Do you 99% envy what the 1% have or do you resent what the 1% has?

The 1% have more then the 99%. If you are in the 99% do you

  • want what the 1% has taken away from them

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I envy what they have but don't want it taken from them

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I am envious but am motivated to have what they have

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters
These American socialists clearly have no idea where wealth comes from -- all they know is that they want more than what they have and it's no fair that one man has 10 billion while they have 10 bucks.

Of course they know nothing about economics, but champion socialism then wonder why they only have 10 bucks...

But I'm sure they have a Five-Year Plan...

Nobody is begrudging the guy who has $10 billion....but why are we helping him make $20 billion when so many are struggling on 10 bucks?

Obama is doing that...

If you play ball with Obama and do what he tells you to do you make 20 billion. If you don't and tell him to fuck off you make 5 billion...

That's how the democrats have it setup........

It's like "join our fascist empire or get stomped on."

Or, let government pull the strings on your business and make a few bucks or you can stand up for your rights and get get pushed down the slide by Santa like "Ralphie" in a "Christmas Story."

I swear on everything I believe Obama wants 10-15 corporations to distribute goods and services to the US..... He wants all private businesses and small corporations to fail.

The guy is a fucking nut....
Obama is a Crony Capitalist after all...Gubmint has to be in control
A) NO we don't have true capitalism - we have democrat endorsed Keynesian economics.

Controlled by a Republican-endorsed corporate oligarchy/corporatism.

B) Authoritarianism then totalitarianism is the byproduct of socialism.. For example what if I tell your socialist government to go fuck off??? what would you do to those who tell you to fuck off??? told you they would keep their fucking money and there was nothing you could do about it????

Of course totalitarianism is just the byproduct of socialism.

That must be true, because Sweden is a fucking totalitarian nightmare, isn't it?

Force them??? Oh yeah that would be authoritarian, I defend my rights to keep my property with force and you kill me - you're a fucking totalitarian..

Now imagine that resistance on a wide spread level... What are you going to do?? send your leftist guard out to go collect with some brute force???

What the hell are you even talking about here?

You sound like one of those guys that write a "manifesto" and then go crash a plane into an IRS building.

Seriously dude. That sounds downright nuts.

So how can you prevent such dissent from occurring again?? oh I know - authoritarian brutality or you can just brainwash the future generation with propaganda (totalitarianism).

C) Oh I suppose there could be a socialist democracy but ALL THE CANDIDATES WOULD BE THE SAME... THERE IS NO FREEDOM UNDER REAL SOCIALISM..

Yep, those Swedes sure are suffering. They're sure to rebel any day now against their horrible Socialist overlords.

I mean you may as well vote for who is your favorite Disney character.

Socialism has 2 options. 1) "liberal" socialism in which socialism fails within 10-15 years, 2) authoritarian socialism in which individuals are held as prisoners and forced to work for the greater good like slaves or 3) personality cult totalitarianism, (which authoritarianism) eventually progresses into, in which individuals are totally brainwashed and society resembles stepford wives..

However my point is moot considering SOCIALISM IS FUCKING ILLEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES given it's logistics.

Oh and Obama only took over GM, then had his Obamacare passed then started issuing waivers to those in his back pocket...

That is national socialism...

Obama GODDAMN WELL KNOWS his Obamacare is nothing more than nationalized healthcare and he knows it will cost companies billions killing private sector jobs, so he gave his the businesses he WANTS TO SURVIVE WAIVERS...

Obama IS ABSOLUTELY a National Socialist - Hitler favored Germans and Obama favors unions.....

Obama is sending the non-union private sector to the death camps while he rubs the belly of the unions and the mega corporations that employ them.

Obama took over GM, Because GM was going to fail, and take half the US workforce with it.

After it got back on its feet, they promptly sold off their shares to whoever wanted to buy them as fast as they could.

Comparing that to National Socialism is fucking moronic.

It's like saying that wiping a baby's ass when changing a diaper is child molestation.

