Do we have a right to not be discriminated against

Then you should have no trouble citing actual evidence rather than a work of fiction.
I showed you pictures of the children working in fucking coal mines. I showed you the laws written against the abuses you don't believe ever existed. That's not evidence? -.-

As I said, child labor isn't the issue here. That's the fault of their parents. Legislation is based on lies and propaganda, so it proves nothing. Government creates dozens of programs every year that are all based on lies.
Children did easy harmless jobs in textile mills, like retying a thread after it breaks. There were some mining jobs where children did some jobs that were dangerous, but dangerous jobs were as common as dirt in those days.

Furthermore, we're talking about regulating business, not parents who put their children to work.
Child Labor and the Textile Mills Georgia Public Broadcasting
Doffer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Textile Mills

Because losing a finger and part of your face and getting your lungs fucked up for ten cents an hour at the age of 13 is harmless.

"The jungle" is a work of fiction. It proves exactly nothing. Government legislation also proves nothing. Most government legislation is promoted by scams and lies. Take the ACA, for instance. Nothing said to justify this monstrosity was true.
Told ya...

So where is the evidence for the "reality?"
In American History, dummy. Do you think we invented this shit just for the hell of it? It was to solve a problem, a big one usually.

Then you should have no trouble citing actual evidence rather than a work of fiction.
Start here: United States Army beef scandal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And here: Pure Food and Drug Act A Muckraking Triumph

And here: Federal Meat Inspection Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And lastly, here: Meat Inspection Act of 1906 United States 1906 Encyclopedia Britannica
What "horrific conditions of the slaughter houses and packing plants?" All you've got on that is a piece of propaganda by a committed socialist. Perhaps you could produce some actual evidence sometime.
What kind of evidence will you accept if not legal, photographic, or contemporary cultural references?
Child labor is mostly a separate issue then regulation of business. Otherwise, you got nothing.
I was proving to you that child labor was a thing until laws were written specifically to strike it down. The horrific conditions of the slaughter houses and packing plants had to be fought with the same kind of legislation, which went hand in hand with the banning of child labor and the worker's rights movement. That's the kind of shit a total lack of regulation allowed. That's what it will allow again if given the chance. We need basic standards and regulations. The only valid question is how much.

Child labor ended when it became economically feasible to allow children not to work. Prior to that not working meant starvation. The law only came into place after the economic conditions changed.

What "horrific conditions of the slaughter houses and packing plants?" All you've got on that is a piece of propaganda by a committed socialist. Perhaps you could produce some actual evidence sometime.

It's obvious that you never put in a day of hard work in your life.
"The jungle" is a work of fiction. It proves exactly nothing. Government legislation also proves nothing. Most government legislation is promoted by scams and lies. Take the ACA, for instance. Nothing said to justify this monstrosity was true.
Told ya...

So where is the evidence for the "reality?"
In American History, dummy. Do you think we invented this shit just for the hell of it? It was to solve a problem, a big one usually.

Then you should have no trouble citing actual evidence rather than a work of fiction.
Start here: United States Army beef scandal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And here: Pure Food and Drug Act A Muckraking Triumph

And here: Federal Meat Inspection Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're using a case where government got scammed as proof that the free market needs to be regulated? Since when is government part of the free market?

I've already explained that legislation proves nothing other than that some politicians wanted to get their names in the papers.
What "horrific conditions of the slaughter houses and packing plants?" All you've got on that is a piece of propaganda by a committed socialist. Perhaps you could produce some actual evidence sometime.
What kind of evidence will you accept if not legal, photographic, or contemporary cultural references?
Try some actual historical data showing food has been adulterated or is unsafe. You know, like people dying or getting sick from food poisoning.
Child labor is mostly a separate issue then regulation of business. Otherwise, you got nothing.
I was proving to you that child labor was a thing until laws were written specifically to strike it down. The horrific conditions of the slaughter houses and packing plants had to be fought with the same kind of legislation, which went hand in hand with the banning of child labor and the worker's rights movement. That's the kind of shit a total lack of regulation allowed. That's what it will allow again if given the chance. We need basic standards and regulations. The only valid question is how much.

Child labor ended when it became economically feasible to allow children not to work. Prior to that not working meant starvation. The law only came into place after the economic conditions changed.

What "horrific conditions of the slaughter houses and packing plants?" All you've got on that is a piece of propaganda by a committed socialist. Perhaps you could produce some actual evidence sometime.

It's obvious that you never put in a day of hard work in your life.

It's obvious that you're a pathetic moron who needs to get a life so you don't have to follow me around everywhere I go.
You're using a case where government got scammed as proof that the free market needs to be regulated? Since when is government part of the free market?

I've already explained that legislation proves nothing other than that some politicians wanted to get their names in the papers.
The government relied on unregulated business that did what they damn well pleased and sold the same product to the Army that they were pushing to the general public. Please answer my question. What kind of evidence will you accept?

Try some actual historical data showing food has been adulterated or is unsafe. You know, like people dying or getting sick from food poisoning.
Oh. You did. My bad. I would say the same US Army case you literally just threw out as valid immediately after admitting that it happened..
What "horrific conditions of the slaughter houses and packing plants?" All you've got on that is a piece of propaganda by a committed socialist. Perhaps you could produce some actual evidence sometime.
What kind of evidence will you accept if not legal, photographic, or contemporary cultural references?
None. Forget it. He's the extra stupid version of a box of hammers.
Told ya...

So where is the evidence for the "reality?"
In American History, dummy. Do you think we invented this shit just for the hell of it? It was to solve a problem, a big one usually.

