Do Trump supporters understand their opposition?

Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?

Like the disdain for Romney, McCain, GWB, and back and back all the way to Reagan?

Every republican nominee is Hitler, the difference here is Trump is actually not a politician, and thus easier to provoke and get those yummy yummy soundbites that the MSM loves to plaster all over the place.

Cruz/Walker/Kasich/Rubio would have gotten the same treatment, and would have been held to the same scorn, they just wouldn't be giving progressives as much ammunition.
it's actually backfiring on the msm. it's too much, it's OBVIOUS.
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
Clinton's will divide the country even more than Barry did, that's why the country should be split up.
It takes two to tango. The reps were just as responsible as Obama for the divide. Hillary has better relationships in government and the best chance to bring the parties closer together.
You do know it's one party rule in Washington and has been for decades? The progressive party.

It would be better if this country would split into pieces
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
The opposition to Trump is as follows...

1. warmongering Zionists who have Hillary's promise of a US war with Iran, set up by another phony Mossad "terror" attack to be blamed on Iran by Hillary and the Israeli owned "US" media
2. welfare addicts
3. politically correct bigots like BLM and the feminazis
4. government ghost employees
5. people who hate the US and want it bankrupt
6. other countries who expect Hillary to chase employers out of the US and into their countries
The opposition to Trump is as follows...

1. warmongering Zionists who have Hillary's promise of a US war with Iran, set up by another phony Mossad "terror" attack to be blamed on Iran by Hillary and the Israeli owned "US" media
2. welfare addicts
3. politically correct bigots like BLM and the feminazis
4. government ghost employees
5. people who hate the US and want it bankrupt
6. other countries who expect Hillary to chase employers out of the US and into their countries

uneducated angry white trash male trumpster
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
Clinton's will divide the country even more than Barry did, that's why the country should be split up.
It takes two to tango. The reps were just as responsible as Obama for the divide. Hillary has better relationships in government and the best chance to bring the parties closer together.
You do know it's one party rule in Washington and has been for decades? The progressive party.

It would be better if this country would split into pieces
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
The problem is the control freaks progressives they are will not settle for anything but an all out dictatorship of political correctness- the Eliminating the Second Amendment, forcing people that want nothing to do with Obama care on it, unlimited taxing of the successful, the forcing of the believe/cult of man-made global warming on people that just don't believe it, the paying debt With more debt then paying that debt with printed paper then trying to force people to think that is acceptable.... The list goes on and on and on....
Many of the people opposing Trump aren't even Americans
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

The rest are anti-American. These were the enemies we eliminated in the days of the original patriots: useless savages and aristocratic snobs arrogantly ruling over self-made men. Trump himself is from the unAmerican HeirHead class, but he is a traitor to it. He got kicked out of prep school for beating up those spoiled little pukes, which is the long-forgotten characteristic of a real American.
Just curious, if Trump supporters understand why there is such strong distain and opposition for Donald Trump from so many Americans. Thoughts?
I've had conversations with a few of his fans who simply won't admit any of his faults or weaknesses.

There's no way to know if they're being obtuse or if their fanaticism has simply blinded them to the obvious.

The followers of this alt right movement led by Breitbart don't see trump as being
so thin skinned so easily set off and if that wasn't enough Trump is erratic..

For me that's disastrous.
The choice here is between two shit sandwiches.
For us the question is how is it possible to for so many to blindly support the single most narcissistic, sociopathic bitch/bastard who has EVER run for President.
I understand your gripes with Clinton, I don't like her much either. I also understand not liking Trump but wanted to support a republican ticket. I'm just curious if Trump supporters recognize why many people simply can't vote for a guy like Trump.

Of course we can, speaking just for me I cannot understand why we as a Nation keep swallowing the same shit every 4 years. We just let them do this to us again and again.
Part of it is the partisan divide where no respect or consideration is given tot he other side, also the constant postering influenced by the want to be re elected, lobbyists providing essential funding for their own self interest, and most importantly we need a strong smart inspirational leader to bringing the country together. Unfortunately both Trump and Clinton fall short
Hope and change?:lmao:
FUBARack Wussein Obumble, Demwits' Shoeshine Boy

