Do we have polls on VACCINE REGRET?

Obviously that’s not true. And you are also perpetually off topic. Please buzz off. You aren’t witty, you’re worthless and you are essentially just a troll.
Why so angry?

You will blame any health deficits on the shots. I got the same three that you did, and you know what happened to me today? I had a bad, bad pain hangnail. It was caused by the shots. Of that I am sure.

How do you know there are no side effects?

I dont have any side effects because I didnt take the clot shot.

Saying that there are no side effects is just as stupid as saying everything is a side effect.

We have enough sample data that we will know eventually.

You should read some of the research…like what I linked above.

As the months and years wear on in the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, it is becoming increasingly evident that both the respiratory infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and with repeated and frequent systemic administrations of COVID-19 vaccines that the human body is being loaded with coronavirus Spike protein.

In the medical literature, terms such as “Spike protein disease,” “Spikopathy,” and “Spike prion-like illness” are appearing. This week in the Report, we feature an interview Dr. McCullough had with investigative journalist Ms. Kim Iversen as they do a deep dive on a high-quality prospective cohort study of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis with the Pfizer/BNT vaccine in children ages 13-18.1 The results are astonishing!


you got to be frackin' brain dead not to know something ain't right.
Hey DogshIt,
Don’t assume you have any idea about how I think or what I will say. You’re not smart enough to read minds.

I (unlike you) have done some reading and if you don’t know it, your ignorance isn’t binding on me or others. The scientists are already expressing their own misgivings about the “side” effects of these shots. I personally am neither a doctor nor a scientist, so I’m not about to declare that the shots have caused the problems I’ve had. But it would be absurd to rule them out.
Your couth pretty much ends our conversation, but that's likely what you wanted anyway.
No shot here. Came down with their covid a month or so ago, picked it up from the so BLUE state of California. 4 days of fever, but I've felt much worse with the flu. 2 days of sore throat, little cough that followed and then nothing.

They can stick their shots where the sun doesn't shine, right up Xiden's bung-hole.
You would know.
Yes, little boy. Go toddle off, now.

Back ON Topic:

If the vax actually does work, and you had the shots, doGShit, then I regret you taking the shots.

Of darn. Was that “couth?”
Will any Biden cultists admit they regret taking the clot shot?

Yes, little boy. Go toddle off, now.

Back ON Topic:

If the vax actually does work, and you had the shots, doGShit, then I regret you taking the shots.

Of darn. Was that “couth?”
You wouldn't know couth if it bit you on the ass.

It's tough to toddle at 6'1" 240 lbs, but I can run like Jack Sparrow.

THIS is a result of forcing the lockdowns and the vaxx especially the vaxx on Americans and the rest of the world.
No one in the Biden cult will admit they regret getting the vaccine?


No regrets? Are you sure?

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