Do you 99% envy what the 1% have or do you resent what the 1% has?

The 1% have more then the 99%. If you are in the 99% do you

  • want what the 1% has taken away from them

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I envy what they have but don't want it taken from them

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I am envious but am motivated to have what they have

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters
These American socialists clearly have no idea where wealth comes from -- all they know is that they want more than what they have and it's no fair that one man has 10 billion while they have 10 bucks.

Of course they know nothing about economics, but champion socialism then wonder why they only have 10 bucks...

But I'm sure they have a Five-Year Plan...
lets see...tell that to google employes, and Intel employes, IBM employes...zerox....Microsoft....Ben and Jerry.... shall i continue?

the chance IS there..... the problem comes when the 99% are pissed it was not them

You mean the vast majority of those employees that went to good schools and had a top-notch education thanks to pre-existing family capital? Those employees?

Tell me, what percentage of the richest 1% in America do you think rose up from the bottom to make it big?

So you are saying that the employes of said companies do not work for their money?

Many of these idiots wouldn't have jobs if it wasn't for these major corporations.... The majority of which are jobs that are indirectly associated with the corporation via subcontractors or vendors...
They're not even the 99%...

They're really like the 10%..

I'd say a good 80% of the "99%'er" activists are (not those who casually support them) but the activists..

Yeah, I'm not really sure you have any idea what you're talking about.

The 99% does not refer to the people who are actually activists. You do realize that, right?

You do realize you're NOT TALKING FOR ME... Do you realize that???

Who the fuck you think you are talking for me???

Therefore you can scratch me of your 99% list... I'm sure there are millions that feel the same way....
Corporate Fascism (what you're talking about) is economically impossible under the capitalist model..

The basis of capitalism is free market competition...

You're assuming that what we have here is actual free market competition, and you know what happens when we assume...

What we actually have in America is a bunch of massive corporate monopolies that control government through a system of bribery and media control.

The real fucking fascist is Obama and he's also a socialist - he needs he own fucking economic model - we can call it "Obamunism."

This motherfucker Obama panders to his FAVORED corporations that play ball with his bitch ass - such as GM and GE to name a couple. Not to mention the unions...

Redistributing wealth to those corporations and organizations while they PUSH THEIR PRODUCT ON THE PEOPLE WITH LITTLE COMPETITION...

That's simply a moronic assertion. Obama is simply another pawn of the corporate overlords, just like EVERY SINGLE OTHER POLITICIAN IN GOVERNMENT.

How the fuck are you going to make it easy for one corporation or industry to do business, by bailing them out but then turn around and CRUSH their competition ???

Bush bailed out the banks. NOT OBAMA. Look to the man you voted for for your fascism, genius.

Fascist motherfucker...

Obama is a national socialist....

And you clearly have no understanding of the difference between socialists and fascists, again, I suggest you read up on your Mussolini.

Oh, and I don't fear socialism, I just fear a civil war.

We have property rights in this country - I bet you didn't know that...

You may as well take a shit on our constitution and bill of rights.............

Socialism is ILLEGAL - Not to mention its the most horrific and unfair socioeconomic philosophy man has ever concocted..

Oh and take a look at "how great" socialism was during the 20th century..

Socialism is evil and is DIRECTLY responsible for the death or murder of a quarter billion people...

Of course don't forget that socialism is a planned economy in which the emphasis is to SUSTAIN a populace not economically adjust to a populace... That's why nations that subscribed to socialism had purges, public executions and famine - because they couldn't sustain them all because of a population growth or a bad crop season etc...

I'm sure I could go on forever... However I know the only fucking thing you care about is "getting your fair share" whatever the FUCK THAT MEANS...

And none of this makes any sense at all. Socialism was responsible for none of that. TOTALITARIANISM was responsible for that, Socialism was simply a tool of the totalitarian state.

One can have a socialist democracy, or a socialist totalitarianism. Or a mix of capitalism and socialism to create a safe society, that has a safety net, and has some protections against unlimited corporate power over the state.

One does not have to follow the Marxian version of Socialism, and certainly there is NOTHING that Obama has done in any way that resembles National Socialism.

