Do you 99% envy what the 1% have or do you resent what the 1% has?

The 1% have more then the 99%. If you are in the 99% do you

  • want what the 1% has taken away from them

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I envy what they have but don't want it taken from them

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I am envious but am motivated to have what they have

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters
What percent of the one percent are criminals?

What percent of the 99% are criminals?

What % of the "99%" criminals are in jail vs. the % of "1%" criminals in jail, given that you get as much justice as you can afford, e.g. O.J.?

They're not even the 99%...

They're really like the 10%..

I'd say a good 80% of the "99%'er" activists are (not those who casually support them) but the activists..
What percent of the one percent are criminals?

What percent of the 99% are criminals?

What percent of the criminals are the 1%?

Who the hell knows...

Sorry dummy I have more experience with the "99%" than I do with the 1%.

I think it's fair to say that 99.9999999999999999999% of crime statistic kept is violated by the 99%...

But hey assholes like Michael Moore is in the 1% and he is aiding and abetting OWS and that makes his 1% ass a criminal..

Not only that but if you wanted to get technical - all these rich assholes that fund this OWS movement could be charged with manslaughter for facilitating an environment where drug usage is rampant....
I don't really envy anyone who is in the top 1 percent.

Seems that having that much money turns a person into a heartless douche.

Me? I'd rather live humbly and be happy, you learn more that way.
I only wish your kind could get free(socialist) kitty litter.
Some people hate blacks because a good percentage are criminals. But rational fair minded people know not to stereotype all blacks as lawbreakers. Because they are not.

Some people hate Mexicans because a good percentage are illegals. But rational fair minded people know this is wrong.

See where I'm going with this?

Punishing wealth and portraying the rich as criminals is beyond ignorant. It is hate.

Anyone have the stats yet?
I don't really envy anyone who is in the top 1 percent.

Seems that having that much money turns a person into a heartless douche.

Me? I'd rather live humbly and be happy, you learn more that way.

Actually, having that kind of money and power can also turn those that create it, into very charitable people. They do however, face challenges and miseries that most of us would not want. It is lonely at the top, regardless how many people you are helping, in any way. I envy no one, anything.

"Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel. It brings you food, not appetite; medicine, not health; acquaintances, not friends; servitude, not faithfulness; days of leisure, not peace and happiness." — Henrik Ibsen
lets see...tell that to google employes, and Intel employes, IBM employes...zerox....Microsoft....Ben and Jerry.... shall i continue?

the chance IS there..... the problem comes when the 99% are pissed it was not them

You mean the vast majority of those employees that went to good schools and had a top-notch education thanks to pre-existing family capital? Those employees?

Tell me, what percentage of the richest 1% in America do you think rose up from the bottom to make it big?
I am content with what I have, would I like to earn more, yes, however, would like to see the social security earning threshold of $106,000 abolished. I would also like to see hedge fund and security speculators subject to earned income tax rate not the reduced long term capital gains rate like Mr Buffet and friends enjoy as a result of the nature of their business. Is wealth redistribution justified, no, one should learn to live on what they earn and stop living off the sweat the rolls down the crack of my ass! I am not so rich that increased taxation will not impact my small business and family. As for the lazy SOB's that want it all without working for it, get a job! This country has enough parasites already.
No one should get subsidies....

Quite frankly all this bailout bullshit is what you get when government has a stake in big business...

I was against all the bailouts and stimulus'.

I'll tell you what tho - there are plenty of politicians and big business fools who want to continue to play grab-ass....

You want to see who they are??? go look at who got either a) a bailout or b) Obamacare waivers or both... That will give you a good idea as to who is in the governments pocket.

Either way the government is just as responsible as the corporations are for all this nonsense, yet the same people bitching about all this 1% shit LOVE THE GOVERNMENT, and those that aren't in love with the government only dislike the government because the government hasn't gone full blown socialist and hasn't confiscated and redistributed assets yet..

The entire government is in the pocket of big business.

You and your type are so scared of "Socialism" that you're perfectly willing to let corporations take over the government.

That's called "Fascism".

But don't take my word for it. I'd suggest checking up on what Benito Mussolini had to say about the relationship between "Corporatism" and "Fascism".
Sometimes i envy them. I'd like to have some of the cool shit that they have, but I don't resent them at all.

I love the way the lunatics here make general assumptions about the so-called 1%. They function on falsehoods and their whole argument is based on what they should know is a lie. They believe that all of the 1% got there because they simply inherited their money. They also believe falsely, that the reason they aren't rich themselves is because those people have all the money. It's absurd nonsense.

I'm not in the 1%, but I'm well in the upper middle class. I could have been one of the evil stinking rotten filthy rich. There are many times in my life that I can point to where I made a decision that prevented me from being richer, skipping a large portion of High School to surf being one of them.

Now, I have enough money to travel, to put my kids in private school, and to drive nice cars. there have been opportunities for me that I have passed up simply because I don't want to work that hard any more.

My hat's off to the 1%ers (who actually pay more than their fair share of taxes btw).

All of them inherited their money? No.

However, as to the statistical odds of becoming rich if you start out poor compared to those if you start out rich:


Tom Hertz, an economist at American University, has done interesting research that answers this question. Defining "Rich" as being in the top 5 percent of incomes, he finds that those who start in the highest quintile have a 14.2 percent chance of becoming rich... way above the 1.1 percent probability of ending up rich for those from the lowest quintile.

The numbers become more exaggerated as we reach the top 1% as opposed to the top 5%. The chances of making it from the bottom to the top 1% are miniscule.

And those numbers don't even take actual monetary inheritance into account, which is an entirely different issue.
They're not even the 99%...

They're really like the 10%..

I'd say a good 80% of the "99%'er" activists are (not those who casually support them) but the activists..