And it was your man Boooooosh that bailed out all the Banks to the tune of trillions of dollars.

The only thing Obama did with that is make sure the taxpayer got their money back by changing what would have been handouts into buying of shares.
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I simply don't care. Your poll is bullshit and I won't vote. Some simply don't think others are responsible for our lot in life.

I do consider Paul an honorable man, but you make him look like a fool with posts like this.

You are a joke to any serious minded individual.

Edit: I just realized this wasn't wateronthebrains poll. My apologies to the tc. Water..... I still say.........fuck you bitch
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I simply don't care. Your poll is bullshit and I won't vote. Some simply don't think others are responsible for our lot in life.

I do consider Paul an honorable man, but you make him look like a fool with posts like this.

You are a joke to any serious minded individual.
I Didn't vote either. Couldn't.
Who the fuck you think you are telling me what I am???

Personally I don't give a shit what you think you are, it's my opinion that you're a little bitch who keeps coming back for more when the man beats you down, and I'm going to stick with that. So suck it, bitch.


I don't support corporations that are in the GOVERNMENTS POCKET dickhead...

You're right, YOU support the corporations that have the government in their pocket.

However I'm intelligent enough to understand that NOT ALL CORPORATIONS are "evil."

I didn't say corporations are "evil". "Evil" is your word. Corporations are not people, they cannot be "good" or "evil".

I said corporations are the tools of opportunistic, greedy people that wish to grab as much power as they can to promote their interests.

A corporation have no motive other than to gain profit for it's shareholders. A corporation, unregulated, will steal, kill and destroy in order to achieve that end.

The corporations that run to government and want legislators to manifest laws so THEIR product is the only legal solution ARE EVIL.... Those that hire unions, and that Obama panders to by giving them extensive tax breaks while others who don't play ball but sell the same product are EVIL...

The big fish are the ones sucking Obama off.....

Obama is literally playing the fucking Sims right now with the American publican and those who provide jobs...

I'm sorry, now you're saying that just a few democratic crony corporations run the government... though UNIONS????

Wow, you are crazy.
Or blame themselves because at 16 they thought it would be cool to have a car and work in a gas station instead of finishing high school.

Yeah, you guys are right I guess.

Pre-existing wealth has no bearing on whether you end up rich or not at all.

Screw the numbers that say otherwise. Who cares about pesky things like facts and figures?

After all, George W Bush definitely would have made it through Harvard if his father was a janitor, or a bus driver.

These American socialists clearly have no idea where wealth comes from -- all they know is that they want more than what they have and it's no fair that one man has 10 billion while they have 10 bucks.

Of course they know nothing about economics, but champion socialism then wonder why they only have 10 bucks...

But I'm sure they have a Five-Year Plan...

Nobody is begrudging the guy who has $10 billion....but why are we helping him make $20 billion when so many are struggling on 10 bucks?
It's especially puzzling why folks on this board, who are not rich, want the rich to have more, while they, themselves, are satisfied with less.

Who cares what they have...

The more they have DOESN'T mean the less for me.

Wealth is NOT finite...

The Obama administration just enjoys torturing businesses that don't hire union labor while easing up on those that do..

How can the private sector survive with a cocksucker like that in the Oval Office???

Here is Obama's position and thinking..

"Lets tax US citizens and the private sector into oblivion, then lets bailout the private sector unions such as UAW and and the public sector pensions such as teachers and politicians that double dip"

"Oh I have a good idea, since I love unions and took over GM, maybe I could force the general public to stimulate GM by giving vouchers away....... for them to smash their perfectly good used cars.. That way there will be a demand for productivity from my UAW loyal supporters and I can keep them in work for years considering everyone will need a new car when all the old ones are smashed"

"Lets give our corporate friends who employ minorities over the quota or are unionized obamacare waivers, lets also give waivers to those corporations I would like to see have success, maybe they will donate to my campaign - hell maybe I could have my own TV channel - Obama 24-7."

