Do Republicans Actually Believe That Cutting Taxes Will Bring Prosperity To All?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Do Republican politicians believe cutting taxes brings prosperity to all, not if they have any knowledge of economics or history. But, they do not need to believe it.

The only people that absolutely need to believe it are the idiots that comprise the GOP voting base. And they have believed it ever since Ronny Reagan sold them on that snake oil four decades ago.

“Trickle Down” as it is called, has been a scam that has turned many U.S. millionaires into billionaires. Unfortunately, it has all but destroyed the American middle class.

Governor Sam Brownback's dismal record is an especially good example of the lie that is “Trickle down”. Brownback made Kansas the litmus test of the Republicans’ “theory”, and with his failure staring them in their blank faces, only the stupid righties refuse to read the handwriting on the wall. Those fools still defend “Trickle Down", and will even after they are thrown into the streets and become homeless. Stupid is as stupid does.

Do Republicans actually believe that cutting taxes will bring prosperity to all?


Conservatives vs. Liberals
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You can never bring prosperity to anyone. The most you can do is allow people to get to it themselves.
Do Republican politicians believe cutting taxes brings prosperity to all, not if they have any knowledge of economics or history. But, they do not need to believe it.

The only people that absolutely need to believe it are the idiots that comprise the GOP voting base. And they have believed it ever since Ronny Reagan sold them on that snake oil four decades ago.

“Trickle Down” as it is called, has been a scam that has turned many U.S. millionaires into billionaires. Unfortunately, it has all but destroyed the American middle class.

Governor Sam Brownback's dismal record is an especially good example of the lie that is “Trickle down”. Brownback made Kansas the litmus test of the Republicans’ “theory”, and with his failure staring them in their blank faces, only the stupid righties refuse to read the handwriting on the wall. Those fools still defend “Trickle Down", and will even after they are thrown into the streets and become homeless. Stupid is as stupid does.

Do Republicans actually believe that cutting taxes will bring prosperity to all?


Conservatives vs. Liberals
View attachment 123700

Libtard I have to get a job to get a tax cut?
Of course it won't, that's not the purpose. Some people are victims in life and will always find an excuse to not succeed. It will always be somebody else's fault. Others can come here from foreign countries barely speaking English and do quite well. In there country there was no gravy train.

Liberals are brainwashed. They are trained to believe Republicans are the problem so the vote Democrat. The fat cat Dems get richer, the poor get poorer and they can still sell it. All. Day. Long.
Tax cuts ALWAYS bring prosperity. In ever Country, in every Administration that has ever tried them -- They work.

And, what did Brownback do, moron? Tell us.....

Florida has NO Income Tax. None. Neither does Texas. We kick ass. We rule. So does Texas.

dimocrap SCUM States suck a big dick.

Low taxes promote growth. Simple. Even a stupid-assed dimocrap scumbag should understand that economic growth is a good thing
Do Republican politicians believe cutting taxes brings prosperity to all, not if they have any knowledge of economics or history. But, they do not need to believe it.

The only people that absolutely need to believe it are the idiots that comprise the GOP voting base. And they have believed it ever since Ronny Reagan sold them on that snake oil four decades ago.

“Trickle Down” as it is called, has been a scam that has turned many U.S. millionaires into billionaires. Unfortunately, it has all but destroyed the American middle class.

Governor Sam Brownback's dismal record is an especially good example of the lie that is “Trickle down”. Brownback made Kansas the litmus test of the Republicans’ “theory”, and with his failure staring them in their blank faces, only the stupid righties refuse to read the handwriting on the wall. Those fools still defend “Trickle Down", and will even after they are thrown into the streets and become homeless. Stupid is as stupid does.

Do Republicans actually believe that cutting taxes will bring prosperity to all?


Conservatives vs. Liberals
View attachment 123700


Tax cuts can work provided it's across the board and substantial.

Our economy started to move when the price of fuel went down due to fracking. Nearly everybody in the country had more money in their pockets. More money means more spending, and more spending means a better economy.

A few of my coworkers who don't live anywhere near work found their savings to be anywhere from $150.00 to $300.00. That's a good chunk of extra money for your average family.

Obama's failure was thinking he could do something for the economy by focusing on a few sectors of our country. Of course they were union jobs such as construction and government jobs, but you can't fix a country of 315 million people by building new bridges and keeping teachers at work. Not nearly enough people benefit.

Then was DumBama's raid of social security. He cut payroll social security deductions which left most middle-class workers with an extra few bucks; hardly enough to buy cars, boats and houses with.

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