Do voters understand that GOP economics is a catastrophe in the making?

Yeah, and who is going to pay for this? Are we going to get Trump to raise taxes to pay for all of these clinics that would be needed by the thousands? Or do we just do debt?

Novel idea...cut spending. Both sides spend to much. Neither want to cut a thing.

Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:
Yeah, and who is going to pay for this? Are we going to get Trump to raise taxes to pay for all of these clinics that would be needed by the thousands? Or do we just do debt?

Novel idea...cut spending. Both sides spend to much. Neither want to cut a thing.

Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.
We would all get bad healthcare in a socialized system. I have no problem with people getting the same level of healthcare, but not necessarily the same amenities. Open more free clinics.

Okay, you realize you can't open free clinics without government money, right?

Most of Europe has socialized medicine. They get BETTER health care results.

I don't give a fuck if the rich get private hospital rooms. Maybe if they had to share a room with a poor person, they'd develop some empathy.

Yeah, cut spending.

Europe does NOT have better healthcare. You are one of the lemmings that buys into the WHO rankings aren't you. They take many things into account that have nothing to do with actual healthcare. The criteria they use are skewed to make Socialized systems look better. The bottom line is that the US has the best doctors and the best quality care on average. You are a lemming. I don't really care what you think because you don't "think" at all, you just soak up what you are told.

People who PAY for healthcare should get better amenities, not care, but amenities. I am sure your are one of the folks who thinks projects should be built in the middle of a golf course community just for the sake of fairness.
Delusional and spoiled. The average person is much better off today than it was 30 years ago. Our "poor" have things that "poor" people in other countries could only dream about.

No, they aren't. We have better technology, we don't have a better lifestyle.

My dad had a good union job, was able to raise five kids, and own vacation property free and clear. When he got sick at the end of his life, the Union made sure he had good health care.

I don't support Commie Bernie, but it would be hilarious to elect him and watch people like you SHIT yourselves.

You live in a crappy, blue state. That is why you may not be doing as well. That isn't my fault. That is YOUR fault. Stop voting for the idiots that are destroying your state.
people have to stop looking 'down' & blaming 'those people' for their problems & start looking up at THOSE people that are the cause; because that trickle down theory is actually a golden shower.
Yeah, and who is going to pay for this? Are we going to get Trump to raise taxes to pay for all of these clinics that would be needed by the thousands? Or do we just do debt?

Novel idea...cut spending. Both sides spend to much. Neither want to cut a thing.

Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.

Sure, lets just get rid of it. I mean, no reason to think any country would want what we have. You guys live in a complete fantasy world.
Yeah, and who is going to pay for this? Are we going to get Trump to raise taxes to pay for all of these clinics that would be needed by the thousands? Or do we just do debt?

Novel idea...cut spending. Both sides spend to much. Neither want to cut a thing.

Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.

Sure, lets just get rid of it. I mean, no reason to think any country would want what we have. You guys live in a complete fantasy world.

It's sad that some think that not invading other countries based upon lies is considered a fantasy by some.
Novel idea...cut spending. Both sides spend to much. Neither want to cut a thing.

Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.

Sure, lets just get rid of it. I mean, no reason to think any country would want what we have. You guys live in a complete fantasy world.

It's sad that some think that not invading other countries based upon lies is considered a fantasy by some.

If you are referring to WMD, that was our intelligence agencies fault. I thought they were beyond reproach?
Uh no illegal immigrants don’t qualify for welfare and they contribute 11 billion in tax revenue. This entire article, specifically, is talking about both illegal and legal immigrants.

Uh no illegal immigrants don’t qualify for welfare

They consume $10s of billions in healthcare dollars, education dollars and criminal justice dollars.
The sales tax they pay on their purchases doesn't even come close to the costs they impose on us.

Boot the fucking illegal leeches

This entire article, specifically, is talking about both illegal and legal immigrants.