"I love Cloward-Piven, keep these OWS comrades in the streets until at least November so I can declare a state of emergency if I lose the election so I can remain President indefinitely and finish the agenda as acting dictator."

That is what Obama thinks....
These American socialists clearly have no idea where wealth comes from -- all they know is that they want more than what they have and it's no fair that one man has 10 billion while they have 10 bucks.

Of course they know nothing about economics, but champion socialism then wonder why they only have 10 bucks...

But I'm sure they have a Five-Year Plan...

Nobody is begrudging the guy who has $10 billion....but why are we helping him make $20 billion when so many are struggling on 10 bucks?

Obama is doing that...

If you play ball with Obama and do what he tells you to do you make 20 billion. If you don't and tell him to fuck off you make 5 billion...

That's how the democrats have it setup........

It's like "join our fascist empire or get stomped on."

Or, let government pull the strings on your business and make a few bucks or you can stand up for your rights and get get pushed down the slide by Santa like "Ralphie" in a "Christmas Story."

I swear on everything I believe Obama wants 10-15 corporations to distribute goods and services to the US..... He wants all private businesses and small corporations to fail.

The guy is a fucking nut....

Other than being a partisan rant....that makes no sense
Nobody is begrudging the guy who has $10 billion....but why are we helping him make $20 billion when so many are struggling on 10 bucks?
It's especially puzzling why folks on this board, who are not rich, want the rich to have more, while they, themselves, are satisfied with less.

Who cares what they have...

The more they have DOESN'T mean the less for me.

Wealth is NOT finite...

The Obama administration just enjoys torturing businesses that don't hire union labor while easing up on those that do..

How can the private sector survive with a cocksucker like that in the Oval Office???

Here is Obama's position and thinking..

"Lets tax US citizens and the private sector into oblivion, then lets bailout the private sector unions such as UAW and and the public sector pensions such as teachers and politicians that double dip"

"Oh I have a good idea, since I love unions and took over GM, maybe I could force the general public to stimulate GM by giving vouchers away....... for them to smash their perfectly good used cars.. That way there will be a demand for productivity from my UAW loyal supporters and I can keep them in work for years considering everyone will need a new car when all the old ones are smashed"

"Lets give our corporate friends who employ minorities over the quota or are unionized obamacare waivers, lets also give waivers to those corporations I would like to see have success, maybe they will donate to my campaign - hell maybe I could have my own TV channel - Obama 24-7."

"I love Cloward-Piven, keep these OWS comrades in the streets until at least November so I can declare a state of emergency if I lose the election so I can remain President indefinitely and finish the agenda as acting dictator."

That is what Obama thinks....

Money point.

The problem we have is that too many think life and the economy is a zero-sum game. They are wrong.

The other part of the equation is that Gubmint has to be in it controls the growth of the pie...right now?

They've eaten it...but demand more while imposing regulations on the bakers of the pie to the point that the pie can't be manufactured any longer.
Who the fuck you think you are telling me what I am???

Personally I don't give a shit what you think you are, it's my opinion that you're a little bitch who keeps coming back for more when the man beats you down, and I'm going to stick with that. So suck it, bitch.


I don't support corporations that are in the GOVERNMENTS POCKET dickhead...

You're right, YOU support the corporations that have the government in their pocket.

However I'm intelligent enough to understand that NOT ALL CORPORATIONS are "evil."

I didn't say corporations are "evil". "Evil" is your word. Corporations are not people, they cannot be "good" or "evil".

I said corporations are the tools of opportunistic, greedy people that wish to grab as much power as they can to promote their interests.

A corporation have no motive other than to gain profit for it's shareholders. A corporation, unregulated, will steal, kill and destroy in order to achieve that end.

The corporations that run to government and want legislators to manifest laws so THEIR product is the only legal solution ARE EVIL.... Those that hire unions, and that Obama panders to by giving them extensive tax breaks while others who don't play ball but sell the same product are EVIL...

The big fish are the ones sucking Obama off.....

