Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

What are you yapping about sploogy?

A person elected is elected. The only ones saying that elections should not be honored are you Marxists with your demands that Trump be driven from office.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

If they don’t , then they don’t believe in the constitution . Let’s see them deal we that.

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Deantard erects the straw man as instructed by the hate sites, and you are here to joist it like a good Stalinist subject.
What do you think ? They only want white Christian Men to be in office .

You are a race baiting asshole.
You've obviously not read some of the stuff here about that Rep up in Minnesota.....people lost their minds when he was sworn in on a Koran.

When you vile lefties falsely accuse people of being racist, you are tearing this nation apart.

You are pissing off more and more whites all the time.

And the poor minorities who believe your shit, are told over and over again that their fellow citizens are their enemies and that they need to be ready to fight them.

The Stalinist democrats are in real trouble. They are guilty of collusion with Russia to pervert and corrupt our election as has been fully exposed now. The oligarchs are desperate to distract from what is going on, so they have reprogrammed the sheep like deantard to bleat idiocy like this in hopes of creating a distraction.
Sorry, bud...

but thinking you, or your religion, is 'supreme, is NOT unconstitutional.
If they try to force Sharia law on thier jurisdiction after being elected, THEN you have a point.
Sounds like you don't know what Islam (the Koran) is. You don't know that Islam is a supremacism ? Do your homework before posting in here. For your edification, Islam is the largest supremacism in the world, outlawed by the Constitution, as are all other supremacisms.

The Constitution, in outlawing supremacy (other than the Constitution itself), has not made an exception for Islam.
What do you think ? They only want white Christian Men to be in office .

You are a race baiting asshole.
You've obviously not read some of the stuff here about that Rep up in Minnesota.....people lost their minds when he was sworn in on a Koran.

When you vile lefties falsely accuse people of being racist, you are tearing this nation apart.

You are pissing off more and more whites all the time.

And the poor minorities who believe your shit, are told over and over again that their fellow citizens are their enemies and that they need to be ready to fight them.

The Stalinist democrats are in real trouble. They are guilty of collusion with Russia to pervert and corrupt our election as has been fully exposed now. The oligarchs are desperate to distract from what is going on, so they have reprogrammed the sheep like deantard to bleat idiocy like this in hopes of creating a distraction.
The one thing is know to be true is absolutely fucking nothing has been fully exposed. Most of America doesn't even know WTH anyone is talking about yet.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

Those who take upon themselves and be awarded with a public office must take an oath to uphold, to defend, the United States Constitution. Obviously, to be president, they must be born of this nation. In following these two set rules, they must refrain from any foreign culture influence and interest that contradicts with the oath to preserve and protect our Constitutional system of government. We have an established system that all cultures and religions must assimilate to, not a system that must bow and assimilate to your own set of values you once held in your country or region of origin. If they respect and uphold to that understanding regarding our nation’s government, I don’t see a problem.
Sorry, bud...

but thinking you, or your religion, is 'supreme, is NOT unconstitutional.
If they try to force Sharia law on thier jurisdiction after being elected, THEN you have a point.
Sounds like you don't know what Islam (the Koran) is. You don't know that Islam is a supremacism ? Do your homework before posting in here. For your edification, Islam is the largest supremacism in the world, outlawed by the Constitution, as are all other supremacisms.

The Constitution, in outlawing supremacy (other than the Constitution itself), has not made an exception for Islam.

What you are posting is ignorant nonsense.

Does the term Washington was so fond of, "Almighty God" ring a bell for you?
Sorry, bud...

but thinking you, or your religion, is 'supreme, is NOT unconstitutional.
If they try to force Sharia law on thier jurisdiction after being elected, THEN you have a point.
Sounds like you don't know what Islam (the Koran) is. You don't know that Islam is a supremacism ? Do your homework before posting in here. For your edification, Islam is the largest supremacism in the world, outlawed by the Constitution, as are all other supremacisms.

The Constitution, in outlawing supremacy (other than the Constitution itself), has not made an exception for Islam.
In all deity faiths the supreme deity is - supreme. God is above all else, Jews, Christians, or Muslims. There is no difference among the faiths on that. I am the lord thy God, thou shall have no other gods (or anything else including governments) before me.
As it is now, it's legal for a muslim to hold office, even be president in this country. We came pretty close to having a muslim in the white house with strong ties to the muslim brotherhood - huma abedin. She would have been privy to state secrets, considering hillary's complete trust in that woman. Yep, it's legal for muslims to hold office in the now tolerant and forgiving USA, even though there are no muslim ruled countries at least to my knowledge, that tolerate many of the practices we have here in terms of tolerance of all religions, homosexuality, equal rights for women, etc. These are things that modern liberals cherish and stupidly believe that muslims won't outlaw once they gain power. Thirty or forty years of political correctness has crippled most of liberalism's capability for critical thinking. Not that I'm a conservative. I held my nose voting for trump. That's how bad our choices for politicians have become.
First you agree with Trump's important policies. Then you say you held your nose voting for him. Odd.