Yes, the dishonesty the article exhibits by mixing the expensive legal immigrants with the much more expensive illegal aliens was obvious.
Actually the result is that it really doesn’t matter they are here and your crybaby ass wants to pretend otherwise. Right I get it. All the stuff you didn’t like in the article was all bullshit and the stuff you did was your lame as “ah ha!”. Typical. You people reason like children.

Let’s pretend, though, that we got rid all the illegals tomorrow. Then what? What the fuck do you even think would happen? Wages are just going to magically skyrocket because more white people would have jobs? Are you that stupid?

I really hope you understand that drunken posting does not constitute critical thinking.

But in this case, if it tightens the labor market....wages will go up. That isn't magic...that is economics.

You know, the thing you pretend to know.

If all undocumented people left America we all would starve. Farmers would go out of business. Food manufacturers would go out of business. The price for food would skyrocket.

Most of the food we eat is harvested or processed by undocumented workers.

Farmers are already having a hard time finding people to harvest crops. The price of food is already increasing.

Farmers aren't willing to pay a living wage. Americans can't live on the low pay of crop harvesting. Americans demand cheap food.

It's a horrible circle that isn't going to stop anytime soon.

I'll bet that when they get hungry enough....Americans will pay for expensive food.

I'll also bet that if the prices are good and there is a bit of a profit margin...someone will enter the market with a way to grow and harvest all the food we a certain price.
Labor to harvest the produce is a tiny portion of the cost of food once it reaches the grocery store
Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics.

It's been said/done/proven failure since>>>



Supply-side works every time it's tried.
Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.

Sure, lets just get rid of it. I mean, no reason to think any country would want what we have. You guys live in a complete fantasy world.

It's sad that some think that not invading other countries based upon lies is considered a fantasy by some.

If you are referring to WMD, that was our intelligence agencies fault. I thought they were beyond reproach?

I can't help what you thought. If they were wrong (and they were) why are we still pursuing their agenda wasting trillions?
Yeah, and who is going to pay for this? Are we going to get Trump to raise taxes to pay for all of these clinics that would be needed by the thousands? Or do we just do debt?

Novel idea...cut spending. Both sides spend to much. Neither want to cut a thing.

Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.
You are against national defense?
Yeah, and who is going to pay for this? Are we going to get Trump to raise taxes to pay for all of these clinics that would be needed by the thousands? Or do we just do debt?

Novel idea...cut spending. Both sides spend to much. Neither want to cut a thing.

Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.
You are against national defense?

We are harming national defense with what we are doing.
Novel idea...cut spending. Both sides spend to much. Neither want to cut a thing.

Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.
You are against national defense?

We are harming national defense with what we are doing.
I agree in principal

we have been in afghanistan for 19 years and that is 18 1/2 years too long

but we need a strong military that might need to fight overseas sometimes
Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?
Do you understand that virtually everything you own, buy, eat, drive, wear, and live life with comes from corporations? Hell, the job you go to is most likely at a corporation. Just what the hell are you going to do when you are done either destroying, or pushing corporations out of America dumb ass?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
We are harming national defense with what we are doing.

Sure, those terrorists would love us if we would just leave them alone. You sound just like that complete MORON Obama when it came to foreign policy.
Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.
You are against national defense?

We are harming national defense with what we are doing.
I agree in principal

we have been in afghanistan for 19 years and that is 18 1/2 years too long

but we need a strong military that might need to fight overseas sometimes

Being spread all around the world makes it weaker.
Yeah, and who is going to pay for this? Are we going to get Trump to raise taxes to pay for all of these clinics that would be needed by the thousands? Or do we just do debt?

Novel idea...cut spending. Both sides spend to much. Neither want to cut a thing.

Cut spending to increase spending? Does this really make sense to you? Maybe we cut out food stamps so that while people can see a doctor it's for malnutrition?

I mention cutting the military and the wars but I'm told that we can't do that.

Cut spending to fund spending. Yeah, that is kind of how it works. Cut enough to fund the new expense.

Yeah, we certainly can't cut any social programs. We all know our social programs are run extremely efficiently with little or no waste. :206:

Our entire military excursions are a waste.
The waste is between your ears.

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