Do you agree with "I'm liberal, so I deserve a government check"


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
That is essentially what the Left is arguing.

If you vote for the Left, somehow you are "holy," and you deserve a government check for doing nothing except being a partisan....

I, for one, do not think being liberal means you deserve a government check. What you really need is a mental health check...
One the one hand, it would keep some of them from needing to steal.

On the other......

Oh.....what other?
That is essentially what the Left is arguing.

If you vote for the Left, somehow you are "holy," and you deserve a government check for doing nothing except being a partisan....

I, for one, do not think being liberal means you deserve a government check. What you really need is a mental health check...

Who said that? Specifics, please.
Yea, who said that? Sure don't hold true in the 500,000 plus metro area I live in, 99% republican here and hasn't been a democrat elected to congress in well over 25 years. Most people on ssdi are conservative here. That would be a free govt check.


you suck.

The more trouble Trump is in, the more of these threads we see.
That is essentially what the Left is arguing.

If you vote for the Left, somehow you are "holy," and you deserve a government check for doing nothing except being a partisan....

I, for one, do not think being liberal means you deserve a government check. What you really need is a mental health check...
i was around lots of liberals in California.....never heard any say that or express that feeling.....
That is essentially what the Left is arguing.

If you vote for the Left, somehow you are "holy," and you deserve a government check for doing nothing except being a partisan....

I, for one, do not think being liberal means you deserve a government check. What you really need is a mental health check...
In their tiny minds, Libs believe having a pulse entitles them to the largess of others.
Libs believe in equality of outcome. Plain and simple.
Yea, who said that? Sure don't hold true in the 500,000 plus metro area I live in, 99% republican here and hasn't been a democrat elected to congress in well over 25 years. Most people on ssdi are conservative here. That would be a free govt check.
Is that a fact?
If you find yourself outnumbered by your political rivals and your vote meaningless, MOVE.
That is essentially what the Left is arguing.

If you vote for the Left, somehow you are "holy," and you deserve a government check for doing nothing except being a partisan....

I, for one, do not think being liberal means you deserve a government check. What you really need is a mental health check...

Who said that? Specifics, please.
Oh please.....

Sorry, that's not an informative answer.


you suck.

Says the guy with Russia Trump connection as his sig. ROFLMAO!

I don't think you are in position to coach anyone.
Obama to Putin...
"when I am re-elected, I will have more flexibility"...
It was OK for The Chosen One to deal positively with Putin and the Russians.
Trump tries to re-forge ties BROKEN by Obama, and you lefties go into fake meltdown.
Ef you.
Liberals believe in taxing everyone and everything, so long as they personally are not too inconvenienced. They are not above confiscating money to buy votes from the poor but they are not all looking for a government check.

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