Obama is literally playing the fucking Sims right now with the American publican and those who provide jobs...

I'm sorry, now you're saying that just a few democratic crony corporations run the government... though UNIONS????

Wow, you are crazy.

Personally I don't give a shit what you think you are, it's my opinion that you're a little bitch who keeps coming back for more when the man beats you down, and I'm going to stick with that. So suck it, bitch.


I'm the Man - You're the fuck attempting to use me as cannon fodder..

You're right, YOU support the corporations that have the government in their pocket.

No, I support corporations that stand on their own two feet... You know - corporations that don't need FEDERAL government assistance.

I didn't say corporations are "evil". "Evil" is your word. Corporations are not people, they cannot be "good" or "evil".

I said corporations are the tools of opportunistic, greedy people that wish to grab as much power as they can to promote their interests.

That's not true at all...


Of course you expect those who employ you to make the same wage as you do.

I bet you have no fucking problem with sports figures racking in 35 mill base wages from their sports franchises?????

You know because the union got them that salary...

Baseball is a perfect example of how much of a farce unions are...

One ball player makes 35,000,000 and the bench warmer makes 250,000 (which is great money dong nothing)..

So much for "fairness."

I'm sorry, now you're saying that just a few democratic crony corporations run the government... though UNIONS????

Wow, you are crazy.


Our Tools and Web Sites - Sunlight Foundation
It's especially puzzling why folks on this board, who are not rich, want the rich to have more, while they, themselves, are satisfied with less.

Who cares what they have...

The more they have DOESN'T mean the less for me.

Wealth is NOT finite...

The Obama administration just enjoys torturing businesses that don't hire union labor while easing up on those that do..

How can the private sector survive with a cocksucker like that in the Oval Office???

Here is Obama's position and thinking..

"Lets tax US citizens and the private sector into oblivion, then lets bailout the private sector unions such as UAW and and the public sector pensions such as teachers and politicians that double dip"

"Oh I have a good idea, since I love unions and took over GM, maybe I could force the general public to stimulate GM by giving vouchers away....... for them to smash their perfectly good used cars.. That way there will be a demand for productivity from my UAW loyal supporters and I can keep them in work for years considering everyone will need a new car when all the old ones are smashed"

"Lets give our corporate friends who employ minorities over the quota or are unionized obamacare waivers, lets also give waivers to those corporations I would like to see have success, maybe they will donate to my campaign - hell maybe I could have my own TV channel - Obama 24-7."

"I love Cloward-Piven, keep these OWS comrades in the streets until at least November so I can declare a state of emergency if I lose the election so I can remain President indefinitely and finish the agenda as acting dictator."

That is what Obama thinks....

Money point.

The problem we have is that too many think life and the economy is a zero-sum game. They are wrong.

The other part of the equation is that Gubmint has to be in it controls the growth of the pie...right now?

They've eaten it...but demand more while imposing regulations on the bakers of the pie to the point that the pie can't be manufactured any longer.

Problem is they are ignorant people so they trust the government because they know nothing...

It's a case of "authority knows best syndrome."

Progressives in South Carolina nominated this idiot.

[ame=]Alvin Greene Answers Nearly Every Question With "DeMint Started the Recession" - YouTube[/ame]

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Who cares what they have...

The more they have DOESN'T mean the less for me.

Wealth is NOT finite...

The Obama administration just enjoys torturing businesses that don't hire union labor while easing up on those that do..

How can the private sector survive with a cocksucker like that in the Oval Office???

Here is Obama's position and thinking..

"Lets tax US citizens and the private sector into oblivion, then lets bailout the private sector unions such as UAW and and the public sector pensions such as teachers and politicians that double dip"

"Oh I have a good idea, since I love unions and took over GM, maybe I could force the general public to stimulate GM by giving vouchers away....... for them to smash their perfectly good used cars.. That way there will be a demand for productivity from my UAW loyal supporters and I can keep them in work for years considering everyone will need a new car when all the old ones are smashed"

"Lets give our corporate friends who employ minorities over the quota or are unionized obamacare waivers, lets also give waivers to those corporations I would like to see have success, maybe they will donate to my campaign - hell maybe I could have my own TV channel - Obama 24-7."

