Do Trump supporters understand their opposition?

Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Nope, I don't understand. Hillary calls women bimbos and tries to destroy them. Hillary gets insider trader information and make 100,000. Hillary calls blacks super predators. Hillary voted for and supported the Iraq war. Hillary supported NAFTA and supports TPP. Hillary said that a person has to say two different things, one in private and one in public. Hillary is married to a serial rapist, accused. Hillary is an Washington insider.

Now, does those who support Hillary know that opposition pretty much hate her with a searing passion? I think they do and they love it. Nothing the left likes better than forcing the minority opinion on the majority.
You do know it's one party rule in Washington and has been for decades? The progressive party.

It would be better if this country would split into pieces
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
The problem is the control freaks progressives they are will not settle for anything but an all out dictatorship of political correctness- the Eliminating the Second Amendment, forcing people that want nothing to do with Obama care on it, unlimited taxing of the successful, the forcing of the believe/cult of man-made global warming on people that just don't believe it, the paying debt With more debt then paying that debt with printed paper then trying to force people to think that is acceptable.... The list goes on and on and on....
Again you are over exaggerating their policy positions. And even if your points were true it means there needs to be open debate and a healthy system of checks and balances to make sure both sides of the argument are heard, respected and considered in our law making.
Why not split the country up and live where you agree with the policies of the country? The 10th amendment was supposed to do that but the federal government disregards the 10th amendment now.
I just described a few reason about why that would be a horrible idea.... "it would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage." Also, it wouldn't realistically happen without major revolt, which would include riots, or an all out civil war.

It is not a smart nor is it a realistic
You're ignoring the reality, the country cannot continue on the way has been. This federal government is paying debt with more debt and paying that debt with printed paper. That's called a banana republic. It's going to collapse... fact.
It's best to split up the country while it's still a country...
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Don't mistake my voting for Trump for actual support or lack of understanding.

Trump is like walking barefooted over a hot bed of coals as opposed to Hillary which is like doing the same while in a burning building.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Most, if not all, Trump supporters know Trump will lose the election, but they’re too arrogant to admit it.

All we’ll hear from Trump supporters are ridiculous lies about ‘rigged’ elections and that the polls are ‘lying’ about Trump losing the race.
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
Clinton's will divide the country even more than Barry did, that's why the country should be split up.
It takes two to tango. The reps were just as responsible as Obama for the divide. Hillary has better relationships in government and the best chance to bring the parties closer together.
You do know it's one party rule in Washington and has been for decades? The progressive party.

It would be better if this country would split into pieces
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
no such path available for you. See the progressives are all about themselves period end of story. There is no such thing as a compromise. none, ask one, they are vindictive people. they'd prefer any opposing person be extinguished from the face of the planet rather than work with them.
Democrats need to understand one thing:

Fascists support

1. socialism
2. gun confiscation
3. state sponsored abortion
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public

If Democrats want to see a fascist in this race, first look IN THE MIRROR...
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Several reasons. He hasn't lived his life as a politically correct person running for office so doesn't sugar coat what he says. Much can be taken out of context and is. Some of the stuff was just dumb but then again the very season Hillary called out many millions as deplorable and unredeemable. That in a fair system would have sunk her.

The media coverage is as corrupt as it could be. He gets hammered for supposedly saying something or possible groping or possibly kissing a porn star and it's a national crisis.

Hillary and the Democrats have been engaged in massive corruption and incompetence and it hardly gets a mention. In other words, tv shapes the minds of many and believe it's a great economy if obama says so and it goes unchallenged.

I wonder if liberals understand the level of disdain they get from honest freedom loving hard working Americans. My guess is most of them are too focused on themselves to notice.
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
Clinton's will divide the country even more than Barry did, that's why the country should be split up.
It takes two to tango. The reps were just as responsible as Obama for the divide. Hillary has better relationships in government and the best chance to bring the parties closer together.
Wrong. The left have been galloping further to the left and claiming the right is causing division. Failure to go along with them is outright rebellion. Liberals think and act like children.
The opposition are lying corrupt backstabbing traitors who are destroying this great nation.

The opposition allows illegals from foreign countries to pour across our borders, killing, raping, assaulting, robbing, thousands of American citizens each year, then shockingly they side with the illegals when anyone suggests securing the borders and deporting their ass.

The opposition trades our jobs to foreign countries for money. Whether that be their personal wealth, contributions to their campaigns, or in Hillary's case stuffing $2 billion into their foundation slush fund.

The opposition blatantly lies to us again and again. They openly mock citizens, smug in their knowledge that the two parties have so rigged elections that citizens can't really do anything about it so their attitude is fuck you.

This is the opposition.
It is an opposition that you clearly do not understand... Noted

When you have something say even worth typing I'll let you know.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Nope, I don't understand. Hillary calls women bimbos and tries to destroy them. Hillary gets insider trader information and make 100,000. Hillary calls blacks super predators. Hillary voted for and supported the Iraq war. Hillary supported NAFTA and supports TPP. Hillary said that a person has to say two different things, one in private and one in public. Hillary is married to a serial rapist, accused. Hillary is an Washington insider.

