Do Trump supporters understand their opposition?

I think the election will be closer than what people think. There are a lot of people giving lip service but when the vote is counted dont be surprised at how many whites voted for Drumpf.
We heard that same BS when Obama ran for his 1st term, and we were told how many whites would say they supported Obama and then when they went to the polls the would vote for McCain. Never worked out that way and it won't now
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Don't care. Trump supporters are running against the DC/MSM corruption, lies, open borders and globalism. Clinton is just another player in this game. We want to take the country back and give it to its rightful owners...the American people. We don't care who thinks what anymore. Anyone who's not opposed to the deception, corruption, lies and extortion that has been taking place for decades can continue to live in denial as patriotic Americans wrestle control back from the corruptocrats.
I think the election will be closer than what people think. There are a lot of people giving lip service but when the vote is counted dont be surprised at how many whites voted for Drumpf.
We heard that same BS when Obama ran for his 1st term, and we were told how many whites would say they supported Obama and then when they went to the polls the would vote for McCain. Never worked out that way and it won't now

You forgot to mention it came true. Whites were the only....I repeat...the only racial group that voted against Obama. They never got over 40% in either election. So yes it worked out that way unless you meant by that way that less whites would vote for Obama?
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Yes, the right has done a fine job of making mrs Clinton into something she isn't
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Don't care. Trump supporters are running against the DC/MSM corruption, lies, open borders and globalism. Clinton is just another player in this game. We want to take the country back and give it to its rightful owners...the American people. We don't care who thinks what anymore. Anyone who's not opposed to the deception, corruption, lies and extortion that has been taking place for decades can continue to live in denial as patriotic Americans wrestle control back from the corruptocrats.
If that is how you really feel then you wouldnt be voting for Drumpf. He has been at the lead in corruption, deception, lies, etc long before he ran for office and even more so since then.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
I don't agree, there have been some dirty battles in the past but nothing like this... this election has dropped to new levels of distortion manipulation and outright disrespect. I think Trump brought a lot of that stuff into the arena

Bullshit. Progressives have been playing "dirty pool" for decades, and now that they get someone who doesn't automatically retreat when they start having the vapors, they are crying foul?

Progressives today are the new version of the old Moral Majority idiots, but instead of a religious base, their zeal comes from love of Federal power, and climbing up the oppressed ladder while shitting on anyone on the rungs below.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Don't care. Trump supporters are running against the DC/MSM corruption, lies, open borders and globalism. Clinton is just another player in this game. We want to take the country back and give it to its rightful owners...the American people. We don't care who thinks what anymore. Anyone who's not opposed to the deception, corruption, lies and extortion that has been taking place for decades can continue to live in denial as patriotic Americans wrestle control back from the corruptocrats.
If that is how you really feel then you wouldnt be voting for Drumpf. He has been at the lead in corruption, deception, lies, etc long before he ran for office and even more so since then.
There is no option for them.
The divide continues, as more parts of more states become more and more red(state houses,governorships, House of Representatives, etc.)
The country is becoming two countries in many ways not in The stupid way John Edward says, two americas. But
One side wants the government to be involved in every aspect of their lives. The other side wants no government involvement in their lives.

The middle ground is what has to be eliminated...
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Yes, the right has done a fine job of making mrs Clinton into something she isn't
So you don't know can't say I'm surprised blind partisans from the right or left can never see or accept the truth about one of there own.
The choice here is between two shit sandwiches.
For us the question is how is it possible to for so many to blindly support the single most narcissistic, sociopathic bitch/bastard who has EVER run for President.
I understand your gripes with Clinton, I don't like her much either. I also understand not liking Trump but wanted to support a republican ticket. I'm just curious if Trump supporters recognize why many people simply can't vote for a guy like Trump.