However, by insisting on trying to remove any regulation on corporate power, you and your buddies are helping to facilitate the transformation of the US into a fascist state, by giving corporations unbridled control over the government.

Congratulations genius.
So you are saying that the employes of said companies do not work for their money?

They do.

Are you saying that they are working harder than, say, a construction worker who couldn't afford a decent higher education?
Why is it that there was not just a simple "no" to the poll? I don't give a shit what the 1% has...

I'm just not keen on the 1% running everything into the ground then saying that the 99% are to blame for their failings.... not only that... but when the 99% finally get pissed off enough to speak out about it, then they get labeled as "un-American".

I'm not keen on the idea that the 1% dictates what an average blue collar worker is worth(which apparently isn't enough to survive on in THIS country)...then get to throw their hands up in the air and say it's the "market"... it's easy to say that when you OWN the fucking market.
Many of these idiots wouldn't have jobs if it wasn't for these major corporations.... The majority of which are jobs that are indirectly associated with the corporation via subcontractors or vendors...


...Except that you are completely ignoring the fact that the jobs existed previously...

...the corporations just stomped all the smaller competition that used to provide those jobs out of existence.

So, now you're claiming that the corporations are helping people out by providing jobs to replace the ones they destroyed in the first place.

That's some interesting logic.
There is a big big distinction here.
If you envy what the 1% have, that's fine .. not a problem.
BUT if you resent what the 1% has and want what they have taken from them that's a problem.

why are you asking about "you 99%" as if you're part of the 1%?

poor shill.
You do realize you're NOT TALKING FOR ME... Do you realize that???

Who the fuck you think you are talking for me???

Therefore you can scratch me of your 99% list... I'm sure there are millions that feel the same way....

It doesn't matter whether you want to shake off the yoke of the corporate overlords or not, you're still part of the 99%.

I'm not talking for you. Personally I don't give a crap what you think.

I'm stating that in my opinion there is an injustice taking place, and that you and the vast majority of the nation are a part of it. Whether you want to accept that or not is your business.

You're like a beaten wife telling me to mind my own business because you love the husband that's beating you.

And perhaps I shouldn't try to stop him from beating you, because you're clearly insane, but I have every right to go telling everyone and their mother that the guy who's beating you is an asshole wife-beater.
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Corporate Fascism (what you're talking about) is economically impossible under the capitalist model..

The basis of capitalism is free market competition...

You're assuming that what we have here is actual free market competition, and you know what happens when we assume...

What we actually have in America is a bunch of massive corporate monopolies that control government through a system of bribery and media control.

The real fucking fascist is Obama and he's also a socialist - he needs he own fucking economic model - we can call it "Obamunism."

This motherfucker Obama panders to his FAVORED corporations that play ball with his bitch ass - such as GM and GE to name a couple. Not to mention the unions...

Redistributing wealth to those corporations and organizations while they PUSH THEIR PRODUCT ON THE PEOPLE WITH LITTLE COMPETITION...

That's simply a moronic assertion. Obama is simply another pawn of the corporate overlords, just like EVERY SINGLE OTHER POLITICIAN IN GOVERNMENT.

Bush bailed out the banks. NOT OBAMA. Look to the man you voted for for your fascism, genius.

Fascist motherfucker...

Obama is a national socialist....

And you clearly have no understanding of the difference between socialists and fascists, again, I suggest you read up on your Mussolini.

Oh, and I don't fear socialism, I just fear a civil war.

We have property rights in this country - I bet you didn't know that...

You may as well take a shit on our constitution and bill of rights.............

Socialism is ILLEGAL - Not to mention its the most horrific and unfair socioeconomic philosophy man has ever concocted..

Oh and take a look at "how great" socialism was during the 20th century..

Socialism is evil and is DIRECTLY responsible for the death or murder of a quarter billion people...

Of course don't forget that socialism is a planned economy in which the emphasis is to SUSTAIN a populace not economically adjust to a populace... That's why nations that subscribed to socialism had purges, public executions and famine - because they couldn't sustain them all because of a population growth or a bad crop season etc...

I'm sure I could go on forever... However I know the only fucking thing you care about is "getting your fair share" whatever the FUCK THAT MEANS...