Now, does those who support Hillary know that opposition pretty much hate her with a searing passion? I think they do and they love it. Nothing the left likes better than forcing the minority opinion on the majority.
I imagine it is a tough debate for Hillary supporters to talk to people like you. I don't like Hillary or Trump but as a somewhat objective observer I can clearly see a biased and misrepresentation of both Hillary's history and of her policy views. It is a cheap tactic to make your argument sound stronger but most free thinkers can see right through the bullshit.
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
The problem is the control freaks progressives they are will not settle for anything but an all out dictatorship of political correctness- the Eliminating the Second Amendment, forcing people that want nothing to do with Obama care on it, unlimited taxing of the successful, the forcing of the believe/cult of man-made global warming on people that just don't believe it, the paying debt With more debt then paying that debt with printed paper then trying to force people to think that is acceptable.... The list goes on and on and on....
Again you are over exaggerating their policy positions. And even if your points were true it means there needs to be open debate and a healthy system of checks and balances to make sure both sides of the argument are heard, respected and considered in our law making.
Why not split the country up and live where you agree with the policies of the country? The 10th amendment was supposed to do that but the federal government disregards the 10th amendment now.
I just described a few reason about why that would be a horrible idea.... "it would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage." Also, it wouldn't realistically happen without major revolt, which would include riots, or an all out civil war.

It is not a smart nor is it a realistic
You're ignoring the reality, the country cannot continue on the way has been. This federal government is paying debt with more debt and paying that debt with printed paper. That's called a banana republic. It's going to collapse... fact.
It's best to split up the country while it's still a country...
Your understanding of economics is elementary.... Go study up and stop regurgitating the propaganda.
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
Clinton's will divide the country even more than Barry did, that's why the country should be split up.
It takes two to tango. The reps were just as responsible as Obama for the divide. Hillary has better relationships in government and the best chance to bring the parties closer together.
You do know it's one party rule in Washington and has been for decades? The progressive party.

It would be better if this country would split into pieces
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
no such path available for you. See the progressives are all about themselves period end of story. There is no such thing as a compromise. none, ask one, they are vindictive people. they'd prefer any opposing person be extinguished from the face of the planet rather than work with them.
I'm called a disgusting liberal by many on this board and what you just said doesn't even come close to representing how I feel. You are being sensitive and over dramatic.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Several reasons. He hasn't lived his life as a politically correct person running for office so doesn't sugar coat what he says. Much can be taken out of context and is. Some of the stuff was just dumb but then again the very season Hillary called out many millions as deplorable and unredeemable. That in a fair system would have sunk her.

The media coverage is as corrupt as it could be. He gets hammered for supposedly saying something or possible groping or possibly kissing a porn star and it's a national crisis.

Hillary and the Democrats have been engaged in massive corruption and incompetence and it hardly gets a mention. In other words, tv shapes the minds of many and believe it's a great economy if obama says so and it goes unchallenged.

I wonder if liberals understand the level of disdain they get from honest freedom loving hard working Americans. My guess is most of them are too focused on themselves to notice.
You are correct, much of what Trump says is mischaracterized... Since you recognize this, it puzzles me why you turn around and do the exact same thing to Clinton. You know good and well she was referring to racists, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes etc. She was talking about people that supported that type of divisive hate. You know it and I know it so stop playing.

The media coverage is all Trump 24/7, if he didn't act like a jackass and just stuck to the issues he would be destroying Clinton in the race and the media would be helping him do it. But his ego won't allow him to pivot to substance and he needs to lash out at his accusers and opposers. He brought all of this on himself. When people act the way Trump has been acting it is very motivating for others to want and put him in his place. Trump owns much of the blame for his treatment in the media.

Clintons Emails and Foundation and controversies are covered in most new programs, the difference is she knows how to starve the press and pivot to issues, while Trump continues to feed the beast.
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
Clinton's will divide the country even more than Barry did, that's why the country should be split up.
It takes two to tango. The reps were just as responsible as Obama for the divide. Hillary has better relationships in government and the best chance to bring the parties closer together.
Wrong. The left have been galloping further to the left and claiming the right is causing division. Failure to go along with them is outright rebellion. Liberals think and act like children.
So I guess when the Reps decided to sit on their hands and not recognize Obamas Supreme Court nominee, they were acting like responsible grown ups? I think not... Flip the script and if Dems would have done this to a Republican president you would be throwing and absolute hissy fit.
The problem is the control freaks progressives they are will not settle for anything but an all out dictatorship of political correctness- the Eliminating the Second Amendment, forcing people that want nothing to do with Obama care on it, unlimited taxing of the successful, the forcing of the believe/cult of man-made global warming on people that just don't believe it, the paying debt With more debt then paying that debt with printed paper then trying to force people to think that is acceptable.... The list goes on and on and on....
Again you are over exaggerating their policy positions. And even if your points were true it means there needs to be open debate and a healthy system of checks and balances to make sure both sides of the argument are heard, respected and considered in our law making.
Why not split the country up and live where you agree with the policies of the country? The 10th amendment was supposed to do that but the federal government disregards the 10th amendment now.
I just described a few reason about why that would be a horrible idea.... "it would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage." Also, it wouldn't realistically happen without major revolt, which would include riots, or an all out civil war.

It is not a smart nor is it a realistic
You're ignoring the reality, the country cannot continue on the way has been. This federal government is paying debt with more debt and paying that debt with printed paper. That's called a banana republic. It's going to collapse... fact.
It's best to split up the country while it's still a country...
Your understanding of economics is elementary.... Go study up and stop regurgitating the propaganda.
Running the economy of the way this federal government is - is like the grasshopper not the ant.
It's absolutely ridiculously elementary to think that the government can run the economy the way it has and sustain civilization.
No reason for all of this debt - this debt cannot be paid its far too large, there is enough money/resources in the world pay this debt...
It's childish thinking socialism can ever work for the good... :itsok:

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