The Obamicans gave us hype and chains.
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do understand the opposition so many have for him. I have to wonder do Clinton supporters truly understand why there is so much opposition to her as well?
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
I feel Clinton is just as big a liar as Trump I have lost count of how many of her lies got debunked over her private e-mail server. She couldn't even be honest about having a bout of pennoumia when someone feels they have to lie about something like that it makes me ask is there anything she won't lie about?
She was definitely avoiding full disclosure with the emails server, she was protecting herself and covering up a mistake. Not that it makes it ok but had she just come out and said I messed up and mishandled classified info her career would likely be over. The pneumonia situation at the time when the right was saying she had a secret cancer and MS and lord know what other false theories were out there, I don't really blame her for hiding that, she needed to show strength and she did her best to do that. Showed she is a fighter. But you are right, she didn't need to lie about it. Those types of lies are ugly but not as ugly as the ones Trump tells on a daily basis.

He just makes stuff up to support this idea of a country on the brink of collapse. He is trying play off people's fear to get their vote and I think it is disgusting
So her lying about it all of a sudden qualifies her for office?
Any US citizens qualified to run for president, its up to the voters to elect the one they best think can hold the office. I understand how Hillary's email situation breaks trust in some and thats why they can't vote for her. Just as others look at Trumps character and can't vote a person like him into office.
The opposition are lying corrupt backstabbing traitors who are destroying this great nation.

The opposition allows illegals from foreign countries to pour across our borders, killing, raping, assaulting, robbing, thousands of American citizens each year, then shockingly they side with the illegals when anyone suggests securing the borders and deporting their ass.

The opposition trades our jobs to foreign countries for money. Whether that be their personal wealth, contributions to their campaigns, or in Hillary's case stuffing $2 billion into their foundation slush fund.

The opposition blatantly lies to us again and again. They openly mock citizens, smug in their knowledge that the two parties have so rigged elections that citizens can't really do anything about it so their attitude is fuck you.

This is the opposition.
It is an opposition that you clearly do not understand... Noted
The divide continues, as more parts of more states become more and more red(state houses,governorships, House of Representatives, etc.)
The country is becoming two countries in many ways not in The stupid way John Edward says, two americas. But
One side wants the government to be involved in every aspect of their lives. The other side wants no government involvement in their lives.

The middle ground is what has to be eliminated...
Perfect example of your lack of empathy and understanding for the other side... most liberals don't want government involved in every aspect of their lives like you claim. They want government to keep the rich and powerful in check so they do not take advantage of the common folk. They want social justice and support for the poor, vets, children, and elderly. That's the goal. Fine to argue about how to get there but you first need to be able to accurately recognize the intent from the opposition if you every want a serious discussion to take place
The left/progressive wants to eliminate the second amendment, they want to force everyone that does not want to be on Obamacare/single payer, they want open borders for anyone to cross, and they want unlimited taxes on the successful... just to name a few things the left wants the force on their opposition.
You are wrong on all fronts. There may be some extreme wingnuts that want this but not the majority of liberal democrats. Your statement is just an outright lie. They have their platform in black and white and it says none of that
The Hildabeast has said as much... fact
Prove it
Good question, I'm not a fan of either candidate and wanted to go with a fiscal conservative, anti corruption candidate this year... after being stuck with these two it is a very hard situation but there is just no way that I can support a guy like Trump for president. He is just completely full of shit.

I don't make excuses for Hillary. I think she is shady and secretive and calculated and likes to pull strings behind the scenes. I completely understand why this makes people nervous as we want a president that we can trust.

But I don't think she is a criminal and think many of her actions and words are wildly distorted by the Trump campaign. It's happening on both sides, I it's much worse on the trump side as he flat out lies in almost every speech he gives
Clinton's will divide the country even more than Barry did, that's why the country should be split up.
It takes two to tango. The reps were just as responsible as Obama for the divide. Hillary has better relationships in government and the best chance to bring the parties closer together.
You do know it's one party rule in Washington and has been for decades? The progressive party.

It would be better if this country would split into pieces
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
The problem is the control freaks progressives they are will not settle for anything but an all out dictatorship of political correctness- the Eliminating the Second Amendment, forcing people that want nothing to do with Obama care on it, unlimited taxing of the successful, the forcing of the believe/cult of man-made global warming on people that just don't believe it, the paying debt With more debt then paying that debt with printed paper then trying to force people to think that is acceptable.... The list goes on and on and on....
Again you are over exaggerating their policy positions. And even if your points were true it means there needs to be open debate and a healthy system of checks and balances to make sure both sides of the argument are heard, respected and considered in our law making.
Clinton's will divide the country even more than Barry did, that's why the country should be split up.
It takes two to tango. The reps were just as responsible as Obama for the divide. Hillary has better relationships in government and the best chance to bring the parties closer together.
You do know it's one party rule in Washington and has been for decades? The progressive party.