Yeah, I'm not really sure you have any idea what you're talking about.

The 99% does not refer to the people who are actually activists. You do realize that, right?
Actually, having that kind of money and power can also turn those that create it, into very charitable people. They do however, face challenges and miseries that most of us would not want. It is lonely at the top, regardless how many people you are helping, in any way. I envy no one, anything.

"Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel. It brings you food, not appetite; medicine, not health; acquaintances, not friends; servitude, not faithfulness; days of leisure, not peace and happiness." — Henrik Ibsen

For every Bill Gates, there are 10 cheap, selfish assholes that will stab their mothers for another million.
It's not what the 1% have or don't have. It is the preferential treatment that sucks.

The 1% cannot pay the bills, fill the military needs nor provide the health care this country demands.

If any group should receive preferential treatment it is the 99 % that do pay the bills, fill the military needs and spend tons and tons of money that which keeps the USA
in what jobs are left. The 99% are the primary stakeholders of the USA!

When it comes to funding Social Service needs in this country it is the 99% so why does the 1% bitch about the 99% using what they pay for?
Ha ha.

We've yet to even clarify who the 1 percent are.

We have lots of millionaires in NJ. I happen to know quite a few. Some inherited businesses and some started them. Some are assholes and some are great. Just like the 99 percent. But all of the rich people I know work their asses off. And guess what? It's none of our business if they sit on their asses all day. As long as they aren't committing a crime. Just like the 99 percent.
No one should get subsidies....

Quite frankly all this bailout bullshit is what you get when government has a stake in big business...

I was against all the bailouts and stimulus'.

I'll tell you what tho - there are plenty of politicians and big business fools who want to continue to play grab-ass....

You want to see who they are??? go look at who got either a) a bailout or b) Obamacare waivers or both... That will give you a good idea as to who is in the governments pocket.

Either way the government is just as responsible as the corporations are for all this nonsense, yet the same people bitching about all this 1% shit LOVE THE GOVERNMENT, and those that aren't in love with the government only dislike the government because the government hasn't gone full blown socialist and hasn't confiscated and redistributed assets yet..

The entire government is in the pocket of big business.

You and your type are so scared of "Socialism" that you're perfectly willing to let corporations take over the government.

That's called "Fascism".

But don't take my word for it. I'd suggest checking up on what Benito Mussolini had to say about the relationship between "Corporatism" and "Fascism".

Corporate Fascism (what you're talking about) is economically impossible under the capitalist model..

The basis of capitalism is free market competition...

The real fucking fascist is Obama and he's also a socialist - he needs he own fucking economic model - we can call it "Obamunism."

This motherfucker Obama panders to his FAVORED corporations that play ball with his bitch ass - such as GM and GE to name a couple. Not to mention the unions...

Redistributing wealth to those corporations and organizations while they PUSH THEIR PRODUCT ON THE PEOPLE WITH LITTLE COMPETITION...

How the fuck are you going to make it easy for one corporation or industry to do business, by bailing them out but then turn around and CRUSH their competition ???

Fascist motherfucker...

Obama is a national socialist....

Oh, and I don't fear socialism, I just fear a civil war.

We have property rights in this country - I bet you didn't know that...

You may as well take a shit on our constitution and bill of rights.............

Socialism is ILLEGAL - Not to mention its the most horrific and unfair socioeconomic philosophy man has ever concocted..

Oh and take a look at "how great" socialism was during the 20th century..

Socialism is evil and is DIRECTLY responsible for the death or murder of a quarter billion people...

Of course don't forget that socialism is a planned economy in which the emphasis is to SUSTAIN a populace not economically adjust to a populace... That's why nations that subscribed to socialism had purges, public executions and famine - because they couldn't sustain them all because of a population growth or a bad crop season etc...

I'm sure I could go on forever... However I know the only fucking thing you care about is "getting your fair share" whatever the FUCK THAT MEANS...
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Do you 99% envy what the 1% have or do you resent what the 1% has?

The extent to which the right doesn’t get it is remarkable – it’s impossible to tell if they’re being obstinate or merely stupid.

It has nothing to do with envy or resentment. No one begrudges the wealthy their wealth, no one wants to ‘take it away from them.’

Rather, it is an intelligent and objective acknowledgement that the widening gap between rich and poor is a red flag, a warning that for decades now serious problems exist with the labor market which need attention – that the working/middle class is disappearing.

Nothing more.

Anything else is a rightist contrivance.
lets see...tell that to google employes, and Intel employes, IBM employes...zerox....Microsoft....Ben and Jerry.... shall i continue?

the chance IS there..... the problem comes when the 99% are pissed it was not them

You mean the vast majority of those employees that went to good schools and had a top-notch education thanks to pre-existing family capital? Those employees?

Tell me, what percentage of the richest 1% in America do you think rose up from the bottom to make it big?

So you are saying that the employes of said companies do not work for their money?

Sometimes i envy them. I'd like to have some of the cool shit that they have, but I don't resent them at all.

I love the way the lunatics here make general assumptions about the so-called 1%. They function on falsehoods and their whole argument is based on what they should know is a lie. They believe that all of the 1% got there because they simply inherited their money. They also believe falsely, that the reason they aren't rich themselves is because those people have all the money. It's absurd nonsense.

I'm not in the 1%, but I'm well in the upper middle class. I could have been one of the evil stinking rotten filthy rich. There are many times in my life that I can point to where I made a decision that prevented me from being richer, skipping a large portion of High School to surf being one of them.

Now, I have enough money to travel, to put my kids in private school, and to drive nice cars. there have been opportunities for me that I have passed up simply because I don't want to work that hard any more.

My hat's off to the 1%ers (who actually pay more than their fair share of taxes btw).


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