"I love Cloward-Piven, keep these OWS comrades in the streets until at least November so I can declare a state of emergency if I lose the election so I can remain President indefinitely and finish the agenda as acting dictator."

That is what Obama thinks....

Money point.

The problem we have is that too many think life and the economy is a zero-sum game. They are wrong.

The other part of the equation is that Gubmint has to be in it controls the growth of the pie...right now?

They've eaten it...but demand more while imposing regulations on the bakers of the pie to the point that the pie can't be manufactured any longer.

Problem is they are ignorant people so they trust the government because they know nothing...

It's a case of "authority knows best syndrome."

Progressives in South Carolina nominated this idiot.

[ame=""]Alvin Greene Answers Nearly Every Question With "DeMint Started the Recession" - YouTube[/ame]

Nevermind the individual...and self initiative as promised in the Constitution...and the promise of Liberty OF the individual.

Too many in this Republic are afraid of it...
Sometimes i envy them. I'd like to have some of the cool shit that they have, but I don't resent them at all.

I love the way the lunatics here make general assumptions about the so-called 1%. They function on falsehoods and their whole argument is based on what they should know is a lie. They believe that all of the 1% got there because they simply inherited their money. They also believe falsely, that the reason they aren't rich themselves is because those people have all the money. It's absurd nonsense.

I'm not in the 1%, but I'm well in the upper middle class. I could have been one of the evil stinking rotten filthy rich. There are many times in my life that I can point to where I made a decision that prevented me from being richer, skipping a large portion of High School to surf being one of them.

Now, I have enough money to travel, to put my kids in private school, and to drive nice cars. there have been opportunities for me that I have passed up simply because I don't want to work that hard any more.

My hat's off to the 1%ers (who actually pay more than their fair share of taxes btw).

I agree with you here...

I think the biggest problem is they believe that wealth is finite... Like wealth is a bag of M&M's and the 1% get 95% of the bag while the 99% gets 5% of the bag...

They obviously are ignorant to the basics of economics, such as microeconomics.

I'm sure there are quite a few that are just ignorant, however I bet many hate the rich because they were brainwashed with Marxist propaganda..

I think many believe hard work and effort shouldn't play a roll in compensation for success and resources should be distributed equally regardless of who you are..

That's not only unconstitutional - It's dangerous, but that I suppose is a whole new thread.

I agree they are limited in their thinking there is ONLY so much money/wealth and that the 99% have to claw and grab from the 1%!

Some one earlier mentioned the millionaires that came from Apple/Microsoft/Google to name a few.. most of them were simple employees--- over 80 Apple employees,
three billionaires and 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft,The New York Times cites estimates that there are 1,000 Google employees whose stock grants and options are worth more than $5 million. So there are more than 1,000 Google millionaires, including Google’s former masseuse, Bonnie Brown.

Where did these 1%ers come from?
Do you 99% envy what the 1% have or do you resent what the 1% has?

The extent to which the right doesn’t get it is remarkable – it’s impossible to tell if they’re being obstinate or merely stupid.

It has nothing to do with envy or resentment. No one begrudges the wealthy their wealth, no one wants to ‘take it away from them.’

Rather, it is an intelligent and objective acknowledgement that the widening gap between rich and poor is a red flag, a warning that for decades now serious problems exist with the labor market which need attention – that the working/middle class is disappearing.

Nothing more.

Anything else is a rightist contrivance.

The beauty of capitalism is that you are free to make as much or as little money as you want. It is not the fault of the wealthy that you have taken a vow of poverty.
So you are saying that the employes of said companies do not work for their money?

They do.

Are you saying that they are working harder than, say, a construction worker who couldn't afford a decent higher education?