Then you should have no trouble citing actual evidence rather than a work of fiction.
Start here: United States Army beef scandal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And here: Pure Food and Drug Act A Muckraking Triumph

And here: Federal Meat Inspection Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're using a case where government got scammed as proof that the free market needs to be regulated? Since when is government part of the free market?

I've already explained that legislation proves nothing other than that some politicians wanted to get their names in the papers.
I'll just stick with the real world for now, where every nation on earth with capitalism regulates it.
Why wouldn't it be?

I could see a potential lawsuit by a gay couple. They would want a top with two men or women for the top and if the cake maker has none, could they not sue?
You can always sue but it wouldn't go anywhere. You could sue them for not selling socks and underwear and that would have the same chances of winning. Cake toppers you can get from Amazon. If they don't stock them then they lose out on the sale. That's it.

The only way they'd be in trouble is if they wouldn't sell what they have because those guys were fags.

Fair enough but how do you prove it? That is why all these laws are comical. When hiring you can choose or not choose to hire because of age, sex, religion. To say otherwise is a lie.
yeah but you can just be taken to court for it so it's not a smart thing to do.

It is done all the time. It's a judgement call and to prove that would be very tough.
its quite easy to prove that someone was denied based on whatever group they're in so long as someone else who is of a different group was hired with credentials not as strong as whatever minority is in question.
I think I've changed my stance. It should probably be in the best interest of the people that a business be allowed to serve whoever they want. Doesn't mean I won't think down of them, though.
I think I've changed my stance. It should probably be in the best interest of the people that a business be allowed to serve whoever they want. Doesn't mean I won't think down of them, though.
It wasn't in their best interests, which is why we passed these laws. In a racist, sexist, xenophobic, sectarian, homophobic, you name it nation, the market works this out much too slowly. People need to get on with their lives, hence these laws.
You're using a case where government got scammed as proof that the free market needs to be regulated? Since when is government part of the free market?

I've already explained that legislation proves nothing other than that some politicians wanted to get their names in the papers.
The government relied on unregulated business that did what they damn well pleased and sold the same product to the Army that they were pushing to the general public. Please answer my question. What kind of evidence will you accept?

All that proves is that government bureaucrats are fools. Private businesses that purchase from other businesses don't rely on those businesses to be honest. They have processes in place to ensure that they get what they paid for. Government is always getting defrauding because government is always spending other people's money and bureaucrats are incompetent.

Oh. You did. My bad. I would say the same US Army case you literally just threw out as valid immediately after admitting that it happened..

The U.S. Army is not the free market. Government is free to put whatever controls on its own processes it likes to prevent it from getting scammed. That proves nothing about the need for regulating the market. Government needs to regulate itself first.
I think I've changed my stance. It should probably be in the best interest of the people that a business be allowed to serve whoever they want. Doesn't mean I won't think down of them, though.
It wasn't in their best interests, which is why we passed these laws. In a racist, sexist, xenophobic, sectarian, homophobic, you name it nation, the market works this out much too slowly. People need to get on with their lives, hence these laws.
Do we actually have laws saying that businesses are not allowed to say no to these groups? I honestly have no idea.
I could see a potential lawsuit by a gay couple. They would want a top with two men or women for the top and if the cake maker has none, could they not sue?
You can always sue but it wouldn't go anywhere. You could sue them for not selling socks and underwear and that would have the same chances of winning. Cake toppers you can get from Amazon. If they don't stock them then they lose out on the sale. That's it.

The only way they'd be in trouble is if they wouldn't sell what they have because those guys were fags.

Fair enough but how do you prove it? That is why all these laws are comical. When hiring you can choose or not choose to hire because of age, sex, religion. To say otherwise is a lie.
yeah but you can just be taken to court for it so it's not a smart thing to do.

It is done all the time. It's a judgement call and to prove that would be very tough.
its quite easy to prove that someone was denied based on whatever group they're in so long as someone else who is of a different group was hired with credentials not as strong as whatever minority is in question.

No it is not, it all subjective. Have you ever successfully sued because you didn't get hired for a specifically covered protected class? Few sue and fewer win. If nothing is on paper, if nothing is on e-mail, if the other person is hired because of appearance in the interview, as in dressing more appropriately, or one considered to overly qualified, or the one hired gave better answers in the interview and on and on and on. It happens all the time, ask anyone in the states employment agencies. You can be considered or not considered for ANY reason, other than a protected class.
I think I've changed my stance. It should probably be in the best interest of the people that a business be allowed to serve whoever they want. Doesn't mean I won't think down of them, though.
It wasn't in their best interests, which is why we passed these laws. In a racist, sexist, xenophobic, sectarian, homophobic, you name it nation, the market works this out much too slowly. People need to get on with their lives, hence these laws.
No, the laws were passed because some socialists who hate business had a hand in crafting them. Whatever government does has nothing to do with "need." It always has to do with someone's agenda.
I think I've changed my stance. It should probably be in the best interest of the people that a business be allowed to serve whoever they want. Doesn't mean I won't think down of them, though.
It wasn't in their best interests, which is why we passed these laws. In a racist, sexist, xenophobic, sectarian, homophobic, you name it nation, the market works this out much too slowly. People need to get on with their lives, hence these laws.
Who put you in charge of deciding how fast society is supposed to change?
I think I've changed my stance. It should probably be in the best interest of the people that a business be allowed to serve whoever they want. Doesn't mean I won't think down of them, though.

Just think of it, you can now go into any racist, bigot, homophobe, sexist business you want, not know you are supporting scum and assholes.

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