It would be better if this country would split into pieces
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
The problem is the control freaks progressives they are will not settle for anything but an all out dictatorship of political correctness- the Eliminating the Second Amendment, forcing people that want nothing to do with Obama care on it, unlimited taxing of the successful, the forcing of the believe/cult of man-made global warming on people that just don't believe it, the paying debt With more debt then paying that debt with printed paper then trying to force people to think that is acceptable.... The list goes on and on and on....
Again you are over exaggerating their policy positions. And even if your points were true it means there needs to be open debate and a healthy system of checks and balances to make sure both sides of the argument are heard, respected and considered in our law making.
Why not split the country up and live where you agree with the policies of the country? The 10th amendment was supposed to do that but the federal government disregards the 10th amendment now.
It takes two to tango. The reps were just as responsible as Obama for the divide. Hillary has better relationships in government and the best chance to bring the parties closer together.
You do know it's one party rule in Washington and has been for decades? The progressive party.

It would be better if this country would split into pieces
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
The problem is the control freaks progressives they are will not settle for anything but an all out dictatorship of political correctness- the Eliminating the Second Amendment, forcing people that want nothing to do with Obama care on it, unlimited taxing of the successful, the forcing of the believe/cult of man-made global warming on people that just don't believe it, the paying debt With more debt then paying that debt with printed paper then trying to force people to think that is acceptable.... The list goes on and on and on....
Again you are over exaggerating their policy positions. And even if your points were true it means there needs to be open debate and a healthy system of checks and balances to make sure both sides of the argument are heard, respected and considered in our law making.
Why not split the country up and live where you agree with the policies of the country? The 10th amendment was supposed to do that but the federal government disregards the 10th amendment now.
I just described a few reason about why that would be a horrible idea.... "it would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage." Also, it wouldn't realistically happen without major revolt, which would include riots, or an all out civil war.

It is not a smart nor is it a realistic
You do know it's one party rule in Washington and has been for decades? The progressive party.

It would be better if this country would split into pieces
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
The problem is the control freaks progressives they are will not settle for anything but an all out dictatorship of political correctness- the Eliminating the Second Amendment, forcing people that want nothing to do with Obama care on it, unlimited taxing of the successful, the forcing of the believe/cult of man-made global warming on people that just don't believe it, the paying debt With more debt then paying that debt with printed paper then trying to force people to think that is acceptable.... The list goes on and on and on....
Again you are over exaggerating their policy positions. And even if your points were true it means there needs to be open debate and a healthy system of checks and balances to make sure both sides of the argument are heard, respected and considered in our law making.
Why not split the country up and live where you agree with the policies of the country? The 10th amendment was supposed to do that but the federal government disregards the 10th amendment now.
I just described a few reason about why that would be a horrible idea.... "it would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage." Also, it wouldn't realistically happen without major revolt, which would include riots, or an all out civil war.

It is not a smart nor is it a realistic

I love the science of "pull it up from your ass".
You can take that side, but it's not realistic without a massive revolt or civil war that would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage. I'd prefer working on a realistic civilized solution under the system we have over a cowardly cut and run option
The problem is the control freaks progressives they are will not settle for anything but an all out dictatorship of political correctness- the Eliminating the Second Amendment, forcing people that want nothing to do with Obama care on it, unlimited taxing of the successful, the forcing of the believe/cult of man-made global warming on people that just don't believe it, the paying debt With more debt then paying that debt with printed paper then trying to force people to think that is acceptable.... The list goes on and on and on....
Again you are over exaggerating their policy positions. And even if your points were true it means there needs to be open debate and a healthy system of checks and balances to make sure both sides of the argument are heard, respected and considered in our law making.
Why not split the country up and live where you agree with the policies of the country? The 10th amendment was supposed to do that but the federal government disregards the 10th amendment now.
I just described a few reason about why that would be a horrible idea.... "it would massively disrupt the world economy and financial markets as well as diminish our military stronghold on the world stage." Also, it wouldn't realistically happen without major revolt, which would include riots, or an all out civil war.

It is not a smart nor is it a realistic

I love the science of "pull it up from your ass".
If you disagree then make some points, otherwise your comment is just hot air...

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