Of course we can, speaking just for me I cannot understand why we as a Nation keep swallowing the same shit every 4 years. We just let them do this to us again and again.
Part of it is the partisan divide where no respect or consideration is given tot he other side, also the constant postering influenced by the want to be re elected, lobbyists providing essential funding for their own self interest, and most importantly we need a strong smart inspirational leader to bringing the country together. Unfortunately both Trump and Clinton fall short
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
Don't care. Trump supporters are running against the DC/MSM corruption, lies, open borders and globalism. Clinton is just another player in this game. We want to take the country back and give it to its rightful owners...the American people. We don't care who thinks what anymore. Anyone who's not opposed to the deception, corruption, lies and extortion that has been taking place for decades can continue to live in denial as patriotic Americans wrestle control back from the corruptocrats.
Can't you see that what you just said feeds the problem? Do you really think Trump is going to be any less corrupt than Clinton? The guy will do anything to get his way. The table is now set to revolt against a rigged election if he loses and the bickering and gridlock will continue for the next 4 years. How do you think that is at all helpful or good for our nation?
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
I feel Clinton is just as big a liar as Trump I have lost count of how many of her lies got debunked over her private e-mail server. She couldn't even be honest about having a bout of pennoumia when someone feels they have to lie about something like that it makes me ask is there anything she won't lie about?
The choice here is between two shit sandwiches.
For us the question is how is it possible to for so many to blindly support the single most narcissistic, sociopathic bitch/bastard who has EVER run for President.
I understand your gripes with Clinton, I don't like her much either. I also understand not liking Trump but wanted to support a republican ticket. I'm just curious if Trump supporters recognize why many people simply can't vote for a guy like Trump.

Of course we can, speaking just for me I cannot understand why we as a Nation keep swallowing the same shit every 4 years. We just let them do this to us again and again.
Part of it is the partisan divide where no respect or consideration is given tot he other side, also the constant postering influenced by the want to be re elected, lobbyists providing essential funding for their own self interest, and most importantly we need a strong smart inspirational leader to bringing the country together. Unfortunately both Trump and Clinton fall short
Hope and change?:lmao:
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
I don't agree, there have been some dirty battles in the past but nothing like this... this election has dropped to new levels of distortion manipulation and outright disrespect. I think Trump brought a lot of that stuff into the arena

Bullshit. Progressives have been playing "dirty pool" for decades, and now that they get someone who doesn't automatically retreat when they start having the vapors, they are crying foul?

Progressives today are the new version of the old Moral Majority idiots, but instead of a religious base, their zeal comes from love of Federal power, and climbing up the oppressed ladder while shitting on anyone on the rungs below.
I'm not talking about surrogates and super PAC attack ads, I'm talking about the candidates themselves. what perfectly makes my point is the Al Smith dinner and recent debates. Past elections got heated but it was mostly about issues and afterwards they were able to come together in a civil and respectful way and act like grown ups. Look how ugly and dramatic it is this time around? It's like watching a grade school bully throwing fits every other day.
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
Clinton's will divide the country even more than Barry did, that's why the country should be split up.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
I don't agree, there have been some dirty battles in the past but nothing like this... this election has dropped to new levels of distortion manipulation and outright disrespect. I think Trump brought a lot of that stuff into the arena

Bullshit. Progressives have been playing "dirty pool" for decades, and now that they get someone who doesn't automatically retreat when they start having the vapors, they are crying foul?

Progressives today are the new version of the old Moral Majority idiots, but instead of a religious base, their zeal comes from love of Federal power, and climbing up the oppressed ladder while shitting on anyone on the rungs below.
I'm not talking about surrogates and super PAC attack ads, I'm talking about the candidates themselves. what perfectly makes my point is the Al Smith dinner and recent debates. Past elections got heated but it was mostly about issues and afterwards they were able to come together in a civil and respectful way and act like grown ups. Look how ugly and dramatic it is this time around? It's like watching a grade school bully throwing fits every other day.
Because progressives are control freaks, you can never trust a progressive.
The divide continues, as more parts of more states become more and more red(state houses,governorships, House of Representatives, etc.)
The country is becoming two countries in many ways not in The stupid way John Edward says, two americas. But
One side wants the government to be involved in every aspect of their lives. The other side wants no government involvement in their lives.

The middle ground is what has to be eliminated...
Perfect example of your lack of empathy and understanding for the other side... most liberals don't want government involved in every aspect of their lives like you claim. They want government to keep the rich and powerful in check so they do not take advantage of the common folk. They want social justice and support for the poor, vets, children, and elderly. That's the goal. Fine to argue about how to get there but you first need to be able to accurately recognize the intent from the opposition if you every want a serious discussion to take place

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