Their services are in higher demand. Anyone can push a wheelbarrow, but damned few can design a microchip or build a computer operating system.
Sometimes i envy them. I'd like to have some of the cool shit that they have, but I don't resent them at all.

I love the way the lunatics here make general assumptions about the so-called 1%. They function on falsehoods and their whole argument is based on what they should know is a lie. They believe that all of the 1% got there because they simply inherited their money. They also believe falsely, that the reason they aren't rich themselves is because those people have all the money. It's absurd nonsense.

I'm not in the 1%, but I'm well in the upper middle class. I could have been one of the evil stinking rotten filthy rich. There are many times in my life that I can point to where I made a decision that prevented me from being richer, skipping a large portion of High School to surf being one of them.

Now, I have enough money to travel, to put my kids in private school, and to drive nice cars. there have been opportunities for me that I have passed up simply because I don't want to work that hard any more.

My hat's off to the 1%ers (who actually pay more than their fair share of taxes btw).

I agree with you here...

I think the biggest problem is they believe that wealth is finite... Like wealth is a bag of M&M's and the 1% get 95% of the bag while the 99% gets 5% of the bag...

They obviously are ignorant to the basics of economics, such as microeconomics.

I'm sure there are quite a few that are just ignorant, however I bet many hate the rich because they were brainwashed with Marxist propaganda..

I think many believe hard work and effort shouldn't play a roll in compensation for success and resources should be distributed equally regardless of who you are..

That's not only unconstitutional - It's dangerous, but that I suppose is a whole new thread.

I agree they are limited in their thinking there is ONLY so much money/wealth and that the 99% have to claw and grab from the 1%!

Some one earlier mentioned the millionaires that came from Apple/Microsoft/Google to name a few.. most of them were simple employees--- over 80 Apple employees,
three billionaires and 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft,The New York Times cites estimates that there are 1,000 Google employees whose stock grants and options are worth more than $5 million. So there are more than 1,000 Google millionaires, including Google’s former masseuse, Bonnie Brown.

Where did these 1%ers come from?

I would suppose those 99% who pitch tents like OWS and wait in line to buy the newest Apple product. :lol:
I am NOT in the 1% but I honestly don't resent and definitely am motivated to be there!
And if I don't get there at least I have tried and by trying have a better chance then just wasting my life with resentment for what the 1% have.
"I've been rich and I've been poor. Believe me, honey, rich is better." Sophie Tucker

I've owned by own business before and it is a ton of work. Climbing the corporate ladder is way too political. I have the ability and the smarts to be in the upper 1% if I wanted to but I don't ever want to work that hard. I play the lottery instead.

The reason why conservatives always think liberals hate what wealthy people have is not because of the money itself (who wouldn't want to be fabulously wealthy?) but because of the devious, socially unacceptable methods in which some wealthy people attained their wealth.
I agree with you here...

I think the biggest problem is they believe that wealth is finite... Like wealth is a bag of M&M's and the 1% get 95% of the bag while the 99% gets 5% of the bag...

They obviously are ignorant to the basics of economics, such as microeconomics.

I'm sure there are quite a few that are just ignorant, however I bet many hate the rich because they were brainwashed with Marxist propaganda..

I think many believe hard work and effort shouldn't play a roll in compensation for success and resources should be distributed equally regardless of who you are..

That's not only unconstitutional - It's dangerous, but that I suppose is a whole new thread.

I agree they are limited in their thinking there is ONLY so much money/wealth and that the 99% have to claw and grab from the 1%!

Some one earlier mentioned the millionaires that came from Apple/Microsoft/Google to name a few.. most of them were simple employees--- over 80 Apple employees,
three billionaires and 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft,The New York Times cites estimates that there are 1,000 Google employees whose stock grants and options are worth more than $5 million. So there are more than 1,000 Google millionaires, including Google’s former masseuse, Bonnie Brown.

Where did these 1%ers come from?

I would suppose those 99% who wait in line to buy the newest Apple product. :lol:
While decrying corporations...ultimate irony, idiocy, and hypocricy.

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