Do Republicans realize that they appear to be Batshit Crazy? Do they care?

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His words contradict each other.

He has been perfectly clear on the issue. He couldn't have said it any more directly. You're just not smart enough to understand it.

My point stands.

When you support the justification for violence but condemn the violence, you are not being clear on the issue.

Biden didn't justify violence.

You're just an idiot with reading comprehension issues. My point stands.

Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

For someone who "won", you seem strangely evasive.

It is almost like on some level, you know that this will not, can not work out well for the country as a whole.

I addressed exactly what you said.

You: “When you support the justification for violence...”

My response is that he didn’t support the justification for violence.

What part of that did you not understand? I don’t think I can make that any easier for you to understand. You’re clearly not very bright. My point stands.

You say that, but it ignores the reality that he does support the justifications. He supports the idea that Trump's administration has been a "time of darkness" and American and it's police are systemically wacist, among many other similar bullshit lies.
It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

Yeah, just like I suffer while Obama was president and like I suffered while Clinton was president.


The allying with violent mobs, next level shit going on there.

YOu can be willfully ignorant for a long time. But sooner or later, denial breaks down and reality will give you a nasty wake up call.

I hope it really hurts.
I hope your hangover tomorrow doesn't hurt

Tomorrow morning and I'm feeling fine. Come the first riot, we will see which of Bidens words were real and which were bullshit he spewed just to get elected.

He will show which side he is really on, the mob or the American citizens who have a right to be protected from such threats.
I'm not crying. I'm angry

Be angry then. Doesn't change the fact that America told your leader to get lost.

It's a great day to be an American.

He won with brown shirt mob tactics and mass censorship and propaganda. His divisive campaign torn this nation apart.

People are talking about civil war and genocide. Only a fool would think that this is a good day.

"Brown shirt mob tactics and mass censorship and propaganda" is just you whining like a little bitch because you lost.

Sucks for you, snowflake. Keep whining.

View attachment 424356

9 months of Kristalnacht by your Brown Shirts, it's a little hard to deny it now.

They are used to having it both ways, because no one ever calls them on their shit.

They talk shit about sexual harassment, and the close ranks to support Bill Clinton.

They talk shit about old white men, and then vote for Biden.

They spend months letting mobs terrorize the streets and then are shocked that we hold them to account for their vile actions.
9 months of Kristalnacht by your Brown Shirts, it's a little hard to deny it now.

Nah. You’re just upset that you lost and you’re trying to sound dramatic.

Keep crying you little snowflake bitch.

Your denial of the scale of the riots is not fooling anyone.

" Dozens of people were killed or injured in the violent unrest, and thousands of businesses and properties, many minority-owned, were looted, torched, or otherwise vandalized. Only now are we beginning to realize the full cost of the destruction. New reporting from Axios reveals that the total insured property losses incurred during the George Floyd riots will come in at $1 billion to $2 billion.

However, there are many reasons that this figure vastly underestimates the true damage wrought by the looting and violence that has broken out in recent months.

For one, the Axios report only measures insured losses. The obvious problem here is that not all the damages were insured.

As I have previously explained, insurance is no panacea for the societal ills imposed by rioting. Indeed, 75 percent of US businesses are under-insured and about 40 percent of small businesses have no insurance at all. Their untold millions in losses don’t show up in the $2 billion figure.

So, too, insurance doesn’t account for the personal pain and suffering caused by rioting. For example, what about the more than 15 people who died during the unrest? Their lives and their families’ pain don’t get counted in any insurance company’s budgetary analysis. Nor does the pain of those such as an elderly businessman punched in the face while his store was ransacked in Kenosha, Wisconsin manifest itself in total reports on insurance compensation."
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Curtesy? to call a fraud a winner of an election? Biden is a puppet who takes bribes and supports pedophilia----------you do no one a curtesy by calling him president elect.

306-232 EV
Over 6 million popular vote

Massive Landslide and Republicans know it. They owe Biden the courtesy of calling him President Elect rather than pandering to an immature President who won’t accept that he was beaten.
You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

How would you know, Farouk? You've never left Tehran.

But I'd love to have you take a walking tour of downtown Rialto around midnight alone..

You "Persians" are white, right? So your murder would never even be recorded, you'd just vanish.
9 months of Kristalnacht by your Brown Shirts, it's a little hard to deny it now.

Nah. You’re just upset that you lost and you’re trying to sound dramatic.

