a trade off, so it's my turn to wear the mask next time dang it.

Visit a Covid ward ??? Now why on earth would anyone want to do a thing like that ?? Hey I ain't looking for Covid, and I hope Covid ain't looking for me.

You laugh about this list? What's your home planet, alien?
I'm on planet America,

'You' don't care about teh continent America. You care only about the political structure "USA", one of the countirenofd America.

the one where hopefully common sense

Common sense?

still exist instead of leftist politicians ruling it with their fear tactics


and bullcrap in hopes to enslave us all by any means nessesary.


... Sorry . But do you believe the bullshit which you say on your own?
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A mask protects not you . A mask protects others. That's why for example doctors are using masks during an operation.

As I keep saying, anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps protects anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus, is too stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.

Take a mask. Use it on a cold place in the dark. Breathe. Take a look at the "fog" (aerosoles) which you produce with and without mask. In this fog you breathe out virusses. It's a totally clear result: A mask helps.

Also the WHO suggests to use masks. Masks and distance are the best weapons, which are available for everyone now today.
The WHO .. Pffft. I don't aspire to globalist telling me anything. Now go hide under your bed.
Well You need somebody to tell you something because you’ve been provided example after example of how masks work and you avoid replying. How about a counter argument. If you’re going to insist that masks don’t work then respond to the arguments made showing they do
I am a living example of mask are ineffective or affective to a degree (all depends), because I've been in every situation that suggest I should have been infected now without wearing a mask, and well what-a-ya know I'm still here, and aggravating your ace by living as a free man in a society full of dangers in which the protest proved that the virus was the least of this countries worries....
You live a life full of dangers - because you like to infect others? ... True ... In general: Idiots live always full of dangers for themselves and others. And the whole USA is in danger, mainly because Trump is the leading idiot, criminal or criminal idiot of the USA. But I don't have any problem to work together with everyone - also with Trump - in a real fight against Corona. Trumps intentional ignorance in case of Corona is obsolete.
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Even a 50-micron gap is only a gap in a barrier, and most of those spores will remain inside or outside of that barrier, caught on the solid sections...

If 1/100th of the total gets in or out of that mask, you can still get sick, but you've kept 99% of them out, and that's probably enough to keep you safe...

There's more gap than barrier. Here's a modified version of a portion of one of my microscopic pictures of an N95 mask, that I took about a month ago…


I scaled it up to that each pixel represents a 0.2-micron square, which represents the upper range of the size of the #CoronaHoax2020 virus. Inside that red circle, I've colored one pixel red, to show how small the very largest #CoronaHoax virus is, compared to the scale of the picture as a whole. You probably cannot even see it on this picture, without loading it into an external viewer and zooming in. Here's an enlarged version of just a small portion of the above image, so that you can see the pixel (now, scaled up to 4×4 pixels…


It's mostly empty space,between the fibers that make up the material of the mask.

Something bigger than the gaps between the fibers, obviously, won't get through. Something that is smaller than those gaps, but a significant portion of that size, probably stands a good chance of being stopped. Something as tiny as a virus—something as tiny as that pixel—certainly does not have a 99% chance of being stopped. Probably not even a 10% chance of being stopped. Possibly not even a 1% chance of being stopped.
Even a 50-micron gap is only a gap in a barrier, and most of those spores will remain inside or outside of that barrier, caught on the solid sections...

If 1/100th of the total gets in or out of that mask, you can still get sick, but you've kept 99% of them out, and that's probably enough to keep you safe...

There's more gap than barrier. Here's a modified version of a portion of one of my microscopic pictures of an N95 mask, that I took about a month ago…

View attachment 356616

I scaled it up to that each pixel represents a 0.2-micron square, which represents the upper range of the size of the #CoronaHoax2020 virus. Inside that red circle, I've colored one pixel red, to show how small the very largest #CoronaHoax virus is, compared to the scale of the picture as a whole. You probably cannot even see it on this picture, without loading it into an external viewer and zooming in. Here's an enlarged version of just a small portion of the above image, so that you can see the pixel (now, scaled up to 4×4 pixels…

View attachment 356617

It's mostly empty space,between the fibers that make up the material of the mask.

Something bigger than the gaps between the fibers, obviously, won't get through. Something that is smaller than those gaps, but a significant portion of that size, probably stands a good chance of being stopped. Something as tiny as a virus—something as tiny as that pixel—certainly does not have a 99% chance of being stopped. Probably not even a 10% chance of being stopped. Possibly not even a 1% chance of being stopped.

