Do Works Really Count?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Grailhunter had this really interesting theory and I was wondering if he could publicly share it. I say that works are important but they don't save you otherwise Christ's death upon the cross would be rather pointless. However, if somebody is a Christian but all they do is lie, steal, and cheat that's questionable. Yet, I don't think that they are actually a Christian though. I think they just claim to be so they can feel like they can do whatever they want and get away with it,.. but that's just my own personal opinion.
Sort of like democrats who gas on about how much they (and no one else) care about minorities and the poor, but never get off their asses and do anything to actually help anyone.
You need a bigger brush it's just not covering everyone with general pigeonholing.
Most listen with itchy ears and hear what they want to hear from their pulpits.
If you study on your own it is hard to go to most churches today.
I have a lot of problems with obeying the Bible like most of us I guess. I pray and try but fail at times.
Most listen with itchy ears and hear what they want to hear from their pulpits.
If you study on your own it is hard to go to most churches today.
I have a lot of problems with obeying the Bible like most of us I guess. I pray and try but fail at times.

Who doesn't? But you have a good heart and anybody with eyes would know that. :)
Sort of like democrats who gas on about how much they (and no one else) care about minorities and the poor, but never get off their asses and do anything to actually help anyone.

It takes more than tweeting, TV face time and rallies to get stuff done.

I'm like that old Red Skelton joke," people don't like me till they get to know me, then they hate my guts".
Long as I stay out of politics, sometimes religion I am ok I guess. I'm just an old woman with a big opinion,lol. So I'm trying to stay away from politics and not argue about religion and hope to be less objected to. Plus ' whatever will be will be ' Que Sera Sera.
absolutely - the path to judgement is having reached fruition - a state of purity for the freed spirit to be eligible to be considered and passed for admission to the Everlasting.
Sort of like democrats who gas on about how much they (and no one else) care about minorities and the poor, but never get off their asses and do anything to actually help anyone.

It takes more than tweeting, TV face time and rallies to get stuff done.
Yes it does.
Yes it does.
only when the yoddals, unkco - miss their filibusterer ... and the righteous prevail.
According to the book of James, works are evidence of salvation. You can tell who's a Christian by their "fruit", that is they are characterized by the fruits of the spirit, joy, love, patience, gentleness, self control, etc. Nobody has these qualities literally all the time, but someone who is close to God will be known for them in general.
Most listen with itchy ears and hear what they want to hear from their pulpits.
If you study on your own it is hard to go to most churches today.
I have a lot of problems with obeying the Bible like most of us I guess. I pray and try but fail at times.
Interesting observation, do You mean in a fundamentalist way,
or really a personal study of the text, tradition?

There's this new school opened focusing on the wisdom of faith,
with a holistic range of subjects as connected to current state of human culture-politics.

What caught my attention, was the main teacher setting a goal of not merely instilling knowledge and detailed understanding of the 'current of ideals', but rather the ability
to pass valid, and constructive criticism, i.e. modern young orthodoxy acquiring the
courage and maturity to take the lead and review positions into the future.
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Most listen with itchy ears and hear what they want to hear from their pulpits.
If you study on your own it is hard to go to most churches today.
I have a lot of problems with obeying the Bible like most of us I guess. I pray and try but fail at times
I was not brought up to be church going. I do study on my own. I realize I should go to church but when I do I get bored and spend my time looking at all the pretty young lasses thinking dirty thoughts. I feel like a total hypocrite.

Both my mother and father had been raised Catholic but both were divorced. The Catholic Church is not fond of people who divorce.

My mother and father had left Pittsburgh and moved to a small community in Ohio. When my father tried to attend the only church in town which was Presbyterian he was not impressed. He said, “You have to be able to spit on your grandfather’s grave before that church will accept you.”

My father had a good knowledge of the Bible but was basically agnostic. My mother was quite religious and used to read the Bible to me when I was a child. She did send me to the church summer school at the local Presbyterian church my dad disliked.

Often when I have attended church I have found that the preacher tends to avoid the problems in his congregation. If he points out that there is excessive drunkenness or adultery he may lose members of the congregation and consequently donations. The sermons at the churches I have attended are so deep you would have to be a theology student to appreciate them. (Of course to be fair I have not attended that many churches.)

I was impressed with the Catholic Church on Jackson Square in New Orleans, the St. Louis Cathedral. I had a date with a girl on Saturday and we attended the church service on Sunday morning. Obviously the church is near the party section of New Orleans with all the bars and entertainment and most likely many of the people who attended the church owned or worked in those establishments. The priest read the riot act to people involved in the entertainment business in that area. He obviously had little fear of losing donations. That was the only Catholic Church I have attended.

Like you I try my best to be a good Christian but sometimes fail. I pray and try again.
Meh on churches. They are led and inhabited by people who listen to some bloke who claims to speak for God.

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