Keep crying you little snowflake bitch.

You were lying about the 9 month Kristalnacht the Brown Shirts of your party are engaged in.


You think you can lie it all into the cornfield.
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

This is equivalent to a Retard calling a group of Rocket scientists a bunch of retards

Doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to realize Trump lost Bigly

Why can’t Republicans acknowledge it?

when you win by cheating, you are still a loser. The truth is coming out, stand by.

Now, I expect these Batshit Crazy comments out of USMB Conservatives......I hold Republican leaders to a higher standard

but you obviously hold democrat leaders to no standards at all. "if you like your plan you can keep it" "we landed under sniper fire" " I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" "Hunter is a legitimate businessman" " If you don't fire that prosecutor you won't get the foreign aid money" Hillary given debate questions in advance, massive election fraud orchestrated by the dems, I could go on for dozens of pages, but you are too indoctrinated to ever get it.
You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Definitely a shithole.
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Curtesy? to call a fraud a winner of an election? Biden is a puppet who takes bribes and supports pedophilia----------you do no one a curtesy by calling him president elect.

306-232 EV
Over 6 million popular vote

Massive Landslide and Republicans know it. They owe Biden the courtesy of calling him President Elect rather than pandering to an immature President who won’t accept that he was beaten.

how many fraudulent votes are included in those totals? The dominion system was designed to flip votes and it did just that in most of the swing states, but fear not the truth is coming out. Biden will never be president.
i know nobody who has voted for Obama and the hell did they win? does that make me out of touch with Americans? that's impossible, because i have correctly predicted the last 9 of 10 American Idol winners.

there's only one explanation for this...VOTER FRAUD!
You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Hey Fawnboi............murder up 25%

Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Classic Troll.
Either you know the truth about the valid concern or you are too stupid to know. Either way, I find your posts as nothing but trolling.
You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Definitely a shithole.
View attachment 424594

^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.

You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Definitely a shithole.
View attachment 424594

^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.


Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one? :itsok:
You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Definitely a shithole.
View attachment 424594

^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.


Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one? :itsok:


It is and it's still a city, not a state.



Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Fuck Joe Biden.

Fuck you.

And who gives a fuck what you think ?
You sound upset....or, what do they call it................triggered?

Triggered does not mean pissed off, you fucking moron.
And now you are being rude. Tsk Tsk.

I was being appropriate to a fucking asshole.

Dude. When you act like a ****, and people treat you as you deserve, that is not something wrong with them, that is something wrong with you.

Try to be less stupid.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are 4 pointing back at you.

I don't get in someone's face being an asshole and then whine like a faggot when the get pissed at me.

If someone points a finger at me, accusing me of such behavior, they are filthy liars.
Ironic post is Ironic.

Except, it wasn't ironic. You were a snarky **** and I called you on it, and you whined like a faggot about that.
Dear me....more rudeness.

Said the snarky ****.
An indicator of higher level thinking. No wonder trumpanzees get tied in knots and strike out.

Snarky is not higher level. It is just you being a ****.


Yep. YOu were being a ****, and when you pretended you were NOT, that was you being a lying asshole.

"The reason is simple: sarcasm expresses the poisonous sting of contempt, hurting others and harming relationships. As a form of communication, sarcasm takes on the debt of conflict. "

I'm happy that you hope it increases your creativity. Maybe you can do something with that, other than being a snarky ****.
Keep being you, sweetie. View attachment 423960

Your own link tells that you were expressing contempt and poison, and you act like my responding harshly is something wrong with me.

So much for higher intellect, fucktard.
Oh are still so easily upset. SO very easily upset.

You were an asshole, so I was rude to you back.

That you have to pretend that is somehow wrong of me, is just you being a fucking asshole.
Sure, hun. You be you.

Better than being a cowardly and snarky asshole like you.
Just because some rabidly anti-USA propaganda outlets like CNN say Biden is the President-elect doesn't make it so, moonbat. The Electoral College has not voted yet and the results in several states are being challenged in court due to obvious fraud. Therefore Biden is not technically the President-elect right now, you stupid TDS afflicted moron.

Biden will be the next president. Retard.
It's likely, but not certain, moron.

pathetic retard
Obvious projection.

^ retard holding out hope that Trump still MIGHT win.

You lost, moron.
More projection.

You lost, snowflake. Time to accept reality.
It isn't over until after the electoral college votes on December 14th, you low IQ TDS afflicted moron.
Tick tock.....
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