You can ask all professionals in the world: FFP2 or FFP3 - masks (I guess that's what you call N95-mask or adequate N99-mask) help, if someone likes not to be infected from Corona. This are masks for medical supporters of covid-19 patients. But such masks have often a valve - an outlet - beause it's diffcult to breathe in this masks. If so then this masks don't help not to infect others! Use normal mouth-nose masks - self-made masks or masks, which doctors use for operations.

And your "logic" meets anyway not the normal form of logic to think in probabilities and experiences. Example: Because a tire may run flat this means not no one should use cars. And this means also not someone should drive without tires.

More concrete in case of Corona: Not every virus is a problem. But a longer exposition with a higher number of virusses is a problem. Our warning app in Germany gives alarm to someone, if he was less than 2 meters in the near of a person for more than a half hour, who had Corona. It informs in this case the owner of the mobile to go to a doctor. We expect from everyone to do so. We start by the way in the moment in Germany in the South with the first steps that everyone soon will be able to be tested for free, who likes to be tested.

So please: Stop it to argue for Corona. The world is not in your brain! It's outside: So keep distance - use masks!!! Do not infect others - under no circumstances do this! So again: Keep distance, use masks!
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View attachment 356617

It's mostly empty space,between the fibers that make up the material of the mask. ...

Every atom is nearly empty space.

Take a car as an example. A car is a dot with 5 yards diameter (=that's a senseless axiom now on reason to be able to think more easy). So you say something like there's place for the car for 500 yrds - then comes the next parking car. What will happen now, if you drive with your car one or more times around the world if all 500 yards parks another car and you do not avoid any confrontation? Will happen an accident or not? So let me say: If the average Corona virus has the same will and IQ like Donald Trump, then an N95-mask is safe.

This is now the political answer.
Even a 50-micron gap is only a gap in a barrier, and most of those spores will remain inside or outside of that barrier, caught on the solid sections...

If 1/100th of the total gets in or out of that mask, you can still get sick, but you've kept 99% of them out, and that's probably enough to keep you safe...

There's more gap than barrier. Here's a modified version of a portion of one of my microscopic pictures of an N95 mask, that I took about a month ago…

View attachment 356616

I scaled it up to that each pixel represents a 0.2-micron square, which represents the upper range of the size of the #CoronaHoax2020 virus. Inside that red circle, I've colored one pixel red, to show how small the very largest #CoronaHoax virus is, compared to the scale of the picture as a whole. You probably cannot even see it on this picture, without loading it into an external viewer and zooming in. Here's an enlarged version of just a small portion of the above image, so that you can see the pixel (now, scaled up to 4×4 pixels…

View attachment 356617

It's mostly empty space,between the fibers that make up the material of the mask.

Something bigger than the gaps between the fibers, obviously, won't get through. Something that is smaller than those gaps, but a significant portion of that size, probably stands a good chance of being stopped. Something as tiny as a virus—something as tiny as that pixel—certainly does not have a 99% chance of being stopped. Probably not even a 10% chance of being stopped. Possibly not even a 1% chance of being stopped.
You lost credibility the split-second in which you served-up the #CoronaHoax2020 hashtag... unfortunately and sadly, I was right... you are a dangerous fool.
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Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
How about you give us evidence they protect you. Yes the N95 might help some, but who can wear the damn thing as most have respiratory issues these days ??? Claustrophobia is a huge issue also, where as most people have an issue with that problem as well. No this is just something new you people are trying, because when this thing 1st got started, and the curve was flattened, everything began to subside and get better without this bullcrap mask wearing mandate, but of course that virus Donald Trump is still in office eh, and you all got to make it appear as if you are the smart ones by using everything you can before election time is here against him... You can't convince me otherwise. To much has gone on now.
Look, idiot, wearing a mask is mostly to protect OTHER PEOPLE, not you. You might have the virus but not know it, so a mask may help prevent other people from contracting it from you.

When did YOUR health become MY responsibility?