And none of this makes any sense at all. Socialism was responsible for none of that. TOTALITARIANISM was responsible for that, Socialism was simply a tool of the totalitarian state.

One can have a socialist democracy, or a socialist totalitarianism. Or a mix of capitalism and socialism to create a safe society, that has a safety net, and has some protections against unlimited corporate power over the state.

One does not have to follow the Marxian version of Socialism, and certainly there is NOTHING that Obama has done in any way that resembles National Socialism.

However, by insisting on trying to remove any regulation on corporate power, you and your buddies are helping to facilitate the transformation of the US into a fascist state, by giving corporations unbridled control over the government.

Congratulations genius.

A) NO we don't have true capitalism - we have democrat endorsed Keynesian economics.

B) Authoritarianism then totalitarianism is the byproduct of socialism.. For example what if I tell your socialist government to go fuck off??? what would you do to those who tell you to fuck off??? told you they would keep their fucking money and there was nothing you could do about it????

Force them??? Oh yeah that would be authoritarian, I defend my rights to keep my property with force and you kill me - you're a fucking totalitarian..

Now imagine that resistance on a wide spread level... What are you going to do?? send your leftist guard out to go collect with some brute force???

So how can you prevent such dissent from occurring again?? oh I know - authoritarian brutality or you can just brainwash the future generation with propaganda (totalitarianism).

C) Oh I suppose there could be a socialist democracy but ALL THE CANDIDATES WOULD BE THE SAME... THERE IS NO FREEDOM UNDER REAL SOCIALISM..

I mean you may as well vote for who is your favorite Disney character.

Socialism has 2 options. 1) "liberal" socialism in which socialism fails within 10-15 years, 2) authoritarian socialism in which individuals are held as prisoners and forced to work for the greater good like slaves or 3) personality cult totalitarianism, (which authoritarianism) eventually progresses into, in which individuals are totally brainwashed and society resembles stepford wives..

However my point is moot considering SOCIALISM IS FUCKING ILLEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES given it's logistics.

Oh and Obama only took over GM, then had his Obamacare passed then started issuing waivers to those in his back pocket...

That is national socialism...

Obama GODDAMN WELL KNOWS his Obamacare is nothing more than nationalized healthcare and he knows it will cost companies billions killing private sector jobs, so he gave his the businesses he WANTS TO SURVIVE WAIVERS...

Obama IS ABSOLUTELY a National Socialist - Hitler favored Germans and Obama favors unions.....

Obama is sending the non-union private sector to the death camps while he rubs the belly of the unions and the mega corporations that employ them.
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There is a big big distinction here.
If you envy what the 1% have, that's fine .. not a problem.
BUT if you resent what the 1% has and want what they have taken from them that's a problem.

I have often noticed that lower middle income people who get a glimpse of 'the good life' see it as a waste and generally say that money spent on doing things people with money do would be better spent 'helping other people.'

If you notice, moneyed people rarely discuss their lifestyle with those of lower standing. That is the reason. Somehow when they find out how much money others have to enjoy the double wide just never seems quite as comfortable again.
There is a big big distinction here.
If you envy what the 1% have, that's fine .. not a problem.
BUT if you resent what the 1% has and want what they have taken from them that's a problem.

I have often noticed that lower middle income people who get a glimpse of 'the good life' see it as a waste and generally say that money spent on doing things people with money do would be better spent 'helping other people.'

If you notice, moneyed people rarely discuss their lifestyle with those of lower standing. That is the reason. Somehow when they find out how much money others have to enjoy the double wide just never seems quite as comfortable again.

How provincial of you....
These American socialists clearly have no idea where wealth comes from -- all they know is that they want more than what they have and it's no fair that one man has 10 billion while they have 10 bucks.

Of course they know nothing about economics, but champion socialism then wonder why they only have 10 bucks...

But I'm sure they have a Five-Year Plan...

Nobody is begrudging the guy who has $10 billion....but why are we helping him make $20 billion when so many are struggling on 10 bucks?
You do realize you're NOT TALKING FOR ME... Do you realize that???

Who the fuck you think you are talking for me???

