Do we all agree yet that obamacare was always a single payer trojan horse?

Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.
Would you tell us why the ACA cannot be sustained, and when it may collapse?

It's already bankrupt and unsustainable.

It's a big mess, and the bill Trump wanted people to vote for is not the answer. It's just another fail.

Try again, Congress.
The ACA is not bankrupt and not unstable, these are your opinions, not FACTS.

Forbes: Obamacare's Low-Cost Co-ops Going Bankrupt

ObamaCare will Bankrupt the U.S.

Doctors increasingly declaring bankruptcy as Obamacare kicks in, causing widespread care shortages

400,000 Citizens To Lose Health Insurance (Again) Because Of Obamacare Co-Op Failures

ObamaCare exchanges are melting down across America | New York Post

NyPost, uber-leftist rag says it's failing. Same outlet that says Spicer
chews 30 pieces of Big Red before noon and swallows them every day.
Try again, cupcake.
Posting articles that are already 2-3 years old only shows that the ACA is alive, well and going fine

Huh? That Forbes article is only 18 months old.
Single payer will never be excepted, it would be the death of this country,,,, fact
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.

You mean a single payer system like Donald Trump said was necessary for America?

"If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. ... I believe in universal healthcare," Trump told CNN’s Larry King in October 1999.

"The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than America. … We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing," Trump writes in his 2000 book The America We Deserve.
Single payer will never be excepted, it would be the death of this country,,,, fact
It cannot be afforded, it has to be paid for somehow. Forcing people into the bullshit that is socialized medicine is not the answer. Fact
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA
The very concept of insurance is fucked up and what is even more fucked up is socialized medicine. Paying into a pool is a fucked up concept beyond measure… Fact
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, and there should not be a safe space for every snowflake on every corner… Why can't people pay for their own shit?
Single payer will never be excepted, it would be the death of this country,,,, fact
It cannot be afforded, it has to be paid for somehow. Forcing people into the bullshit that is socialized medicine is not the answer. Fact
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA

Looks like you don't have a clue either, the insurance companies are running from the ACA left and right.
Single payer will never be excepted, it would be the death of this country,,,, fact
It cannot be afforded, it has to be paid for somehow. Forcing people into the bullshit that is socialized medicine is not the answer. Fact
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA

Looks like you don't have a clue either, the insurance companies are running from the ACA left and right.
They still write the policies, set the rates, and collect the premiums, not the government
Single payer will never be excepted, it would be the death of this country,,,, fact
It cannot be afforded, it has to be paid for somehow. Forcing people into the bullshit that is socialized medicine is not the answer. Fact
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA

Looks like you don't have a clue either, the insurance companies are running from the ACA left and right.
They still write the policies, set the rates, and collect the premiums, not the government

Wait, didn't the gov't already determine what had to be covered and don't they also control the amount that premiums can rise by? And if they are running the ACA then why are they running from it?
Single payer will never be excepted, it would be the death of this country,,,, fact
It cannot be afforded, it has to be paid for somehow. Forcing people into the bullshit that is socialized medicine is not the answer. Fact
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA

Looks like you don't have a clue either, the insurance companies are running from the ACA left and right.
They still write the policies, set the rates, and collect the premiums, not the government
And the people that are forced to purchase so called healthcare have nothing to do with it, made to purchase insurance they will never use and can not afford.
Insurance is not health care. Jack weed
It cannot be afforded, it has to be paid for somehow. Forcing people into the bullshit that is socialized medicine is not the answer. Fact
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA

Looks like you don't have a clue either, the insurance companies are running from the ACA left and right.
They still write the policies, set the rates, and collect the premiums, not the government

Wait, didn't the gov't already determine what had to be covered and don't they also control the amount that premiums can rise by? And if they are running the ACA then why are they running from it?
No one is running from it
The government does NOT control premiums at all, in any way
It cannot be afforded, it has to be paid for somehow. Forcing people into the bullshit that is socialized medicine is not the answer. Fact
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA

Looks like you don't have a clue either, the insurance companies are running from the ACA left and right.
They still write the policies, set the rates, and collect the premiums, not the government
And the people that are forced to purchase so called healthcare have nothing to do with it, made to purchase insurance they will never use and can not afford.
Insurance is not health care. Jack weed
No one is forced to purchase anything
It cannot be afforded, it has to be paid for somehow. Forcing people into the bullshit that is socialized medicine is not the answer. Fact
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA

Looks like you don't have a clue either, the insurance companies are running from the ACA left and right.
They still write the policies, set the rates, and collect the premiums, not the government
And the people that are forced to purchase so called healthcare have nothing to do with it, made to purchase insurance they will never use and can not afford.
Insurance is not health care. Jack weed
No one is forced to purchase anything
Fortunately the IRS has been told no longer ENforce the mandate, but no one should be forced to pay for something they cannot afford and will never us.
Again you cannot answer my question why can't people pay for their own shit?
It cannot be afforded, it has to be paid for somehow. Forcing people into the bullshit that is socialized medicine is not the answer. Fact
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA

Looks like you don't have a clue either, the insurance companies are running from the ACA left and right.
They still write the policies, set the rates, and collect the premiums, not the government

Wait, didn't the gov't already determine what had to be covered and don't they also control the amount that premiums can rise by? And if they are running the ACA then why are they running from it?
No one is running from it
The government does NOT control premiums at all, in any way
They tell what insurance companies what is acceptable to them, not the people that are trying to afford them and can't.
No one should be paying for other peoples shit
The FACT is that you dont have a phyucking clue what socialized medicine is. The insurance companies run the ACA

Looks like you don't have a clue either, the insurance companies are running from the ACA left and right.
They still write the policies, set the rates, and collect the premiums, not the government
And the people that are forced to purchase so called healthcare have nothing to do with it, made to purchase insurance they will never use and can not afford.
Insurance is not health care. Jack weed
No one is forced to purchase anything
Fortunately the IRS has been told no longer ENforce the mandate, but no one should be forced to pay for something they cannot afford and will never us.
Again you cannot answer my question why can't people pay for their own shit?
Those who can afford it, do
Those who cant afford it need help
I dont think anyone can tell the IRS not to enforce a law passed by congress

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