And don't give me any leftist "well if you were a 'good person' you'd....." bullshit. Tell me where and how I'm required to safeguard anyone's health but my own.
When did MY health become YOUR responsibility? I'll tell you: When you became a member of this society. But clearly, you don't care about anyone but yourself. So fuck you. I hope you get Covid-19 and you die. Assholes like you are the reason that the number of Covid-19 cases are going up in the U.S., unlike in the E.U. where they're going down. So die, fuckhead.
When did MY health become YOUR responsibility? I'll tell you: When you became a member of this society.

You lost credibility the split-second in which you served-up the #CoronaHoax2020 hashtag... unfortunately and sadly, I was right... you are a dangerous fool.

How much credibility do you think a cretin can have to begin with, who falls for this hoax, and who is willing to sacrifice not only his own freedom and his own livelihood, but everyone else's as well, to it?

You are a perfect example of what is known as a useful idiot.
You lost credibility the split-second in which you served-up the #CoronaHoax2020 hashtag... unfortunately and sadly, I was right... you are a dangerous fool.
How much credibility do you think a cretin can have to begin with, who falls for this hoax, and who is willing to sacrifice not only his own freedom and his own livelihood, but everyone else's as well, to it?

You are a perfect example of what is known as a useful idiot.
has Trump fallen for the hoax? I mean he’s spent how many trillion and created a task force that is making all these recommendations for shelter and distancing and masks that we are discussing. What’s his role in the hoax? How about Pence?[\quote]
Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
How about you give us evidence they protect you. Yes the N95 might help some, but who can wear the damn thing as most have respiratory issues these days ??? Claustrophobia is a huge issue also, where as most people have an issue with that problem as well. No this is just something new you people are trying, because when this thing 1st got started, and the curve was flattened, everything began to subside and get better without this bullcrap mask wearing mandate, but of course that virus Donald Trump is still in office eh, and you all got to make it appear as if you are the smart ones by using everything you can before election time is here against him... You can't convince me otherwise. To much has gone on now.
Look, idiot, wearing a mask is mostly to protect OTHER PEOPLE, not you. You might have the virus but not know it, so a mask may help prevent other people from contracting it from you.

When did YOUR health become MY responsibility?

And don't give me any leftist "well if you were a 'good person' you'd....." bullshit. Tell me where and how I'm required to safeguard anyone's health but my own.
When did MY health become YOUR responsibility? I'll tell you: When you became a member of this society. But clearly, you don't care about anyone but yourself. So fuck you. I hope you get Covid-19 and you die. Assholes like you are the reason that the number of Covid-19 cases are going up in the U.S., unlike in the E.U. where they're going down. So die, fuckhead.
When did MY health become YOUR responsibility? ...

Real story: A man in Great Britain spit a woman in the face yelling "I have Corona", who had demonstrated against the politics of Great Britain in the early times of the pandemic Corona (keyword: "herd immunity"). Some time later the woman died on Corona. Question: Is the mindset and mentality of such a man the mindset and mentality of a [potential] murderer?
Bob Blaylock

Question: Is the mindset and mentality of such a man the mindset and mentality of a [potential] murderer?
Yes, it's just like anyone who (((knows))) that they have a deadly disease, and then they intentionally try to give someone that disease through an attack of some sort. If they succeed, then they can be tried and accused of murder due to their INTENTIONAL means of delivery. So what's your point ???? I think there have been cases with aids like that, but not sure what happened in those cases.

Now don't go making a fool of yourself by trying to equate mask wearing to your senario, because there has to be proven intent, and a proven attack that uses extreme measures to place a person into a position that would make them infected. Otherwise you would have to literally lift their mask from their face, and then spit in their face in an attempt to infect the target or the person.
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You lost credibility the split-second in which you served-up the #CoronaHoax2020 hashtag... unfortunately and sadly, I was right... you are a dangerous fool.
How much credibility do you think a cretin can have to begin with, who falls for this hoax, and who is willing to sacrifice not only his own freedom and his own livelihood, but everyone else's as well, to it?

You are a perfect example of what is known as a useful idiot.
has Trump fallen for the hoax? I mean he’s spent how many trillion and created a task force that is making all these recommendations for shelter and distancing and masks that we are discussing. What’s his role in the hoax? How about Pence?[\quote]
Yes he could have fallen for some of the hype, but he mostly is exhibiting caution like anyone would in a situation that is part real, and part highjacked for political purposes. No one other than medical proffesionals really know about these things, and Trump has been placed into a warp speed learning program that depends upon the integrity and honor of those medical professionals that are around him.

If they become politized, then it all becomes politized.

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