Therefore you can scratch me of your 99% list... I'm sure there are millions that feel the same way....

It doesn't matter whether you want to shake off the yoke of the corporate overlords or not, you're still part of the 99%.

I'm not talking for you. Personally I don't give a crap what you think.

I'm stating that in my opinion there is an injustice taking place, and that you and the vast majority of the nation are a part of it. Whether you want to accept that or not is your business.

You're like a beaten wife telling me to mind my own business because you love the husband that's beating you.

And perhaps I shouldn't try to stop him from beating you, because you're clearly insane, but I have every right to go telling everyone and their mother that the guy who's beating you is an asshole wife-beater.

Who the fuck you think you are telling me what I am???


I don't support corporations that are in the GOVERNMENTS POCKET dickhead...

However I'm intelligent enough to understand that NOT ALL CORPORATIONS are "evil."

The corporations that run to government and want legislators to manifest laws so THEIR product is the only legal solution ARE EVIL.... Those that hire unions, and that Obama panders to by giving them extensive tax breaks while others who don't play ball but sell the same product are EVIL...

The big fish are the ones sucking Obama off.....

Obama is literally playing the fucking Sims right now with the American publican and those who provide jobs...
These American socialists clearly have no idea where wealth comes from -- all they know is that they want more than what they have and it's no fair that one man has 10 billion while they have 10 bucks.

Of course they know nothing about economics, but champion socialism then wonder why they only have 10 bucks...

But I'm sure they have a Five-Year Plan...

Nobody is begrudging the guy who has $10 billion....but why are we helping him make $20 billion when so many are struggling on 10 bucks?

The above is nothing more than Hoochie Mama Drama!~​
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So you are saying that the employes of said companies do not work for their money?

They do.

Are you saying that they are working harder than, say, a construction worker who couldn't afford a decent higher education?

Nope... they both work and get paid for their work.

If the woe is me generation wants to blame someone.....blame their parents and grand parents for not working hard enough, for sacrificing enough to make a better life for the children they had.
So you are saying that the employes of said companies do not work for their money?

They do.

Are you saying that they are working harder than, say, a construction worker who couldn't afford a decent higher education?

Nope... they both work and get paid for their work.

If the woe is me generation wants to blame someone.....blame their parents and grand parents for not working hard enough, for sacrificing enough to make a better life for the children they had.

Or blame themselves because at 16 they thought it would be cool to have a car and work in a gas station instead of finishing high school.
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So you are saying that the employes of said companies do not work for their money?

They do.

Are you saying that they are working harder than, say, a construction worker who couldn't afford a decent higher education?
Seems to me that the worker could have chosen a different course in thier life, couldn't they?

Gotta have someone to blame...:eusa_whistle:
These American socialists clearly have no idea where wealth comes from -- all they know is that they want more than what they have and it's no fair that one man has 10 billion while they have 10 bucks.

Of course they know nothing about economics, but champion socialism then wonder why they only have 10 bucks...

But I'm sure they have a Five-Year Plan...

Nobody is begrudging the guy who has $10 billion....but why are we helping him make $20 billion when so many are struggling on 10 bucks?

Obama is doing that...

If you play ball with Obama and do what he tells you to do you make 20 billion. If you don't and tell him to fuck off you make 5 billion...

That's how the democrats have it setup........

It's like "join our fascist empire or get stomped on."

Or, let government pull the strings on your business and make a few bucks or you can stand up for your rights and get get pushed down the slide by Santa like "Ralphie" in a "Christmas Story."

I swear on everything I believe Obama wants 10-15 corporations to distribute goods and services to the US..... He wants all private businesses and small corporations to fail.

The guy is a fucking nut....
These American socialists clearly have no idea where wealth comes from -- all they know is that they want more than what they have and it's no fair that one man has 10 billion while they have 10 bucks.

Of course they know nothing about economics, but champion socialism then wonder why they only have 10 bucks...

But I'm sure they have a Five-Year Plan...

Nobody is begrudging the guy who has $10 billion....but why are we helping him make $20 billion when so many are struggling on 10 bucks?
It's especially puzzling why folks on this board, who are not rich, want the rich to have more, while they, themselves, are satisfied with less.

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