Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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like i said , sounds like yer bomber pilot friend was an APOSTATE muslim and other muslims finally dealt with him DTex .
He was a Shia...Saddam was Sunni. Same old shit. Sort out the human muzzies...kill the rest.
------------------------------------------------------- how can practitioners of the muslim religion that approves of 'islam' approved lying or 'taqiyah' ever be sorted out ?? Best to keep them in muslim lands where they hurt no one but themselves . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Same advice for keeping ALL other third worlders in their he11hole nations and lands DTex ??
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I don’t think Muslims should be elected to public office. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Thank you for admitting that you have no respect for the constitution and the traditions that Made America Great long before tRump

My constitution says I select my candidates on any criteria I find relevant. Are you insane?
----------------------------------------------------- the problem is that once you let muslims into the USA and they become citizens they then have ALL the RIGHTS and privileges of any other American citizen . The only solution is to stop importing muslims into the USA Gents and Ladies !!
I worked with a "good" college grad muslim. Younger than me, I trained him. New college grads bring newer knowledge. He was allowed to disappear most of all Fridays. He would never denounce the terrorist crazy muslim killers? Even when asked opinion. He spread out gobs of paper towels a few times a day in a bathroom to kneel. He could not come near a Dog, never touch. Etc. Other than that he was pretty good. No smoke drink or drug. Showed up. Not too smelly. Sometime lentil, curry caught up in beard. Thats' all.
Your reality is to think they're sub-human so you can kill them. We liberals are twisted for thinking that they deserve human rights.

Personally, I think christianity and religion is far more twisted and fill in the blanks.
"They" ? They who ? Doesn't matter. I don't think any humans are sub-human, but I see Muslims as what they are (based on the Koran), I see LGBT as what they are, based on their abnormal behavior, and I see woman as what they are.

As for Christianity, if everyone adhered to its teachings, there wouldn't be a problem in the world.
How does that ban them?

US Constitution Article 6, Section 2, Part 1 (the Supremacy Clause)

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

The bold print part proclaims supremacy of the Constitution. By definition of the word supremacy, only ONE entity can be supreme (over all else). Thus, this clause bans anything which purports to claim ITSELF to be supreme. Problem with Islam is, it does just that. Supremacy is one of the fundamental tenets of Islam.
Your reality is to think they're sub-human so you can kill them. We liberals are twisted for thinking that they deserve human rights.

Personally, I think christianity and religion is far more twisted and fill in the blanks.
"They" ? They who ? Doesn't matter. I don't think any humans are sub-human, but I see Muslims as what they are (based on the Koran), I see LGBT as what they are, based on their abnormal behavior, and I see woman as what they are.

As for Christianity, if everyone adhered to its teachings, there wouldn't be a problem in the world.
------------------------------------- pretty much agree Protectionist , most all American style Christianity is mostly benign . I mean a sodomite is going to continue doing his or her sodomy as much as they like and NO Pastor is ever going to go to the sodomysts house , tie him up and haul him to a tall building to be thrown off of . The most that MIGHT happen will be the Pastor preaching to his congregation against the general topic of 'sodomy' .
How does that ban them?

US Constitution Article 6, Section 2, Part 1 (the Supremacy Clause)

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

The bold print part proclaims supremacy of the Constitution. By definition of the word supremacy, only ONE entity can be supreme (over all else). Thus, this clause bans anything which purports to claim ITSELF to be supreme. Problem with Islam is, it does just that. Supremacy is one of the fundamental tenets of Islam.

Sorry, bud...

but thinking you, or your religion, is 'supreme, is NOT unconstitutional.
If they try to force Sharia law on thier jurisdiction after being elected, THEN you have a point.
You are just trying to squirm out of admitting the reality of what I'm saying. Apparently you missed this: Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government

As far a looking at other countries, name one that has a tradition of secular government and an establish democracy where the Muslim population has been a threat to - or has undermined-their system of government
That would be continent (Europe), not country. You haven't recognized the Islamization of Europe ? ...which have massively undermined their cultures, and/or govt
I recall a number of these incidents from the last couple of years . If you want to know exact dates look them up. I'm not doing your homework for you. The fact is that in any given time frame, right wing terrorism has been more prevalent
Source ? LInk ? Got anything ? You don't get credibility in this forum by telling the other guy to look something up. It's up to YOU to back up your statements, not other posters..
As it is now, it's legal for a muslim to hold office, even be president in this country. We came pretty close to having a muslim in the white house with strong ties to the muslim brotherhood - huma abedin. She would have been privy to state secrets, considering hillary's complete trust in that woman. Yep, it's legal for muslims to hold office in the now tolerant and forgiving USA, even though there are no muslim ruled countries at least to my knowledge, that tolerate many of the practices we have here in terms of tolerance of all religions, homosexuality, equal rights for women, etc. These are things that modern liberals cherish and stupidly believe that muslims won't outlaw once they gain power. Thirty or forty years of political correctness has crippled most of liberalism's capability for critical thinking. Not that I'm a conservative. I held my nose voting for trump. That's how bad our choices for politicians have become.
Again you prove my point!! No respect for and/or ignorance of the Constitution

The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is a clause within Article VI, Clause 3. By its plain terms, no federal office holder or employee can be required to adhere to or accept any particular religion or doctrine as a prerequisite to holding a federal office or a federal government job.
No Religious Test Clause - Wikipedia
The relevant Clause is Clause 2 (the Supremacy Clause) of Article 6, (not Clause 3). And Islam is not a religion. It is the world's longest running ideological con job, masquerading as a religion.

And the only reason it has survived the masquerade so long, is because it has pushed itself on millions of people by force, killing those who oppose it. The overwhelming majority of people living today who call themselves a Muslim, do so only because their non-Muslim ancestors were forced to become Muslims, at the point of a sword.

Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.
I don't think in terms of "should" and "shouldn't but Muslims can't be legally banned unless they are living in America illegally, then YES by all means, ban them. Same with any politician. One must be living here legally to serve. Would I like to see legal Muslims unable to serve? Yes, I would. They are proliferating faster than cockroaches. They and Hispanics will soon be the majority in this country and their radical and progressive agendas will soon be in place. I speak as a conservative, not a Republican but the following appears to be a true statement:


Politically, Republicans are less favorable to Islam than are Democrats; Republicans are more likely to say they are “very concerned” about the rise of Islamic extremism in the world and that “Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence among its believers.”

Muslim Population in U.S. to Double by 2050, Study Shows
All Islam is illegal in America,.by US Constitution, Article 6, Section 2, part 1, the Supremacy Clause.
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