Do the Rich deserve their wealth?

Honestly, if you think a person is 1.26 million times more productive than the average American (top 1% income ratio versus 99% income per capita), then YOU'RE RETARDED and are probably a Republican.

If you're paid what you produce, then the 1% would lose 99% of their wealth.

Who here thinks anyone should be paid for more than they produce? Republicans raise your shit covered hands.

Dear TheCrusader
Are you really prepared to go there?
a. Can any of us pay for the production and work that a mother and head of household goes through with BEARING CHILDREN, raising them, and multitasking to get kids through school and independent by the time they are legal age. Feminists have long complained that the GNP leaves out the UNPAID work of women, teachers, and other social services important to human health and development. This doesn't even register on the scale.

So what happens when a woman is raped or a child is trafficked. Is the damage and cost it takes to recovery, and the impact and cost on others, is that even counted in the costs.
Do the taxpayers pay this with prison and health care costs, the cost of violations of immigration and trafficking laws with people sexually abusing and selling women and children.
Are you going to count the work it takes to deal with this problem?

Are you SERIOUS talking about holding the wrongdoers responsible for paying for that work
or do you expect it to go on for free, where victims and taxpayers are never compensated?

b. Can ANY of us pay for the labor that goes into our
cell phones, our other electronics, and the goods we buy
without indirectly relying on SLAVE LABOR.

If you really want to go there, we could not afford our lifestyles either.
I know one person, a neighbor, who would only buy Fair Trade. He used a scooter
to reduce gas consumption. He didn't buy at Wal Mart or McDonald's but always
sought out environmentally conscious and fair trade sources.

How many people do you know bother to check
ALL that we have bought, EVERY COMPANY to make
sure there is NO SLAVE LABOR in the production or marketing chain.

I knew ONE person with the Green Party who did that.
Another environmentalist who only bought and used green materials
when putting together a huge campaign, to make sure it was consistent as possible.

If you really want to go there, TheCrusader, I support you.
I think we could pay back the US Debt to China by insisting that
all the LABOR HOURS owed at minimum/living wages, and all
the Human Rights violations by Chinese workers and citizens
be paid back with that money. And just trade out the labor
and resources to CORRECT the problem to pay back the debts
while investing it in rebuilding and restructuring the housing jobs and health care
to be sustainable on living wages.

If you REALLY want to go there, heck, let's ask TRUMP and CRUZ to make
this proposal part of their business campaign to eradicate the US Debt
and stop trafficking and slave labor that affects immigration and border issues.

Do you want to go there?

And make sure ALL people are paid for their labor?
Mothers, heads of households, crime victims and taxpayers who pay for hospitalization,
workers in China and other slave markets, veterans who pay for going to war for the US.

I'm sure the Greens will back you.
But since they don't have the capital to push for business reform,
I'd approach Trump and Cruz, Clinton and Bush, to see who's "serious or not"
about the REAL work and change it would take to back worker cooperatives, create
schools and jobs by converting sweatshops and slavery rings,
as restitution for trafficking and human rights abuses. And make sure either the wrongdoers pay, and/or the people and taxpayers who end up paying OWN shares in the programs if that's who is paying for all the labor and costs.

Shouldn't the wrongdoers pay the costs they incurred, rather than
push that debt onto taxpayers? Why not bring this up with Candidates and see who responds
and is willing to work together to change the economy based on this concept
of paying people for labor and paying restitution for crime, abuse and trafficking victims.

Ready to go there? TheCrusader or were you bluffing and not serious?
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