An no, it's not legal for a Muslim to hold office in America, nor is any Muslim activity legal > mosques, Korans, etc
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

Those who take upon themselves and be awarded with a public office must take an oath to uphold, to defend, the United States Constitution. Obviously, to be president, they must be born of this nation. In following these two set rules, they must refrain from any foreign culture influence and interest that contradicts with the oath to preserve and protect our Constitutional system of government. We have an established system that all cultures and religions must assimilate to, not a system that must bow and assimilate to your own set of values you once held in your country or region of origin. If they respect and uphold to that understanding regarding our nation’s government, I don’t see a problem.
Many here not born here serve and defend the Constitution. That is nativist dogmatism.
In answer to the op. yes, if they live in my state & I agree with there past performance & there plans while in office.
37 pages few answers to question posed. just more bashing of each other.
In all deity faiths the supreme deity is - supreme. God is above all else, Jews, Christians, or Muslims. There is no difference among the faiths on that. I am the lord thy God, thou shall have no other gods (or anything else including governments) before me.
But Islam requires POLITICAL supremacy, not just faith. That is the difference/
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Many here not born here serve and defend the Constitution. That is nativist dogmatism.
Nothing wrong with nativism. it is the opposite of globalism. Those who take upon themselves and be awarded with a public office in America, do so to serve America (ie the AMERICAN people) not the world.

No politician, especially a US president should ever declare himself a "citizen of the world", as Obama mindlessly did, in a speech in Germany. He was being paid by US taxpayers to serve THEM, not the rest of the world.
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If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

Those who take upon themselves and be awarded with a public office must take an oath to uphold, to defend, the United States Constitution. Obviously, to be president, they must be born of this nation. In following these two set rules, they must refrain from any foreign culture influence and interest that contradicts with the oath to preserve and protect our Constitutional system of government. We have an established system that all cultures and religions must assimilate to, not a system that must bow and assimilate to your own set of values you once held in your country or region of origin. If they respect and uphold to that understanding regarding our nation’s government, I don’t see a problem.
Many here not born here serve and defend the Constitution. That is nativist dogmatism.

To hold a public office, whether it’s state or a federal form of government and to which the discussion of this thread is about, those are the requirements when you take a political position of representation
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Those who take upon themselves and be awarded with a public office must take an oath to uphold, to defend, the United States Constitution. Obviously, to be president, they must be born of this nation. In following these two set rules, they must refrain from any foreign culture influence and interest that contradicts with the oath to preserve and protect our Constitutional system of government. We have an established system that all cultures and religions must assimilate to, not a system that must bow and assimilate to your own set of values you once held in your country or region of origin. If they respect and uphold to that understanding regarding our nation’s government, I don’t see a problem.
Many here not born here serve and defend the Constitution. That is nativist dogmatism.

To hold a public office, whether it’s state or a federal form of government and to which the discussion of this thread is about, those are the requirements when you take a political position of representation
Article VI

"All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."
1. I've very introspective, and 2. I was more talking of my peers.

"Most republicans"? YOu know "most republicans"? Or are you making assumptions based on what liberals have told you about republicans?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.

Then you are Democrats. That's another way of saying irrelevant. "You" are just another crackpot minority if you vote on anything other than policies. So tell me; would you vote for an Islamist ahead of a Republican?

Depends on their politics.

Right now, Republicans hate gays, blacks, Muslims and Hispanics.
They seem to be pro pu$$y grabbing.
They are against women's rights.
The want to end healthcare for tens of millions of Americans to give tax breaks to billionaires.
The seem to be pro Nazi and pro Russia.

So unless a Republicans can convince me these aren't their positions, then I would never vote for one.
That's right. Instead of proving Republicans are innocent of these positions, attack Democrats.

Why bother trying to disprove what you haven't proved?
I don't have to prove this stuff. Republicans proved it for me.
Pu$$y grabbing. Trump said he does it.
Women's rights? Of course Republicans are against that.
Ending healthcare for millions of Americans? It was only defeated by like one vote and Trump says all the time he is sabotaging it.
Good people on both sides with Nazi's being one of the those two sides.

What can you say?
Based on my encounters, also based on the rethoric from the right towards as Muslims, based on this very forum....yes most republicans have a negative view of Islam and Muslims and the contrary can be said about democrats. You trying to deny that is useless to be honest with you. Thats why we vote overwhelmingly against thr GOP although we are conservative in general.

Then you are Democrats. That's another way of saying irrelevant. "You" are just another crackpot minority if you vote on anything other than policies. So tell me; would you vote for an Islamist ahead of a Republican?

Depends on their politics.

Right now, Republicans hate gays, blacks, Muslims and Hispanics.
They seem to be pro pu$$y grabbing.
They are against women's rights.
The want to end healthcare for tens of millions of Americans to give tax breaks to billionaires.
The seem to be pro Nazi and pro Russia.

So unless a Republicans can convince me these aren't their positions, then I would never vote for one.
That's right. Instead of proving Republicans are innocent of these positions, attack Democrats.

Why bother trying to disprove what you haven't proved?
I don't have to prove this stuff. Republicans proved it for me.
Pu$$y grabbing. Trump said he does it.

You got a problem with heterosexuals, you freak?
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